Time-Tested IPS Sires - International Protein Sires

t ed IPS Si re s
with second-crop daughters.
he validation of an animal-breeding
program is how well the genetics stand
the test of time. Over the years IPS bulls
have held up extremely well when second-crop
daughters have been added to their proofs.
These bulls include, 6HO0683 Manhattan,
6HO0699 Mandelin, 6HO0975 Antonio and
100HO9047 Moonshine.
Now, IPS has a number of bulls with
emerging second crop daughters that further
validates trustworthy genetics, including
6HO0990 Jet, 6HO0999 Cole RC and 6HO1030
Lilyman. For these time-tested sires, contact
your local IPS semen distributor.
6H990 Jet, EX-90
aAa 2341 DMS 345
Durham x Blackstar x Bell
TPI +1701 (1/09)
+1,321M +10F +21P 93%R (214D/63H)
+2.62T +2.48UDC +2.04FLC 81%R
+4.1PL 2.86SCS +1.2DPR
+332 pounds to +1,312M. The 6HO0990 Jet
daughters are tall with dairy form. They excel in
height and width of rear udder having superior
cleft. Their udders have well placed teats with
excellent texture. And the feet and legs are near
ideal with superior foot angle. For best results,
use Jet on wide-bodied cattle that need more
stretch along with rear udder height. Jet can
make the fancy one.
6H999 Cole RC, EX-90
aAa 231456 DMS 345 456
Mtoto x Celsius x K Leader
TPI +1590 (1/09)
+1,206M +29F +38P 94%R (305D/96H)
+1.20T +2.32UDC +1.96FLC 83%R
+2.0PL 3.00SCS +4.4SCR 5/5 Calving Ease
6HO0990 Jet doubled his second-crop
daughters resulting in significant gains of 99
TPI points to +1701 while increasing milk
With this sire summary, 6HO0999 Cole gained
daughters three fold while increasing milk
and udder composite ratings for the second
consecutive proof. 6HO0999 Cole is a red
carrier sire of sons. Cole has superior semen
conception. He is also a breed leader for calving
ease. The Cole daughters have high, wide rear
udders. They have nice slope to their rumps
Ruann Jet Kidd #20205 (EX-93)
Owned by Tracy Chow, California
Faria Dairy Cole #4221
Owned by Faria Dairy, California
with excellent locomotion on great feet and legs.
Cole works best on animals lacking feminity,
tight rib and animals with set legs. Commercial
dairy farmers love them.
6H1030 Lilyman, VG-88
aAa 4156 DMS 456 561
Addison x Lord Lilly x Bellwood
TPI +1610 (1/09)
+2,004M +70F +61P 92%R (207D/54H)
+1.06T +0.55UDC +1.30FLC 81%R
2.82SCS 6/7 Calving Ease
Another second-crop success, 6HO1030
Lilyman nearly doubled his daughter count
while exceeding a one ton milk proof. The
6HO1030 Lilyman daughters have that rare
balance of strength combined with will to
milk. Their rear udders are wide with supreme
placement of both front and rear teats. In
addition, feet and legs are trouble free with ideal
substance. For the most satisfying daughters,
use Lilyman on the dairy, tall and narrow cattle
with light leg bone. They are workhorses.
Roest Farms Lilyman #2190
Owned by Casey Roest, California
Genomic First
IPS Launches Genomic Testing
with Mr Bolton Darwin.
After thorough review of the genomic
research, IPS is utilizing this latest
method to predict a bull’s genetic
merit. Stated simply, genome testing
predicts an animal’s performance
based on ancestral inheritance.
The traditional parent average (PA),
used for many years is an estimate of
genetic merit based on pedigree or, an
average of the sire and dam. Genomics
is the predicted outcome based on the
inheritance from several generations.
The average reliability for young sires is
36% for PA Net Merit whereas genomic
information added to PA may exceed
70% reliability.
The decision to use genome-tested
young sires verses proven bulls is
a closer call than it was in the past.
High-reliability progeny-tested or
proven bulls supports or refutes the
predictions of genome testing, resulting
in more dependable sire selection
IPS introduces their first genometested bull: 54HO456 Mr Bolton
Darwin. He extols impressive
numbers with his genomic proof.
In fact, Darwin would rank very
high with the IPS proven sires. His
pedigree shows the Holstein breed’s
elite, DARWIN’s dam is Miss Durham
Dolly (EX-92). His grandam is Miss Lee
Majestic (EX-91-GMD). And, the next
dam is Miss Mark Maui (EX-95-GMD).
These bovine matrons have impeccable
production with superior components.
IPS will be introducing young sires
that are genome tested on a routine
basis. Your IPS distributor will have
access to this information or you
may reference the IPS website at
www.ipssires.com to learn more.
© 2009 WESTWYNDE for IPS product of USA
International Protein Sires
is a division of Our Help, Inc.
P.O. Box 157
Rock Springs, WI 53961 USA
Tel: (800) 542-7593
Fax: (608) 524-6935
Email: [email protected]
Our Success is Showing
Derry x VG-87 Aerodust x VG-86 Sand
+1714M +2.47 TYPE +2.16 UDDER COMP +1.38 F&L COMP
aAa 516432 DMS 234,345
Roy x EX-91 Outside Sheen then 10 Generations VG or EX
+3.04 TYPE +2.46 UDDER COMP +1.54 F&L COMP
Shane increased on all composites while adding more daughters!
Rudolph x VG-85 Leadman x VG-87 Bell x VG-85 Cavalier
+847M +.06% +48F +.04% +35P 97%REL +1707 TPI
2nd-crop success with high components!
Morty x VG-87 Marshall x EX-92 Debbie Joe x EX-90 Dolly x EX-95 Dellia
+1613M -.08% +37F -.04% +38P 85%REL
+2.72 TYPE +2.85 UDDER COMP +2.66 F&L COMP
aAa 543612 DMS 246,456
Manager x EX-93 Outside x EX-92 Broker x EX-91 Astrojet x EX-92
aAa 156324 DMS 345,234
Four dams over 200,000 lifetime = high productive life index!
aAa 456312 DMS 456
Breed Leader For Productive Life +4.9
Breed Leader For Somatic Cell +2.60
Gender Sorted Semen Now Available
IPS is pleased to announce that 6HO1127 Shane is now available as sexed semen. A great type bull from a
supreme cow family, Shane is now +3.04 type and +2.46 udder composite. Shane is also a high fertility bull at
+2.6 SCR. Ask your IPS distributor about Shane and expect 90% heifers using this superior breed improver.
IPS Bulls Dependable Conception
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has now merged the semen conception results from the processing
centers around the U.S. This official Semen Conception Rates (SCR) provides a guideline for anticipated semen
performance. Results may vary, however, depending on many factors, including: breeding condition of the female,
semen handling, breeding techniques and other environmental issues.
IPS has an enviable record for dependable conception. According to the most current USDA report,
81% of the IPS bulls are plus for conception. 6HO999 Cole RC leads the pack at +4.4 SCR with 95% reliability on
4,535 breedings. This ranks Cole among the breed leaders for SCR.