AP US History Essential Questions

AP US History
Essential Questions
AP US History
Essential Questions
Essential Questions:
1. To what extent and in what ways did the roles of women change in American
society between 1790 and 1860? Respond with reference to TWO of the
following areas: domestic, economic, political, social.
2. In what ways did the 2nd great awakening in the North influence TWO of the
following: abolitionism, temperance, cult of domesticity, utopian communities.
3. Why were women prominent in the reform crusades of the early 19th century?
What contribution did they make to social reform?
4. How did the Second Great Awakening and industrialization encourage social
5. In what ways did American literature in the early 19th century reflect the new
democracy of the Jacksonian age?
6. How do the Knickerbocker group, Hudson river school and transcendentalism all
reflect the nationalism of the early 19th century America?
AP US History
Essential Questions
ID Terms:
1. Dorothea Dix
2. Stephen Foster
3. James Russell Lowell
4. William Miller
5. Washington Irving
6. Lucretia Mott
7. Oliver Wendell Holmes
8. Susan B. Anthony
9. Ralph Waldo Emerson
10. Nathaniel Hawthorne
11. Joseph Smith
12. Louisa May Alcott
13. Brigham Young
14. P.T. Barnum
15. American Temperance Society
16. Shakers
17. Unitarianism
18. Second Great Awakening
19. Hudson River School
20. Women’s Rights Convention
21. Burned-over District
22. transcendentalism
23. Millerites
24. Oneida Community
25. Mormons