Simon Bolivar Activity

Latin American Independence Movements
1. Simon Bolivar led a series of ____________________ revolutions
in the 1800’s.
a. North American
b. European
c. South American
d. African
2. All of the following modern-day countries were liberated by
Simon Bolivar, EXCEPT:
a. Chile
b. Venezuela
c. Colombia
d. Ecuador
3. What European country was Bolivar fighting against?
a. France
b. England
c. Spain
d. Portugal
4. How did Bolivar respond when he lost important battles?
a. He refused to fight the same enemy ever again
b. He surrendered and was thrown in prison
c. He fled to nearby countries, and sought new allies and funds
d. He used the same tactics over and over until they succeeded
5. Bolivar's main goal was to establish ________ in South America.
a. A utopian society.
b. Thriving industry and commerce in North America
c. A strong military in Spain.
d. An independent united South America.
6. How was the founding of Gran Colombia similar to the founding
of the United States?
a. Both happened during the 19th century
b. Both involved colonies of European countries that won their
c. Both resulted in strong nations that continue to exist today
d. Both involved major military defeats of England
Latin American Independence Movements
1. What do you think Bolivar was saying in this quote?
(Discuss with your partner and write 2 complete
2. Which countries did he fight to help free?
_______ Complete
the Map Activity
for day 2.
4. What European
country was the
colonial power?
5. _______ Label the
Colonial Power on
the map.
6. What is the definition of Criollo?
• ____________________________________
7. Why did he fight?
• ____________________________________
• ____________________________________
8. ______ TRUE OR FALSE. Correct the statement if it is FALSE.
Bolivar was NOT successful in his life to liberate countries in
South America.
9. What was Bolivar never able to unite?
• ____________________________________
10. What is Bolivar known as?
• ____________________________________
Simon Bolivar is called the _____________________________
____________________________ of South America.
Latin American Independence Movements
DAY 2: Simon Bolivar
Written Response
Why do you think Simon Bolivar was called the “George
Washington of South America”?