Exercise 1 - โรงเรียนสตรีสมุทรปราการ

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à·¤¹Ô¤¡ÒèѺ㨤ÇÒÁÊÓ¤ÑÞ (Main Ideas)
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(Main Ideas)
ชุดการเรียน เทคนิคการอานภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อความเขาใจเลมที่ 2 เรื่อง
เทคนิคการจับใจความสำคัญ (Main Ideas) นี้ จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อใชเปนสื่อการสอนเสริม
รายวิชา อ 42102 ภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน 4 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 5 เพื่อเสริมความรูเกี่ยวกับ
ประกอบการเรียนหรือเรียนรูดวยตนเอง โดยศึกษาเอกสารการเรียนรู และปฏิบัติตาม
“คำชี้แจงการใชชุดการเรียน” ที่ไดแนะนำไว แลวทำกิจกรรมตามลำดับขั้นตอน ชวย
ใหผูเรียนไดพัฒนาทักษะในการอานภาษาอังกฤษ ซึ่งสามารถนำไปใชในชีวิตประจำวัน
ผูจ ดั ทำหวังวาชุดการเรียนเทคนิคการอานภาษาอังกฤษเพือ่ ความ เขาใจชุดนี้ จะเปน
ประโยชนตอการเรียนการสอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ชวยแบงเบาภาระครูผูสอน และชวย
พัฒนาทักษะการอานภาษาอังกฤษใหนักเรียน และผูสนใจไดอยางมีประสิทธิภาพ
ขอขอบพระคุณ ดร.คณาพร คมสัน ศึกษานิเทศกชำนาญการพิเศษ สพท.สป.เขต 1
คุณครูเอมอุษา ภูมิสวัสดิ์ รองหัวหนากลุมสาระภาษาอังกฤษ โรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษา
คุณครูพรทิพย ศุภมันตา ครู ค.ศ.3 โรงเรียนสตรีสมุทรปราการ และ Mr.Henry Lotz
จากโครงการภาษาและวัฒนธรรม AYC ที่ไดกรุณาสละเวลาใหความรู คำแนะนำ
ตลอดจนใหขอคิดอันเปนประโยชนในการจัดทำชุดการเรียน จนประสบความสำเร็จไว
ณ โอกาสนี้ หากมีขอผิดพลาดประการใด ตองกราบขออภัยมา ณ ที่นี้ดวย
พนิดา สุนทรพิทักษกูล
สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาสมุทรปราการ เขต 1
(Main Ideas)
ชุดการเรียน เลมที่ 2 เรือ่ ง เทคนิคการจับใจความสำคัญ
- ความหมายของ Main Ideas
- ประเภทของ Main Ideas
- Stated Main Ideas
- แบบฝกหัด
- Unstated or Implied Main Ideas
- แบบฝกหัด
- เฉลยแบบทดสอบกอนเรียน
- เฉลยแบบฝกหัด
- เฉลยแบบทดสอบหลังเรียน
(Main Ideas)
(Main Ideas)
ชุดการเรียนเทคนิคการอานภาษาอังกฤษเพือ่ ความเขาใจมีจดุ ประสงค เพือ่ ให
ผูเ รียนเรียนรูเ ทคนิคตาง ๆ ในการอานภาษาอังกฤษ ซึง่ จะชวยใหนกั เรียนไดพ ฒั นาทักษะ
ในการอานภาษาอังกฤษอันจะเปนประโยชนตอ การสือ่ สารในชีวติ ประจำวัน
ความรูพ น้ื ฐานในการเรียนขัน้ สูง โดยใชเปนสือ่ การสอนเสริมในรายวิชา อ 42102
ภาษาอังกฤษพืน้ ฐาน 4 สำหรับชัน้ มัธยมศึกษาปท่ี 5 ประกอบดวย 6 ชุดการเรียน ไดแก
เทคนิคการหาหัวเรื่อง (Topics)
เทคนิคการจับใจความสำคัญ (Main Ideas)
เทคนิคการเดาศัพทจากบริบท (Context Clues)
เทคนิคการหาคำอางอิง (References)
เทคนิคการสรุปความ (Inferences)
เทคนิคการ Skimming และ Scanning
แตละชุดประกอบดวย คำชี้แจง คำแนะนำ จุดประสงคการเรียนรู
แบบทดสอบกอนเรียน เนื้อหาใบความรูแบบฝกหัด และแบบทดสอบหลังเรียนรวมทั้ง
เฉลยแบบฝกหัด และแบบทดสอบกอนและหลังเรียน ผูเรียนสามารถใชเปนแบบฝก
คำตอบของแบบฝกหัดในแตละบทและแบบทดสอบกอนและหลังเรียนในภาคผนวก และ
ควรพยายามฝกฝนเพื่อพัฒนาความสามารถทางภาษา ของตนใหอยูในระดับที่สูงขึ้น
(Main Ideas)
มีกิจกรรมใหผูเรียนฝกปฏิบัติ ทั้งศึกษาคำอธิบาย เนื้อหา และตัวอยางจากใบความรู
ทำกิจกรรมตามแบบฝกหัดที่กำหนด และประเมินผลดวยตนเองจากเฉลยในแตละบท
2. การปฏิบัติกิจกรรมในชุดการเรียนประกอบดวยขั้นตอน ดังนี้
2.1 ทำแบบทดสอบกอนเรียน
2.2 ศึกษาคำอธิบายเนื้อหา และตัวอยางจากใบความรู
2.3 ทำแบบฝกหัดที่กำหนด
2.4 ทำแบบทดสอบหลังเรียน
2.5 ประเมินผลความกาวหนาของตนเอง
3.ชุดการเรียนนี้ไมใชแบบทดสอบ จึงไมควรวิตกกังวลแตมุงใหผูเรียนเรียนรู
4.ควรมีสมาธิ และความซื่อสัตยตอตนเองในขณะศึกษาบทเรียน และปฏิบัติ
กิจกรรม โดยไมเปดดูเฉลยคำตอบกอนทำเสร็จ
5.ทำกิจกรรมตามใบงานที่กำหนดดวยความมั่นใจ ถาทำไมไดหรือสงสัย
ใด ๆ ใหพยายามศึกษาทบทวนบทเรียนที่ผานมาและตรวจคำตอบกับเฉลยไดทันที
6.เมื่อศึกษาเนื้อหาจนจบบทเรียนแลว ใหทำแบบทดสอบหลังเรียนเพื่อ
และดูเฉลยแบบทดสอบหลังเรียนไดในภาคผนวก ผูเรียนสามารถทราบผลการพัฒนา
(Main Ideas)
เมื่ออานขอความหรือบทอานแลว นักเรียนสามารถบอกใจความสำคัญ
(Main Ideas) ได
(Main Ideas)
Read the passages and choose the best main idea for each.
1) High blood pressure is sometimes called the “silent killer”
because there are no symptoms. Another disease that often
goes unnoticed is heart disease. The first signs of a heart
attack are not always obvious. Diabetes is yet another illness
that many do not know they have. In fact, the MSN Web page
says that 16 million people are “silently at risk” for diabetes.
a. What you don’t know won’t hurt you.
b. Sixteen million people are at risk for diabetes.
c. Some serious medical conditions often go
d. Heart disease is a common and serious health
2) An interesting feature of body language is that we
are often unaware of it. We usually do not consciously
decide that we will smile, dilate our pupils, and move
closer to someone to show our attraction. We may
not be aware that narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw
may reveal our anger or rage. Nor are we necessarily
aware that eyebrows up and eye blinks reveal that we
are startled.
a. We should be aware of our body language.
b. Unaware body languages reveal our feelings.
c. Everyone has their own interesting feature of
body language.
d. An interesting feature of body language is that
we are often unaware of it.
(Main Ideas)
3) Electricity is a servant for modern man. It provides power
to do a lot of work for him. It heats homes and stores. It cools
buildings by running air conditioners. Electricity can also be
very dangerous to man. Lightening, a form of electricity, has
started many fires and struck many people. Other injuries
and deaths have come from electricity in the home. Electricity
is helpful but dangerous, too.
a. Electricity is helpful but dangerous, too.
b. Electricity is a servant for modern man.
c. Electricity can also be very dangerous to man.
d. Other injuries and deaths have come from
electricity in the home.
4) Sexuality is a common topic for humor in England. In the
United States, sexual jokes are also popular. However, in
China and Israel, they are almost nonexistent. Israeli humor
is described as aggressive humor, humor that reflects the
instability of its people’s lives because of war. The French
are also known to enjoy aggressive humor, by playfully
making fun of others. Clearly, a nation’s humor reflects its
people’s lives.
a. A nation’s humor reflects its people’s lives.
b. Sexuality is a common topic for humor in England.
c. There are a lot of humors presented in all countries.
d. Aggressive humor reflects the instability of its
people’s lives beause of war.
(Main Ideas)
5) Many people claim that they do not have time to work
exercise into their daily schedules. However, exercise can
be easily worked one’s daily routine. For instance, one
can do stretches while taking a shower. While standing in
line at the grocery store, one can flex the abs or clench
the rear. One can even do calf raises while talking on the
phone. More ideas: try walking around the building during
lunch breaks and always take the stairs.
a. We already work exercise every day.
b. Most people do not have time to work exercise.
c. Exercise can be easily worked one’s daily routine.
d. Do stretch, calf raise, and flex the abs are some
ideas for working exercise.
6) Birds are excellent source of food. Chickens and turkeys
are examples of birds which supply man with great quantities
of meat. Chickens and other birds also supply eggs. Farmers
consider most birds as friends because they destroy insect
pests and the seeds of weeds. Birds are useful to people. Salt
Lake City has a monument to sea gulls, which ate up many
thousands of crickets that threatened crops of the Mormon
farmers. Many birds of prey destroy harmful mice, rats, and
ground squirrels.
a. Birds are useful to people.
b. Birds are excellent source of food.
c. Chickens and other birds also supply eggs.
d. Many birds of prey destroy harmful mice, rats,
and ground squirrels.
(Main Ideas)
7) When aging parents need help, it puts a tremendous
weight on their adult children. The situation is particularly difficult if
the parent does not live nearby. To handle such difficult situations,
some health experts advise adult children to investigate community
resources such as Meals on Wheels. Another suggestion is to rotate
care among other family members. Sometimes the problem can be
alleviated by having the parent move closer. It is also essential to
assess the parent’s actual needs.
a. Caring for aging parents is difficult.
b. Adult children can use several strategies to
assist their aging parents.
c. You should always consider your own needs
when making decisions about aging parents.
d. Community resources can be an enormous help
to adult children who don’t live near their aging
8) The cold and flu season typically occurs during the fall
and winter. According to the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, one billion colds occur in the United
States each year with children suffering the majority of
these. To ward off colds, wash your hands frequently. Another
technique is to avoid touching one’s eyes and nose. Cleaning
household surfaces with disinfectants can also help reduce
the spread of infection. However, avoiding people with colds
is equally important.
a. Colds are difficult to prevent.
b. Colds are most prevalent during the fall and winter.
c. Millions of people suffer from colds in the U.S. each year.
d. There are several effective prevention techniques
individuals can use to avoid the flu or a cold.
(Main Ideas)
9) When you register for a math class, try to select a teacher
who can explain concepts clearly. Also, find a math teacher
who is willing to answer students’ questions in class. Not all
are willing to do so. Try to choose a math teacher who is willing
to help students after class, preferable one who keeps his or
her office hours and one who does not frown at the sight of a
student at the office door. When choosing a math instructor,
try to find one who gives fair tests and who provides useful
handouts that complement class notes.
a. Some math teachers are willing to help students after
b. Not all math teachers are willing to answer students’
questions in class.
c. Fair tests and useful handouts are very important
for being a math teacher.
d. There are several important things to consider
when you choose a math teacher.
10) Money often causes problems in a marriage, sometimes
leading couples directly to divorce court. To control money
problems in a marriage, set goals to clarify what you really
want. Another technique is to find out where you are really
spending your money. Add up those “little” expenses such as
a morning cup of latte at $3.00 a cup or an apple-blueberry
muffin for $1.00. At the end of the year, you’ve spent $1,460.
In addition, set a “talk to me” limit, deciding which purchases
require a household discussion. For example, many couples
might decide that any purchase over $200 requires a joint
discussion before purchase.
a. Couples on a budget should not overspend.
b. There are a number of problems that lead to divorce.
c. The best way to control a budget is by clarifying goals.
d. There are several ways to manage marital money
(Main Ideas)
¡ÒÃÃкØ㨤ÇÒÁÊÓ¤ÑÞ (Main Ideas)
Main Idea
คือ ใจความสำคัญหรือใจความหลักของเรื่อง ซึ่งเปนสวนสำคัญที่สุดของเรื่อง
เป็ น ส่ ว นที ่ ค รอบคลุ ม และควบคุ ม เรื ่ อ งนั ้ น ๆ กล่ า วคื อ ในแต่ ล ะย่ อ หน้ า ต้ อ งมี
main idea เพียงอันเดียวเพื่อไมใหเกิดความสับสน วาจะสื่อถึงอะไร แตถาขาด
main idea ไปเลย ยอหนานั้นก็จะไมมีความหมาย หรือทำใหไมทราบจุดประสงค
เรื่องนั้น ๆ แลวทำใหเกิด ความเขาใจคลาดเคลื่อนได
โดยปกติแลว main idea จะเปนประโยคเทานั้น การวิเคราะหและคนหา
main idea ได ตองเกิดจากการคนหา Topic มากอน และนำเอาสวน topic
มารวมกับขอความ ที่ควบคุมสาระเกี่ยวกับ topic นั้น กลาวโดยสรุป คือ
1) หา topic ของเนื้อเรื่องที่อาน วาเกี่ยวกับอะไร (What is the
topic idea?)
2) หาสวนที่ควบคุมประเด็นสาระที่เสนออยูนั้นคืออะไร นั่นคือเปนเรื่องที่ถูก
ควบคุมใหกลาวถึงสิ่งใด แลวนำเอา topic + สิ่งที่ควบคุม (controlling idea)
ก็จะไดเปน main idea
จึงเห็นไดวา main idea ที่ถูกตอง จะตองครอบคลุมสิ่งที่กลาวในเรื่อง
Main Idea มี 2 ชนิด
1. Stated main idea หรือเรียกอีกอยางหนึง่ วา Topic Sentense
คื อ ใจความที ่ ส ำคั ญ ซึ ่ ง ผู ้ เ ขี ย นบอกมาตรง ๆ โดยระบุ ใ นประโยคซึ ่ ง สามารถ
ครอบคลุมเนือ้ หาของเรือ่ งไดทง้ั หมดโดยปกติในเนือ้ ความหนึง่ ๆ เรามักจะพบ stated
main idea หรือ Topic Sentense ไดในตอนตน ตอนกลาง หรือตอนทาย
2. Unstated หรือ Implied main idea หมายถึงการกลาวถึง
main idea ในลักษณะที่ผูเขียนไมไดเอยมาตรง ๆ และไมสามารถหา Topic
Sentenseไดทันที เพียงแตแสดงนัยใหเห็น เทานั้น ผูอานตองวินิจฉัยเอาเองเพื่อ
(Main Ideas)
Stated Main Ideas
เราสามารถจะพบ Stated main idea ไดในสวนตาง ๆ ของยอหนา ดังตอไปนี้
A baby elephant is the biggest of all land babies. A newborn
baby weighs more than two hundred pounds. It is about three
feet high. The new baby is strong, too. Almost as soon as it is
born, it can walk about.
ยอหนานี้กลาวถึงลูกชางวาเปนลูกสัตวบก (land babies) ที่มีขนาดใหญที่สุด โดยบอกวา
ลูกชางที่เกิดใหม จะมีน้ำหนักมากกวา 200 ปอนด และสูงราว ๆ 3 ฟุต นอกจากนี้ ยังแข็งแรงดวย
เพราะตอนที่คลอดออกมา มันจะสามารถเดินไดทันที
ดังนั้น ใจความสำคัญ (Main Idea) จึงอยูที่ประโยคแรก คือ A baby elephant
is the biggest of all land babies.
It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that the most popular
ice-cream choice is vanilla. Vanilla extract is used in more
products than any other flavouring. It is added to cakes,
cookies, custards, candy, and even chocolate. Some perfumes
contain small amounts of vanilla.
กลิ่นวนิลลาถูกใชในผลิตภัณฑตาง ๆ มากกวากลิ่นอื่น ๆ มันถูกเติมลงในเคก คุกกี้ คัสตารด
หรือแมแตในช็อกโกแลต น้ำหอมบางชนิดก็มีสวนผสมของวนิลลาอยูเล็กนอย
ดังนั้น ใจความสำคัญ (Main Idea) จึงอยูที่ประโยคกลาง คือ Vanilla extract
is used in more products than any other flavouring.
(Main Ideas)
Most people are free to enjoy themselves in the evenings
and on weekends. Some spend their time watching television,
listening to the radio, or going to movies; others participate in
sports. It depends on their interests. There are various ways to
spend one’s free time.
ยอหนานี้กลาวถึง การใชเวลาวางของคนในตอนเย็น และวันสุดสัปดาหวา บางคนจะดูโทรทัศน
บางคนฟงวิทยุ ไปชมภาพยนตรหรือไปเลนกีฬา มันขึ้นอยูกับความสนใจของแตละคน มีวิธีที่จะ
ดังนั้น ใจความสำคัญ (Main Idea) จึงอยูที่ประโยคทาย คือ There are various
ways to spend one’s free time.
4.·Ñ้§μÍ¹μŒ¹ áÅзŒÒÂ
Fantasy and science fiction are fun to read. The writers so often do
just the opposite of what the reader expects. They can make
elevators giggle, coffeepots talk, basketballs have mind of
their own, and people get coated with plastic. They do their
things purposely to make their stories more entertaining.
เพราะผูเขียนมักวางเรื่องไปในทางตรงขามกับที่ผูอานคาด เชน การแตงใหลิฟตหัวเราะได
กาน้ำชาพูดได ลูกบาสคิดเองได หรือคนเรา....ดวยพลาสติก พวกเขาสรางสิ่งตาง ๆ
ดังนั้น ใจความสำคัญ (Main Idea) จึงอยูที่ประโยคแรก และยังกลาวซ้ำอีกครั้งใน
ประโยคทาย โดยสรุป คือ They are fun.
(Main Ideas)
Exercise 1 :
Read the following paragraphs and choose the best
alternative to complete each sentence.
A. 1) Studying birds is one of the most interesting of all hobbies. (2)
Some people go on bird watch just to enjoy the beauty and songs
of birds. (3) Other people list the birds they see and take notes on
their habit. (4) Some bird watchers carry camera and take pictures
of the birds.
1. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in ........... .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
B. (1) At one time, the atom was thought to be the smallest unit
of matter. (2) Now scientists know that many particles are far
smaller than the atom. (3) Atoms themselves are made up of
protons, neutrons, and electrons. (4) There are also particles
called mesons and hyperions. (5) Both are smaller than the atom.
Recently, scientists detected minute particles called neutrinos.
(6) Neutrinos have a mass of zero.
2. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in …………. .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
C.(1) On September 23, 1938, a time capsule was buried at the site
of the New York World’s Fair. (2) It was 21/4 meters in length. (3)
The Capsule is made of copper mixed with chromium and silver.
(4) It is to be unearthed in the year 1938.
3. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in…………. .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
(Main Ideas)
D. (1) The World’s Fair time capsule contains many different kinds
of things. (2) There is printed matter, such as books, magazines,
pictures, and comic strips. (3) There are also samples of scientific
and industrial technology. (4) The objects in the capsule were chosen
to reflect life in the twentieth century. (5) It is hoped that they will help
future archaeologists to understand our civilization.
4. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in…………. .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
(1) How much do you remember of what you learned over the past
academic year? (2) How many of your high school classmates could
you call by name right now? (3) How many times a week do you
forget appointments, chores, and other details of everyday life?
(4) Before you groan in self-disgust, take heart at how normal you
are. (5) We all forget all kinds of things all the time.
5. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in …………. .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 3
c. sentence 4
d. sentence 5
(1) Left-handed people suffer more from stress than their
right-handed peers, according to a study of 1,100 adults
by University of Michigan researchers. (2)As a result they
smoke and drink more. (3)Fifty-five percent of the lefties
smoked, whereas fewer than half of the righties smoked.
(4)Furthermore, the lefties consumed more alcohol per
year than their right-handed counterparts.
6. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in………… .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
(1)Crossbreeding often gives rise to new and unusual fruits
and vegetables. (2)The tangelo combines the flavours of the
tangerine and grapefruit. (3)The boysenberry was developed
from the raspberry, blackberry, and loganberry. (4) Earlier,
the loganberry itself was produced from the blackberry and
red raspberry. (5)When wild celery and parsley are crossed,
celeriac is the result. 7. The main idea of this paragraph is
stated in………… .
a. sentence 1
c. sentence 3
(Main Ideas)
b. sentence 2
d. sentence 5
(1)The roadrunner is about sixty centimetres in length. (2) Half of
this is its tail. (3) Its short wings seem out of proportion to its long
legs. (4)Although the roadrunner is a bird, it runs more than it
flies. (5) As it marches across the desert, its huge tail feathers
swing from side to side. (6)Sometimes a roadrunner can be seen
streaking across the road as though it were a child wind up car.
(7)The roadrunner is truly one of the strangest looking birds.
8. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in …………. .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 4
c. sentence 6
d. sentence 7
(1) Did you ever try to tell your fortune with a daisy ? (2) Sometimes
a girl will pick one and take the petals off one by one, saying, “He
loves me ... he loves me not...” (3) She hopes that when she picks
off the last petal, she will be saying, “He loves me,” for that will
mean that her boyfriend loves her. (4) Of course, a boy can pick
the petals off in the same way, saying, “She loves me... she loves
me not...”
9.The main idea of this paragraph is stated in………… .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
(1)Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are good
sources of vitamin C. (2) Carrots, squash and sweet potatoes are good
sources of carotene, which the body changes to Vitamin A and dark
green leafy vegetables also supply us with iron. (3) All vegetables are
good for us because they supply us with important vitamins and minerals
that build cells and keep us healthy. (4) Vitamin C, for example, helps to
build strong teeth and helps us to resist infections. (5) Vitamin A helps
us to keep skin healthy and protects our eyes.
10. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in………… .
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d . sentence 5
(Main Ideas)
Unstated or Implied Main Ideas
Unstated หรือ Implied Main Idea จะไมอยูในประโยคใดประโยคหนึ่ง
ในการหา Main Idea ผูอานตองสรุปเองโดยนัย เชน
Einstein was four years old before he could speak and
seven before he could read. Isaac Newton did poorly in
grade school and Beethoven’s music teacher once said of
him, “As a composer he is hopeless.” When Thomas Edison
was a boy, his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn
anything. A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had
“no good ideas.” Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade.
Milton E. Larson
Main Idea: People do not always recognize creative and
imaginative men.
เห็นไดวาไมมีประโยคนี้ในขอความทั้งหมด เพราะยอหนานี้กลาววาไอสไตนเริ่มพูดได
เมื่ออายุ 4 ป และอานออกเมื่ออายุ 7 ป ไอแซ็ค นิวตันทำคะแนนไดแยมากขณะเรียน และ
ครู ส อนดนตรี ข องบี โ ทเฟนเคยบอกเขาว า เขาไม มี ท างได เ ป น นั ก แต ง เพลงเมื่ อ ตอนที่
โทมัส เอดิสัน เปนเด็ก ครูวาเขาโงเกินกวาจะเรียนได สวนวอลทซ ดิสนีย ก็ถูกบรรณาธิการ
หนังสือพิมพไลออก เนื่องจากไมมีความคิดดี ๆ และวินสตัน เชอรชิลด เคยสอบตกตอนเรียน
เกรด 6 ดังนั้นผูอานตองสรุปจากภาพรวม ซึ่งกลาวถึงผูมีอัจฉริยภาพทุกคนอาจไมไดโดดเดน
Main Idea จะตองเปนประโยคที่สามารถสรุปภาพรวมของเนื้อหาได ในการระบุ
Main Idea ประเภทนี้ มีหลักดังนี้
1) วิเคราะหรายละเอียดทั้งหมด เพื่อสรุปหาวาขอความนั้น ๆ ตองการสื่อถึงอะไร
2) Main Idea จะเปนประโยคที่บอกวาใครหรืออะไร ทำสิ่งใด
3) อยาพยายามหา Main Idea โดยดูจากประโยคยอย ๆ บางประโยค
(Main Ideas)
Exercise 2:
1. Many people believe in the “big bang” theory of the origin of
the earth. That is, our planet was once part of a huge mass of
matter that exploded. Others feel that the earth is the result of
the gradual cooling of a whirling mass of gases and other celestial
materials. Some religionists, in contrast, conjecture that the earth
was created by the hand of supernatural being.
a. The earth was once a ball of gas.
b. Many different theories try to explain the origin of the earth.
c .The earth was created by the explosion of a huge mass
of gas.
d. The religious explanation of the origin of the earth is the
least believable.
2. On weekends as soon as Tom gets out of his bed, he seats
himself right in front of the television and starts searching
for his favorite program. “Have your breakfast, please Tom,”
his mother tells him, but that won’t make him move at all. At
her second call he will slowly get up and turn the television set
to face the dining table. He doesn’t miss any part of the program
while having breakfast. After he has finished, he moves the television
set to its normal direction am watches on and on until the end of the
last afternoon program at 6 30 P.M.
a. Tom likes to watch television every day.
b. Tom watches television all day on weekends.
c. On weekends, Tom does nothing but watch TV.
d. Tom does everything in front of the television set.
3. An earlier theory said that the dinosaurs died because the earth
had become colder. The dinosaurs could not eat enough to keep their
bodies warm and had no fur or feathers to keep the heat in. There
were both dinosaurs which were plant-eaters and meat eaters. When
the plant eaters died out, the meat eaters grew short of food and
a. The dinosaurs died because of the cold water.
b. The dinosaurs had no fur to cover their bodies.
c. The dinosaurs could not keep their bodies warm.
d. There are two kinds of dinosaurs, plant eaters and meat
(Main Ideas)
4. Previous studies indicate about half of global warming is
caused by carbon dioxide gas from fossil fuel burning, about
20 percent is due to chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons, of
CFCs, and an additional 20 percent is caused by methane, which
is natural gas. Other trace gases cause the remaining warning.
a. Fossil fuel burning heats earth’s atmosphere.
b. Methane, natural gas increase future temperature.
c. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are dangerous chemicals.
d. Carbon dioxide, CFCs, and methane cause global warming.
5. Most primitive attempts to make rain are very simple. Often they involve
chanting or an offering to a rain god. In some Central Australia tribes wizards must be present at the ceremony. Tribe members dig a hole over
which they place a little hut. The wizards then take a small amount of
blood from the arms of two elder tribemen. The blood stands for rain.
Feathers are tossed into the air to represent clouds. Finally, the hut is
destroyed to symbolize the cloudburst.
a. Rainmaking is difficult.
b. Tribes in Central Australia are superstitious.
c. The rainmaking ceremony is done by a tribe wizard.
d. Tribes in Central Australia have a complicated
rainmaking ceremony.
6. The Sahara Desert is located in the northern part of Africa. It
stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, covering one
fourth of the continent. If you wanted to hide the entire continental
United States, you could bury it under the Sahara. Only a small part
of the Florida Peninsula or the southern tip of Texas would, stick
out. Should you decide to walk the length of the Sahara at a rate
of eight kilometers a day, it would take you almost two and a half
a. The Sahara Desert is in Africa.
b. The Sahara Desert is extremely large.
c .The Sahara Desert is a good hiding place.
d. The Sahara Desert is longer than it is wide.
(Main Ideas)
7. After several decades, jogging is still a very popular activity
in the United States. Many people like to go jogging early in the
morning before work or after work in the evening. However, in
the winter months especially, it may be dark during those hours.
To help these joggers, a sports shoe manufacturer has invented a
new kind of jogging shoe. These shoes have little red lights on the
back of the heels. The lights are very small and lightweight. They are
run by tiny batteries. With these new shoes, the jogger can feel
much safer running along the road in the dark. The lights make
the jogger much more visible to the drivers of motor vehicles.
This may reduce the risk of accidents.
a. People like to go jogging in the United States.
b. A new kind of jogging shoes can reduce the risk of accidents.
c. A new kind of jogging shoes has lights on them for night
d. People can go jogging along the road in the dark in the
United States.
Read the following letter and choose the best alternative to answer each question.
Dear Friend:
Greeting from the Every Two Weeks Platter Club. We are certain that this
is the record offer you’ve been waiting for! But you must act now. Our
warehouse is stocked, but supplies are going fast. Many of these albums are
collectors’ items. They cannot be bought in any store. We have thousands of
jazz, classical, country and western, and pop albums. Each is available at a
fraction of its original cost.
How can you qualify for this fabulous offer? Simply fill out the attached
order blank. List the FIVE albums you want to add to your record collection.
Send no money. We will bill you later at the low, low cost of $0.99 per album.
You can begin to build a great record library for less than five dollars.
And that’s not all. Every two weeks you will receive our current catalogue.
It lists dozens of new releases as well as old favorites that can be yours for
$4.98. As a member of the Every Two Weeks Platter Club, you will never have
to leave the comfort of your home to buy a record. Your choice of albums will
be mailed right to your door for only a small shipping charge.
Sincerely yours,
Sally Boyle
( Sally Boyle )
Vice-President, Membership
(Main Ideas)
8.Which sentence states the main idea of the first paragraph ?
a. For a limited time, the Every Two Weeks Platter Club is
offering many kinds of records at a discount.
b. The Every Two Weeks Platter Club is offering five popular
records to new members.
c. Collector’s items are available at the Every Two Weeks Platter
d. The Every Two Weeks Platter Club has thousands of
albums to sell.
9. Which sentence states the main idea of the second paragraph ?
a. You can shop at home for your record.
b. You can begin to build your library for less than five dollars.
c. Your record choice should be indicated on the attached
order blank.
d. You can order five records at $0.99 each and be billed at
a future date.
10. Which sentence states the main idea of the third paragraph ?
a. Old favorites are sold for $4.98.
b. You can shop at home for your record.
c. Your record order enrolls you in the Every Two Weeks
Platter Club.
d. The product will be mailed right to you for only a small
shipping charge.
(Main Ideas)
Read the passages and choose the best main idea for each.
1) Electricity is a servant for modern man. It provides power to do
a lot of work for him. It heats homes and stores. It cools buildings
by running air conditioners. Electricity can also be very dangerous
to man. Lightening, a form of electricity, has started many fires and
struck many people. Other injuries and deaths have come from
electricity in the home. Electricity is helpful but dangerous, too.
a. Electricity is helpful but dangerous, too.
b. Electricity is a servant for modern man.
c. Electricity can also be very dangerous to man.
d. Other injuries and deaths have come from electricity in
the home.
2) Many people claim that they do not have time to work exercise
into their daily schedules. However, exercise can be easily worked
one’s daily routine. For instance, one can do stretches while taking a
shower. While standing in line at the grocery store, one can flex the
abs or clench the rear. One can even do calf raises while talking on
the phone. More ideas: try walking around the building during lunch
breaks and always take the stairs.
a. We already work exercise every day.
b. Most people do not have time to work exercise.
c. Exercise can be easily worked one’s daily routine.
d. Do stretch, calf raise, and flex the abs are some ideas
for working exercise.
3) Birds are excellent source of food. Chickens and turkeys are
examples of birds which supply man with great quantities of meat.
Chickens and other birds also supply eggs. Farmers consider
most birds as friends because they destroy insect pests and the
seeds of weeds. Birds are useful to people. Salt Lake City has a
monument to sea gulls, which ate up many thousands of crickets
that threatened crops of the Mormon farmers. Many birds of prey
destroy harmful mice, rats, and ground squirrels.
(Main Ideas)
a. Birds are useful to people.
b. Birds are excellent source of food.
c. Chickens and other birds also supply eggs.
d. Many birds of prey destroy harmful mice, rats, and
ground squirrels.
4) The cold and flu season typically occurs during the fall and
winter. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, one billion colds occur in the United States each year with
children suffering the majority of these. To ward off colds, wash
your hands frequently. Another technique is to avoid touching
one’s eyes and nose. Cleaning household surfaces with disinfectants
can also help reduce the spread of infection.m However, avoiding
people with colds is equally important.
a. Colds are difficult to prevent.
b. Colds are most prevalent during the fall and winter.
c. Millions of people suffer from colds in the U.S. each year.
d.There are several effective prevention techniques
individuals can use to avoid the flu or a cold.
5) Sexuality is a common topic for humor in England. In the United
States, sexual jokes are also popular. However, in China and Israel,
they are almost nonexistent. Israeli humor is described as aggressive
humor, humor that reflects the instability of its people’s lives because
of war. The French are also known to enjoy aggressive humor, by
playfully making fun of others. Clearly, a nation’s humor reflects its
people’s lives.
a. A nation’s humor reflects its people’s lives.
b. Sexuality is a common topic for humor in England.
c. There are a lot of humors presented in all countries.
d. Aggressive humor reflects the instability of its people’s
lives because of war.
6) When aging parents need help, it puts a tremendous weight on
their adult children. The situation is particularly difficult if the parent
does not live nearby. To handle such difficult situations, some health
experts advise adult children to investigate community resources
such as Meals on Wheels. Another suggestion is to rotate care among
other family members. Sometimes the problem can be alleviated by
having the parent move closer. It is also essential to assess the
parent’s actual needs.
(Main Ideas)
a. Caring for aging parents is difficult.
b. Adult children can use several strategies to assist their
aging parents.
c. You should always consider your own needs when making
decisions about aging parents.
d. Community resources can be an enormous help to adult
children who don’t live near their aging parents.
7) An interesting feature of body language is that we are often
unaware of it. We usually do not consciously decide that we will
smile, dilate our pupils, and move closer to someone to show
our attraction. We may not be aware that narrowed eyes and
a clenched jaw may reveal our anger or rage. Nor are we
necessarily aware that eyebrows up and eye blinks reveal
that we are startled.
a. We should be aware of our body language.
b. Unaware body languages reveal our feelings.
c. Everyone has their own interesting feature of body
d. An interesting feature of body language is that we are
often unaware of it.
8) High blood pressure is sometimes called the “silent killer” because
there are no symptoms. Another disease that often goes unnoticed is
heart disease. The first signs of a heart attack are not always obvious.
Diabetes is yet another illness that many do not know they have. In fact,
the MSN Web page says that 16 million people are “silently at risk” for
a. What you don’t know won’t hurt you.
b. Sixteen million people are at risk for diabetes.
c. Some serious medical conditions often go unnoticed.
d. Heart disease is a common and serious health problem.
9) When you register for a math class, try to select a teacher who
can explain concepts clearly. Also, find a math teacher who is willing
to answer students’ questions in class. Not all are willing to do so.
Try to choose a math teacher who is willing to help students after
class, preferable one who keeps his or her office hours and one who
does not frown at the sight of a student at the office door. When
choosing a math instructor, try to find one who gives fair tests and
who provides useful handouts that complement class notes.
(Main Ideas)
a. Some math teachers are willing to help students after class.
b. Not all math teachers are willing to answer students’
questions in class.
c. Fair tests and useful handouts are very important for
being a math teacher.
d. There are several important things to consider when you
choose a math teacher.
10) Money often causes problems in a marriage, sometimes leading
couples directly to divorce court. To control money problems in a
marriage, set goals to clarify what you really want. Another
technique is to find out where you are really spending your
money. Add up those “little” expenses such as a morning cup of latte
at $3.00 a cup or an apple-blueberry muffin for $1.00. At the end of the
year, you’ve spent $1,460. In addition, set a “talk to me” limit, deciding
which purchases require a household discussion. For example, many
couples might decide that any purchase over $200 requires a joint
discussion before purchase.
a. Couples on a budget should not overspend.
b. There are a number of problems that lead to divorce.
c. The best way to control a budget is by clarifying goals.
d. There are several ways to manage marital money
(Main Ideas)
กรมวิชาการ, กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ. (2546). การจัดสาระการเรียนรู กลุมสาระการ
เรียนรูภาษาตางประเทศ ตามหลักสูตร การศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2544.
กรุงเทพมหานคร : องคการรับสงสินคาและพัสดุภัณฑ.
ณัฏฐพล ภักดีเจริญ. (ม.ป.ป.) การอานเชิงวิเคราะห.[ออนไลน].เขาถึงไดจาก :
http://www.bwc.ac.th/taidream.html.(วันที่คนขอมูล:24 เมษายน 2550).
พรนภัส พันธเกียรติ. (ม.ป.ป.) การอานเพื่อความเขาใจ.[ออนไลน].เขาถึงไดจาก :
http://read4u.saiyaithai.org. (วันที่คนขอมูล:12 พฤษภาคม 2550).
วัฒนาพร ระงับทุกข และสมพิศ ป.สัตยารักษ.(1997).
Reading 6. กรุงเทพฯ : วัฒนาพานิช.
Concentrate of Critical
วัฒนาพร ระงับทุกข และสมพิศ ป.สัตยารักษ.(1999). Concentrate of Critical
Reading 4. พิมพครั้งที่ 2. กรุงเทพฯ : วัฒนาพานิช.
สุนันทา สุนทรประเสริฐ.(2551). คูมือการใชนวัตกรรมการเรียนการสอน.ราชบุรี:
บริษัท ธรรมรักษการพิมพ.
Miller, Wilma S. (1990). Reading Comprehension Activities Kit. The Center
for Applied Research in Education.
Nielsen, M. (n.d.). Reading Practice Exercises. [ONLINE]. Available from
: http://www.daltonstate.edu/faculty/mnielsen.html. (Accessed :
25 July 2008).
(Main Ideas)
1. c
6. a
2. b
7. b
3. a
8. d
4. a
9. d
5. c
10. d
2. b
7. a
3. a
8. d
4. a
9. a
5. d
10. c
2. b
7. b
3. a
8. d
4. a
9. a
5. b
10. b
Excercise 1:
1. a
6. a
Excercise 2:
1. b
6. b
1. a
6. b
2. c
7. b
3. a
8. c
4. d
9. d
5. a
10. d