in this issue calendar

Number 176 Jan-Mar 2012
Legislative Session Opens with Surplus
Town Hall Meetings Held
New SOS Leadership
Day at the Capitol Set
Spring Gala Planned
2nd Annual Pub Trivia
NAMI Award Winners
Family Advocacy Team
10th Annual Research Dinner
Commitment to Research
CIT Training for Prisons
Golf Tourney Aids NAMI
NAMI Support Groups
The state budget forecast was released
in December and there is an estimated
$876 million surplus. It’s important to for
people to know that the budget is balanced due to shifts in education funding,
borrowing against the tobacco funds,
and most importantly, due to decreased
spending in the human services budget,
including the budgets for mental health
services. While many are breathing a
sigh of relief, people need to know that
the surplus will go into the state’s rainy
day fund and that some believe that the
February forecast won’t be as rosy.
NAMI Minnesota’s main focus will be to
protect funding for mental health services and to rally against any further cuts.
Areas of concern include the cuts made
to the CADI waiver and PCA program,
reductions in the children’s and adult
mental health grants, and reductions in
payment rates to mental health providers.
There will be some policy issues that will
be worked on. NAMI is working on a
bill to exempt corporate foster care beds
from closing if they are run by a mental
health provider who has a mental health
professional on staff and to require the
Department of Human Services to establish a certification program for foster
care programs that serve people with a
mental illness.
Another bill is to clarify how day treatment and residential treatment programs
interact with education. NAMI will also
be closely following the Department of
Education’s report and recommendations on the use of prone restraints in the
NAMI members are urged to sign up for
the legislative updates to keep informed
about what is happening at the legislature.
“Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives” Conference
Get to Know NAMI
Jan. 17
Legislative Session Starts
Jan. 24
NAMI Pub Trivia
Jan. 25
Get to Know NAMI
Feb. 7
Mental Health Rally & Day at
the Capitol
Feb. 14
Teacher Training
Feb. 24-26
Get to Know NAMI
Mar. 13
Support Group
Facilitator Training
Apr. 21-22
NAMI Spring Gala
Apr. 28
May is Mental Health Month
Beyond the Baby Blues Conf.
June 12
“Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives”
was the title of NAMI Minnesota’s state
conference held Nov. 5 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
The event drew nearly 300 people to
hear keynoters Dr. Steven Simring of the
LEAP Institute talk on “I Am Not Sick
and I Don’t Need Help” and Dr. BraVada
Garret-Akinsanya of the African American
Child Wellness Institute present on “Creating Change Through Cross-Cultural
Dr. Simring provided examples of persons with Anosognosia, a condition that
prevents people from being aware of
their illness and is often present in people
with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Anosognosia is the reason that many
people refuse or discontinue treatment.
Dr. Steven Simring, center, fields questions
following his presentation at the NAMI state
conference on Nov. 5.
Dr. Simring role-played with an audience
member on how difficult it is to help a
person with this co-diagnosis, and shared
some of the strategies that the LEAP
Institute uses.
LEAP stands for Listen, Empathize,
See “Conference,” p.5
Town Hall Meetings Help Advocates Connect with Legislators
Every year NAMI Minnesota works with
people around the state to educate their
legislators about the issues that affect
people living with mental illnesses and
their families. This fall, NAMI, in collaboration with the Mental Health Association of Minnesota, held ten house parties
and seven town hall meetings with 26
state legislators and several hundred
individuals affected by mental illnesses
throughout Minnesota.
These events gave people the opportunity to share their stories, ask questions
and let legislators know what they can
do to improve the lives of people living
family members, parents of children
living with mental illnesses and providers. People told stories about the services
that have literally saved lives and how
cuts to the programs people rely on have
had devastating impacts on their communities.
Rep. Jean Wagenius and Rep. Jim Davnie of
Minneapolis attended a town meeting on mental
health issues held this fall at Seward CSP.
with mental illnesses. Legislators heard
from people living with a mental illness,
New Leadership for State Operated Services
After a lengthy candidate search, the
Department of Human Services (DHS)
has appointed Patricia Carlson as interim
CEO of State Operated Services (SOS).
She will be responsible for overseeing
SOS operations and exploring how SOS
can best meet the needs of Minnesota
going forward. Carlson previously served
as executive director for the Zumbro Valley Mental Health Center in Rochester as
well as social services director in Olmsted and Rice counties.
The former head of SOS, Mike Tessner,
stepped down to take a position with
the department’s compliance office. DHS
Help NAMI Shape its
Five-Year Strategic Plan
NAMI Minnesota is preparing to
develop its new five-year strategic
plan. To do this, we need your help.
Many of you received a survey in
the mail and there is also one that is
online through the NAMI Minnesota
website. Please take a few minutes
to share your hopes and dreams
about the future of the mental health
system and of NAMI.
plans to permanently appoint someone
to lead SOS in the next 12 to 18 months.
In addition, Cynthia Godin has been
named the new Director of the Adult
Mental Health Division. Goodin is recognized in Minnesota and nationally for
her work on co-occurring disorders and
treatment services as well as in the area
of developing and implementing new
Medicaid-funded services. She is currently leading the Department’s efforts
to implement the 2011 legislation on
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment.
This legislation will help to ensure that
the mental and chemical health system
of care develops a welcoming, accessible,
and comprehensive process for service
delivery and supports the principle of a
“no wrong door” to accessing services.
At every event legislators remarked on
how powerful and eye opening it was for
them to hear people’s stories and how
thankful they were for the opportunity
to learn more about the mental health
system. NAMI’s hope is that legislators
will take these stories and all that they
learned back with them to the Capitol.
NAMI thanks everyone who hosted or
attended an event and helped make
them such an enormous success!
NAMI Minnesota Changes
it’s Email Domain Name
NAMI Minnesota has changed its email
domain to The addresses
still begin with the first letter of the
person’s first name followed by their
last name but instead of they
now end in For example:
[email protected]. The general email address has also changed to
[email protected]. Mail using the
old addresses will be forwarded through
Jan. 31. Please make these corrections to
your email address lists before that time.
Find a list of NAMI staff email addreses
on our website under “About Us.”
Keep Informed, Get E-News
New Board Members
UÊiÌÊ Êˆ˜˜iÜÌ>½ÃÊvÀiiʇ iÜÃletter twice a month. To sign up, go to
UÊ,iViˆÛiÊ Êˆ˜˜iÜÌ>½Ãʇ iÜÏiÌter on Children’s Mental Health. To sign
up, go to
New board members (Lto R): Pat Seppanen, Tracey
Newman and Kathleen Westerhaus.
UÊiVœ“iÊ>ÊvÀˆi˜`Ê>˜`ÊvœœÜÊ Ê
Minnesota on Facebook – find the link at
Valentines for Mental Health Day at the Capitol
This year’s Mental Health Day on the
Hill will be held Tuesday, February 14
(Valentine’s Day). Last year’s legislative
session was one of the toughest in decades. While advocates were able to save
a number of important programs, mental
health services still faced massive cuts.
It is vital that NAMI members continue
to educate legislators about the importance of funding the services and supports people with mental illnesses and
their families rely on. Please join us and
make your voice heard!
Valentines Day!
Dear Legislator,
I Love someone with a mental illness.
Please restore the funding for
needed mental health services.
Yours truly,
NAMI Minnesota Member
Since this year’s rally is on Valentine’s
Day we will be sending legislators valentines about what we would “love to
see” in the mental health system. Even if
you can’t make it out for the rally, please
send your legislator a valentine urging
them to support mental health services.
New NAMI Staff will
Assist Parents
The event will begin with an informational briefing at Christ Lutheran Church
in St. Paul at 10:00 a.m., followed by a
NAMI Minnesota welcomed two new
staff members in December. Kristy Collier is the new parent leader. She will
teach classes on children’s mental health
and assist with parent programs in Dakota and Scott counties by reaching out
to families who need information and
support. Kristy is a parent trainer for the
MN Dept. of Human Services, conducting training for mental health behavioral
aides. She is also the parent of a child
with a mental illness.
rally in the Capitol Rotunda at Noon.
People are encouraged to arrange meetings with their legislators between 1:00
p.m. and 2:30 p.m. that afternoon.
Buses Available
The Mental Health Legislative Network
has chartered four buses, each beginning
in different locations across Minnesota,
to make it easier for people to attend.
Check the NAMI Minnesota website or
call 1-888-NAMI-Helps to find out if
there is a bus coming through your area.
There is no charge to ride any of the
buses but registration is required since
space is limited. To reserve a seat, please
contact Matt Burdick at 651-645-2948
x107 or [email protected]. All
buses are expected to arrive at Christ
Lutheran Church by 9:45 a.m. and will
depart St. Paul around 3:00 p.m.
NAMI on HealthCare Exchange Committee
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton has appointed 11 people to the Health Care
Exchange committee, which also includes four legislators and the commissioners of commerce, health, and human
NAMI Minnesota executive director
Sue Abderholden was appointed to the
Lisa Carmichael is the new coordinaNAMI Fall Interns
tor of the experienced parent program,
which provides one-on-one parent-toparent support and advocacy for families
residing in Dakota County. This program
supports families that have children
living with a mental illness or challenging behaviors by helping them develop
coping skills and locate community
resources. Lisa is the parent of three
children, one of whom has a mental illness. She has been working with families Three college interns assisted NAMI’s efforts this
fall. From left to right: Grants intern Heather Anone-on-one through the experienced
derson from St. Catherine/St. Thomas University,
parent project prior to moving into the
and Policy Research interns Sean Donovan and Erin
Bodeau, from the University of Minnesota.
coordinator role.
committee, along with representatives
from the insurance industry, health care
providers, small businesses, counties,
unions, and community organizations.
The HealthCare Exchange committee has
been meeting nearly every other week as
several key issues need to be decided in
order for the exchange to be up and running by January 2014.
NAMI is very interested in how the exchange will operate because the federal
health care law requires exchanges to
include mental health care coverage
and states can exceed what the federal
government determines to be essential
NAMI is also concerned that there be
transparency in terms of coverage and
drug formularies and that people have
access to health care navigators.
NAMI Spring Gala Plans Rockin’ Good Time
The NAMI Spring Gala will be held on
April 28 at the Metropolitan Ballroom
in Golden Valley. This year’s Gala will
feature a “50’s” theme and music by the
Rockin’ Hollywoods. Don’t miss this
fabulously fun event. Enjoy a D’Amico
catered dinner and join in silent and live
auctions to benefit NAMI’s programs
of education, support and advocacy.
Gala Sponsorship &
Advertising Opportunities
Become a sponsor of the 2012 Spring
Gala – Music for the Mind or purchase
advertisement space in the event program. Increase your company’s visibility
and present positive messages about
your business identity to potential customers, future employees and current
stakeholders while supporting NAMI.
For more information, please contact
Michelle at [email protected] or call
Second Annual Pub
Trivia Event
Beat the winter blues, brave the
cold and join us to play Pub Trivia
on Wednesday, January 25 at
Honey in Northeast Minneapolis.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Arrive
early to get your table and order
food & beverages. Trivia begins at
6:30 p.m. promptly.
Teams consist of a maximum of
five people. The cost to play is $15
per person or $75 per team – all
proceeds go to NAMI. Location:
Honey, 205 E. Hennepin Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55414. Parking is
available at meters or in the garage
on 2nd street. We expect to sellout
so reserve your spot by contacting
Michelle at [email protected]
or by calling 651-645-2948 ext.
Anti-Stigma Posters
There will be dancing and “50’s” attire
is desired but not required. Tickets are
limited and an early sellout is expected
again this year. Register at or by mail – watch for invitations.
Seeking Auction Items
We invite you to help raise funds for
NAMI by donating to the 2012 silent
auction. Popular items include: trips,
vacation homes, experiences like special
dinners, celebrity meetings, boating,
theme parties or book events. Everyone
loves gift certificates for restaurants,
spas or entertainment and who can
resist jewelry, sporting goods and wine!
For a donation form call Laura Ibsen at
651-645-2948 or visit our website under
Spring Gala – Music for the Mind.
Mental Illness
Awareness Billboards
Five NAMI billboards went up in the
Twin Cities in December and another
five will be posted in April thanks to a
donation from Emily & Bing Carlin. The
billboards show a group of individuals
with the caption “Mental Illness Affects
Everyone,” along with NAMI’s phone
number and website location.
NAMIWalks St. Cloud
The first annual satellite NAMIWalks
was held on Sept. 24, in St. Cloud. With
over 300 walkers and 26 teams, NAMI
St. Cloud filled Whitney Memorial Park
with hope. Walkers raised over $15,000.
Proceeds will benefit the NAMI St.
Cloud affiliate and other local affiliates
who walked in St. Cloud. Thanks to
NAMIWalks St. Cloud sponsors: HealthPartners Central Minnesota Clinics, St.
Cloud Hospital, Regional Diagnostic
Radiology PA, St. Cloud Surgical Center, and Vietnam Veterans of America,
Chapter 290 St. Cloud.
Tom Geskerman, Vice President of Operations at Regions Hospital; Mary Brainerd, President and CEO of
HealthPartners; Karen Lloyd, Sr. Director Behavioral
Health Strategy and Operations at HealthPartners;
and Wendy Waddell, Director of Inpatient Mental
Health Services at Regions Hospital reviewed posters created by NAMI for the Hospital Anti-stigma
project at a meeting of the East Metro Mental Health
Get to Know NAMI
Get to Know NAMI provides a deeper
understanding as to how NAMI’s mission directly affects the lives of children
and adults living with a mental illness
and their families. Get to Know NAMI
meetings are scheduled for Jan. 17, Feb.
7, Mar. 13, Apr. 17 and May 9, from
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the NAMI office. For information or to RSVP, contact
Kay at 651.645.2948 x113 or kking@
In Sympathy
Our condolences to the families of two
NAMI friends and advocates who died
this fall. Jeff Kaner, a dedicated NAMI
volunteer involved in advocacy and education, died on Nov. 1. Jeff was a very
gracious and caring person who worked
very hard on his own recovery and also
to support others. He was 41.
Ted Arneson, a longtime advocate,
passed away on Nov. 21 at the age of
87. Ted was a businessman who became
active in advocacy with NAMI and other
organizations following his experiences
with severe clinical depression. He also
helped establish a depression treatment
program at St. Mary’s Hospital in Minneapolis.
NAMI Minnesota
2011 Award Winners
Provider of the Year
Thad Wilderson & Associates
Guild Incorporated
Professional of the Year
Richard Oni
Abi Gewirtz
Faith Community of the Year
Bethel Baptist Church, Mankato
Legislator of the Year
Representative John Ward
Senator Tony Lourey
Criminal Justice Award
Judge Sally Tarnowski
Volunteer of the Year
Faye Wendland
Special Events Volunteer
Nancy Silesky
Volunteer Couple of the Year
Vicki and Tom Mcloskey
Employer of the Year
Stillwater Super 8
Media Award
Bill Werner
Program Volunteer of the Year
Louise Newsome
Thad Wilderson & Associates staff members.
Richard Oni, Thad Wilderson and Grace Tangjerd
Schmitt for Guild Incorporated.
Bill Werner, Judge Sally Tarnowski, Sen. Tony
Lourey, and Rep. Bill Ward.
Faye Wendland
Bethel Baptist Church Pastor David J. Banfield and
NAMI Mankato leader Julie Soper.
Vicki and Tom Mcloskey, Louise Newsome, Nancy
Silesky and Lori Roll for the Stillwater Super 8.
Conference...continued from p.1
Therapeutic Horticulture, School-Linked
Mental Health Services, Employment
and Recovery and Yoga Calm to Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Special
Needs of Caregivers. There were also
more than a dozen educational booths
on various programs and supportive
Agree, Partner. It involves building a
relationship with a person rather than
trying to convince the person they are ill
and need help, and relies on reflective
listening – repeating back to a person
what you hear so they know that they
are understood.
Dr. Garret-Akinsanya gave a stirring
presentation on the value of understanding the cultural differences of people in
order to be successful in helping them
Guild Incorporated staff members.
The conference also featured 15 workshops on a wide variety of current
mental health issues. Topics ranged from
Immediately following the state conference, NAMI Minnesota held its annual
meeting and elected three new board
members: Pat Seppanen, Tracey Newman and Kathleen Westerhaus. Re-elected to the board were Fred LaFleur and
Don Eubanks.
Renewing Your Membership
Your NAMI membership renewal date
is printed on the mailing label of your
newsletter. Your membership makes
NAMI stronger!
Family Advocacy Team for Supported Employment Programs
In October a group of NAMI Minnesota
members and Dept. of Human Services
staff went to New Hampshire for a training to become a family advocacy team
for supported employment.
Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and Johnson & Johnson Corporate
Contributions have long researched
and advocated for Individual Placement
and Support (IPS), an evidence-based
approach to helping people with mental illnesses obtain and maintain competitive employment. Three years ago
Dartmouth branched out to train Family
Advocacy Teams from NAMI organizations in order to build partnerships
between providers and advocates and to
build a movement to engage policymakers on this important issue.
Minnesota’s team includes NAMI’s
executive director Sue Abderholden,
Progression Classes
NAMI Minnesota recently completed
two series of Progression classes for
teens ages 13 to 19 that live with a mental illness. The classes are peer taught by
trained facilitators. They help teens by
offering them the chance to talk to other
kids about issues they are dealing with
in a positive format in a safe space. For
more on upcoming Progression classes,
contact the NAMI office.
“Employment is an extremely
important factor in a person’s
raising awareness in culturally and ethnically diverse communities and distributing information to legislators.
Minnesota’s family advocacy team for employment
attended a training this fall in New Hampshire.
They are (L to R): Melinda Shamp, DHS staff; Debra
Jacoway, NAMI member; Shelly White, DHS staff;
Sue Abderholden, NAMI Minnesota’s executive
director; Patty Holycross, NAMI Grand Rapids Area;
Renee Zorn, NAMI member; and Donna Fox, NAMI
Minnesota’s program director.
NAMI’s program director Donna Fox,
Renee Zorn, parent of a transition age
child; Debra Jacoway, a family member
and on NAMI’s African American Advisory Committee; and Patty Holycross, a
parent of an adult living with a mental
illness who lives in greater Minnesota.
Also in attendance were Melinda Shamp
and Shelley White with the Minnesota
Dept. of Human Services (DHS) Adult
Mental Health Division.
The team has developed goals and objectives for the upcoming three years of the
project. The first year’s activities include
identifying people who have received IPS
and are willing to share their story, developing materials specific to Minnesota,
and creating and delivering a 20 and
50 minute presentation on employment
for the public and schools. These will
include information on NAMI classes,
In addition, a key aspect of the project
is linking local affiliates with current
IPS providers. The team wants to make
sure that a NAMI member is on the local
IPS advisory committee and that strong
advocates for IPS are developed. A listing
of all the current providers of IPS can be
found on NAMI’s website.
Employment is an extremely important
factor to a person’s recovery. The IPS
model provides for zero exclusion, competitive employment, rapid job search,
time unlimited support, integration with
treatment, benefits counseling, systematic job development and attention to
people’s preferences.
A recent study of IPS found that people
increased their income and self-esteem
and had reduced their symptoms and
substance abuse. The return on investment in IPS was shown in a study by
Hennepin County: For every $1 invested
they received $6.25 in return (taxes
paid, fewer hospitalization, etc.). NAMI
is excited to join with 12 other states to
advocate for employment and IPS.
NAMI’s Advocacy Honored
Integrating Mental Health and Pediatric Care
The national NAMI has developed a
new family guide on Integrating Mental
Health and Pediatric Primary Care. The
guide provides families with practical
information on how to become more involved in the integrated care movement
to improve the quality of care that their
child receives.
NAMI recieved the Public Advocacy & Government
Relations Award from the MN Association of
Community Mental Health Programs this fall.
Integrated care presents youth and
families with unique opportunities to
actively participate with both primary
care and mental health providers in
the integration of their care. The guide
informs families about what integrated
care means, the benefits of integrated
care, what it looks like in practice, how
it impacts youth and families and what
they can do to become involved in the
integrated care movement. The family
guide is available to download and order
Tenth Annual Research Dinner on Mental Illnesses, Feb. 28
The National Alliance on Mental Illness
(NAMI) of Minnesota and the University
of Minnesota will host their 10th Annual
Research Dinner on Feb. 28, at Radisson Hotel, 2540 North Cleveland Avenue, in Roseville. The event will feature
Minnesota’s leading researchers on the
treatment of mental illnesses. Seating
“The event will feature Minnesota’s
leading researchers on the treatment of mental illnesses.”
begins at 5:30 p.m. and the dinner and
program starts at 6:00 p.m. The cost
NAMI Selected as NIMH Outreach Partner
ties on current research on the treatment
of mental illnesses and promote more
involvement in NIMH and National
Institute of Health (NIH) research.
For more information on NIMH research
programs go to
NAMI Minnesota has been selected to be
part of the National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH) Outreach Partnership
Program for 2012 and up to two additional years after that. This will allow
NAMI to increase its educational activi-
Training Offered for Support Group Leaders
Training of Family-to-Family, NAMI
Connection, Vet Connection, Sons &
Daughters and Open Door support group
facilitators will be held April 20-22 in St.
If you are interested in this training, go
to NAMI Minnesota’s webstie for an application, or contact volunteer resources
director Laura Winterstein at 651-6452948 x110 or [email protected].
NAMI Minnesota’s support groups are
peer based and provide a place that offers NAMI Launches New
respect, understanding, encouragement,
Daughters & Sons
and hope. Facilitators are not counselSupport Group
ors or teachers; rather, they are present
primarily to give the group structure by
opening and closing each support group NAMI Minnesota is launching a new
session, guiding discussion, and shifting support group specifically for adults
with a parent who lives or lived with a
discussion when necessary.
mental illness.
NAMI Connection Training
Ten new NAMI Connection support group leaders
were trained this fall. For a list of NAMI Connection
support groups, see p. 12.
The new Daughters and Sons Support
Group will meet at the Maple Grove
Library at 8001 Main Street North in
Maple Grove, MN on Jan. 24, 2012 from
7:00 – 8:30 PM. It will then meet on the
third Tuesday of every month beginning
Feb. 21, 2012.
For more information, please contact
facilitator Jennifer Thomas at 612-8456619.
is $35 for NAMI members or $45 for
non-members. For information and registration, call 651-645-2948 or 1-888NAMI-Helps, or go to www.namihelps.
LGBTQ Support Group
NAMI Minnesota has started a NAMI
Connection support group for those living in the LGBTQ community and their
allies. The group meets every Saturday
from 1:00-2:30 at Minnehaha Spirit of
the Lakes Church, 4001 38th Avenue
South, in Minneapolis.
The support group is a safe place to confront the challenges that many members
of LGBTQ communities face including
low self-esteem, social isolation, stigma,
discrimination, anxiety and depression.
For information, contact Kim at 763260-1175.
Join NAMI in the Lobby
Are you a family member of someone
living with a mental illness? Join NAMI
in the Lobby volunteers to provide support and resources to family members
visiting their loved one in a hospital
inpatient psychiatric unit. Several metro
area hospitals are implementing the
program: Regions, St. Joseph’s, United,
Prairie Care, HCMC, and others. To find
out more, contact Cheryl at 651-6452948 x116.
Daughters & Sons Training
Leaders were trained this fall to facilitate NAMI’s
new Daughters & Sons support groups. The first
group is set to start Jan. 24 in Maple Grove.
Renewing the Commitment to Research on Mental Illnesses
A two-day conference was recently held
in Minneapolis on Brain Science: The
Next Frontier. This built on the work of
the “One Mind for Research” campaign,
co-founded by Congressman Patrick
Kennedy and businessman Garen Staglin
and launched in May 2011 to facilitate
the sharing of resources and findings in
order to find cures for a range of brain
disorders including Alzheimer’s Disease
and schizophrenia.
The conference was attended by scientists, medical experts and policymakers from around the world. There were
strong references to President Kennedy’s
challenge to reach the moon – the new
frontier. At the end, the organizers proposed the creation of a new International
Center of Excellence for Neuroscience
and Psychiatry to be headquartered
in Minnesota and led by Dr. Charles
Conference speakers included Peter
Agre, former Congressman and Research
advocate Patrick Kennedy, Johnson &
Johnson Neuroscientist Husseini Manji,
and Global Health Initiative Director
Lois Quam. Former Norwegian Prime
Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, who has
lived with depression, spoke about fighting the stigma of mental illnesses.
NAMI Minnesota’s executive director
Sue Abderholden spoke to the conferees,
saying, “President Kennedy was able to
demonstrate that if we put our resources,
New NAMI Fact Sheets
NAMI Minnesota has new fact sheets
available on metabolic syndrome, seclusion and restraints in schools, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), co-occurring
mental health and substance use disorders, and Integrated Dual Diagnosis
Treatment. The fact sheets are available
free on NAMI Minnesota’s website,, or by calling 1888-NAMI-Helps.
“The conference was attended
by scientists, medical experts
and policymakers from around
the world.”
hearts and minds behind a goal, we can
achieve it. Your gathering here in Minnesota and across the country and the
world provides hope that we will in fact
see a renewed commitment to researching the causes of mental illnesses and
other disorders affecting the brain.
“If we are to reach our “moon” we need
to advocate for an improved mental
health system, true equality under our
health care system, funding for treatment, services, supports and, yes,
funding for research. And you as scientists, researchers and mental health
professionals cannot do it without us.
You need the children and adults with
mental illnesses and their families coming forward and saying that the time is
now; that this last frontier needs to be
explored and crossed.”
Clubhouses Approved as Evidence-Based Practice
Clubhouse model programs for people
with mental illnesses gained acceptance
as an evidence-based practice this past
summer after careful research studies
by the Substance Abuse Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA). The
designation is important because evidence-based practices, by demonstrating
their effectiveness, are more likely to
receive mental health funding from the
government and other sources.
Researchers studied three main areas:
employment, quality of life, and perceived recovery from a mental illness
and found Clubhouses that use the
International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD) model successful in
all three areas.
Most Clubhouses throughout the world
already have long been aware of the
positive impact they have on people’s
lives and recovery, but the endorsement of their importance reinforces their
efforts to provide effective services for
people with serious mental illnesses and
helps get them funded.
Community support services or targeted
case management services are often
provided by ICCD Clubhouses. The new
certification for the clubhouses means
that these and other services can now be
identified for Medicaid reimbursement if
they haven’t already.
There are over 200 ICCD Clubhouses in
the United States. A clubhouse program
is a community-based psychosocial rehabilitation program in which the member, with staff assistance, is engaged in
operating all aspects of the Clubhouse.
Clubhouses are built upon the belief that
every member can sufficiently recover
from the effects of mental illness to lead
a personally satisfying life.
The United States Clubhouse Coalition (USCC), a network of Clubhouses
throughout the U.S. is assisting with the
implementation of ICCD standards for
Clubhouse programs.
Beyond the Baby Blues
Conference - Save the Date
Mark your calendar and plan to attend
the 7th Annual Beyond the Baby Blues
Conference on June 12. The all-day conference is designed to educate professionals and families about mood disorders and anxiety before, during and after
pregnancy. It will be held at the University of Minnesota Continuing Education
Center in St. Paul. More details will be
in the next newsletter.
CIT Training for Prisons Gets Rave Reviews
In early November, the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) conducted its first 40-hour Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training at its prison
in Stillwater. The training was a huge
success—participants gave rave reviews
of the class, saying things like, “In my
18 years in corrections, this is the best
training I have received.”
Graduates included 28 DOC corrections
officers from the prisons in Stillwater,
Rush City and Oak Park Heights. Jim
McAllister, corrections supervisor at the
Hennepin County Adult Correctional
Facility in Plymouth, also participated in
the training and hopes to bring CIT to
his facility sometime in 2012.
DOC and NAMI Minnesota worked
closely for nearly a year to plan and
introduce the agency’s CIT program.
This was a big undertaking, as DOC
runs nine adult prisons and employs
many hundreds of corrections officers.
CIT champions from the Ramsey and
Olmsted County Sheriff’s Offices and the
Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Departments advised the group along the way.
During the weeklong training, officers
spent nearly half of the training practicing their verbal de-escalation skills with
professional crisis actors. Pro Crisis
Booklet on Navigating the
Juvenile Justice System
NAMI’s new booklet Advocating for a
Child with a Mental Illness in Minnesota’s Juvenile Justice System answers
questions such as: What if my child
is sent to a juvenile detention center?
What does my child’s attorney need to
know? What can I expect in court? How
can I help my child prepare to leave a
correctional or treatment facility? How
should I handle a mental health crisis?
What do I need to know about calling law enforcement? For a copy of the
booklet, visit or call
(651) 645-2948.
Graduates of a CIT training held in November
included 28 DOC corrections officers from prisons
in Stillwater, Rush City and Oak Park Heights. Photo
courtesy of the DOC.
company owner Patti Kressly wrote crisis
scenarios to reflect the kinds of situations that arise in the prisons, and she
hired and trained actors specifically for
DOC’s CIT initiative.
The officers also left the training premises to learn more about the types of
mental health services people use when
they leave prison. Staff at Canvas Health
in Oakdale and Recovery Resource Center in Minneapolis gave the officers tours
and spoke about the services available at
their agencies. Some current and former
clients volunteered to speak with the officers about their experiences living with
mental illnesses and addictions, as well
as in treatment and recovery.
It took a lot of hard work by many people to make CIT happen at DOC. NAMI
especially thanks Steve Allen (director
of behavioral health), Terry Carlson (assistant commissioner), Michelle Smith
(Stillwater warden), Terry Jorgenson
(Stillwater psychological services director), Kent Grandlienard (Oak Park
Heights warden), John King (Rush City
warden), Steve Hammer (Stillwater associate warden), Joel Linker (DOC employee development trainer), Tammy Lisowy
(Lino Lakes mental health professional),
and NAMI members Dan Parnell, Albert
Garcia and Louise Newsome for the
hours they have put into CIT. NAMI also
thanks DOC Commissioner Tom Roy
and Dep. Commissioner David Crist for
supporting CIT so strongly.
More about CIT
The CIT model was developed to provide education and training to help law
enforcement and corrections officers
handle mental health calls more effectively and safely. CIT begins with an
in-depth 40-hour training where participants learn to recognize the signs and
symptoms of mental illnesses, de-escalate
a mental health crisis safely and connect
the individual to mental health resources
in the community.
CIT is more than just training, however.
It creates a partnership between law
enforcement, the mental health system
and mental health advocates in the community. NAMI’s executive director Sue
Abderholden observed, “That partnership allows all of us to be effective in our
respective roles because we understand
each other better. We know who to call
when we need help from one of those
partners, and we know what to ask for
when we make that call.”
CIT has existed since 1988, when a
Memphis, Tennessee police officer fatally
shot a man with a serious mental illness. Minnesota had a similar incident
in 2000, bringing significant attention to
the need to train and partner with local
law enforcement. Both in Minnesota and
nationwide, the CIT model has taken off.
Now hundreds of communities in over
35 states have adopted CIT for its law
enforcement and corrections staff.
CIT is going strong in Ramsey County.
Since 2009, the county’s Adult Mental
Health Division, Sheriff’s Office and
NAMI Minnesota have partnered to
bring CIT training to nearly 200 officers
from the Anoka, Dakota and Washington County jails and numerous metro
area cities. They have also trained St.
Paul Fire, Metro Transit, 89 dispatch officers and others. For more information
about CIT or NAMI’s criminal justice
work, please contact Anna McLafferty at
[email protected].
Golf Tournament Aids Suicide Prevention Efforts
The third annual DanO Golf Tournament and Banquet was held at the Minnesota Valley Country Club in Bloomington on Monday, Sept. 19 to help raise
funds for suicide prevention. The event
was in memory of Dan Olsen. The funds
will be used to support NAMI’s means
restriction education program. The
tournament doubled its attendees this
year and presented a check to NAMI for
$9,600! They have bigger plans for next
year’s event, already set for Monday,
Sept. 17, 2012. For information, go to
BENEFACTOR ($500-$999)
– General operating
– General operating
UÊ-՘`>˜ViÊ>“ˆÞʜ՘`>̈œ˜ÊqÊi˜eral operating
The DanO Golf Tournament presented a check to
NAMI for $9,600 for its suicide means restriction
program. Pictured are: Mark Olsen, NAMI executive
director Sue Abderholden, NAMI developent
director Michelle Greene and Royce McEwen.
Thanks Retiring Affiliate Leaders for Decades of Service
McCarthy of NAMI Tri-County and Fran
and Jerry Warzeha of NAMI Hennepin
County for their outstanding leadership
within their affiliate.
NAMI Minnesota extends its deepest
gratitude to six long-time NAMI members who have generously dedicated
their time and talent to their communities for decades in support of people
living with mental illnesses and their
Without the passion and perseverance
of these and all our affiliate leaders and
volunteers, NAMI Minnesota could not
have grown into the movement it is
NAMI would like to thank Karen
Lawrence and Mary Cook of NAMI
Southwest Minnesota, Pat and Shirley
In Memory of
Susan Abderholden & Lee Keller
Advance Consulting LLC
Susan E. Brown
Richard Carlbom
Bryan Carr
Amy K. Crawford & Alice Johnson
Wendy Dobres
Robin Doroshow &
Richard Kronfeld
Roger & Mindy Greiling
Daniel & Susan Hanson
Sheila Heskin
Joseph Kaner
Ann Kaner-Roth
Chuck Krueger
Benjamin R. Latz
Ann Kaner-Roth
Erica Mauter
Judy Pierotti
Jeffrey Richman & Karen Casanova
Rebecca Skoler
Jill Sletten
Steve Susens
Russ Testa
Sonny Ward
Shelley & Tony White
Merrilee Kinney & Dan
Mary Kay Van Kempen
Mary S. Adey
Marilyn Boe
William & Heather Brands
Judith Carlson
Dawn M. Cordes
Thomas & Florence Farnham
Brenda K. Griffin-Wagner
Osiris Guzman
Paul A. Lefebvre &
Carolyn D. Silflow
Paul & Sharon Quast
Kristine M. Rich
C. L. Wiehle & R. J. Teresi
H. John Wagner
Steven & Annette Anderson
Ruth Arneson
Citizens Independent Bank
Phillip & Anna Gerber
James F. Hart
Dale A. Hulme & Susan P. Quist
Glenn & Claire Laedtke
AnnaJean MaGinnis & Joseph Lee
Shirley Ohnesorge
Kirk & Suzanne E.N. Thompson
Donald Urban & Jeffery Eisenberg
Eleanor Edstrom & Joanne Minnetti
Philip & Marilyn Froiland
Roger & Mindy Greiling
Matthew & Angela Greiling Keane
Linda Lunde
Curtis & Ramona Pearson
Osty Swain
Joseph & Linda Lipari
Hazel Angell
Joyce Angell & Randy Rylander
Dick & Sue Abel
Laura Bennett
Marguerite & John Blinn &
Ann McCabe
Mary Colson-Burns
Mary Hoiland
Ruth Lee & Gretchen Robertson
Wren Aigaki-Lander
Steven Block
Suzanne Block
Kathryn Carley
Keely Herron
Jody Herron Hale
Ronald Miller
Marnie S.Moore
Erin Prelypchan
Denise J. Sucik
Lawrence & Mary Jane Benjamin
Michael & Gail Dorsey
Marvin Drake
Jessica Greenstein
Paul & Deborah Heisel
Mary Morehouse &
Gregory Kruse
Janice & John Lindau
William &
Hannelore Matthews
B.H. Melzarek
Robert & Susan Milis
Myrna & Lyle Nelson
Barbara & Mark Ney
William & Gail Wik
ADVOCATE ($1,000-$4,999)
Foundation – General operating
– General operating
– General operating
VISIONARY ($5,000-$9,999)
ÊÕ݈ˆ>ÀÞÊ,œÃiÊ՘`ÊqÊ Ê
activities in Anoka County
Foundation – East metro education
– General operating
Uʏˆâ>Li̅Ê+Ո˜>˜ÊœÕ˜`>̈œ˜ÊqÊi˜eral operating
IRIS CIRCLE ($10,000+)
Uʈ}iœÜʜ՘`>̈œ˜ÊqÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê-Õ«ports in Recovery
Janet Nelson-Schwartz
In Honor of
Sue Abderholden and the
legislative committee
Ann Kaner-Roth
Eva Traff
Karin A. Nelson
Christopher Simondet
Gene & Marilyn Martin
Contributions Sept. 21
to Dec. 21, 2011
Individual & Family ($3-$49)
Margaret Allegrini
John D. Alt
Gary Anderson
Heather Anderson
Donna Anfinson
Chris Antoff
John & Mary Ann Armstrong
Deb Austin
Sharon Autio
James & Suzanne Babin
Kari Bablev
Jeanne Barkey
Sandy Bauer
Mike Bedtka
Elaine Beitelspacher
Susanne Benson
Kathryn Bentson
Derek Berg
Marlene M. Berg
Cheryl Bernstein
Dawn Taylor & Bethany Kabacinski
Michelle Beuning
Holly Biggins
Randy Blasing
Jan & Ralph Boeckers
Dorothy Bogle
Sue Bohlmann
Jeanine Bontrager
Jeanne Born
Lee & Laurie Brandt
Brian & Deborah Brattlof
Rita Brenner
Sue Brown
Mathew Brown
Jim Brown
Kevin Brown
Allen Cadwell
Diane Carmichael
Timothy Carter
Claire Chang & Dave Kippen
Joe & Michelle Cherrier
Susan Clandon
Nichelle Clater
Maddy Cohen
Robert Colby
Cheryl & Pat Connolly
Renee Cournoyer
Mary Frances Cox & Geraldine
Irv & Suzanne Crandall
Mary Dabrowski
Christopher Davis
Patrick Day
Laura Dingels
Renee Doll
Kristine Doornbos
Joseph & Janet Dougherty
Lynda Dropik
Barbie Dropps
Sandra Drvota
Faye Duvall
Tammy Eastep
Louise Echola
Linde Eckstrom
Bernice Edwards
Lindsay Egelston
Gale Erdmann
Linda Evenson
Wanda Ewert
Helen Fagnant
William H. & Marilyn Fairman
Cynthia Fashaw & Breanna Young
Aaron Felix
William Fernow
Jessica Flynn
Joanne Ford
Debby Frenzel
Richard & Jean Fritz
Carole Gaskell & Michael Johnson
Vernon Gaskell
Cari Gelle
Diane Gibbons
Julie Gordon
Sue Greenwood
Heidi Guevara
Wendy Haake
Marc & Ellen Hadley
Bob & Bonnie Hammer
Marilyn V. Hammer
Chad Hansen
Dale Hanson
Mike & Judy Hardy
Marquerite Harrington
Diane Harstad
Jim & Janet Hatch
Tim & Susan Hatch
Tani Hemmila
Fran Hendrickson
Steve & Wendy Hennes
Julie Higgins
Karen Hobart
Angela Hocking
Wendy Hoffman
Terri Sue Holden
Susan Houdek
Caitlin Houlton
Millie Howard
Margaret Hubbs
Judy Innes
Lenora Ireland
Betty J. Johnson
Christine Johnson
Elizabeth J. Johnson
Jeffery Johnson
Connie & Gary Johnson
Galen Johnson
Carol Jones
Pam Judkins
Paul & Jill Kadera
Craig & Marybeth Kasl
John Kayfes
Jayme Kellington
Cheryl A. Keynes
Julie Kilber
Heather Kimmerle
Maureen King
Merrilee Kinney & Dan
Daniel Kippley
Gloria Knoblauch
Ruth Kock
Linda Kopp
Nancy Kraulik
Douglas Krueger
Ray & Patty Kukowski
Gary & Sherry Lampman
Larry Lang
Steve Larson
Idell Ann Larson
Gina Lasher
John & Dorine Laudenbach
Greg LaValie
Ruth Leathers
Sung Lee
Rebecca S. Lee
Steven Lee
Christian Lewis
Diana Leyk
Paul Liffrig
Theodore Lindelien
Bob & Diane Linngren
Karen Lloyd & John Schnibben
Tessa Loken
Mary Jean Loomis
Ryan Loudon
James Lovick
Shelley Lovsted
Sherry Lowe
Antoinette Luconic
Melissa Lutz
Natalie Lutz
Michael Mack
Heather MacLaughlin & Alan
Laurie MacLeod & Todd Stitt
Marion Makinen
Ann Maland
Dave & Laurie Marshall
Peggy & Bill Marshall
Curtis C. Martinson
Helena Mason
Joe & Mary Beth McConkey
Judy McCormick
Peter & Charlotte McDermott
Anne G. McKinley
Doug Mewhorter
Nancy Michael
Karen Michelson
Octavia Miles
Kenneth Millard
Clarence & Joanne Miller
Cheryl Miller
Rita Miller
Elizabeth A. Milne
Nancy Minahan
Susan Mitchell
Eric Mize
Mary Moe
Joseph & Gitte Mohr
Jeff Morgan
Mountain Reading Service
Kay Mulkey & Family
Dawn Nakashima
NAMI Hennepin County
Gloria Nelson
Sharyl Nelson
Laura Niesen
Florence Njoyi
Traci & Terry Ocana
Joan Oko
Shawn Olndahl
Laura A. Olson
Deb Ost & Steve Olsen
Tom Oswalt
Candee Palmer
Linda Palmer
Patricia Parker
Leanne M. Patchen
Donna & Ron Peterson
P.J. Peterson
Danielle Pierce
Joelle Pink
Stephen W. Plunkett
Duane & Carol Poliwoda
Velma Pregler
Madeline Primmer & Gerald
Primmer, Jr.
Judy Rangel
Marna Reilly
Courtney Remes Riach
Diann Renaas
Robert & Linda Ritchie
Catherine Roach
Jim & Jennie Rodlund
Charlotte A. Roeber
June Rogalla
Mary Rogers & David Rogers
Joe Roland & Cassie Roland
Eric Romo
Jeff Ronning
Karen Rousseau
Heikki Rouvinen
Ruth Keenan Ryan
Pat Samson
DeeDee Schirmers
Steff Schneekloth
Torey Seiler
Richard Seurer
Diane Severson
Zoey Severson
Fatemeh Seyfollah-Fard
Kathleen Shannon
Scott & Karleen Shellum
Terry & Marlene Shelstad
Melanie Shepard & Alan Netland
Kimberia Sherva
Lori Simmons
Melissa Simon
Mary K. Slaughter
Terry Smith
Jo Anne Solum
James & Julie Soper
Lelia Spencer
Rosalie Steele
Dick & Stacia Stenholtz
Rick Stevens
Kris Stoffel
Ron & Teresa Storlie
Rosella Stow
Deena Strohman
April Strom
Peter Sturm
Steve Susens
Sheri Swanson
Neil & Lois Swanson
Nancy Sweiger
Sherry Thistle
Stacy Thompson
Mark Tierney
Gerald Tillman
Karen Trickett
Paula Tritz
Kathy Turi
Sally, Erica, Laura, Timmy & Tim
Julie Van Guilder
Ruth Ann Von Grassman
Anne Olsen Wagner
Owen & Jane Warneke
Laurie Webber
Craig & Bonnie Weber
Tanya Weinmeyer
Eleanor West
Sheila Wiegman
Russell Wiley
Troy A. Will
Don & Linda Wilson
Jerry & Vonnie Winters
Lynn Wood
Bette Wright
Rose Wurm
Daniel & Nancy Young-Dixon
Pat Zachau
Brian Zellman
Dan & Jean Zimbric
Jerianne Zimmerman
Mark Zipper
Supporter ($50-$99)
Joan Wiggen Baker
David Beebe
Joan Benson
Catherine & John Cich
Sam Dewesse
Steve & Sara Gabel
Kim Geislinger
Joyce Hultberg
Marlene P. Johnson & Edmund
Dorothy Raetz Kunze
Stephanie Larson
Nancy Lawroski
Sarah Lija
Barb & Jerry Lindberg
Chuck & Barb Nelson
Gail & Jerry Neren
Tasha Nienow
Heidi Nordin
Suzanne Reedy
Jacqueline Schuh
Joe & Sharon Steckler
James Steinkraus
Jim & Shirley Swenson
Mary Jo Verschay
Bill Wyss
Organization/Professional ($50+)
Advocating Change Together
Family & Children’s Center,
Residential Youth Home
Resource Training &
Patron ($100-$249)
Dolores Abderholden
Marilu Bambery
Constance Bender
Bill & Sue Bond
Robert & Ruth Carlisle
Karen Conboy
Jim & Joy Erickson
Phyllis Johnston
Kelly Jones & William Mahlum
Barbara A. Kleist
Fred LaFleur
David McDonald
Lucy & Robert Mitchell
Joseph & Jo Ann Nathan
Gary Lundborg & Char
Thomas & Sandra Rose
Brent & Patricia Seppanen
Mary & Truman Shoaff
Eric & Shelly Torola
John Zakelj & Bonnie Watkins
Sponsor ($250-$499)
Linda Sjoberg & Teresa
Benefactor ($500-$999)
Mike & Kay Bochert
Mark & Kathy Hodapp
Friend ($1-$99)
Sue Abderholden & Lee Keller
Paul & Diane Amundson
Georgette Ario
Sue & Allen Arndt
Raymond & Judy Auger
Sharon Autio
Andrea M. Ayres
Mary Baker
Bob & Betty Barnacle
Judith A. Bemis
Susan Berens
Bonnie Beverly
Harry & Linda Bonney
Randall Brandt & Marsha Brandt
Kathleen M. Burke
Lynda Cannova
Dan Casar
Arianna Chapman
Patricia Coldwell
Douglas Cornelius
Carmen Dorschner
Holly & Pat Downing
Jonathan & Jill Eisenberg
Kelley Erickson
Kate Flynn
Sharon Fortunak
Wanda Foster
Frances Harnack Post 582
Carole Gaskell & Michael Johnson
Teddy & Jim Gesell
Richard & Mary Graves
Harry Greenberg
Pamela Guthrie
Jim & Yvonne Haberle
Julia Hager Sauve
Judith K. Hale
Gretchen E. P. Halverson
Maren Harrison & Jim Lavelle
Kate Havelin
Janet Havens
Judy Hawkinson
Elysa Hays
Anne Holzinger
Ann Iverson
Scott Johansen
Lucy Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Tom & Bonnie Johnson
Robert & Corrine Jones
Mindy Jost
Paul & Jill Kadera
Jeanne Keller & Mike Hoskin
Kevin & Judy Kenney
Cheryl A. Keynes
Verna Kruse
Kathleen Larson
Jennifer Lenzen
Frances N. Lesicko
Theresa J. Lippert
Bill & Carolyn Reineke Lyth
Patricia & Robert Mack
Katie Marshall
Sandra McDonald
Taunja Meers
Paul & Erica Moose
Kathleen Muench
Bill & Maura Nelson
Gerald Olafson
Cathleen O’Leary
Daniel Parnell
Nancy Pazahanick
Melissa Pedersen
Lawrence & Sharon Peterson
Michael R. Peterson
Danielle Pierce
Stephanie Pierson
Cathy Plantenberg
Laurie Pumper
Ron & Nancy Reed
Courtney Remes Riach
Deborah Rich
Ryan Riebel
Jim & Jennie Rodlund
Michael Rohrbeck & Andrea Raila
Wendy Rucinski
Margaret Ryan & George Baboila
William & Becky Scheig
Julie Scherle
Clark Schroeder
Stanley W. & Berta Shapiro
Lawrence & Cheri Sheehan
John G. & Jennifer Sherman
Yoji Shimizu
Nichole Short
Marjorie Sigel
Barb A. Smith
David & Renee Sonka
Cheryl Spellacy
Beverly Steuck
Karen Stoddard
Lori Sturdevant
Suzanne Swanson
Rebecca B. Tabor
Amanda Tempel
Lynn Theurer
Patricia J. Thielen
Kathleen Thompson
Becky & Ted Tio
Roger C. & Sue Towler
Mary Vorhes
John & Sally Ward
Janet Wendt
Ann White
Nina Wilking
Nancy Williams
Ruth Wittrock
Karen Woodward
Brian Zellman
Ben & Brenda Zimmerman
Associate ($100-$199)
Floyd & Sue Anderson
Carolyn & Jim Becker
David Beno
Rebecca Bormann
Paul Brambilla
Brian & Deborah Brattlof
Christine Bray
Sheryl & Mike Burkhardt
John & Catherine Cich
Lawrence & Joy Davis
Karen Dickson
Holly & Pat Downing
Sears & Patricia Eldredge
Lynette Gittins
Jerry & Marge Kazmierczak
Tim & Mary Knutson
Joan Irene Larson
Robert & Sandra Luhman
Jon & Marlene Marble
Linda & Rick Millenacker
Dave & Judy Nass
Kathleen Pettit
Mark & Nancy Pettman
Marilyn Rohlfing
Al & Pat Rousseau
Sue Singer
William Wrigley
Alan & Kathryn Zenk
Sponsor ($200-$499)
William & Josie Axness
Eric Brown & Lisa Cowley
Theresa & Al Carufel
Pat Dwyer & Kelly Catton Dwyer
Anna Mae Hogan
Thomas Lunney
Mark & Jinjer Menge
Denise Morelock
Jessica Pendal
Tom Pepper
Benefactor ($500-$999)
Debbie Gillis
Greater MN Family Services
Shelter Care
Pam & John Hallman
Karen Lloyd & John Schnibben
NAMI Hennepin County
Advocate ($1,000-$4,999)
Alliance Hospitals and Clinics
Emil & Marion Angelica
Mike & Cindy Colson
Daniel & Constance Bigelow Kunin
Jerry & Barb Lindberg
Ivan Sletten
Laurie MacLeod & Todd Stitt
Herman & Mary Schulte
Thomson Reuters
Visionary ($5,000-$9,999)
Scott Craven
Iris Circle ($10,000 +)
Trisha Stark
Thanks to all who
donated toys & games
for kids in inpatient
mental health units.
Non Profit Org.
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Twin Cities MN
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7:00 p.m., 1st Thursday,
Bob: 763-533-1729
6:30 p.m., Thursdays,
Sarah: 320-396-0443
6:00 p.m., 2nd Thursday,
Brian: 218-525-6649
7:00 p.m., 4th Monday,
Connie: 952-432-9278
Forensic Network
Joe: 651-484-8218
Golden Valley
7:00 p.m., 3rd Tuesday,
Vicki: 612-529-1144
Grand Rapids
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Jodie: 218-256-7868
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Lee: 952-894-9109
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6:30-8:30 p.m., 1st Friday,
Susan: 612-308-1883
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Judy: 507-451-0043
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Coon Rapids
Tim: 612-669-5111
Calynn: 763-560-1394
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East Bethel
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Little Falls (2 groups)
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