Mission Statement of St. Francis of Assisi “We are brothers and

Mission Statement of St. Francis of Assisi
“We are brothers and sisters in Christ who gather to worship God
and witness our Catholic faith by serving the Community.”
86000 St. Francis Way, Yulee, FL
(904) 849-1256
Fax: 904-849-7622 www.stfrancisyulee.org
From Bob Bell
Fr. Daniel Guindon
[email protected]
(904)-849-7491 Office
(904) 652-6197 Emergencies
Julie Gross
[email protected]
(904) 849-1256
Office hours:
Monday: 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday—Office Closed
Mailing Address:
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission
463688 SR 200, Suite 1 - 105
Yulee, FL 32097
Fax: 904-849-7622
Maureen Lowery
[email protected]
(904) 849-7554
Saturday 4 p.m. Vigil Mass
5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass in Spanish
Sunday—8:00 a.m.
Family Mass—9:30 a.m.
Tuesday—Friday 8 a.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday– Friday: 7:30 a.m.
Saturday: 3 p.m.
Or by appointment
E-bulletin: in order to receive the
bulletin by email, please send a request
to [email protected]
What is the meaning of the Tau Cross?
At least once in your life you’ll be asked about the meaning of the cross,
usually made of wood, which is shaped like a “T” and is often worn by
Franciscan friars.
The first recorded reference to the TAU is from Ezekiel 9:4, "Go through
the city of Jerusalem and put a TAU on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament
over all the detestable things that are done in it." The TAU is the last letter of the
Hebrew alphabet and looks very much like the letter "T".
Francis used the TAU in his writings, painted in on the walls and doors of the places
where he stayed, and used it as his only signature on his writings. The tau is the sign
used by St. Francis to wish peace to all he met. The tau cross is a common symbol of
the Franciscan Order. In the Old Testament. For Christians, the T came to represent
the cross of Christ as being the fulfillment of the Old Testament and it also represented
the means by which Christ reversed the disobedience of the old Adam and became our
Savior as the "New Adam."
After St. Francis's conversion, he worked with a religious community whose main
ministry was caring for lepers. These men wore the cross shaped like a T as a symbol of
their trust in God to ward off the skin diseases. Eventually, St. Francis adopted the T as
his own symbol. For him, it represented lifelong fidelity to the Passion of the Christ and
a reminder to be an example of compassion for God's people. Today, followers of St.
Francis - laity or religious - wear the tau cross as an exterior sign, a seal of their own
commitment to exemplify God's love and continue the ministry of Christ.
The symbol of Franciscan Alliance, is a tau cross with a giving hand and a receiving
hand. The giving hand is generously prepared to minister Christ's healing to the weak,
the suffering and the vulnerable. The receptive hand is ready to receive His healing
power through our joyful, sensitive Franciscan ministry.
Due, no doubt, in large part to Francis' own affection for and devotion to the TAU, it
has been a well recognized and accepted Franciscan symbol among Franciscans of
various denominations and of all orders within those denominations for centuries. It
remains so today. The TAU carries with it all of the symbolism of the Cross of Christ as
well as Francis' ideal of life and dream for himself and his followers.
Bob Bell, Pastoral Council:
[email protected]
Bob Eggleston, Financial Council
[email protected]
Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016
April 23 rd
(4:00 p.m. ) For Repose of the Soul of Jack Flynn by The
Flynn Family
(5:30 p.m. ) For the Intention of the Hispanic Community
April 24 th
(8:00 a.m.) For Repose of the Soul of Mary Duggan by the
Hernandez family
(9:30 a.m.) Special Intention for Kevin and Beth Diehl by
Lala Fleckhammer
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
El sabado pasado tuvimos la opportunidad de tener la reunion de la Oficina del Ministro Hispano de
la diocese de St. Augustine en neustra parraquia. Les agradecemos muchisimo la cooperacion de
todos que coperaron para darles la bienvenida a nuestra parroquia. Gracias a Marinane y a todos
que ajudaron por el efuerso excelente, la cooridnacion y cooperacion en todo que se organiso.
Gracias a todos que participaron en la segunda colecta esta semana pasada. Por ahora la misa sera
ofrecida siempre a las 5:30 pm los Sabados hasta nuevo aviso. Estamos trabajando para que
neuestra communidad cresca. Todos pondremos nuestro efuerso, recuerdance que nuestra mission
es crecer neustra communidad, tenemos una opportunidad tremenda.Nos compremetemos a
estableser un calendario de actividades para poder crecer en nuestra esperitualidad y nuestra
communion fraterna.
April 26 th—For Repose of the Soul of Helen S. Smith by
Pat Ruebush
Como siempre, las surgeriencias son bienvenidas. Los encomiendo en neustra oraciones ; Preguntas
o ideas favor mande un email o llame a Tony Garcia, 904- 210-1216 o por email a,
[email protected] o a Marianne Sanchez por telephono a 904-572-6425 o por email
[email protected]
April 27th—Special Intention for Brian Downey by Mary a
and John Elwell
Cristo nos ama
Tony Garcia
April 28 th—Special Intention for Cade and Megan Rewa by
Brent and Katie Rewa
April 29th —For the recovery of Maggie Leonard DeAngelo
by Family and friends.
April 30 th
(4:00 p.m.) For Repose of the Soul of Jeanine Johnson
by Doug & Ellen Murray
(5:30 p.m.) For Repose of the Soul of Ruth Lacek by Jan
and Tony Greco
You may request Mass Intentions by contacting Julie
Gross at [email protected]
Chapel Access: To ensure access and security of the chapel is maintained, please follow
the steps below:
**To receive the access code, contact Pat Ruebush at 904-261-9347. You will be asked to
provide your name, email & contact number to ensure some degree of accountability and
to be able to contact folks in case there is a problem; door, lock broken, etc. Walkthroughs to go over lock operation will be next week. Please call Pat for further details.
The month of April is dedicated to the Holy Spirit
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
Wisdom allows a person to understand things from God’s point of view.
Understanding allows a person to comprehend the Catholic faith.
Counsel allows a person to discern between good and evil, right & wrong.
Fortitude gives a person courage to stand up for God and His truths & convictions to
Bingo: Join us on Monday, April 25, 2016 at the take a stand for good against evil when the occasion arises.
Knowledge allows a person to understand the meaning & purpose God has for him & to
North Hampton Golf Club. Dinner is available for
live up to this meaning. It differs from Wisdom in that it is an action, not just a desire to
purchase at 5:00 p.m. Early Bird bingo begins at
6:00 p.m., regular bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. Must live up to the ways of God. It differs from Understanding in that it is not just ability, it is
be 18 or older to attend. For more information
is a desire to serve & worship God out of love, not just duty. A person with piety
contact Lori Gamble at [email protected]. Piety
has a true love and real relationship with God.
Fear of the Lord—One understands the greatness of the Lord & understands who they
are and why they are here in relationship to God; everything they are is due to the
wonder, love, grace & perfection of God. It is the beginning of Wisdom. Once a person
understands who God is and desired to please Him, they can begin to understand things
Food Pantry Donations: We will continue to collect from God’s point of view or have Wisdom.
food for the YUMC Food Bank on a continuous basis.
Eucharistic Adoration: Communal Adoration will be every Thursday immediately after
Thank you for all your donations from the past 2
Mass. At 9:30 a.m., we are establishing personal Eucharistic Adoration. Consider
committing to one hour every Thursday or being a substitute on occasion, even if for a
Gracie’s Kitchen: During the month of May, we will six-month period. Our Adoration of the Eucharist, in which Jesus Christ is truly present in
also be collecting flip flops to be donated to Gracie’s His body, blood, soul and divinity, increases throughout the day with each successive
hour covered.
Contact information: Pat Ruebush at [email protected] or 904-261-9347.
If you have any questions, please call Eileen
Shrubsall at 904-557-8108, or 904-548-0239 or call
Pat Janco at 904-225-9702.
“Let us never forget that an age prospers or dwindles in proportion to its devotion to the
Eucharist. This is the measure of its spiritual life, faith, charity and virtue.” Bishop Sheen
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Let Us Remember In Prayer Our Holy Church, Pope Francis, Bishop Felipe Estevez, Fr. Daniel Guindon, Missionary William Stanley, all clergy, our
community, Shirley Spaniel, Ken Sturges, Julie Bourgeois, Ruth McNeil, Karina Helms, Emma and Evan, Marie Staub, Jessica Visek, Meghan
Downey, Helen Wilkins, Chris, Robert Nozza, Bill Gorsky, Frances McKee, Jack Shea, Lori Gamble, Dean and Deirdre Felton, Steven Vaughn, Bob &
Shirley Douglas, Harlee Wilkins-, Margaret Albeck, Shirley Hargreaves, Maria, Pastor Charlie, Lucy Levy, , Lorenzo Bonacchi, Emily Davis, Bob
Tobin, Valerie Kitchens, Brian Downey, Monica Payne, Joseph Gotch, Jack Crowley, Jr., Denise, Maggie Leonard Dangelo, Tom McDonough, Rony
Morgan, for the souls in purgatory, persecuted Christians, and for the protection of all children, born and unborn.
Repose of the Soul of Jon Widrick, Repose of the Soul of Mary E. Wren, Repose of the Soul of Ronnie Peterson,
Repose of the Soul of Father Rene Robert
To request prayers, please email [email protected] or call Pat Ruebush (904-261-9347).
54: Acts 14:21-27 Rv 21:1-5a Jn 13:31-33a
Our deepest sympathies to the family of
Father Rene Robert
Ushers: We are asking for volunteers to
join our Usher Ministry. Contact an usher
or email Don Douglas at
[email protected].
Father Rene Robert
With sadness we report the loss of Fr. Rene
Robert whose body was found on Monday in
Georgia. He died on Sunday, April 10th the day
of his disappearance. Arrangements are in
progress with a prayer vigil and funeral Mass
being developed for San Sebastian Church.
Details will follow.
To reduce congestion between Masses
please see below:
**Enter through the South Parking lot
**Exit through the North end of the
building via the dirt road back out to St.
Francis Way (follow the orange cones).
April 30-May 1 weekend—Annual Catholic
Home Missions Appeal in all parishes.
Reminder – The Men’s Club “Onion/Pepper
Peel & Cut Event” in preparation for the
Shrimp Festival is Wednesday, April 27th
between 4:30 -6:30 p.m. at St. Michael’s Parish
Hall. Please bring a knife and cutting board.
Refreshments will be served.
Respect Life: Vigil in front of Planned
Parenthood Tuesday morning. For info on
carpooling call Mary Downey, 904-557-8763.
4/28 Feast of Saint Gianna Molla
(10/4/22-4/28/62): Patron saint of mothers,
to volunteer to work at the Men’s Club Food
Booth during the Shrimp Festival held Friday,
4/29; Saturday, 4/30 and Sunday, May 1st.
physicians & unborn children. During her 4th
pregnancy, it was discovered this doctor &
mother of 3 had a tumor near her uterus. She
wanted everything done to save the life of the
baby. The baby was born healthy, but despite
efforts to save her, Gianna died several days
Woman’s Book Club: Our book discussion
Youth Group: Info to follow in May 1st
Shrimp Festival Food Booth Volunteers
Needed—This weekend is the final weekend
(Wed., May 4th, 4 p. m. in the “cry” room) will
be on “Brideshead Revisited”. According to
Bishop Robert Barron, author Evelyn Waugh
“implicity lays out a program of evangelization
that has particular relevance to our time”.
Collection of April 16-17 weekend
Offertory: $4,393.15
Special: $85.00 Building Fund: $6,558.00
Attendance 4/16: 289 - 4/17: 185
4/26—7:00 p.m.Pastoral Council meeting
4/27— Men’s Club 4:30-6:30 p.m.
4/28—Feast of Saint Gianna Molla
St. Francis invites young families to assist with
the 9:30 a.m. Family Masses. We need
families to serve as greeters, lectors, choir
members, gift bearers and general Mass
coordinators. Our goal is to have different
families each week assisting with these Masses.
See Mark or Jenny Hebert after Mass for more
details or email [email protected].
Altar Servers: If your child has received 1st
communion and interested in becoming an
Altar Server please contact Father Dan or Raul
Rodriguez at [email protected]
Thank you for your generosity!
Please write separate checks for Building Fund
May 18, noon– 1 p.m.: Catholic Foundation,
You’re invited to a free estate planning
workshop held at the Most Holy Redeemer
Church, 8523 Normandy Blvd., Jacksonville. FL.
Light luncheon provided by the sponsor.
If you don’t have a will or estate plan, it is
possible that the state & courts will decide who
gets your assets. The Foundation of the
Diocese of St. Augustine may be able to help.
Contact: Julie@theCatholicFoundation;
Tel: 904-262-3200, ext. 106 , or
email to [email protected].
May 20-22—Annual Marian Eucharistic
Conference at Ave Maria University. The
theme is “Give Thanks to the Lord”.
For more Information please visit website at:
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Bishop
Estevez: Oct 20-29, 2016
The Bishop will lead a group of 50 pilgrims to
the Holy Land, birthplace of Christianity. Cost
is $3,695.00 per person, based on double
Brochure and registration:
[email protected]
Our journey to build our community and construct a house within to worship has been one of many steps,
some small, some large, some together, some alone, some sideways, some backward, but together, moving
ever forward. The journey continues with each of us taking another step each day.
Our focus as a community is to continue to build and sustain our ministries and our home.
We will begin Phase III to complete the Phase I items and projects this summer. The new engineering,
construction and infrastructure items will help focus a part of our journey and make building our ministries a
little easier.
As we have said, our major goals are to not incur any additional debt and become both fully operational and
debt free as soon as possible.
Thank you for your generosity, for, "It is in Giving That We Receive."