Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 1 Summary: The Dirac delta function: δ(x) 1. Introducing the Dirac delta function: 2. The Dirac delta function in curvilinear coordinates ~ · (r̂/r2) 3. Revisiting ∇ 4. Examples: Integrating with the delta function Suggested Reading: Griffiths: Chapter 1, Sections 1.5.1 - 1.5.3, pages 45-52; Sections 1.61-1.62, pages 52-57. Weber and Arfken, Chapter 2, Section 25, pages 126-135 and Chapter 1, Section 1.14, pages 8695. Kreyszig, Chapter 9, Sections 9.3-9.9, pages 515-564. Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 2 The Dirac Delta Function: δ(x) Some time ago we introduced the Kronecker delta ( 0 if j 6= k, δjk = (1) 1 if j = k The Kronecker delta is used in discrete summations. This should not be confused with the Dirac delta function which is a similar quantity but which is used in integrations. ( 0 if x 6= 0, δ(x) = (2) ∞ if x = 0 such that Z +∞ δ(x) dx = 1 −∞ By analogy, for the Kronecker delta we would have ∞ X δjk = δjj = 1 k=−∞ How do we define such a “function”? It actually cannot be considered a function at all. Instead, it is the limit of a sequence of functions such as Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 3 In the limit, as the width → 0 and the height → ∞ (keeping the area constant and equal to 1) we obtain the delta function δ(x). If we multiply a continuous function of x, f (x) by a delta function, f (x) δ(x) Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 4 the product is 0 everywhere except at x = 0. Thus, Z ∞ Z ∞ f (x) δ(x) dx = f (0) δ(x) dx −∞ −∞ Z ∞ = f (0) δ(x) dx −∞ = f (0) since Z ∞ δ(x) dx = 1 −∞ We can offset the origin (the delta function is not zero) by that ( 0 δ(x − a) = ∞ point at which the an amount ‘a’ such x 6= a, x=a Then, Z ∞ f (x) δ(x − a) dx = f (a) −∞ The limits on the integral need only bracket x = a since f (x)δ(x − a) is zero everywhere except at x = a. Thus, Z 1 f (x) δ(x) dx = f (0) −1 Consider the integral Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 Z 5 ∞ f (x) δ(ax) dx −∞ If we make the substitution y = ax then dy = adx and the integral becomes Z Z ∞ 1 1 ∞ f (y/a) δ(y) dy = f (0) f (y/a) δ(y) dy/a = a −∞ a −∞ Thus, we can conclude that 1 δ(ax) = δ(x) a In general, we consider two δ-functions D1 and D2 to be equal (equivalent) if Z Z f (x) D1(x) dx = f (x) D2(x) dx for any f (x). Delta function in three dimensions In Cartesian coordinates, in three dimensions, we can consider the delta function δ 3(~r) to be the product of three one dimensional delta functions δ 3(~r) = δ(x)δ(y)δ(z) Then, in volume integrals Z Z Z ∞ −∞ δ 3(~r) = 1 Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 Z Z Z 6 ∞ f (~r) δ 3(~r) dτ = f (~0) −∞ and Z Z Z ∞ f (~r) δ 3(~r − ~r0) dτ = f (~r0) −∞ Singular Density Functions: for example, point masses or point charges We often encounter problems where, for simplicity, we assume that all of the mass of a particle and/or all of the charge of the particle is concentrated at a single point in space. These are called point particles or point charges (the electron actually behaves like a point has no measurable radius!) If we define %m as the mass density (units of mass/volume) then for a point particle of mass m0 located at the point P : (0, 0, a) we could write the mass density in terms of delta functions %m(x, y, z) = m0 δ(x) δ(y) δ(z − a) If this is the only particle in the system we are dealing with, then the total mass is just Z Z Z %m(x, y, z) dτ = Z ZV Z dx dy dz m0 δ(x) δ(y) δ(z − a) = m0 Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 7 if V contains P : (0, 0, a). A point mass at Q : (a, b, c) would be represented by the density %m = m0 δ(x − a) δ(y − b) δ(z − c) and so on. Multiple masses located at coordinates ~ri where i = 1, ...N would have a density %m(x, y, z) = N X mi δ(~r − ~ri) i=1 How would we write such a density distribution in cylindrical coordinates? Say you have a mass ma at position (ρa, φa, za). The natural reaction would probably be to try ? %m = ma δ(ρ − ρa) δ(φ − φa) δ(z − za) This seems correct in that it correctly places the mass at (ρa, φa, za), however, the mass density should have dimensions of (mass/volume). From our definition of the δ-functions Z δ(x) dx = 1 so that if dx has dimensions of length, then δ(x) must have dimensions of (1/length). Similarly, Z Z Z δ 3(~r) dτ = 1 V Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 8 requires that δ 3(~r) have dimensions of (1/volume). In cylindrical coordinates: •ρ has dimensions of length •z has dimensions of length •φ is dimensionless! (it is measured in radians, but this is not a unit) Because of this, the expression ? %m = ma δ(ρ − ρa) δ(φ − φa) δ(z − za) has dimensions of (mass/area), not (mass/volume). If we were to integrate over a volume containing (ρa, φa, za) we would get Z Z Z Z Z Z %m dτ = dρ ρ dφ dz m0 δ(ρ−ρa) V Z = m0 × δ(φ − φa) δ(z − za) Z Z ρdρ δ(ρ−ρa) dφ δ(φ−φa) dz δ(z−za) = m 0 ρa which is incorrect!. Clearly the correct expression for the mass density in this case is m %m = δ(ρ − ρ0) δ(φ − φ0) δ(z − z0) ρ Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 9 In curvilinear coordinates (q1, q2, q3) where dτ = h1 h2 h3 dq1 dq2 dq3 we need to use δ(q1 − q10) δ(q2 − q20) δ(q3 − q30) h1 h2 h3 Obviously, all of the above also holds if we are talking about charge density%q . If we have a planar distribution of charge, say with uniform surface charge density σ0 (charge/area) distributed over the plane at z = z0, then in three dimensions we would write %m(q1, q2, q3) = %q = σ0 δ(z − z0) (notice that it has the correct dimensions of (charge/volume) and for a uniform line charge density λq (charge/length) distributed along, for example, the z-axis, we would write %q = λq δ(x) δ(y) or, in cylindrical coordinates, %q = λq δ(ρ) δ(φ) ρ which again have the correct dimensions. Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 10 ~ · (r̂/r2) Re-examination of ∇ The expression ( ~ · r̂ = 0 r 6= 0, ∇ r2 ∞ r=0 Thus, it looks like a δ-function. Previously we showed that Z Z Z Z Z Z q ~ · r̂ dτ ~ ·E ~ dτ = ∇ ∇ r2 T Z4πZ0 ~ · dA ~= q = E 0 S and it appeared that we must be violating the Divergence Theorem, however, if we write ~ · r̂ = 4πδ 3(~r) ∇ r2 then, since Z Z Z Z Z r̂ ~ · r̂ dτ = ~ · dA ∇ 2 2 r r T Z ZS r̂ 2 r̂ r = · sin θdθ dφ 2 r Z 2πS Z π = dφ sin θ dθ 0 = 4π 0 Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 11 We obtain, Z Z Z Z Z Z r̂ q q q 3 ~ ∇· dτ = δ (~ r ) dτ = 4π0 r2 0 0 T T and the Divergence Theorem holds. Furthermore, since Z Z Z 1 q % dτ = 0 0 T then, if we consider the charge ‘q’ to be due to a point charge at the origin, % = qδ 3(~r) with 1 0 Z Z Z T q δ 3(~r) dτ = q 0 Examples: Evaluate the integrals a.) Z 2 (2x + 3)δ(3x)dx −2 Make the substitution y = 3x, then dy = 3dx and Z Z 2 1 6 2y 1 ( +3)δ(y)dy = ·3 = 1 (2x+3)δ(3x)dx = 3 −6 3 3 −2 Physics 2460 Electricity and Magnetism I, Fall 2007, Lecture 13 12 b.) Z 2 (x3 + 3x + 2)δ(1 − x)dx 0 Notice that δ(1 − x) = δ(x − 1) since the δfunction is an even function of its argument. Then it is straightforward to evaluate this integral since it picks out the value f (x = 1) Z 2 (x3 + 3x + 2)δ(1 − x)dx = (1 + 3 + 2) = 6 0 c.) Z 1 9x2δ(3x + 1)dx −1 Here you can again make the substitution y = 3x so that dy = 3dx and Z 1 Z 3 1 1 9x2δ(3x+1)dx = y 2δ(y+1)dy/3 = ·1 = 3 3 −1 −3 d.) Z a δ(x − b)dx −∞ Here the only question is whether a > b or not. If it is, then Z a δ(x − b)dx = 1 −∞ if it isn’t, then the integral is zero.
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