To Kill a Mockingbird

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________________
To Kill a Mockingbird
PART TWO: Chapters 25 - 31
pp. 238 - 281
DIRECTIONS: Answer each of the following to the best of your ability. Each question will act as
a guide during your reading of the assigned chapters. If a quote is provided, thoroughly explain the context of the quote and why it’s important. For the vocab words on the right, use
the context clues the author has provided in order to create your own, workable definition. If
you have no idea, consult a dictionary to help.
chapter 25 -- pp. 238 - 241
1. “Jem was the one getting more like a girl every day, not I.” (p. 239)
2. “Mr. Underwood didn’t talk about miscarriages of justice, he was writing so children could
understand.” (p. 241)
3. “...but in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case.” (p. 241)
4. According to Miss Stephanie Crawford, what was Bob Ewell’s reaction to the news of
Tom’s death?
chapter 26 -- pp. 241 - 247
1. “This was the first he had let us know he knew a lot more
about something than we thought he knew.” (p. 243)
2. What were some of the current events of this time?
3. “Equal right for all, special privileges for none.” (p. 245)
4. “When he was able to think about it, Jem would be
himself again.” (p. 247)
chapter 27 -- pp. 247 - 254
1. “Mrs. Taylor came home from church to find her husband
in his chair, lost in the writings of Bob Taylor, with a
shotgun across his lap.” (p. 248)
2. “I asked who killed it; he said nine old men.” (p. 251)
florid -- p. 248
chapter 27 -- continued
3. Why did the parents organize a Halloween festival?
4. “Thus began our longest journey together.” (p. 254)
chapter 28 -- pp. 254 - 266
gallant -- p. 254
1. What “forces” of the setting act as foreshadowing in the
beginning of this chapter?
irascible -- p. 255
2. “Jem was becoming almost as good as Atticus at making
you feel right when things went wrong.” (p. 259)
furtive -- p. 255
teeming -- p. 256
3. “This was the stillness before a thunderstorm. We listened.”
(p. 260)
4. Do your best to piece together what you think has
chapter 28 -- continued
5. “‘Boys his age bounce.’” (p. 265)
6. “The man who brought Jem in was standing in a corner, leaning against the wall.” (p. 265)
chapter 29 -- pp. 267 - 270
1. “‘Hey, Boo,’ I said.” (p. 270)
chapter 30 -- pp. 271 - 276
1. “‘Mr. Arthur, honey,’ said Atticus, gently correcting me. ‘Jean Louise, this is Mr. Arthur
Radley. I believe he already knows you.’” (p. 271)
2. “A curious contest, the nature of which eluded me, was developing between my father
and the sheriff.” (p. 273)
3. “‘...Heck, I can’t live one way in town and another way in my home.’” (p. 274)
4. “‘Well, it’d be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?’” (p. 276)
chapter 31 -- pp. 277 - 281
1. “‘Will you take me home?’” (p. 278)
2. “...we had given him nothing, and it made me sad.’” (p. 278)
3. “Summer, and he watched his children’s heart break. Autumn again, and Boo’s
children needed him.” (p. 279)
4. “As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown up but there wasn’t
much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra.” (p. 279)
5. Why do you think Harper Lee includes the part about The Gray Ghost?