Political Cartoon G: The caption of this 1924 cartoon reads

Political Cartoon G: The caption of this 1924 cartoon reads: "Heavy Going." Here we see the Republican elephant
sitting very heavy on the back of President Coolidge during the 1924 presidential election. The three men on top of
the elephant, all implicated in wrongdoings in the Harding administration, might have created a real political
problem for Coolidge. Albert Fall, the ex-Secretary of the Interior, was convicted of bribery in the Teapot Dome
scandal; Attorney General Harry Daughterty had banked $75,000 while he was earning a salary of only $12,000, and
Secretary of the Navy Edwin L. Denby had remained silent as Fall wrested control of the nation's oil reserves from
him. Despite this political baggage, Coolidge easily won the presidency in 1924.