Think Dots Literary Devices - lskydifferentiatedinstruction

Think Dots
Literary Devices
Click on the tabs below to get the instructions for
each of 5 sets of Think Dots. The following literary devices are covered on the think dots:
alliteration, idiom, metaphor, simile, and onomatopoeia. The number of dots on the sides coincides
with the levels of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy,
1. remembering
2. understanding
3. applying
4. . analyzing
5. evaluating
6. creating
Print each of the following 5 pages and cut apart
the sections; then mount each and laminate on
sturdy paper.
Find three examples
of alliteration in the
novel you are reading
for literature circles or
in any other novel.
Make a list of 10
alliteration pairs using
our vocabulary list for
one of the words in
each pair.
Write a letter to your
teacher or to another
adult (parent,
grandparent) that
uses two examples of
Write a poem that
uses alliteration.
Think of an
alliterative phrase or
sentence. Create a
picture that illustrates
Write a short story
using three examples
of alliteration.
Find two examples of
a metaphor in the
novel you are reading
for literature circles or
another novel.
Record them and site
the book.
Find a metaphor in a
novel. Explain what it
means and tell why
you think it was used.
Write a metaphor to
describe something.
Write a short dialog
that uses a metaphor.
Can be in the form of
a comic strip.
Create a picture that
illustrates a metaphor.
Write a short story
that includes two
Find two examples of
a simile in a novel you
are reading.
Record them and site
the book.
Find a simile in a
novel. Explain what it
means and tell why
you think it was used.
Write a simile to
describe something.
Write a short dialog
that uses a simile.
Can be in the form of
a comic strip.
Create a picture that
illustrates a simile.
Write a short story
That includes two
Find an example of
onomatopoeia in a
novel you are reading.
Record it and site the
Make a list of all the
examples of
onomatopoeia that
you can think of (at
least 15).
Write a paragraph
describing an experience you have had.
Use two or more examples of onomatopoeia.
Write a poem that
Create a picture that
Write a short story
that includes two or
more examples of
Find an example of an
idiom in a something
you are reading.
Record it and site the
Make a list of idioms
you can think of; ask
others if you can’t
come up with at least
8 on your own.
Write 2 sentences
using idioms to
describe a situation.
Choose an idiom and
research and explain
its origin.
Create a funny picture
that illustrates
an idiom.
Write a short story
that includes two or
more idioms.