cover letter -

Career Services Office
Phone: 724-458-3371 ● Email: [email protected]
A cover letter is an introductory letter that typically accompanies a resume sent to a
potential employer. It may be referenced as an application letter or letter of inquiry,
whether it is sent in response to a job opening or proactively mailed/emailed to a
company for which you would like to work. Employers receive hundreds of letters and
resumes for each advertised position vacancy. Your letter, therefore, will have to be wellwritten and designed to attract attention in a positive way in order to receive a favorable
Your cover letter should communicate something personal (yet professional) about
yourself, along with information that is specific to the position and organization to which
the letter is being sent. This shows the employer that you have taken the time to research
the organization and position in advance. Generic form letters elicit a negative reaction,
if not a toss into the trash can.
To receive a positive response, it is imperative that you research every company to which
you apply in order to give knowledgeable and specific reasons for your interest in that
company and how you can meet their needs through your qualifications, experiences,
and personal qualities. Do not repeat your resume; use the cover letter to interpret and
expand upon your resume, stressing relevant details in a more personalized fashion.
Communicate your ability to assist and support the organization. State explicitly how
your background relates to the specific job, emphasizing your strongest and most
pertinent characteristics. The cover letter should demonstrate that you know both the
company and yourself.
Cover letters should never be duplicated. Each should be individually written and
tailored to the company/position to which you are applying. If you are sending a hardcopy version (less common in the world of electronic submissions), it should be singlespaced and printed on quality paper that matches the paper used for your resume. If
sending your documents electronically, we recommend converting the resume and
cover letter to PDF and labeling them with your name and the position to which you are
applying. You can then attach both the cover letter and resume to an email with a
specific subject header and brief message in the email indicating your interest in the
organization and position at hand, referencing your attached application materials and
thanking them for their time and consideration.
The cover letter should be one page in length and addressed to Human Resources or,
better yet, a specific individual in charge of hiring in the department in which you would
like to work. (Follow the application instructions listed in the job posting as far as the
individual to whom you send your materials.) Personnel Departments typically will not
handle applications unless there is a posted opening, but it is advisable to send them a
resume to keep in their records as well. Department heads are always interested in
potential employees, and they are in the best position to know when vacancies occur or
new positions will be available.
There are several formats that may be used when writing your cover letter. If you are not
familiar with them, then check the references in the Career Services Library. Use simple,
direct language and get right to the point of the letter. Triple-check the letter to be
absolutely sure there are no spelling, typographical, or grammatical errors. REMEMBER:
the letter and the resume are examples of your written communication skills and
organizational abilities.
A sample format for the cover letter follows. Essentially, your letter of application should
communicate your ambition and enthusiasm in the position and company in a unique
manner that will stand out to prospective employers. Use the guidelines to write your own
letter applicable to the position and company to which you are applying, and
personalize it by tying in your own background and abilities.
Used and adapted by permission – Dr. Robert Greenberg – Univ. of Tenn. – Knoxville
200 Campus Drive, Box 1111
Grove City College
Grove City, PA 16127-2197
February 17, 2017
Mr. Fred Eisenhower
Vice President of National Sales
Drexel Furnishings
Drexel, NC 28619
Dear Mr. Eisenhower:
First Paragraph. In the initial paragraph, approach the prospective employer uniquely, state the
reason for writing the letter, specify the position or type of work for which you are applying, and
indicate from which resource (friend, online job board, organization website, career center) you
learned of the opening or received his/her name.
Second Paragraph. State why you are interested in the position, the company, and its products
or services. Above all, indicate what you can do for the employer. This is an opportunity to market
your skills, abilities, qualities, characteristics, and achievements. Sell yourself! If you are completing
a degree or are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background qualifies you for the
position. If you have had some practical work experience, point out specific achievements or
unique qualifications. Highlight your strengths and achievements and state how they qualify you
for the position. Provide details and explanations that are not found in your resume. Indicate
what you can do for the organization; do not inquire what the organization can offer you. Refer
the reader to the enclosed resume or employment application that summarizes your
qualifications, training, experiences, and the like. Assure the employer that you are the person for
the job.
Concluding Paragraph. In the closing paragraph, indicate that you will be contacting them within
seven to ten days (which can be done via phone or email; just be sure not to call if they specifically
say that they accept no phone calls) to confirm that that have received your letter and resume.
Let them know that you would greatly appreciate the opportunity to do a personal interview at
their convenience. Indicate your flexibility; repeat a phone number (or add a different number
where you can be reached during certain hours, if appropriate), and offer any assistance
necessary to assist with a speedy response. Consider closing the letter with a statement or
question that will encourage their interest and a response. For example, state that you will be in
the city where the company is located on a certain date and that you would like to arrange a
meeting. Or, ask if the company will be recruiting in your area, or if any additional information or
references would be helpful. If you will be relocating to the city in which the job/company is
located, mention this information in this final paragraph. Finally, thank them for their time and
Jane H. Smith
Leah E. Vough
College Address: GCC #1352, 200 Campus Drive, Grove City, PA 16127 Permanent Address: 827 Faidley Road, Markleton, PA 15551
Cell Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx Home Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: [email protected]
November 24, 2010
Mr. Bill Jones
Human Resources
Procter & Gamble
1 Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Dear Mr. Jones:
After spending my undergraduate career studying marketing, I can now pinpoint exactly what interests me most
about my major – branding. The psychology of how it works, the strategies that make it work, and the long-term
mindset that determines its direction fascinates me. Becoming a brand manager is my ultimate career goal. To
achieve this goal at Procter & Gamble would make it that much better. Confident that my skill set, experiences,
and passions would make me a great fit as an Assistant Brand Manager at your company, I am extremely
interested in this position.
At Grove City College, I excel as a student, campus leader, and part-time marketing consultant for Bayer
Corporation. Maintaining a long-term consumer perspective is a point of emphasis in every marketing class I
have taken, which has helped to shape my branding capabilities. Semester-long group projects have also
sharpened my teamwork and leadership abilities. While I have always possessed a good work ethic and an
ability to learn quickly, those skills were taken to the next level through my position as a marketing consultant at
Bayer Corporation. In very little time, I was able to take what I learned and exceed the goals and expectations of
my superiors. Extremely organized and motivated, I am also responsible for many organizations and initiatives
on campus. Eager to leave my mark on every commitment by bringing it to its full potential, I am excited to do
the same at Procter & Gamble. Well-respected for its brilliant marketing and impressive collection of top
brands, Procter & Gamble is more than just a great name to add to my resume. Your company is honest,
intelligent, and intuitive – the type of place that I want to make a long-term investment of my time and effort; a
place where I would like to build my career. By investing in me, I can assure you that your investment will not
be lost.
I am determined to build my branding career at Procter & Gamble and would ask that you give me the
opportunity to prove myself as an Assistant Brand Manager. I am available for a personal interview at your
convenience, and I may be reached at (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Leah E. Vough
15A Loop Road
Lititz, PA 17543
April 3, 2009
Ms. Ann Healing
Director of Interns and Fellows Program
International Justice Mission
PO Box 58147
Washington, DC 20037-8147
Dear Ms. Healing:
As a soon-to-be college graduate who is passionate about international human rights issues, I am highly drawn
to the opportunity to work with International Justice Mission in its International Internship Program. I am
thrilled about the prospect of ministering on the frontlines to serve victims of human rights abuses with an
organization completely committed to Christian principles. I believe that an internship with International Justice
Mission would afford me the ability to live out my deep conviction that God desires to use His church to help
victims of injustice.
I first heard about International Justice Mission last fall in my Issues in Global Politics: Human Rights course at
Grove City College. Through recent speaking engagements and research of International Justice Mission’s
website, I have been profoundly moved by the mission of this organization. I believe that my international
experience – coupled with my passion to relieve victims of injustice –make me a strong candidate for your
International Internship Program. I am applying for your Administrative Intern and Communications and
Community Relations Intern positions. Some of my applicable experiences which I believe are beneficial to the
qualities you look for in an International Intern include:
Serving as the leader of a mission trip to Chennai, India – As the organizer of eight students, I learned
how to effectively lead, delegate tasks, and communicate with team members. I worked faithfully to
make sure that all paperwork for visas, fundraising, etc. was completed in a timely and efficient manner.
In addition, I worked diligently to ensure the unity of the team through implementing group activities,
along with faithfully praying for team members and our time in India.
Living in France during the fall of my junior year – Through this experience I gained the invaluable
skills necessary to adapt to and appreciate a new culture and a different people. I obtained a wealth of
knowledge in how to live independently in a foreign environment, and I developed a greater
understanding of how to appreciate different cultures.
I am greatly inspired by the mission and work of International Justice Mission and its strong adherence to
Christian moral values, and I fully support its purpose and objectives. God has lain upon my heart a deep
passion and desire to serve those who are victims of poverty and injustice, and it excites me to think about how
God uses an organization like International Justice Mission to carry out His purposes in the world. I desire to be
a part of this organization’s efforts to bring hope and freedom in Jesus’ name to the nations. Thank you for
considering me for a position with your International Internship Program. Enclosed is my resume for your
review. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Shamina Christian
200 Campus Drive, Box 2035
Grove City College
Grove City, PA 16127
January 27, 2010
Ms. Jane Smith
Chief of Staff
Congressman Joe Pitts Office
420 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Ms. Smith:
A recent conversation with my political science professor, Dr. Paul Kengor, prompted me to look into the Staff
Assistant position which has recently opened up in your office. After doing some research of my own, I became
truly excited about the opportunity to work for Congressman Pitts. His dedication to American foundational
principles and conservative social values immediately piqued my interest.
I believe that the combination of my educational and life experiences lend themselves well to the Staff Assistant
position in your office. An exposure to political activism and the American political process from an early age
instilled in me a desire to keep such freedoms alive. Over the years I have volunteered on numerous Republican
campaigns, both in Pennsylvania and in my home state of Missouri. In addition, I have contributed to the governing
process of my college by serving as Junior Representative for Student Affairs. Both my campaign experience and
my involvement with student government gave me valuable organizational and communication skills. Working
with individuals in situations both amicable and antagonistic has prepared me for work in the public sector, where
grace and poise are essential.
In addition to the skills gained through political involvement, my vocational and academic experiences have
provided me with ample opportunity to develop my writing skills. The demanding, upper level courses I have taken
at Grove City College have taught me how to make efficient and effective use of the written word. My successes in
these courses and my experience as a research assistant are a testament to my mastery in this area. Furthermore,
my internship with Shared Hope International, an international anti-trafficking organization, allowed me to
continue honing these skills through written and editorial work done for Shared Hope staff.
I am confident that my combination of skills and experiences will be a valuable asset to the work that Congressman
Pitts is doing for his constituents in Pennsylvania’s 16th district. I ask that you consider me for the position of Staff
Assistant. If I can be of any assistance to you in the application process, please contact me via email
([email protected]) or telephone ( I appreciate your willingness to consider me for this
opportunity, and look forward to hearing from you.
Eliza C. Thurston
[ Evaluate and Avoid Mistakes]
 Is it addressed to a particular person? If not, try to find a specific person within the
organization to whom you might address it. (There is a lot of information on websites
today or sites like LinkedIn to help you track down individuals.) “Dear Mr. _____” or
“Dear Ms. _____” Otherwise, you can list “Dear Human Resources Representative”,
“Dear Hiring Manager”, or “To Whom It May Concern”.
 Is the name of the person to whom you are sending the letter spelled correctly?
 Does a colon follow the salutation?
 Have you indicated exactly the position for which you are applying, as well as how
you found out about the opening in the first paragraph?
 Have you clearly stated why you are interested in the position and the organization?
 Did you give specific examples of skills related to the position?
 Is the cover letter neat and attractive?
 Have you avoided rewriting your resume?
 Have you limited the use of “I” and “my” at the beginning of each sentence and
varied your sentence structures?
 Did you express appreciation for the employer considering your application?
 Have you told the employer what you can do for the organization, rather than what
they can do for you?
 Is it an original letter rather than a mass-produced copy?
 Is every word spelled correctly?
 Have you verified the use of correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, and
 Have you signed your name? (You can do this electronically or just leave a space if
sending an electronic document.)
 Is it printed on resume paper using a high-quality printer?
 Have you checked the format to ensure you used a 10-12 pt. standard font (Times
New Roman, Arial)—consistent with the font used on your resume—with a one-inch
margin that is single-spaced, inserting a space between paragraphs?