Incoming Students Survey

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Incoming Students Survey
Student: Estefania Ledesma Santiso
University, country: University Of Oviedo, Spain
Why did you decide to study in the Czech Republic?
If I am sincerely I will say that I chose Czech Republic for my Erasmus
studies due to the following reasons:
1. The VSB, Technical University of Ostrava has a link with my university of
Oviedo, EUITIG, University Technical School of industrial engineers-Gijón.
2. The topic of my final thesis that the VSB offered me, about solar energy
likes me a lot, because it is an actual and environment protection inspired
3. The Czech Republic was a country new for me. It is a central European
country where you can visit the countries around, like Austria, Poland,
Slovak Republic and Germany.
4. The Czech Republic is a country where a Spanish student can live nearly
only by means of the Erasmus grant, while if you go to another countries it
could be very expensive.
5. Some people of my university, like the person who directs the
international relations, recommend me Ostrava as the best place for my
studies.The reasons that she told me were the persons of this university
were the more pleasant persons of all the posible universities,and finally it
was really true.
6. Some friends of mine were doing an Erasmus exchange in Ostrava the
last year and they come back very happy about the university and all the
Where did
Maria Jesús García Gutierrez, the person who directs the international
relations of my university with other ones gave me the first information
about VSB-TUO.
She told me too about the information in internet of the university
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Later some friends of mine who were doing an Erasmus program in the VSBTUO gave me more information.
How was cooperation with VSB-TUO organised before your
The VSB-TUO was very kindly and friendly with my organisation before my
In true, they told me all that I had to do and furthermore they helped me
with it, like looking for the thesis topic and.
It must also to be said that they surprise me with the good arrival that they
showed us, because they was worried about our travel and they came for us
to the train station, what’s more they called us during our first travel to the
university, and when we arrive they told us about information of the
residence. It was incredible.
I think that the most important think of an Erasmus exchange is the
relation with every people, that’s why I have been so happy in Ostrava,
because I felt comfortable there.
In addition to this they gave us an incoming Erasmus party and it was very
University services
Accommodation (Halls of Residence)
At first people can be afraid about living with another people. But finally,
living in the residence you meet a lot of people and you make a lot of friends
and that is wonderful.
The rooms are good, and the central heating is really good in the winter.
I only should say that we find out that there were rooms to dry the clothes
very late.
The kitchen, to have all that we needed, must be provided of an oven
The food in the menza was very healthy and cheap.
I only must to say that maybe it should offer more salads and fruit, overall
in the summertime.
One thing that surprises us was that in the menza was always tee like drink
instead water.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Possibility to use computers
In the residence and in the university there are machines where you can use
internet for free.
Besides there is a room with a lot of computers provided with important
programs for working, like Microsoft word, excel, internet, autocad…
Sport activities and etc.
The university is perfectly provided with sport centres and gyms where you
can find the sport that you practice, like aerobic, fitness, sauna, football,
tennis, fronton, basketball and volleyball pitches.
I only must say that the gyms aren’t provided with running machines, and
people can’t run outside in the winter because of the cold weather.
Compare study and teachers with your university
Level of English knowledge
The tutor of my final project has an English knowledge level very high.
In fact he was able to give us classes of 3 continued hours in English.
He help us a lot and let us improved our English
Professional level
Really good.
Have you used any course books in English?
Yes, of course, for my final project I needed English books.
For example:
• Books provided by the tutor about solar energy:
Solar Heating Systems for Houses.
Editor: Werner Weiss
Czech tutor’s notes, translated in the lessons to the english language and
translated to the Spanish later by individual work of the student.
Lesson’s notes
Have you used VSB-TUO library?
No, I didn’t only use the books that my tutor give me.
Cooperation with Department of Student Information Centre
Very good.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Social life
Have you had any contact with Czech students?
Yes, sure.
The Czech students were so kindly and useful for us.
They help us for all that we need, because the Czech language were very
difficult for us although were going to Czech language classes. They help us
with daily problems with Czech language.
Furthermore they invited us for a lot of parties and excursions.
What is their knowledge of English?
I only have to say that their knowledge of English is higher than the Spanish
or another Erasmus people English level.
Have you had any problem with “normal” life outside the
university campus?
The people in Czech Republic showed me that they are very polite and good
I get surprised with the good ways of communication, like the trams, always
at hour and since all the placed to all the placed, at day and night, they are
The only problem that the Erasmus had was that we did not vaccinate us
against the encephalitis central European transmitted by the tick. This was a
topic that made be worried to a lot of Erasmus students who weren’t sure to
past their free time in the forest and mountains, so please make new Erasmus
students know it.