Chpt 36 answer key

Sorrentino: Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 8th Edition
Chapter 36: Oxygen Needs
Answer Key - Workbook
1. Biot’s respirations (p. 614)
2. hemoptysis (p. 614)
3. tachypnea (p. 614)
4. allergy (p. 614)
5. dyspnea (p. 614)
6. sputum (p. 614)
7. orthopnea (p. 614)
8. bradypnea (p. 614)
9. hypoxemia (p. 614)
10. respiratory depression (p. 614)
11. apnea (p. 614)
12. hyperventilation (p. 614)
13. pollutant (p. 614)
14. Cheyne-Stokes respiration (p. 614)
15. orthopneic position (p. 614)
16. respiratory arrest (p. 614)
17. Kussmaul’s respirations (p. 614)
18. oxygen concentration (p. 614)
19. hypoxia (p. 614)
20. hypoventilation (p. 614)
21. atelectasis (p. 614)
22. cyanosis (p. 614)
23. B (p. 615)
24. C (p. 615)
25. C (p. 615)
26. A (p. 616)
27. B (p. 616)
28. D (p. 618)
29. B (p. 618)
30. C (p. 620)
31. A (p. 621)
32. C (p. 622)
33. B (p. 623)
34. C (p. 628)
35. A (p. 629)
36. D (p. 625)
37. A (p. 626)
38. C (p. 628)
39. C (p. 628)
40. Answers in correct order (p. 614)
Copyright © 2012, 2008 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Answer Key - Workbook
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Identification
C. Liters per minute
D. Oxygen
E. Red blood cell
F. Oxygen saturation (S=saturation; p=pulse; O2=oxygen)
41. Answers in correct order (p. 615)
A. Weaken
B. Is less elastic
C. Decreases
D. Pneumonia
42. Answers in any order (p. 616)
 Lung cancer
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
 Coronary artery disease
43. brain; cough reflex; the risk of aspiration (p. 616)
44. Answers in correct order (p. 617)
A. Color: clear, white, yellow, green, brown, or red
B. Odor: none or foul odor
C. Consistency: thick, watery, or frothy
D. Hemoptysis: bloody sputum; note if the sputum is bright red,
dark red, blood-tinged, or streaked with blood
45. 95% to 100% (p. 618)
46. Answers in any order (p. 618)
 Date and time
 SpO2 and display pulse rate
 Apical or radial pulse rate
 What the person was doing at the time
 Oxygen flow rate and device used
 Reason for the measurement; routine or condition change
47. Answers in correct order (p. 618)
A. If the SpO2 goes below the alarm limit (usually 95%)
B. If the pulse rate goes above or below the alarm limit
C. Hypoxia; altered respiratory function
48. up and leaning over a table; orthopneic position (p. 620)
49. Answers in any order (p. 621)
 Cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
 Use tissues to contain respiratory secretions
 Dispose of tissues in the nearest waste container after use
 Wash his or her hands after coughing or contact with
respiratory secretions 50. 3 to 6 seconds (p. 623)
50. Answers in any order (p. 624)
 How many breaths the person took
 The height of the floating balls
 If the person coughed after using the spirometer
Copyright © 2012, 2008 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Answer Key - Workbook
 How the person tolerated the incentive spirometer
51. remove the mask; through a nasal cannula (p. 627)
52. dry the airway’s mucous membranes (p. 627)
53. safe setting (p. 629)
54. state; agency; to do so by the nurse (p. 629)
Crossword (p. 614)
9. hyperventilation
10. biots
1. cheynes-stokes
2. tachypnea
3. hypoventilation
4. Kussmaul
5. dyspnea
6. orthopnea
7. apnea
8. bradypnea
55. semi-Fowler’s or Fowler’s (p. 620)
56. place a pillow on the overbed table for comfort; orthopneic
position (p. 620)
57. low flow rate by nasal cannula does not need humidification
(p. 627)
58. behind the ears, under the nose, cheekbones (p. 626)
59. no kinks/lie on any part (p. 629)
60. tachypnea (p. 616)
Copyright © 2012, 2008 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.