Cubism Test

Per_____ Art II
Cubism Test
Question and Answer
1.Where did cubism originate from?___________________________________________________
2.Picasso had many different distinctive styles, but his work was always based on
_____________________ and ____________________.
3. What is analytic cubism?____________________________________________________________
4.What is synthetic cubism?___________________________________________________________
5. What painting singlehandedly altered the course of art?_____________________________
Picasso’s Period of Painting
6. What caused Picasso’s Blue Period?_________________________________________________
7. What type of mood did the blue period paintings create?____________________________
8. Who was the Rose Period based on? ________________________________________________
9. What years did Cubism start and begin? __________-____________
10. What was the name of the artist who worked with Picasso to invent Cubism?_________
Picasso’s Women
11. _______Fernande Olivier
12. _______Eva Gouel
13. _______Olga Koklova
14. _______Marie-Therese Walter
15. _______Dora Maar
16. _______Francoise Gilot
17. _______Jacqueline Roque
a. photographer who was the source of
Picasso’s surrealist images
b. Russian ballet dancer and became
Picasso’s first wife
c. dominated the last twenty years of his
d. only mistress with the ability to leave
Picasso and wrote a book called “Life with
e. had a secret affair with Picasso while
Picasso was with Fernande.
f. Mistress of Picasso who stole him away
from Olga and met Picasso when she was
g. first muse with Picasso during the Rose
Period and early Cubism.
Per_____ Art II
18. Circle one: Is this painting analytic or synthetic cubism?
19. Circle one: Is this painting analytic or synthetic cubism?
20. Which painting was done by Picasso and which one by Braque?