dialogue - Maitland Repertory Theatre

Maitland Repertory Society Inc.
P O Box 111, Maitland NSW 2320
The Repertory Playhouse, High Street, Maitland
Tel: 02 4933 2766 Bookings: 02 4931 2800
website: www.maitlandrepertory.com
email: [email protected]
July, 2009
ABN 21 328 198 522
Outback TheatreSports® 25 July
From The July Committee Meeting …
Come along to The Playhouse at 8:00pm on Saturday July 25
for Hunter Impro Network’s (HIN) inaugural competition
Outback TheatreSports® hosted by Thank God You’re Here’s
Daniel Cordeaux. Teams will be vying for the Crapper Cup.
Tickets – adults $15; concession $10.
Be a part of HIN history – be there!
FOR SALE – One New Two-Seater Lounge $150
This modern lounge was used on the set of David
Williamson’s Amigos in June/July.
Good condition. Pick up from The Playhouse.
Contact Danny on 4934 2494.
Our Garage Sale is on Again!
On Saturday, 25 July there will be a garage sale of old
clothes and costumes at The Playhouse from 8am to 2pm.
Come along and grab a bargain.
Twelfth Night Opens 7 August
Reamus Youth Theatre’s Twelfth Night will be here in 2 weeks. On
the Opening Night there will be a brief official opening ceremony
for the lighting equipment and our supporters have been invited to
attend. This brings to fruition the “Light Up Your Cultural Life”
Project, initiated by Reamus. The new lighting equipment will be a
benefit to the Society for years to come and will help improve
production quality.
Planning Meeting – 1 August
NEW DATE - Our planning meeting will take place in Saturday
afternoon, 1 August at 2.30pm at Danny Shaunessy’s place. If you
would like to attend, please register your interest by calling Ian
Robinson on 0427 933 280 or by email:
[email protected]
Those who have already registered their interest will be contacted.
Brush With Fame
Publicity Director and Life Member John Morris OAM has
his new Barry Maitland novel signed by the author at
McDonald Bros Booksellers, Maitland. Barry was a guest
reviewer for a review Amigos in the Mercury.
PROGRAM SPONSORS – Do you know anyone
who would like to pay for advertising in our show
programs? Contact Ian on 0427 933 280 for rates.
The Management Committee has decided to trial a
new show-day arrangement for all seasons of 2010
major productions. Performances will still be over
three weeks with performances for Week 1 - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (matinee)
Week 2 - Friday, Saturday, Sunday (matinee)
Week 3 - Friday and Saturday.
(A total of nine performances including two
matinees and only one Wednesday.)
The Playhouse now has an active alarm system.
All keyholders need to be aware of its operation.
Call Ian on 0427 933 280 for details.
Cast List for
The Importance of Being Earnest
Director - Lesley Coombes
Jack – Brian Randell
Algernon – Christian Kauter
Rev Chasuble – Alex Ross
Gribsby – Stuart Fullerton
Merriman – Ben Martin
Lane - Alan Ball
Moulton – Daniel Bourke
Lady Bracknell – Nell Pyle
Gwendolen – Marnie Long
Cecily – Elise Bialek
Miss Prism – Dimity Eveleens
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
opens at 8pm on Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Anyone for Shirts?
Our Calendar
Plays, 2009
Twelfth Night
(Director – Rod Ansell)
August 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 by Reamus Youth Theatre
The Importance of Being Earnest
(Director – Lesley Coombes)
Sept 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25 & 26
The Saga of the Lost Largs Mountain Ruby Mine
End of Year Dinner Show
(Director – David Smith)
November 21, 22, 28, 29, Dec 5, 6, 12, 13
Demand is starting to heat up for polo shirts - if
you’re interested in getting a polo shirt with our logo
on it, email [email protected].
Any last orders?
Plays for 2010
A number of plays have been nominated for next
year. The Committee will make a selection shortly.
Membership Information
Other Events
Hunter Impro Network – 25 July at 8:00pm at The
Playhouse - first competition
“Outback TheatreSports ”, vying for the “Crapper Cup”.
Tickets $10 Concession; $15 Adult.
Romulus will be presenting performances Saturday 17
October 8:00pm and Sunday 18 October 2:00pm at The
Hunter Impro Network meets Monday nights 6pm
Reamus meets Monday nights 7pm
Romulus meets Wednesday nights 7pm
Management Committee Meetings – second Tuesday of
each month at The Playhouse, 7:30pm
Working Bees – on the first Saturday after a production
ends. We will get together from 8am to 4pm. The next
one is on Saturday, 22 August.
Other Cultural Events:
AMCAT Current Exhibition (The Gaol, East Maitland)
“In Our Area” A display about textile industries in the
lower Hunter, including dressmakers, tailors and significant
items from the area. Saturdays and Sundays 10:00am to
Maitland Regional Art Gallery re-opens August 2009
MRAG will hold their Grand Opening at 2:00pm
15 August 2009
Junior Repertory – Classes Resume
Junior Repertory will return on Saturday 1 August
Classes - 12.00 noon to 2.30pm.
For details contact Alex: [email protected]
Fees for the calendar year 2009 are still the same Family $20, Single adult $10, Concession $5
Have you paid your membership fees?
Update your contact details by filling in an
update form at the Playhouse or by emailing to:
[email protected].
The Constitution as adopted at our 2009 AGM
is on our website www.maitlandrepertory.com –
go to the Membership page - look for the
Constitution link.
Current Minutes of Management Committee
meetings are available for members to peruse on
the website - go to the Membership page and
look for the Minutes link.
You’ll need a password - email
[email protected] to get one.
Key Contacts
(www.maitlandrepertory.com Contact Us has contact email addresses)
President – Danny Shaunessy 4934 2494
Secretary – Robert Comber P O Box 111, MAITLAND NSW 2320
Treasurer – David Smith 4926 3863
Publicity – John Morris 4932 8680
Dialogue Editor/Membership – Ian Robinson 0427 933 280
Playhouse Bookings/Romulus - Miranda Lindtner-King 49337150
Junior Rep – Alex Spinks [email protected]
Reamus/Roster Organiser – Heidi Bush 0407 306 004
Hunter Impro Network – Lisa Ellicot 0401 170 364