Ear ornament

United States Patent [191
[1 1]
Roach et a1.
Aug. 11, 1981
8/1975 France ................................... .. 63/14 R
of 1911
United Kingdom .................. .. 63/14 A
[76] Inventors: Sally A. Roach, 222 Pearson East,
Apt. 301,. Rob R. Hansen, 70 E.
Walton, Apt. 4D, both of Chicago,
1"- 60611
Attorney, Agent. or Firm-Garrettson Ellis
[21] Appl. No.: 145,426
An ear ornament comprises an elongated, curved rod
[22] Filed:
May 1’ 1980
Primary Examiner-E. Barry Shay
member de?ning a centralbody of generally C-shape,
proportioned to reside behind an ear. A lower portion
Int. Cl.3 .............................................. ..
of the ear ornament is attached to one end of the C.
[52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 63/14 R; 1311/28;
shaped central body, curving rearwardly from the cen
Field of Search ---------------- -~ 63/ 14 A, 14 G, 14 R;
tral body in an arc and proportioned to curve about the
front of an earlobe, to pass rearwardly along the outer
D1 1/ 3, 42, 28
References Cited
face of the earlobe. An upper portion is attached to the
other end of the C-shaped central body, to reside
against the top of the ear and to curve toward the front
of the ear in retentive relation thereto.
755650 9/1933 France
‘2242946 4/1975 France
63/14 G
63/14 A
5 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
US. Patent
Aug. 11,1981
FIG. 2
the creativity of the manufacturer of the ear ornament
of this invention.
Preferably, the lower portion curves rearwardly
from the central body through an arc of essentially
Earrings, which are so very popular among women, 5 about 160° to 200°, to curve back about the earlobe and
to cross at least a portion of its outer surface. This pro~
are generally retained to the ear by being clamped to
vides a surface for display of decoration as may be
the earlobe, or, in the case of earrings for pierced ears,
desired, but also serves as a gripping member of the
they pass through a perforation in the earlobe for ?rm
lower portion of the ear ornament against the earlobe,
providing stability against accidental removal.
It is a common problem for many that clamp-type
Another factor which provides stability of the ear
earrings are painfully tight, squeezing the earlobes.
of this invention against accidental removal is
Even then, such earrings are frequently lost.
that the upper portion resides against the top of the ear
This has resulted in the popularity of pierced ears,
and preferably may be adapted to curve toward the
and the types of earrings usable therewith. However,
the whole technique of pierced cars has its own array of H LII front of the ear, for retention of the top portion of the
ear ornament.
disadvantages, including the possibilities of infection
In the drawings,
and scarring, as well as the expense and discomfort of
FIG. 1 is an elevational view of the ear ornament of
this invention, shown in its emplaced position on an ear.
FIG. 2 is an elevational view of the ear ornament of
FIG. 1, rotated 90° about a vertical axis from the orna
ment as displayed in FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the: ear ornament of FIG.
the ear-piercing operation.
In accordance with this invention, a new type of ear
ornament is disclosed. The ornament of this invention is
comfortable to wear without pinching of the earlobe. It
is retained by the ear in a highly reliable manner, but
without any piercing or other mutilation of the ear.
Also, it is easily put on and removed.
FIG. 4 is a fragmentary, enlarged elevational view of
the lower portion of a modi?ed ear ornament of this
invention, shown emplaced on an ear.
In accordance with this invention, an ear ornament is
Referring to FIGS. 1 through 3, ear ornament 10
comprises an elongated, curved rod member which may
30 be made out of solid metal; preferably a precious metal
proportioned to reside behind an ear.
such as gold, silver, platinum, or alloys thereof, but also
A lower portion of the curved rod member is at- _
inexpensive versions of the ornament of this
tached to one end of the C-shaped central body, curving
made out of base metals, plated metals, or
rearwardly from the central body through an arc, and
other materials. Alternatively, the curved rod member
proportioned to curve about the front of an earlobe of 35
may be hollow tubing for economy of material and
the ear on which it is worn, to pass rearwardly along the
if desired.
outer face of’the earlobe.
The curved rod member de?nes a central body 12
It is then preferred for an upper portion of the curved
which is shown in dotted lines in FIG. 1 because it is
rod member to be attached to the other end of the C
positioned behind ear 14. Central body 12 is preferably
shaped central body, to reside against the top of the ear,
proportioned to rest against the rear external surface 16
and to curve toward the front of the ear in retentive
in the channel de?ned behind ear 14, inwardly from the
relation thereto.
helix of the ear.
provided which comprises an elongated, curved rod
member de?ning a central body of generally C-shape,
The above ear ornament provides a stable frame‘
which easily rests on the ear without discomfort, when
properly proportioned, and is ?rmly retained by the ear
until removal, which removal is easily accomplished
simply by pulling the ?exible ear through the generally
C-shaped ear ornament.
While an ear ornament of one speci?c decorative
design is disclosed herein, it is contemplated that the
basic shape of ear ornament disclosed may be utilized in
conjunction with a multitude of designs and decorative
The C-shaped central body carries at one end thereof
a lower portion 18 of the curved rod member which is
attached to central body 12 and is preferably integral
with it. Lower portion 18 curves, as shown in FIG. 1,
rearwardly from central body 12 through an arc, prefer
. ably of about 180° and proportioned to curve about the
front of earlobe 20, to then pass rearwardly along the
outer face of earlobe 20 as illustrated, for example, by
section 22 of lower portion 18.
If desired, lower portion 18 may be decorated with
structures, which are typically carried on the upper and
precious or semi-precious jewelry 24, for example, em
lower portions of the ear ornament. If desired, decora
eralds, diamonds, sapphires, rubies or any other desired
tive structures may also be carried on the' central body 55 decorations. Alternatively, as stated above, section 22
in any manner desired.
may carry one or more clasps, swivels, or hooks, to
carry pendant decorations, or any other decorations as
may be desired.
not as desired, including any kind of precious, semi-pre
It can be seen that lower section 18 curves about
cious, or costume jewelry, or other type of decorative 60 earlobe 20 in an arc of approximately 180°, to provide a
display. Furthermore, either .or both of the upper and
?rm retention of the bottom of the ear ornament to
For example, either or both of the upper and the
lower portions may carry decorative member means or
lower portions may carry projecting members which, in
turn, may carry decorations such as precious, semi-pre
earlobe 20, making accidental removal of the ornament
10 by disengagement of its bottom. portion from the ear
cious, or costume jewelry, or any other type of decora
quite unlikely.
tion. Additionally, the upper and lower portions may 65 At the upper end of C-shaped central body 12, an
carry hooks, clasps, or other attachments for projecting
upper portion 26 is provided, preferably also as an inte
members or dangling pendants of any type as may be
gral part of body 12. As shown, upper portion 26 can be
desired in accordance with the dictates of fashion and
proportioned to reside against the top of ear 14, and to
The ear ornament of this invention thus provides a
curve toward the front of the ear in retentive relation
thereto. This retentive relation serves to retain the top
of ornament 10, so that theentire ornament is not easily
removed by accident from the ear, yet at the same time
versatile, new type of personal decoration, having a
startlingly different effect from conventional earrings,
while also exhibiting improvements in comfort, and
it can be readily removed as desired.
Upper portion 26 may also carry decorations as may
with a signi?cant reduction in the rate of accidental loss
from the ear, particularly when compared with clamp
type earrings.
be desired including precious and semi-precious stones,
The above has been offered for illustrative purposes
pendants, or any other decoration. However, in the
only, and is'not intended to limit the invention of this
speci?c instances of FIG. 1, no decoration is utilized.
Ball member 28 terminates the curved rod member of 10 application, which is as de?ned in the claims below.
That which is claimed is:
ear ornament 10, so that there are no sharp edges to
1. An ear ornament which comprises an elongated,
scratch the ear.
curved rod member de?ning a stable frame propor
It is preferred for ear ornament 10 to de?ne a three
tioned to easily rest on an ear without discomfort, said
dimensional, irregular spiral structure as particularly
shown in FIG. 2, in which the spiral structure extends in
a dimension 30 which is normal to the generally C
shape of the central body as illustrated in FIG. 1. Spe
ci?cally, it can be seen from FIG. 2 how lower portion
18 extends in the dimension depicted by line 30 substan
tially without retrogression to one side of central body 20
12 in the irregular spiral shape, while upper portion 26
extends in the same dimension 30 substantially without
retrogression to the other side of central body 12. This
provides comfort of wearing of the ear ornament of this
invention, and also permits lower portion 18 to project
across the outer face of earlobe 20 in a comfortable
manner as illustrated in FIG. 1.
Referrring to FIG. 4, a modi?cation of ear ornament
member including a central body of generally C-shape,
proportioned to reside behind an ear; a lower portion
attached to one end of said C-shaped central ‘body, said
lower portion curving rearwardly from said central
body through an arc, and proportioned to curve about
the front of an earlobe to extend at least substantially
across the entire earlobe; and an upper portion attached
to the other end of said C-shaped central body to reside
against the top of the ear and to curve toward the front
of the ear in retentive relation thereto, said curved rod
member de?ning a three-dimensional irregular spiral
‘ structure, with the irregular spiral extending in a dimen
sion normal to said generally C-shape of the central
body, said lower portion extending in said dimension,
substantially without retrogression, to one side of the
10a is disclosed. Except as shown, ear ornament 10a is 30 central body, said upper portion extending in said di
identical in its structure to ear ornament 10. As shown,
mension, substantially without retrogression, to the
other side of said central body.
C-shaped central body 120 carries lower portion 180 at
'one end thereof. As in the previous embodiment, lower
2. The ear ornament of claim 1 in which said lower
portion carries decorative member means.
3. The ear ornament of claim 1 in which said lower
portion 18a curves about the front of earlobe 20 to pass
rearwardly along the outer face of earlobe 20, as shown.
However, in this embodiment, lower portion 18a
portion curves rearwardly from said central body
carries means 31 for removable connection with a deco
through an arc of essentially 160° to 200°.
4. An ear ornament which comprises an elongated,
or added as may be desired to ornament 10a. Speci?
curved rod member de?ning a stable frame propor
cally, means 31 may simply be screw threads positioned 40 tioned to easily rest on an ear without discomfort, said
rative member 32 which, accordingly, may be removed
at the end of lower portion 18, and adapted to ?t into
threaded socket 34 of decorative member 32.
Accordingly, in this instance, ear ornament 100 may
member including a central body of generally C-shape,
serve as a frame for carrying any one of a collection of
lower portion curving rearwardly from said central
proportioned to reside behind an ear; a lower portion
attached to one end of said C-shaped central body, said
removable decorative members 32 which may carry 45 body through an arc and proportioned to curve about
one or more precious or semi-precious stones or any
the front of the earlobe to pass rearwardly along the
other type of decoration, and also may include a hook
or clasp for a pendant, or the like.
Thus the owner of ear ornament 10a in this instance
may utilize it in conjunction with a collection of decora
outer face of the earlobe and across at least substantially
the entire extent thereof; said lower portion carrying
means for removable attachment of decorative means to
the lower portion, said means comprising threaded sep
tive members, so that she may have an ear ornament 10a
arable ?tting means whereby the decorative means may
which is of valuable gold or platinum construction, for
example, and a variety of decorative members 32, giv
be attached and detached by interengaging threads, and
in conjunction with any of the decorative members 32.
ear in retentive relation thereto, said lower portion
extending in said dimension, substantially without retro
gression, to one side of the central body, said upper
an upper portion attached to the other end of said C
ing the owner a variety of ear ornaments at greatly
shaped central body and proportioned to reside against
reduced cost, since the same ornament 10a may be used 55 the top of the ear and to curve toward the front of the
The same system as shown in FIG. 4 may be utilized
in conjunction with upper portion 26, if desired, so that
interchangeable decorative members may be provided
portion extending in said dimension, substantially with
out retrogression, to the other side of said central body.
at either or both ends of the ear ornament of this inven
5. The ear ornament of claim 4 in which said lower
portion curves rearwardly from said central body
Other attachment means of known design may be
through an arc of essentially 160° to 200°.
utilized as a replacement for members 31 and 34, as may
be desired.