ACT III SCENES 2-3 Name: Class: Date: SCENE 2 1. Complete a

1. Complete a FLOW MAP to track the events in scene 2 as you read. Include at least ten events.
Allusion: Lines 1-7
2. Paraphrase these lines. Why does Juliet allude to Phoebus and Phaeton in this soliloquy?
3. Complete this paraphrase of Juliet's soliloquy (lines 1-31)
Hurry up, _____________ and set so that night will come and _____________ can leap into my _____________
Lovers don't need _____________ to make love. If _____________ is blind it best agrees with _____________.
Come on, night, so I can learn to _____________ the love game. I'll _____________ to Romeo, and we'll both lose our
_____________. Cover my blushing _____________ until I grow _____________ enough to act out my true
_____________. Come night. Come _____________ , and lie with me this night. Give me my _____________ and when
he _____________ cut him up into little _____________ , and he will light the _____________ so fine that all the
_____________ will be on love with _____________ and not _____________ .Oh, I have taken the _____________
vow, yet I am still a virgin. it's like a child who has new _____________ but is not allowed to _____________ them.
Dramatic Irony: Line 40
4. How is Juliet’s belief that her new husband is dead an example of dramatic irony?
Key Idea: Lines 73-85
5. What is Juliet’s first reaction to the news that Romeo has killed Tybalt?
Tragedy: Lines 90-95
6. Compare Juliet’s initial reaction to the news of Tybalt’s death with her response to the nurse in lines 90-95. What
internal conflict is Juliet wrestling with in this scene?
Lines 100-114
7. Analyze: Why is Juliet happy? Why is she sad?
8. Synthesize: By this point in the scene, what decision has Juliet made about loyalty? How does her decision threaten
her relationship with her nurse?
Lines 138-143
9. Where is Romeo hiding?
10. Why does Juliet call the coming night Romeo’s “last farewell”?
Key Idea: Lines 29-33
11. At the end of Scene 1, Prince Escalus chose to banish Romeo rather than execute him for killing Tybalt. In what
sense does Romeo’s love make him ungrateful for the prince’s mercy?
Lines 44-46
12. Why does Romeo think banishment is a worse punishment than death?
Lines 53-70
13. Evaluate: Do Romeo and Friar Laurence seem as close in this scene as they have been? Explain.
Lines 135-140
14. What three blessings does the friar mention?
15. Tragedy: Despite Romeo and Juliet’s anguish, their problem at this point seems solvable. Summarize the plan that
has been made to solve their dilemma.