equations with fractions

4­4 fractions garden problem in context.notebook
October 03, 2013
Warm­up Please get a manipulative bin from the back cupboard and get out your fraction rings.
Model: 5 times 1/5
3 times 1/3
2 times a half
2 times a quarter
Oct 24­10:14 AM
Dec 10­2:54 PM
Kumiko is designing a rock garden in the shape of a trapezoid. She decides that the garden should have a front width of 8m and a depth of 5m. The area must be 50m2 to fit her design. How wide should the garden be at the back?
A = 50m 2
Answer the following question on your wipe board. When done try #2
1. A trapezoidal deck has an area of 96m 2. The front and back widths are 6m and 10m, as shown. What is the length of the deck from front to back?
b = ?
Area = 96m2
h = 5 h=?
a = 8
Hint: formula for Area of a trapezoid is A = (a+b)h
Apr 3­9:59 AM
Apr 7­9:41 AM
2. The balcony of an apartment is in the shape of a right triangle in which the height is twice the base. The hypotenuse of the triangular area is 4.5m.
a) Determine the height and base of the triangular area. Round to one decimal place.
b) Approximately how much indoor­outdoor carpet is needed to cover the floor of the balcony?
Talk with your elbow partner about how these equations are all different and what makes them look similar. Try them in your Goos books.
a) ¼ (x­3) = 5
b) 5 ­ k = ¾
c) x+1 = x
5 6
b) find the area
Apr 7­9:36 AM
Use A = bxh÷2
= Nov 4­1:40 PM
4­4 fractions garden problem in context.notebook
October 03, 2013
Theory Note: Solving Equations with Fractions
Often we will encounter equations that have fractions. One way to think about fractions is as the operation of division. Consider: 1/2 (4x + 8 ) = 16
Consolidation: Use SENTEO question set ­ Solving Equations
Does this work for every type? Consider: 3x + 8 = 3/4 What if there are multiple fractions in the equation? Do page 208 # 1,3, 8
Oct 2­10:51 AM
Nov 4­1:51 PM
Dealing with fractions in equation
Get rid of the fractions by multiplying by the denominator if there is only one fraction or the lowest common denominator if there is more than one fraction in the equation.
ex. 2a + a­4 = 1
3 5 2
Oct 24­11:22 AM
Nov 4­1:51 PM