Monroe Doctrine Political Cartoon Key

Name _____________________________________Date _____________________Class _________
US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the
politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US.
1. What is happening in the cartoon? ______________________________________________________
A rooster is guarding a chicken coop by marching back and forth in front of it. _________________________________________________________________________________
The United States 2. Who does the figure in the foreground represent? __________________________________________
3. Who are the figures in the background? See if you can read the names of nations. ________________
European nations, Italy, Germany, England, France. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. What is the message of the cartoon? ____________________________________________________
The U.S. has locked up the European nations with the Monroe Doctrine, which _________________________________________________________________________________
states that the Western Hemisphere is off limits to European settlement.
Name _____________________________________Date _____________________Class _________
US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the
politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US.
1. Describe what is happening in this cartoon._________________________________________________
A man is stopping two men from crossing a line. Uncle Sam, representing the U.S. 2. Who is the figure on the right? __________________________________________________________
Great Britain and Germany.
3. Who are the two figures on the left? ______________________________________________________
The line which says “Monroe Doctrine”. 4. What is the figure on the right pointing to? _________________________________________________
European nations need to stay behind the line of the Monroe
5. What is the message of the cartoon? _____________________________________________________
Doctrine which blocks their entry into Latin America. ___________________________________________________________________________________