Softball - Instructional Rules

Little League 2017 Softball Rule Highlights
Instructional and Minor levels use an 11” softball and pitch from 35 ft. Little (Majors) level
uses a 12” softball and pitch from 40 ft. Junior and Senior league use a 12” softball and
pitches from 43 ft.
Managers and coaches are not allowed to warm up pitchers. (3.09)
Mandatory play - every player on a team roster shall participate in each game for a
minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least 1 (one) time. (IV.i)
Bench/dugouts - no one except the players, manager and 2 coaches shall occupy the
dugout during play. (3.17)
Instructional division - Coaches or other individuals may stand quietly behind the catcher to
aid in ball retrieval.
Continuous Batting – Instructional and Minor league divisions use a continuous batting
order – all players bat. (4.04) Maximum of 5 runs per inning. (definitions-inning)
Batting – After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one
foot throughout the at bat. (6.02c)
Equipment – The bat shall be no more than 33 inches (34 inches for Junior/Senior/Big
League) in length, no more than two and one-quarter inches in diameter. Softball bats in all
divisions of play must have a 1.20 BPF (1.10)
Fielding – Instructional league division – all players will play the field – any player in a noninfield position must play in the grass of the outfield until the ball is hit.
Substitutions - any player in the starting line-up who has been removed for a substitute
may re-enter the game once, in any position in the batting order provided his substitute has
meet the required playing rules. Only a player in the starting line-up may re-enter the game.
Visits to mound - the manager or coach may confer with any other player, including the
catcher, during the visit with the pitcher. (8.06 d)
Number of visits - a manager or coach may come out twice in one inning, but the third time out
the pitcher must be removed. The manager or coach may come out three times in a game,
but the fourth time out, the pitcher must be removed. (8.06 a,b)
 Pinch runner - once each inning a team may utilize a player who is not in the batting order
as a special pinch-runner for any offensive player. A player may only be removed for a
special pinch runner one time during a game. (not applicable for instructional and minor
league when continuous batting order is in effect) (7.14)
 Pitching rules
Instructional League – Coach Pitch Rules
 A coach from the team at bat will take over for the pitcher after a 4-ball count. Strike count
remains. The coach will be allowed to throw 3 pitches or until a swinging strike 3 count. A
bat cannot end with a foul ball. A fouled off 3rd pitch will result in an additional pitch.
 Coach must start pitching with both feet on the rubber from 35 feet.
 When a coach pitches, the pitcher must stand even with or behind the pitching rubber with
1 foot in the circle.
Instructional/Minor/Little League – A player may pitch in a maximum of twelve (12)
innings per game. If a player pitches in seven (7) or more innings in a day, one calendar day
of rest is mandatory. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched in an inning. (vi b)
Junior/Senior League – no pitching restrictions apply.
Any player may be used as a pitcher. There is no limit as to the number of pitchers a team
can use in one game at the Instructional and Minor league levels. No more than 5 pitchers
may be used in one game at the Little and Junior levels. (vi d)
Innings pitched must be recorded on a pitching affidavit and managers of the opposing team
must sign off on the pitching record after each game. Managers can request to see pitching
records from previous games.
Pitcher substitution – Little and Junior Leagues - a pitcher remaining in the game, but
moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game,
but only once in the same inning as they were removed. (vi c)
Junior and Senior Leagues - A pitcher may be withdrawn from the game, offensively or
defensively, and return as pitcher once per inning, provided the return does not violet the
substitution, visits per pitcher of mandatory play rules. The returning pitcher will retain
their number of visits from their previous appearance as pitcher (vi c, 3.03)
Base coaches – base coaches may be a manager or coach only if there is one other adult
manager or coach in the dugout. Base coaches shall not leave the dugout until the pitcher
has completed their warm up pitches. (4.05(b))
Rain outs - games called before they become a regulation game shall be resumed from
exactly where it left off provided 1 or more innings have been played. pg 68 (4.10 (d))
Rain outs should be made up during the week that they occurred. You need to contact
league officer in charge of game rescheduling, as soon as possible but within 24 hours of the
rainout to have the game rescheduled on the earliest open date. The home team manager is
responsible for contacting the visiting team manager with the rescheduled date and time.
Time limits – prior to June 1, there will be a 1½ hour time limit on all instructional, minor,
and little league inter-league games played between La Salle, Peru, Oglesby, Utica, Bi-County
(Magnolia, Tonica, Granville), and Spring Valley (Depue, Ladd). No new inning can begin
after the 1½ hour limit is reached. An inning begins the moment the third out of the inning
is made. Official start times for games are 6:00 & 7:30 pm, however if a game is shortened
because of a 10 run rule or simply moves quickly, the second game can begin asap if both
teams have their players available and are ready to go. The 1½ hour limit on the second
game begins the moment the first pitch is made. After June 1, the time limit becomes 1¾
hour. There will be no time limit on junior and senior level games. (x a & c ) – adjusted by
interleague rules.
Base running / stealing
Dropped Third Strike - Little/Junior/Senior divisions – if the third strike called by the
umpire is not caught, with no runner on first base or 2 outs with a runner on first base, the
batter may run to first base. Note: the batter forfeits her opportunity to advance when she
enters the dugout or another dead ball area. (6.09 b)
Sliding - Any runner is out when the runner does not slide or attempt to get around a
fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag. (7.08 a 3 )
Stealing – Base runners at the minor league level may leave the base once the ball has been
batted or reaches the batter. Base runners at the little and junior league levels may leave the
base once the ball has been released by the pitcher. (7.13)
Instructional division – base running rules
No batter or runner can advance more than two bases on a hit or overthrow.
No headfirst slide when advancing to a base.
No contact rule. The runner does not slide or attempt to get around a fielder who has the
ball and is waiting to make the tag. Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out
at umpire's discretion.
5 run inning - a 5 run maximum inning will be imposed in all instructional and minor
league games. (definitions-inning)
 10 run rule – if after 4 innings at the instructional/minor/little level, or 5 innings at the
junior/senior level (or 3 ½ or 4 ½ innings if home team ahead), one team has a lead of ten
runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the
opponent. (4.10e)d
Safety Rules
On-deck batters - no on deck batters are permitted in instructional, minor or little league
games. Players are not permitted to have bats in their hands in the dugout area. Junior and
senior league permits on deck batters, but same rule applies for players in the dugout area.
(1.08 note 1)
Throat guards - must be worn on all catchers’ masks at all levels including the new style
one-piece masks. Masks must be worn at all times when taking infield practice and warming
up pitchers.
Warm-ups - adult coaches are not permitted to warm up their pitchers between innings or
in the bull pen. Only players on the team in uniform are permitted and must be wearing a
catcher’s mask at all times during the warm-ups.
Batting helmets - batting helmets should remain on until the batter re-enters the dugout
after his at-bat.
Jewelry - no jewelry of any type, watches, rings, pins, necklaces, or other metallic object can
be worn during a game.
Review your league safety manual for more details.
Any questions regarding these rules, consult your rulebook or an
Umpire or league director before your game or tournament play starts.