Math TestS 1 :-* 7thGrade- Name ,\ ' I Class_ Date ttre temperature on a winter night in Kansasis -5'Celsius. The temperature decreases Ay 8" Celsius.What is the new temperature, in degrees Celsius? A -20C I 2"C c -14'C D 14'C *\ (-4X3X-lX-2}. { | Simplifythe exprdssion / I {) A 4 B -d -: c 24 D -24 * At noon on Monday in Minneapolis,the temperature,ir.rdegreesFahrenheit(F), was*4oF.At noon on Tuesday,the temperaturevvas6 degreeshigher.What'was the temperatureat noon on Tuesday? A 2"F B -2OF c lrl D -1trF t Garyand Thomasare playinga gamewith numbercards.At the end of the gama Thomasstill has5 cardr lf the valueof eachcard il -50 points,hor manypoin8 doesThomashave? A -250 B -10 c10 D 250 is equivahntto { - F n? Whiche,{pression A 7 +4 B *-7 c -7-4 D -4+7 ?tq i\ By midnight the tempetaanehad the temp€ratureat noon was 11.4oF. '/I I Vesterday. by 15.7degrees.1filhatwasthe temperatureat midnight? decreased A -4.3nF B -11.4'F c -15.7'F D -27.1"F t- below. the expression +l Simplify tl t 5+3.2-A1.F2l A 43 B 48 .- c -15. D -21 { i Vthat b Ur€vdu. Ef the expreslonbelcsr? * -i-*).(-*)" i ) t 5', 9 ffi'. )! -5 I '/ Scientistsd*rmined that Antarctica! averagewinter temperaturewas -34.44"C. The Uitt"r"nce between this temperature and Antarctica'shigrlrertrecorde&emperature was 49.44 degrees.Whfi was Antarctica's highest recorded temperature? A -83.88'C B -15'c c 15'C D 83.88'c I ,' ) nltituO"abovesealevelisgivenin positivevaluecand belowsealevelis givenin a hikerin DeathValleystoppingat an negativevalues.Whichsituationdescribes '/ althudeof o feet? A altitudeby 10feet. Thehikerstartsat -t0 feet then increases B altitudeby 1ofeet. Thehikerstartsat -10 feet then decreasel C althudeby l0 feet. Thehikerstartsat 10fe€t then inCreases D altitudeby t0 feet. Thehikerstartsat 0 feet then decreases l f wn^t is the decimalequivalentof A 0.780 E o.B7o c 0.875 D 0.88s + ? . isecuarto )) ,,,. numericarexpression i(t i) I : I A -25 t2 B -17 t2 c20 t2 D43 12 \ below? ) I What is the value of the expression / - t-3)-o.u . {-t) o.zs A *1.5B -0,7 c 0.8 D 2.3 I (3 what is the valueof the expression ; 3), 1 2 A -E B -* fr 1- 8 D3 { } What is the value of the expression? I +. t(- n 6 E \ 1=5 c,$5) A-# B-x c-# p -H r I wn"t is the value of the expressionbelow? I (t* - t$). {-z.s} A *es B -2 . 3 c ?.3 D 2.5 | I -4-(-5)= a.L b. -1 c.9 d. -9 tA|' 'ilt . q ; I T" 'Grahamk monthly bank statementshowedthe following depositsand withdrawals: -$25.20,$52.?5,-$22.04 j$8"50, $9a.tI lf Graham'sbalance:inthe accountwas $47.85at the beginningof the month, what was the accountbalanceat the end of the month? i Show your wark, * + Balance- q Convert 3 11 decimalequivalentusinglong division. Show yaar work. -.iO Answer ' dIo) /E*pt"in U{. l*p" needd to deErmine the value of the exprasbn slmuvnbelow. Be suie to pronidethe conett valueof fie elpresion in )pUr explanation' I *.(-*l 5 futelrter * I i)
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