Happy 150th Birthday Canada

Happy 150
2017 Prize List
Junior Exhibitors
August Civic Weekend
Email: [email protected]
Section JW – Junior Work
- Parents are urged to allow their children to do the work and
preparation for the exhibits without assistance. Please
encourage them in every way and help them to get their
exhibits to the fair.
- Please read the rules with your children and help them to
understand these rules.
- Exhibits must arrive at the Fair from 6 pm to 9 pm on
Thursday, August 3, 2017.
- Exhibits are to be picked up after 4 pm on the last day of
the Fair. (Exhibits not picked up within two weeks of the
Fair closing will become the property of the Society).
- All rules of the Fair shall apply. (See Main Booklet)
Contact Mrs. Judy Drummond at 613-275-1354 if you have
any questions.
*** ARTS & CRAFTS ***
Chairperson – Dorothy Edwards
-------------- Description
A. Ages 5 and under (at fair time)
1) A collection of stickers – red & white
for Canada’s 150th; mounted. (max. 8 ½” x 11”).
2) Design a picture using foam pieces.
3) A painting of a tractor – (max 12” x 18”).
4) Create a shaker using disposable plates & decorate.
5) Make a pasta necklace.
6) Cut & paste a snowman, mounted (max. 8 ½” x 11”).
7) Print the word “CANADA” – decorate and mount.
8) Using pinecones construct an owl.
9) A pipe cleaner creation
B. Ages 6 to 8 years. (at fair time)
10) Decorate the word “CANADA 150” using red & white
colours - 6” X 12” Bristol board.
11) Printing – copy the poem:
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee..
12) Create a flower(s) using coffee filters.
13) Create your own Christmas placemat.
14) Make a Halloween Mask.
15) Design your own snowman.
16) A collage of Canadian Events - 1/2 sheet of Bristol board,
completely cover your board.
17) Decorate a mitten.
18) Make 3 hand decorated Easter eggs.
SPECIAL: Open to all children ages 8 years and under (at fair
19) Collect 150 red and white items to celebrate Canada’s
150th . - Display in a jar.
C. Ages 9 to 12 years. (at fair time)
20) Make a Christmas decoration.
21) A black and white pencil sketch.
22) 4 photos taken by me – sports theme.
23) Celebrate Canada’s 150th using written and/or pictures
mounted – max 1/2 sheet bristol board.
24) Tin can lantern, hammer & nail created design, including
a candle inside.
25) In cursive handwriting copy the poem: (Author unknown)
Volunteers have Hearts of Gold
Helping people, Young and Old
Always giving, always sharing,
Volunteers – Are always caring.
26) A hand written recipe – displayed & decorated.
27) A canvas painting - max 16” X 20”.
28) Any craft not mentioned - max 12” X 18”.
D. Ages 13 to 16 years. (at fair time)
29) An adult colouring page – mounted..
30) Create a lawn ornament.
31) Celebrate Canada’s 150th using written and/or pictures
mounted – max 1/2 sheet bristol board.
32) A painting any medium.
33) Make a Christmas Decoration.
34) Make an article of jewellery.
35) Create a split picture by cutting in half any picture and
recreate the missing half.
36) Any small hand-made craft.
37) 6 mounted photos taken by you (nature theme).
SPECIAL: Open to all children ages (9 - 16 years)
38) An article made from Duct tape.
Open to all children to 16 years
39) Origami article.
40) Create a poster about Canada’s History.
41) A scrapbook page (special events).
42) Melted crayon art design.
Prize Money:
Classes 1-37
1st: $5.00, 2nd: $4.00, 3rd: $3.00, 4th: $2.00, 5th: $1.00
Classes 38 - 42:
1st: $7.00, 2nd: $6.00, 3rd: $5.00, 4th: $4.00, 5th: $3.00
Most points scored in each of division A, B, C, & D -$5.00
Donated by Judy Drummond
Chairperson: Earl Hicks
Committee: Liza Harrison, Amy McNeely, Naomi Loucks, James
Class -------------- Description
E. Ages 8 years and under. (at fair time)
43) Make a bug out of sticks, string, and other
natural materials.
44) Biggest Bloom. (flower).
45) Longest carrot.
46) Make a birthday card celebrating Canada’s 150th.
47) The ugliest vegetable in your garden.
48) My favourite wild flower.
49) Make a super hero from vegetables.
F. Ages 9 to 16 years. (at fair time)
50) Something interesting from nature (rock, fungi, etc.).
51) A picture of my garden.
52) The ugliest vegetable in your garden.
53) A sunflower head.
54) A wild flower arrangement.
55) Make a space ship out of vegetables.
Prize Money: Classes 43- 55
1st: $5.00, 2nd: $4.00, 3rd: $3.00, 4th: $2.00, 5th: $1.00
Chairperson – Earl Hicks
Committee: Matthew Visser, Liza Harrison, James Harrison
Class -------------- Description
G. Ages 8 years and under. (at fair time)
56) 4” Flake of hay - 85% or more legume.
57) 4” Flake of hay - 85% or more grasses.
58) Tallest stalk of corn.
59) Make a Canadian flag from seeds mounted
on a sheet of Bristol board.
60) Longest ear of corn.
61) A picture of something on your farm that is
150 years or older – include a label.
H. Ages 9 to 16 years. (at fair time)
62) 4” Flake of hay 85% or more legume.
63) 4” Flake of hay 85% or more grasses.
64) A picture of something on your farm that is 150 years or
older – include a label.
65) Recycle something from the farm.
66) Display something old from the farm.
67) Make a Birthday card to celebrate Canada’s Birthday incorporate materials found on the Farm (Baler twine...).
Prize Money: Classes 56- 67
1st: $5.00, 2nd: $4.00, 3rd: $3.00, 4th: $2.00, 5th: $1.00
Most points scored in each Division E, F, G, & H - $5.00
Donated by Earl Hicks.
*** BAKING ***
Chairperson – Ruth Shirley
Assistant – Aline Hicks
Class -------------- Description
A. Ages 5 years & under. (at fair time)
68) One large decorated cookie - not more than
6” in diameter,
- Judged on appearance only.
69) Decorated cupcake – to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday
Judged on appearance only.
B. Ages 6 to 8 years. (at fair time)
70) Make a log cabin – mounted on cardboard, a maximum of
8” X 8”. (example: bread sticks, pretzels)
71) 3 no bake squares/cookies.
72) 3 cookies – the same kind.
73) Three decorated cupcakes - to celebrate Canada’s 150th
birthday. (Judged on
appearance only)
C. Ages 9 to 11 years. (at fair time)
74) Party Mix in a jar.
75) 3 No bake Cookies/
76) 3 Smartie or M & M Cookies.
77) A Decorated Cake to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday Can use non edible decorations (Judged on appearance
D. Ages 12 to 16 years. (at fair time)
78) 3 Chocolate Chip Cookies.
79) A Decorated Cake to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday Can use non edible decorations (Judged on appearance
80) 3 Muffins of 1 kind – named.
81) 3 No Bake Cookies / Squares
Prize Money: Classes 68- 81:
1st: $4.00, 2nd: $3.00, 3rd: $2.00, 4th:$1.50, 5th:$1.00
Most points scored in each of division A, B, C, & D: $5.00
Donated by Aline Hicks
E. Ages 9 to 16 years. (at fair time)
82) 1 jar of jam - your choice.
Prize Money: Class 82:
1st: $4.00, 2nd: $3.00, 3rd: $2.00
*** O.A.A.S. Plain Chocolate Chip
Cookie Competition ***
F. All children up to 15 years of age.
(As of December 31st of the current year)
83) 8 Plain Chocolate chip cookies (no nuts) on a firm disposable
plate. No larger than (3”) 6.75 cm. and no smaller than (2”) 5
cm. The winner of this class will be entered into a competition
at the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies District
Prize Money: Class 83:
1st: $7.00, 2nd: $6.00, 3rd: $5.00, 4th:$4.00, 5th:$3.00
*** O.A.A.S. Youth Poster Competition ***
Entry Rules:
a) “Promoting Your Fair”
– Important** Your Name and date of fair must be
clearly shown on poster.
b) Must be hand drawn.
c) Poster size:
- Minimum –22cm X 28cm, without border.
- Maximum – 28cm X 44cm, without border.
d) Each entry must be centered on CARDSTOCK or
BRISTOL BOARD exposing a 5.5 cm. border on all four
e) Name of fair & owner of poster to be clearly labelled on
the back of each entry.
f) The winning poster from each class at each fair will be
eligible to enter the district competition. District winners are
eligible to enter at the provincial competition (see
competitions at http://ontarioagsocieties.com/memberservices/competitions for details)
g) Judging Standards:
Overall Appearance – 50 points
Hand Drawn – 35 points
OAAS Criteria (size, material, theme) – 15 points
84) Junior Poster, youth up to and including grade 4.
85) Intermediate Poster, youth Grade 5 to Grade 8 inclusive.
86) Senior Poster Grade 9 to Grade 12 inclusive.
Prize Money: Class 84 to 86:
1st: $10.00, 2nd:$ 8.00
Be sure to visit our Sponsors Websites for recipes and
helpful baking hints:
Robin Hood: www.robinhood.ca
Crisco: www.criscocanada.com