Tigers - Parnwell Primary School

Welcome to Tigers
We would like to start by saying a very warm welcome to children and parents to the Tigers class and
year 5 and 6. Being part of upper school is an important time, as is every year of a child’s education;
we hope that all children will enjoy their learning, taking pride in their achievements and always striving
to do the very best they can. As part of getting the best from their learning, it is important that all
children are at school promptly; ready to come in at 8:50 each morning.
Meet the Team.
Despite only teaching for 3 years, I have had a range of experiences with different subjects which is
utilised in the primary curriculum. Last year was my first year teaching year 5/6 at Parnwell, something I
really enjoyed, and I am looking forward to another great year. Mrs Beach is the main Teaching
Assistant for Tigers class. She has worked at Parnwell school for many years and has considerable
experience working with year 5/6. Tigers will also receive support from Mrs Hall, another experienced
Teaching Assistant. The children will also receive tuition in PE, Music and Computing from Mr King,
Mrs Marsh and Mr Noyes respectively.
During the autumn term, we will be undertaking learning around the topics of Space and the Norman
Cross site which was a prisoner of war camp during the Napoleonic wars.
Our PE days are:
Wednesday and Thursday
Please ensure children have a full kit including trainers for outdoors lessons, which can get a little chilly
in the autumn term. Children need to be able to remove jewellery and will be asked to wear spare PE
kit provided by school if they do not have their kit.
Our class homework will consist of weekly Education City tasks, reading, spellings and times tables
practice. Passwords for Education City will be sent home again shortly.
Children will also be given ‘Creative Homework’ once a half term which will be focused on their topic or
current events.
In addition to this, children will also bring weekly maths and English sheets home, which should be
completed and returned to school by Tuesday of the following week.
At year five and six, we do encourage children to take responsibility for completing their own
homework, but we would also appreciate it if you can find the time to support children with, and ask
them about, their homework. Completing homework is a very important part of the children’s education.
Reading with you child, and talking about books can be an enjoyable experience and is still really
valuable for year six children as they continue to develop their reading skills.
Medication needs to be brought into school and signed in at the office. It will be then passed on to class
teachers and kept safely in classrooms.
So that children are always in the best frame of mind for learning, please ensure that your child is
always dressed in the correct school uniform, including wearing a pair of school shoes.
Water Bottles
It is important that children are properly hydrated so that they can do their best learning. In order to get
the best from children’s learning time in class, we recommend that children bring a bottle, filled with
water, to school each day.
We look forward to sharing and supporting in this year of your child's education!
Miss Ritchie and Miss Beach