Unit 11 Chemical Reactions Study Guide ChallS'Se. Name Date _ _ _ _ __ Directions: Define each of the following words ~ 1. Reactants - 2. Products - le.C\ B lde c\' C\.rt'Cl.Oi be,-C'ote reacilor) rl~f()-\ a\dt ot' (A'("f'OW j Q 3. ?iatomic Elements- -A:e Q,\-e.tv\ent~ \Y\ orde\ --ta. e.x1.s-\ ·1 n n~lAXe 4. Law of Conservation of Matter - (:>._\.e,ir reacl10"\ 4-ha..1 rnu.3\ \oe tbn::ied w't+h (+he ~l:::Nt..t :LNE? o.~ one \Ike It eleme.nhs\ ;J ~-\+€,\. CO-..nn::>+ ()e Creo..+ai nor des+ro<ij"<i; ~be a_,V'lO~n~ o(' ma.#e.r- on men 5 1de oC' he ecquo:-\ ton 1~ -+-he ~o.fT\e ( 1-he moss or he reac\a.n\s QqtAO s +ne rvv:A...;..; e proc 1c-ls) Directions: Critical Thinking: Be able to read, analyze, and give complete answers to questions like these. 1. Circle the reactants and box the products in this chemical reaction: 2. Label the subscript and coefficient in this molecule of oxygen: 6 02 Co e,W,~Qf\~3U. 'o 5 Cr Ip t- 3. How many atoms of oxygen are present on each side of the equation shown in question #1? reo.c.\o.n+s-::. lo\.- ( ~\( ~)-:. I~ preclucis =(lJxB-)+<P =IS 4. Chemical reactions must have equal numbers of each atom on each side to satisfy the Law of :5. Name each of the diatomic elements. There are seven in total. 6. The format of each of the five types of chemical reactions is shown below. Label each as either synthesis,~ . decomposition, single replacement, double displacement, or combustion. '()Q.,\ \.-. ?_e.me.m . .. AB~ A+ B A+BC~~C+B deco rywoei ~ i ~n . <p···· .p .··.·. §jr)~\€ fif)ldt:!~W\.tffi . AB + CD 7 AD + CB A+ B 7 AB .>..Vv\Q <~ \c.tc~m.errl +h<t .\-wo .p . ~\.h~i Ohd B~Y\ \-he4Dt s .Yh.-ee ~{)e-"5 ~ 8Qc0 rn. · 1.J~ corn'cu~-t \on HA+ B(OH) 7 BA+ HiO oc"d J'oet ~e oe.W rQ.,1, ~a._-t IO>J: · 7. Balance each of these chemical equations and classify them as synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double displacement, or combustion. a. b. ---1:_ Al + Je_ HCl -7 i H2 + A\-A-"Z ~l-\ \-\- -'1 (p l-\ - 2:- (p C\-/lo C\~ :tf (p c. _ Pb(OH)2 + 2 HCl -7 Pio- I 0-2 --1:._ H20 + _ Pb - I C\ - A' 2- PbCh Nz + _3__ H2 -7 -1:_ NH3 d. ~~~~ \~+-::~ C02 + --2:._ H20 CH4+ 2- 02-7 e. C. - I ~\ rep\omm ent Classification: do~le 0 GQ\aCerY\ €frl Classification: 8~ n+h e_s I :S Classification: CJJm bJ..;5.\- i 0 Y) c_ - l l-J-..2y - L1 a- 2'1 L 3 \r'ifJ\e Classification: 0-...-r-2 1-\ -2'-I c I - 2. H -..a-t.1 f. _z_ Al Cb KCl-7 L O-..lJ-4 K+ Ch Classification: deco~ I+ i0 n t-~ l(-~2. c I - /1'2 .. .. . .· .. . .. ;._ .:. .. · . g. C I -- 2 . . . . , . · . . . :.: . . . . .. ........ , ·. . . . .... : · ·.·.·. ·.·...·. ··:··. : ::_ :: . . ...... · -~ ·... ·."···.'·:~ ··.·. ·. .... · . ... . .· ·• ·:·.· ... . : ~ Na3P04 + --1._ CaCh -7 ~(.o NaCl + _ l\l() -ov Ca.-k 3 N~ !.P P-A2. 0 -~8 0\ -z (., P- 2. Ca3(P04)2 · ' . .··. : . . ·. Classification: .. .. : . ': . : . . doU,\o \e d \Sp \aCQ YVlQ ()1 Cat - 3 . Ot -,,Y& o-~ 8. Write a full, balanced chemical equation that predicts the products made by the given reactants. Fe z.-l-of).a. Solid iron (II) combines with oxygen gas. Z Fef_O~ ---'l fe \=e 0 Fe -J-'2- -)'z_ 0 ... 2. Z I 0 -~ 2.. c1assification: .. . . •. .. . : . . . .... . .' . , :<:. :. .. ~- '.- : . .SyofhM t S Classific~tion: Q~C6tnpoB Hl0 n b. Solid potassium iodide decomposes. ~ \AI 2 z. \A -t ~-Yl. )l-)'2.. ~-yz J-2 _ .l.2- c. A silver coin is dropped into a container of sulfuric acid. +_ A~ 2 Acj-~2 H-5 Classification: 'Hz t _ _ H2 50<1 -/ ~-2 S°'-I S-1 o-Lt d. Solutions of lithium sulfate and potassium phosphate are mixed together. Classification: 2_ L i2 50t.f. +_L \L 3 POy -/ .L L\ 0 P0'1 Li-~~ Li-,ZlD 5-.,,v3 3-A'2 o-~J4;!2-+9=26 j;_ - Z$' (p t- e. Liquid methanol (CH40) is burned . .. . . ~ CH4@+ •. 3 C, -% 2 1-t -K 8 ~ IL2 50y og,. s Classification: ~coBt + l-+-~K Z()() ::8-2 Z(>t) .::to () - ZJ.1 2 N~CH Na ,r 3 Co m\Qus.\ Ion l+z<:) •···.•. .·•·• (~~~JbfelY 4 C-y 2. f. Solutions of sodium hydroxide and irori (III) nitrate are mixed together. 8 L-f ~ q: ~ · .Classification: --"""-'-.=........__._.,"'----'-~\QCeMerti +- - F~ (NOa)3 ~ _Q_ N~ N(8 +__ No. _..r 3 0 - ...\ff 12.. t-t - ...t- ~ t-t - 3 i:e- l fe- J N-3 ce p~rnent P-1'(2 /1 z: dout) le ".2. o-~8+\2..=26 · k( -/2'" (o P-yz 0 -~ A~ 2 cep \OCQ(hQ{).f. H--2. 2 _ \ o-y r'\ $'tra )e 0 -,h" l2. N-/lv 3 Fe (d -H)a g. A piece of sodium metal is dropped into liquid water. :;__ NCA + "'"" I '\JU _,,..r z 1-l -2'4 6-vz /I 2- '-izO --7 Hz f\J(j _;,1- 2 l+~Lf 0 ?f 2 h. Butane gas (C4H10) is burned in the presence of oxygen. Classification: -:J, Cy 1-ll() . \- JQ. 02 --7 8 C02 + - lb #~O. C-KB C- ,.or 8 1-l -AO' J.() l..f- <"J&" :Jo G- z [}lo ~o~ ttn3is aAd;d~~ut;of silver (!Ailt~Do )3 Cl'./.'m"'3 A1- \ r::tl-1 fi-f)-'19 fi5~Y3 N--13 N~3 ozct o-q CO mbUJ +<)t) I S-4CAC~ I.. Doub1e ! s~~b re+Jlao2thQJ1f- Ni~~g~':f:Sa~i~~::;~n~~~;'gen gas ..· ...· .. . . c1,,,m",;"" 5~ Dthe5 f S .. . . .. .' .·:·" . . ~>N2 ·+-.;S <)<J. ~-- ·• Q Nz< (J~· .. j. .. . = . . . .... ·~ ·i Lf . .. . . . . ·. .' . :.· . . o-g10 · k. Solid sodium bicarbonate can be heated, breaking it down into sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide gas. £.. N~H<20 3 -7 No.zC,0 0 \h-A 2 NtL Z »-~2 W-2 J -z& ·. . ·.. . . . . "'1-z Lf O-Z10 c -...r 2 "····· · ·. c..o~ z to + ·· c1as~ificati~n· : Hz..6 + CeCOff\f(l2tt"OD · Co 2 ·. '•
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