1.2. Gerund vs. Infinitives Konstrukcje gerundialne i

1.2. Gerund vs. Infinitives
Konstrukcje gerundialne i bezokolicznikowe
1.2.1. gerund (going)
Gerund jest rzeczownikiem pochodzącym od czasownika. W języku
angielskim charakteryzuje się on końcówką –ing, dodaną do formy
podstawowej czasownika, np.:
to walk – spacerować
walking – spacerowanie
to swim – pływać
swimming - pływanie
Gerund pełni w zdaniu trzy funkcje:
podmiotu, np.:
Reading in bed is pleasant.
Swimming is my favourite sport.
dopełnienia, np.:
I enjoy playing cards.
He should avoid talking to her.
orzecznika (dopełnienie czasownika “to be”), np.:
Ted’s favourite pastime is listening to classical music.
What I like best is walking in the rain.
Występowanie formy gerundialnej:
po niektórych czasownikach, np.:
admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, confess to, consider, defer, delay,
deny, detest, dislike, dread, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive,
go, hate, imagine, involve, keep, love, loathe, mention, mind, miss,
pardon, postpone, practise, prevent, propose, recollect, resent, resist,
risk, save, spend, suggest, understand.
po przyimkach i zwrotach przyimkowych, np.:
Are you keen on playing volleyball?
She succeeded in getting the job.
po niektórych zwrotach i wyraŜeniach, np.:
it’s no use
it’s (not) worth
it’s no good
be busy
what’s the use of…?
there’s no point (in)
can’t help
can’t stand
be/get used to
have difficulty (in)
It’s no use learning German.
We couldn’t help laughing.
1.2.2. Infinitives full infinitive (to go)
1. Bezokolicznik poprzedzony partykułą to, moŜe pełnić w zdaniu
podmiotu, np.:
To learn English is an easy task.
dopełnienia, np.:
I am happy to be here with you.
orzecznika, np.:
Her plan is to have 5 children.
przydawki, np.:
Tom was the first to get up.
okolicznika celu, np.:
He visited them to tell them about the death of their grandmother.
Występowanie formy Full Infinitive:
po niektórych czasownikach, np.:
agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, bother, care, choose, claim,
consent, decide, decline, demand, determine, endeavour, fail, guarantee,
happen, hesitate, hope, learn, long, manage, neglect, offer, plan,
prepare, pretend, proceed, promise, prove, refuse, resolve, seem, swear,
tend, threaten, urge, volunteer, vow.
po przymiotnikach (*wyjątek: busy, worth ), np.:
I was annoyed to hear that she had died.
po it + be + przymiotnik + of, np.:
It was kind of him to welcome us.
po too i enough, np.:
She is too short to play basketball.
She is responsible enough to go there.
po only, np.:
She rushed to school only to learn that she had failed the exam.
po who, what, where, how, when, np.:
She didn’t know where to go.
what to do.
how to get there.
po be + the first/third/best…etc., np.:
She was the last to come.
po wyraŜeniach: would like/love/hate, would prefer, np.:
They would prefer to stay at home.