29/03/2017 - Shire of Narembeen

Volume 22
Edition 9
Voluntarily published in Narembeen
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The Fence Post
- Informing the people of Narembeen since 1978
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
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Proof Reading
04 /04 /2017
G DeLuis
S Woodfield
K Mortimore
L Chapman
C Crowd
E Brayshaw
11 /04 /2017
L Lethlean
R Cole
L Chapman
E Brayshaw
Anita Cowan (Editor-in-Chief), Julia Cusworth,
Gina DeLuis, Sherrie Heather, Lorraine Lethlean, Maxine Miolini, Kellie Mortimore
The views expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily the views of the Editor
or other volunteers that produce this newspaper.
The Editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate any items.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Over the Fence….
The next Mates Breakfast will be held on Thursday April 6 at 7am at Roe Dam, Mt Walker. This will be the
last one until after seeding. Come along and enjoy a chat and a good cooked breakfast. Bring a mate and
we will see you there.
All the best to Maisie Cusack recovering from an operation in hospital at the moment. Wishing you a
speedy recovery.
Last Friday I had a visit from my daughter Kerry and her husband Peter. Also visiting for the family lunch
were my granddaughters Cristy O’Keefe and great grand daughter Kayla from Karratha. My grand
daughter Nicole and her baby Erin, who turned one last Sunday, also came. I haven’t seen Cristy and Kayla
for three years so it was good to see them.
Bobbie Hall
Be on the watch for the latest scam! Someone phones you, claiming to be from Telstra advising you that
they have identified a fraudster who wants to steal your money. Of course you can help to catch them by
sending a sum of money to a particular country (eg China, Nepal, Thailand), and then Telstra will deposit
this money back into your account several days later. None of this is legitimate! This scam was identified
by Western Union Money Transfer.
We would ask that all sports clubs forward their winter fixtures to us at the Fencepost as soon as you are
able. Thanks!
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
What is a sporting club? I mean really, what is a sporting club to the people who frequent it? Is it just a
place, a destination where you spend some time one maybe a couple of times a week? Or is it more? Does
it become more than just a destination, more than just a meeting place for people who are keen on a
certain sporting pursuit? I think, for some, a sporting club can become like a good friend and when you
stay there long enough it becomes an old friend. A friend who is there for you when it doesn’t rain and
harvest finishes before it should have started, is there for you after a tough week where nothing has gone
right, is there for you late into the night and sometimes early into the morning when you’re celebrating
and when you’re commiserating.
Such a friend is what the Mt Arrowsmith Tennis Club was to so many, for so long a great old friend that
would do anything and be anything anyone wanted. On Saturday March 25 2017 that old friend passed
away. While it is sad when we lose old friends sometimes it can’t be helped and all we can do is celebrate
what we had and not necessarily what we lost. This was certainly the case out at the club by the rock last
Saturday. A crowd of somewhere near 150 gathered to remember and rejoice in what they had.
Preparation for the send-off started during the week as a prominent friend of Arrowsmith actually went
for a run, just to make sure he could still do it, before he dusted off his racquet and returned to his old
mate. Then there was the friend of Arrowsmith who got caught up in the moment and as he reminisced of
the club’s heyday; he thought he was in his heyday as well, then promptly popped a hamstring in the
effort. For legal reasons we can’t name these two friends of Arrowsmith so let’s call them Bunk and Roger.
As mentioned before, the crowd that gathered to see off their old friend was large and showed the great
appeal that the old girl had for those of all ages. There were the more senior friends of Arrowsmith whose
days on the court may have passed them by but their memories will never leave them. They spent the day
relaxing and reminiscing about the glories of yesteryear both on and off the court, always with their old
The oldest of friends of Arrowsmith was Laurie Hayter who enjoyed returning to his old stomping ground
where he has been a life member for quite some time. He was joined by Mrs Jenny Kay, the
granddaughter of the club’s founder Mr Alex Miller. Mrs Kay travelled up to pay her respects to the old
friend of her grandfather’s and herself.
The day started at 2pm and the tennis was everything Arrowsmith tennis always was. The competition
was intense but the banter even more so. More than once did a game stop due to laughter and more than
once was the laughter coming from the court next door. There may also have been the odd tennis ball
that cleared more than just the net.
Then there was the afternoon tea. For many a season and indeed many a year the afternoon tea at
Arrowsmith was something of a legend. This legend spread throughout the district and grew into a
catering service which made the club many a dollar over the years. The final effort was one to behold:
savouries, sweets and everything inbetween were laid out at 3:30pm for all to enjoy. So, the tennis
stopped as those present settled in and some got so comfortable that it took a while for the tennis to
start again.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
While this is what the adults did at Arrowsmith there was of course that other Arrowsmith attendant, the
Arrowsmith kid. An Arrowsmith kid is a curious individual who spent their Sundays not playing tennis but
climbing rocks, driving tonkas, playing chasey, maybe starting the odd fire and even sneaking into the cool
room. Then this kid would have a bath in a trough, tuck into some tea and a cool drink and often find
themselves asleep under the table as their parents settled in.
The old girl would have smiled at the kids that came out to see her one more time. There were the new
ones who found the fun that Arrowsmith can provide and then there were the ones who may be a bit older
but remember their days as one of the ‘kids’ with pride and enjoyed their last sojourn out to see their old
As the sun went down and the stars came out the food was beautiful. Thanks here must go to Hillary
Sedgwick, Lucy Lines and their band of workers and contributors who did the work and put on quite a
spread. Some great music was provided and the crowd settled in. Announcements were made and three life
memberships were bestowed on worthy recipients.
Firstly it was Sue Butler who was a hard worker for the club and a multiple championship winner over many
years. Murray Dixon was then given the honour of life membership. Murray had spent most of the summers
of his adult life at the Arrows and has done a power of work for the club he loves. He took on many
positions in the committee and was also a multiple championship winner. Bev Hunter was the third life
membership recipient. Bev was also a winner of multiple championships, a hard working contributor to
catering jobs and also served on the committee in a variety of roles. All three of the new life members were
all very well received by the large crowd.
While the old girl was officially farewelled when Laurie Hayter turned the lights out the night continued in a
way that said that the old girl will never be forgotten. For after all, when a sporting club becomes your
friend, through thick and thin, good times and bad, perhaps when the end comes, you don’t wallow in what
you have lost but you rejoice in what you had.
RIP Mt Arrowsmith Tennis Club
‘Everyone loved it’
25th March 2017
Mt Arrowsmith Tennis Club’s Last Hoorah
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The meeting of the Historical Society was held at the History centre on Monday 20 TH March 2017 with 14
members present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, the correspondence and financial reports were
presented and the meeting was then opened for general business.
Discussion points were as follows:At long last we have our sign erected at the front of the History Centre. It looks very good and makes
people aware of what the building is. Thanks to Brad Butler for the use of his staff to put the sign
in place.
The Bulldog tractor has now been completed, photos were passed around to all at the meeting and
the members were impressed. Chris Bray has done a lot of work on this and it sounds really good
when it is going. Well done to Chris. His next project is the International Truck.
A plan, together with a letter, has been submitted to the Shire Council in regards to pursuing a grant
to erect extensions to the machinery shed museum on the RSL site. This will help house the
additional pieces of machinery that have been donated.
A letter of support has been given to the Shire Council endorsing the creation of a sculpture by our
local artist, Jordan Sprigg, for the Civil Precinct (Lesser Hall Site). We are looking forward to his
creation that will capture the character and history of this area.
Many thanks to Kerry Fricker for the photographs of the renovations of the John Deere tractor. It is a
good display of the “before” and “after” of a renovation process. Kerry also donated photographs
of the football teams, pre war and some Eastern Districts teams.
Members of the Mens shed have volunteered to restore the double action water pump. So far it looks
very impressive with the brass parts all gleaming like new.
Our members are to be made aware that care is to be taken when using the machinery shed as the
padlocks are being misplaced. This causes inconvenience as new locks have to be purchased and
new keys cut and distributed.
The Post Office Trolley has been renovated by Ian Forbes and looks like new. The tyres are proving a
little difficult to fit but that problem is sure to be overcome.
The Spotters Hut/Military Museum will be open on Anzac Day for any visitors that may like to call in.
Several maintenance issues have been reported to the Shire Council and we hope that these will be
dealt with soon.
Due to the third Monday of April being a holiday the next meeting will be held on MONDAY 24th APRIL
2017 at 2.00pm.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
WAFarmers Merredin Zone Council
Congratulations and welcome to the new Office Bearers for the WA Farmers Merredin Zone Council: President: Tim Cusack; Vice
President: Scott Stirrat; Zone Coordinator/Secretary: Felicity Cowan
A big thank you to outgoing President Bill Cowan; Vice President Richard Steel and Treasurer Mignon Jones.
Jane Fuchsbichler has retired as Zone Coordinator/Secretary, which she began in November 1994.
The Merredin Zone has been very active and has led the way on many issues: Skeleton Weed; Wild Dogs; Single Desk; relocation
of the Midland Sale Yards; Chemical Review Committee; Chemical Consultative Committee; Rail Freight Lease Agreement and Tier
3 Rail; drought and fodder drives; multi-peril crop insurance; transport/harvest mass management and many others.
A big thank you to all those who have represented the Zone as Delegates, a great deal of work has been put in by dedicated
people representing grains, wool, meat and general industry issues.
Update on Rail:
The Arbitration process continues between CBH and Brookfield to negotiate access to rail and access fees. The majority of Tier 3
rail is included in these negotiations which are due to be finalised in September 2017.
The recent election results provide an opportunity to revisit the Rail Freight Lease Agreement. As indicated by the following
extract from WA Labor – Growing Agriculture and Aquaculture March 2017:-
The Liberal National Government’s decision to privatise the regional rail network has resulted in the
closure of hundreds of kilometres of the tier 3 rail network and has forced thousands of extra trucks onto
our country roads.
As a result roads across the Wheatbelt and in Perth metropolitan area have become more congested, more
dangerous and require costly ongoing maintenance.
WA Labor believes that the preferred method of transporting grain is on rail. WA Labor will work with
Brookfield Rail and industry and identify the opportunities to put more grain on rail to reduce the pressure
on dangerous country roads.
WA Labor will take into account social, environmental as well as economic impacts of the best way to
move our grain to Port and important export markets.
It is important to be involved in important industry issues and have grass root input into the very many vital
issues for our rural businesses and communities. Please give your support to the new leadership team.
Best Wishes
Jane Fuchsbichler
Church of Christ Dorcas Clothing
“A second chance to live!”
Open Monday to Friday mornings from 9:00 am
to 12 noon, on Wednesday it is open until 3pm.
And open most Saturday mornings!
The Fashion Parade and Auction went very well, with
the models doing a wonderful job, along with Deanne
Ventris on the piano, and Colin Ogilvie ably doing the
auction. We visited four places in Narembeen: the farm
shed, IGA, Post Office and the new Rec Centre for a
21st party. Those who were there enjoyed themselves, and had a good laugh. The
attendance numbers were poor, so that was a little disappointing. Many thanks to the
wonderful helpers and supports of the evening!
We are still raising funds for the football club.
For any queries or donations please phone Rosemary Smoker on 0429335646
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Westinghouse Vertical Freezer Model FJ362v-L
as new
Webber—Bead type
Rover Maxi Muncher—Mulcher
Large Cool Room—Will fit in a garage
For enquiries please phone Bobbie on 90647204
The Golf Club is holding a Busy Bee for members , prospective members
and friends at the Golf Club this Thursday 30th March, 8am start for Men,
9am start for Ladies.
Opening Day is Sunday 9th April and is a Casserole Tea—please bring a
casserole to share.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
“Said Hanrahan”
A recent bus trip to Merredin brought up some memories for Iris Bristow, Ivy Hall and Eddie Dixon.
The year is 1948 it has been a hard and dry year. It’s the night of the school concert and a young Eddie
Dixon is about to take the stage. His duty that night was to read a 21 verse poem written by a priest and
poet called Patrick Joseph Hartigan “Said Hanrahan”. The poem was first published in 1921 under the
pseudonym John O’Brien and describes the recurrent natural cycle of droughts, floods and bushfires in rural
Australia. This reading was picked by Iris Bristow at a time when it would most ring true. Ivy Hall provided
her much loved copy of “The Wide Brown land” by Joan S Mackamess & George Mackness and 69 years on
you can tell that those pages have been turned many times and cherished. Eddie did Iris and Ivy proud that
night by reciting the poem by memory.
The next page is that poem that set the three off on a trip down memory lane
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
“Said Hanrahan”
“We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
In accents most forlorn,
Outside the church, ere Mass began,
One frosty Sunday morn.
“If we don’t get three inches, man,
Or four to break this drought,
We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
“Before the ear is out.”
The congregation stood about,
Coat-collars to the ears,
And talked of stock, and crops, and drought,
As it had done for years
In God’s good time down came the rain;
And all the afternoon
On iron roof and window-pane
It drummed a homely tune.
“It’s lookin’ crook,’ said Daniel Croke;
“Bedad, it’s cruke, me lad,
For never since the banks went broke
Has seasons been so bad
And through the night it pattered still,
And lightsome, gladsome elves
On dripping spout and window-sill
Kept talking to themselves.
“It’s dry, all right,” said young O’Neil,
With which astute remark
He squatted down upon his heel
And chewed a piece of bark
It pelted, pelted all day long,
A-singing at its work,
Till every heart took up the song
Way out to Back-o’-Bourke.
And so around the chorus ran
“It’s keepin’ dry, no doubt.”
“We'll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan
“Before the year is out.”
And every creek a banker ran,
And dams filled overtop;
“We'll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan
“If this rain doesn’t stop.”
“The crops are done; ye’ll have your work
To save one bag of grain;
From here way out to Back-o’-Bourke
They’re singin’ out for rain
And stop it did, in God’s good time;
And spring came in to fold
A mantle o’er the hills sublime
Of green and pink and gold.
“They’re singing’ out for rain,” he said,
“And all the tanks are dry.”
The congregation scratched tis head,
And gazed around the sky.
And days went by on dancing feet,
With harvest-hopes immense,
And laughing eyes beheld the wheat
Nid-nodding o’er the fence.
“There won’t be grass, in ay case,
Enough to feed an ass;
There’s not a blade on Casey’s place
As I came down to Mass.”
And, oh, the smiles on every face,
As happy lad and lass
Through grass knee-deep on Casey’s place
Went riding down to Mass.
“If rain don’t come this month,” said Dan,
And cleared his throat to speak—
“We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
If rain don’t come this week.”
While round the church in clothes genteel
Discoursed the men of mark,
And each man squatted on his heel,
And chewed his piece of bark.
A heavy silence seemed to steal
On all at this remark;
And each man squatted on his heel,
And chewed a piece of bark.
“There’ll be bush-fires for sure, me man,
There will, without a doubt;
We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
“Before the year is out.”
“We want a inch of rain, we do,”
O’Neil observed at last;
But Croke “maintained” we wanted two
To put the danger past.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Coral Carpentry & Joinery
Now available in Narembeen/Mt Walker areas
Quality work from a qualified tradesman with over 25 year experience.
0417 809637
[email protected]
All your building, renovations & maintenance needs.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
As most of the townspeople are aware Winston’s had planned to close this Friday 31st March. There are many
reasons for this, not in the least being our family commitments and health. However after talking to many of our
customers, our accountant and business advisors and extensively to each other we feel with some tweaking of the
business plan and a better work/life balance, Winston’s can continue serving the Narembeen community. We are
aware that there may have been some less than truthful gossip circulating about our family and our business and
would like to let the townspeople know that if you hear something to come and talk to us, we are always happy to
clarify what you may have heard and we will welcome the opportunity to give you the truth. We have decided to
close for the following two weeks to regroup, have a rest and make plans for new and improved Winston’s Meat
and Provisions. We trust that our lovely customers will continue to support us as they have for the last 3 years and
we hope that if you haven’t been in for a while you will come back and see what’s new and if you have any
suggestions come and talk to us. At this stage the new and improved Winston’s will reopen on Monday 10th April,
and we look forward to continuing to serve and support our customers.
Tavis, Lyndsay & Family
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Roaded catchments,
farm tracks,
fire breaks,
grading out of contours and wisalt banks etc
Contact Digger...........9063 5055 or 0428 635 055
Mob: 0418911872
email: [email protected]
For all electrical installations repairs and maintenance.
14 Longhurst Street Narembeen
ACN 009 023 223 EC 349
Nikon D3300 camera with 18-55 and 75-300 (macro) lenses, 3 battery, charger, vertical grip,
filters, infra-red remote, hoods, LCD view finder, cleaning accessories and camera bag $550
Underground Metal Detector (gold seeking) with headset and instruction manual inbox
Compressor BBT-120 12volt in box
Bicycle Malvern Star 10-speed for woman and new helmet
Tent - 4-person - $60 ; 2-person - $20 (all in good condition)
Phone: 90648332 or 0499-369410
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
28 MAR 17
Last night the club celebrated the end of another season with the annual wind up dinner and trophy
presentation. Numbers were down last night compared to previous occasions but there were a lot of
absentees away on holidays. Those that were here enjoyed the fine meal prepared by the Netball Club
along with ample liquid refreshment and good cheer. The presentations commenced with the
presentation of the men’s pennant badges to the Skippers of Maroon who won the Pennant competition
from Gold. The badges, normally presented on the day, were not available then and so were presented
last night. Also presented were the badges to the team who had a winning margin greater than 50 shots
up at the end of a game. This was achieved by the team of J.Currie, R.Hayter, R.Gill and R.Butler during the
finals played at Narembeen against the Merredin Club.
Then followed the ladies trophy winners and congratulations go to the winners of all trophies.
Ladies Singles Champion, H.Copeman. Runner up, J.Hayter.
Ladies Pairs Champions, D.Dixon, M.Coverley. Runners up, M.Butler, C.Crowd.
Ladies Triples Champions, A.Cowan, M.Coverley, P.Latham. Runners up, H.Copeman, D.Dixon, W.Wilson.
Ladies Fours Champions, A.Cowan, M.Coverley, P.Latham, R.Cole. Runners up, M.Butler, D.Dixon,
D.Pember, M.Parsons.
Ladies 100 up, A.Cowan, Runner up, C.Crowd.
Men’s Singles Champion, R.Gray. Runner up, E.Tenardi. Plate B.Cole.
Men’s Pairs Champions, A.Cousins, R.Gray. Runners up, M.Hall, W.Tudor,
Men’s Triples Champions. J.Currie, S.Padfield, R.Butler. Runners up, R.Hayter, M.Currie, G.Vaughan.
Men’s Fours Champions. A.Cousins, G.Johns, G.Loader, H.W.Cowan. Runners up, E.Tenardi, W.Tudor,
J.Miolini, R.Butler.
Men’s 100 Up. A.Cousins. Runner up, J.Currie. Plate, H.W Cowan.
Ralph Thomas Shield. F.Copeman, H.W Cowan.
Mixed Fours Champions. G & P. Latham, P.Suckling & C.Crowd. Runners up. A.Cousins J & W.Wilson.
Mixed Pairs Champions. F & H. Copeman. Runners up. E & T. Tenardi.
Most Improved Player for 2016-17 – Jay Galicinao
Although the official season has ended, there are still games being played and it is hoped that a winter
round of scroungers can be organised around the football and golf fixtures. Keep an eye and an ear open
for any news.
The AGM was held on Tuesday and the position of reporter will have changed (hopefully), so the best
wishes go to the new reporter.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Mt Walker Tennis Club
Last Sunday marked the end of our 2016/2017 tennis season. Thank you to all who have supported
the tennis club on the court, socially or as sponsors; it has been a terrific season and the club looks
forward with a great deal of optimism for the future.
Our AGM was held on Sunday, congratulations to all who were elected to the committee for the
2017/2018 season.
2017/18 COMMITTEE:
Men’s Captain
Peter Cowan
Men’s Vice Captain
Guy Bormolini
Ladies Captain
Courtney Ridout
Ladies Vice Captain
Jessie Davis
President The position will not be filled for 2017/2018 season
Felicity Cowan
Karen Bormolini
Catering Officer
Shohan Hickey
Bar - Tennis
Tammy Della Vedova
The golf season opening day will be Sunday, 15 October 2017; we look forward to seeing you all
there, if not at this Friday’s wind up.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
With season 2016 now firmly in the rear vision mirror the Narembeen Hawks are gearing up to take steps
back towards being the onfield success they have been for so long. A lot of good people have done a lot of
hard work in the off season to set this climb up. On field there has been a bit of a clean out of recruits and
the Hawks are looking to start afresh with some new faces and some returning familiar ones.
Coach Steve Boughton has returned after spending the summer at South Fremantle. His time at the port
club has seen the Hawks pick up some recruits and has given the young Boughton more confidence and
scope as a coach. Also returning from a long lay-off is Mt Walker behemoth Kyle Della. Coming off a knee
reconstruction, the newly married Della has been showing great signs in the pre-season and got through a
competitive hit out with York unscathed. This along with the new-to-town Toby Kennett and Max Guiver
has strengthened the Hawks’ claim of being one of the youngest playing groups in the competition.
The challenge for the Hawks will be to improve, while last year saw the club go winless for the first time
ever, with the exception of the final round, they were never completely blown away. The Hawks were often
in the game at the final change and simply could not sustain the effort they had produced for long enough
to get the wins they were after. A strong pre season with good numbers on the trach should give the Hawks
the chance to make this step.
Collective improvement must however start with individual desire. Cody Duncan won a best and fairest off
half a season in 2014 and is showing signs of returning to such form. Duncan is a swift mover and his raking
left foot is only getting stronger. He needs to be a damaging ball carrier for the Hawks as they look to get
the ball inside fifty. If Mitch Miolini and Robbie Bain can win the ball on the inside then the release of the
likes of Duncan will become all the easier.
For some time now the Hawks have lacked size and last year the heavy lifting was done by the likes of Ben
Hunter, Al Rodney and Ben Gill, Gill must step up again. A new liking to lifting weights has seen Gill become
more of a boar than a pig and he must use this new size. As recruiting will see him taken out of the ruck and
used in key position it is important that he provides the way into attack that the Hawks have been
searching for since the days of Sheldon Miller.
With a coach who has learned the lessons of a tough first year, some new recruits from Perth who are
talented and also quality character and some improvement and commitment from those who are home
grown then 2017 will be the year that the Hawks rose again. The club would like to invite the whole
community to come to the footy and get behind the boys as they pull on the maroon and gold for
Round One: Hyden-Kalgarin Vs Narembeen April 22 in Hyden
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Narembeen Football Club would like to thanks the following people for their help in both the recent
cropping program and crutching busy bee.
Butler Family,Rob Bain, Guy Bormolini, Thomas Family, Dave Davis , Jake Cole, Yandle Family, Max
Guiver, Mike Morti, Cole Family, Miolini Family, Sedgwick Family, Kyle Della, Leigh Butler, John Kelly,
Varley Transport, Danny Gray, Parsons Family, Ben Gill
Thanks to the Steele family for offering their crutching to the Narembeen Football Club. Special mention
must go to Robbie Bain and Mike Morti for fronting up every day to the Crutching Busy Bee
As season 2017 draws closer the Narembeen Football Club would like to invite you to be part of an
Online Player Auction and Player Ownership Competition. Both competitions allow the supporters to
purchase a player or a group of players and get some money back each time one of their players wins a
best on ground award. It seems there is great interest in the rise of the Hawks as money is coming from
all over the globe for the Hawks Online Player Auction and the Top Hawk If you would like to purchase a
player or bid for a group, which are detailed below, please contact the club on 0429647651. Any support
you can give the club would be greatly appreciated and who knows you may make some money yourself.
Top Hawk Sales
Sold: Hunter, L.Butler, M.Morti, Della,Duncan,J.Kerse, Birrell, D.Morti, C.Butler, M.Miolini, Yandle,
Pollard, J.Kennedy, Hooper, J.Brown
Player Auction Bids
Group One-Hunter, Mortimore.M, Dorlandt, Brown.J, Mortimore.G,Group Two-Boughton, Hooper,
Newman, Vincent, Malkey, Dall, Group Three-Bormolini, Pascoe, Gray, Fitzgerald, Gill.J, Recurit 1, Group
Four-Della, Hickey, Davies, Shaw, Duffy, Davis, Recruit 2, Group Five-Duncan, Collard.M, Bamford,
Brown.N, Cousins, Group Six-Bain, Kerse.H, Kennett, Kavangh, Morrone, Group Seven-Mortimore.D,
Kerse.J, Stone, Guiver, Butler.C, Group Eight-Rodney, Pollard, Yandle, Butler.L, Crawford, Recruit 3,
Group Nine-Gill.B, Miolini.A, Brown.L, Dall, Harder, ,Group Ten-M.Miolini, Green, Blakers, Kennedy.B,
Garlick, Recruit 4
Group 1-$250
Group 2-$20
Group 5-$850
Group 6-$40
Group 7-$50
Group 10-$40
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
41 Currall St, Narembeen
Renaissance Lifestyle Medicine.
Noelene (Choudhury) Sharp phone 0416 272 370
Massage and Naturopathy
Monday – Wednesday (and on some Fridays)
LIKE us on Facebook. Renaissance Lifestyle Medicine
LIKE us on Facebook. Outback Naturopath
(Check FACEBOOK details for this month’s SPECIAL)
For Sale - Clover Seed
New seasons
Dalkeith / Nungarin Mix
Dalkeith / Geraldton Mix
Cleaned and Graded - Weed Free
Ag Dept. Government and variety tested
Harvested from our own paddocks.
Contact Steve Angwin:
Mobile 0428 616 053
[email protected]
Ph/Fax: 9861 6053
Quirky Koffie
would like to advise that this week will be our last week of operation. We would
like to thank all our customers for their support, encouragement and
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Narembeen Hospital
The following diagram shows work that is taking place at our hospital.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
R2K Contracting
Hydraulics Sales & Service
Hydraulic Component’s Sales ex supplier
Richard Kovac & Robyn Kovac
21 Westral Street (PO Box 30)
Bruce Rock WA 6418
Richard 0427 851 870
Robyn 0400 552 141
Fax: 08 9061 1194
ABN: 16 563 552 915
E-mail: [email protected]
Hydraulic system design and testing
Hydraulic Components Repairs in house
Fully equipped service vehicle - will travel
Mobile hose/fitting trailer for onsite repair
Hydraulic hose assembly made to order, in-house
Regular trips to Perth for repairs & parts
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
FOR SAND & Wadgyl
Owner Operator Ross Leo
Spider, fly, mosquito service
$242 New or Non annual Spider, fly & mosquito service exterior
$220 Spider, fly & mosquito service exterior only
Add on services
+$77 for House interior treatment -With an exterior service only
+$27.50 Roof space treatment - Per roof space with any service
Please note-Add on services must be carried out in the same
booking time slot.
Chlorophyll relies on Magnesium (Mg).
This means….. NO PLANT GROWTH!
Gutless sand and Wadgyl soils have very little Mg. Westonia Magnesite provides the
most plant accessible Magnesium to your
gutless sandy paddocks that will last for
years in the ground. Liquid Magnesium will
wash out of the soil with rain.
High MG and loads of trace elements!
Pickup from Westonia
A mineral rich dirt
Used for 20+ years
$242 New or non annual termite inspection
$220 Annual termite inspection
$264 Pre-purchase timber pest inspection
We also provide pest control for cockroaches, rodents, ants, silverfish, bird
IT’S A BARGAIN @ $15 / tonne incl GST
Stocks available for pickup
control and all other common pests in and around your home or business.
Contact:Ross or Bianca Phone:0438 375 146
NOW! Call Edd on 0428
E-Mail:[email protected]
All prices are for single domestic sites, with standard size buildings, on a standard size block for 2014-15
All prices include GST All prices are subject to change We service your area all year and have done so for 14 years
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Opinion Piece…….
‘So much room in there he should have plenty of thoughts’
by Craig Gmeiner
Something I will never understand is the seeming obsession that society has with failure and
anguish. Why is it that bad things get the front page? I was told by a very smart man once that
the first ten pages of the paper are about what man stuffed up and the back ten are about what
he achieved. I believe that to be true but I wish it wasn't.
How is it that a person struggling with a drug addiction gets more coverage than a refugee from
the Sudan who goes through the correct process and becomes a doctor or a lawyer? Why is it
that people can get jobs finding and reporting on scandal in Australian Football when surely all
we should want to hear about is the game?
I wish that people who achieved things got as much airtime as people who stuffed things up. I
wish that people who overcame challenges got as much airtime as people who succumbed to
their demons or people who looked to divide rather than unite. Imagine what the world would be
like if the kids of today knew more about Kurt Fearnely, Tim Costello and Ben Roberts-Smith
than they did about Kim Kardashian, Ben Cousins and Pauline Hanson.
I simply do not understand why there is a sudden fascination with what happened at West Coast
over ten years ago. Surely there should be more expressions of heartfelt sadness about the
terrible addictions that some of the players seem to have had during this time than what seems
to be a witch hunt going after what the group was able to achieve. Is taking illicit drugs bad?
Yes, did they break any rules of the competition during this time? No.
I also acknowledge that if the senior officials at the club were aware of the drug use that players
were undertaking during that time and did nothing about it, then that is disappointing. Again,
however did they break any rules of the competition by doing so? No. What difference is there
between not answering questions on this truthfully and not answering truthfully why a player
may not be training or playing, something that happens every week?
Illicit drug taking is terrible but it is not performance enhancing, if anything it surely is the
opposite. The club isn't their parents or their family, maybe we should be discussing the
harrowing times the family of these players would have tried to help them out of it, possibly for
all we know with the help of the club. The Gillard Report really should have been left in a draw
and the media really should go back to what they first got the job for, write about the footy.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Church of Christ Notices
105 Church Road, Mt. Walker
Saturday 1st April 2017
Wednesday March 29—7:30pm Bible
Study—D&R Smoker’s place
Minister: Pr. Malcolm Eastwick – Mobile 0457423060
Services are held every Saturday unless otherwise notified
Sunday April 2—Worship Service 10:00am
Speaker–Bhimrao Thavare
The church will be closed on the Easter Weekend
10.00am Sunday School—E. Van Rensburg
Leading Elder: (2017) Kevin Major – Ph 90617034
Morning Bible Study
For prayer or support, please contact Bhimrao
Thavare on 90647210
Start Time: 10:00am – 11:15am - Preliminaries and Bible
Study time.
10:00am Start - also for the children from 0 – 12yrs.
Start Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Bible Verse: “Then he lead them out and
asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you will be saved—you and your family.”
Our minister is with us every second week.
Acts 16:30,31
Songs, Stories, Bible Stories/activities and more.
Divine Service:
Everyone is welcome to join in with us at any time, we
would love to see you.
Sunday 2nd April 2017
If you enjoy listening to Christian Radio you can do so on
87.6FM (Narembeen town)
88FM (Mt Walker area)
9.30 am SERVICE
Chapter 37 Verses 1-14
Reader: Maisie Cusack
Chapter 8 Verses 6-11
Reader: Linda Godfrey
Saturday 1st of April 2017
Mass 6.00pm
Chapter 11 Verses 1-45
This is a preliminary notice to advise everybody that a
communion service will be held on EASTER DAY (Sunday
16th April) at 8.00am.For further information contact
Warren Milner 90648049 or 0458033568.
Reader: C Harper
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Shaun Slade; Camille Metcalf; Cally Moses; Laine Wilkins
Jonathon Rogers; Louise Scholler; Mackenzy Aird
Peter Cowan; Graeme Andrews; Naree Cowan; Lynette McCellan
Kingsley Moppett; Tenille Cole; Martin Macanas, David Rutherford
Helen Wanless; Pat Berry; Keth Brayshaw; Robert Bailey; Gemma Brayshaw; Hannah Roddan
Faye French; Glenis Maringoni; Daniel Broomhall; Leigh McGill
Danika-Lee Gysen; Samantha Russell; Carla Hall; Belinda Fidge
Stephen & Wendy Cooper
Martin & Marion Macanas
Eric & Stephanie Welsh
Cleaning Rosters
Catholic Church
Joan Cusack
Anglican Church
Barbara Schwartz
Narembeen Weather
Max ( ̊C)
Min ( ̊C)
Rainfall (ml)
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
DOCTOR - 9064 7145
DrPeter Lines practises at the medical centre.
Please bring current prescriptions, Medicare, Pension and Health Care cards.
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8.00am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-5.00pm: Fri 8.00am – 1.30pm
DR WARD – 6 weekly visits contact Surgery for dates
These services are combined visits every second Wednesday of the month- in person and video conference on
fourth Wednesday of the month
NURSE PRACTITIONER – Monthly service.
HEALTH DIRECT 1800 022 222
HOSPITAL - 9064 6222
Please bring Medicare card. Accident, emergency and acute medical care.
Outpatient dressings/blood pressure checks etc, preferred times 10.30–11.30am or 3.30–
Only emergency x-rays will be attended out of hours.
Other services include antenatal and postnatal care, palliative care, respite services, high and low level
residential care, Home and Community Care (HACC), Patient Assisted Travel Service (PATS), Health and
Fitness centre. X-ray service available, please phone to book. Videoconference facilities available for face to
face consult with some specialists. Occupational and Speech therapy, Dietician and Aged Care Assessment
(ACAT) available by referral.
Phone 90413807 or 90412928
This service provides support for Individuals, Couples and Families affected by alcohol and drugs
Call 1800 353 122 (24 hours) Free and Confidential.
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599. Victim Support Service 1800 350 074
DENTIST – 9064 7397 Narembeen
Private: Right Move Physiotherapy practices out of Merredin and Bruce Rock.
Child health clinic every second Monday 8.30am - 3.00pm.
. Alternatively, contact Primary Health in Merredin 9041 0444 or Ngala 1800 111 546
Counsellor: Joyce Contos (Corrigin) 9063 2037; or Claire Lenne (Bruce Rock) 90611840
PODIATRIST – 9064 6222
Please call the hospital (office hours) for appointment.
Do not call the hospital for an ambulance in an emergency.
Skills7.30pm every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.
The Fence Post
29th March 2017
Dentist at Dental Surgery
Men’s Shed
NUMBATS Phone for bookings 90647250; (M) 0407 448 779
Golf Busy Bee
Autumn Club at Senior Citizens centre
Hospital Auxiliary Meeting @ hospital
8.30am –5.30pm
Tennis Mt Walker Wind Up
Dentist at Dental Surgery
Playgroup at Numbats Centre
Darts– Bruce Rock v Rebels; Magpies v Jets; Royals v F Troop
Men’s Community Shed
Bowls Ladies IZRR Fours @ Kellerberrin
Narembeen Bolt & Twilight Triathlon
Bowls Ladies IZRR Fours @ Kellerberrin
Bowls Men C of C Fours @ Yilgarn
Lions Paper Pick-up
Circuit Gym
Senior Citizens
All Welcome!
Arts & Crafts & Book Exchange 10.00am—4.00pm @ Community Shed
Lions Club Meeting
Vet Visit @ Town Hall
Seniors Gym
Numbats - Phone for bookings 90647250; (M) 0407 448 779
Church Service @ Hospital
8.30am -3.30pm
Dentist at Dental Surgery
Men’s Shed
Numbats - Phone for bookings 90647250; (M) 0407 448 779
Autumn Club at Senior Citizens centre
Mates Breakfast @ Roe Dam
8.30am -3.30pm
Julia Cusworth