
St Joseph’s Newsletter
Monday 26th January 2015
Gathering Together as a Christian Community
Yesterday’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus gathering the first Christian
community together by calling his disciples. Christian communities (just
like families) are never perfect—we hear within the Gospels the stories
when Jesus’ closest friends were not always the ideal set of people.
However, if we acknowledge our sins Jesus is always there to forgive us.
Everyone works better with others, in community.
Our schools and our parish communities were founded to be places of
love friendship, security and inclusiveness. People in the past answered
Jesus’ call to form our Catholic school communities. Now as we move
forward as part of the St Nicholas Owen Catholic Multi Academy community let this be an opportunity for all members of St Joseph’s community to work
together for the benefit of all.
Let us pray through the intercession of Mary, the model of humble and
joyful evangelisation, that the Church may become a welcoming home, a
mother for all peoples and the source of rebirth of our world.
Pope Francis: World Mission Sunday 2014
Year 6 Primary Debate Team
On Friday 30 January our debate team, comprised of Georgia (captain),
Frankie, Jessica, Marisol, Will, Mary, Ruari and Amy will be representing
our school in the highly coveted ‘Dudley Schools Debate’, which will take
place at Dudley Council House. The title of the debate is: ‘the house believed school uniforms should be banned’ and the team have been working
tirelessly in their free time to formulate arguments against the notion.
We wish them every success and hope they thoroughly enjoy the
School Sport and Other Recreational Clubs
Breakfast and After-school Clubs
Monday—Multi-skills (8am), Choir (lunchtime), Cross Country Y3—Y6
(12.30pm) & Orchestra (3.15pm)
Tuesday—KS2 Gymnastics (8am) -full and Irish Dancing (3.15pm) - full
Art Club Y1 & Y2 (3.20-4.20pm)
Tuesday—Football training (lunchtime) to now include Year 4
Wednesday—Multi-skills (8am) - full, Cross Country Y3—Y6 (12.30pm)
Thursday— KS1 Gymnastics (8am) and KS2 Netball (3.15pm)
Thursday—Y3 & Y4 Football (12.50pm)
Friday— Football Club—Y1, Y2, Y3 & Y4 (3.15-4.45pm)
Friday— Cross Country Y3—Y6 (12.30pm), KS1 & KS2 Football (3.15pm)
Children participating in breakfast, lunch or after-school clubs must wear a
separate sports kit and not their PE kit for these lessons.
Praise Assembly
Congratulations to the following children for being chosen to by their
class teacher for ‘Praise’ this week.
Reception— Seth and Tom
Year 1— Ahloma and Francis
Year 2— Daisy, Grace, Isabelle and Jacob
Year 3— Edmund and Jacob
Year 4— Aidan and Ella
Year 5— James and Niamh
Congratulations to St Matthew and St Mark as joint winners last week.
E-safety Assembly
On Wednesday 28th January all children in Key Stage 2 will learn about
how to be safe when using the internet. This presentation will be led by
Mrs Jeavons from Dudley Local Authority.
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 28th January—KS2 E-Safety presentation (9.15am)
Friday 30th January—Year 6 Debate Team at Primary School Debate (am)
Monday 2nd February—Good Shepherd Appeal Assembly (9.15am)
Monday 2nd February—First Holy Communion Parent’s Session (7pm)
Wednesday 4th February—Year 6 Assembly (9.15am)
Thursday 5th February—Cross Country event at St Joseph’s (3.15pm)
Friday 6th February— Day for Change Mufti Day—UNICEF
Saturday 7th February—First Holy Communion Children’s Session (10.30am)
Sunday 8th February—Whole School Mass at OLAS (10.30am)
Tuesday 10th February—Year 3 Class Mass (9.05am)
Wednesday 11th February—Year 5 & Year 6 Safeguarding Assembly Childline
Thursday 12th February —Pyramid Concert at Birmingham Town Hall (eve)
Friday 13th February—Year 3 Assembly (9.15am)
Half term—Monday 16th until Friday 20th February
Wednesday 18th February—Ash Wednesday
Sunday 22nd February—First Sunday of Lent
Tuesday 24th February—Year 1 Mass (9.05am)
Tuesday 24th February—Year 5 & Year 6 Workshops (Childline)
Sunday 1st March—St David’s Day/Second Sunday of Lent
Tuesday 3rd March—Year 4 Class Mass (9.05am)
Tuesday 3rd March—Parents’ Evening (3.30pm-5pm)
Wednesday 4th March—Parents’ Evening (5pm-7.30pm)
Sunday 8th March—Third Sunday of Lent
Tuesday 10th March—Year 2 and Year 3 visit to The Sycamore Centre (am)
Wednesday 11th March—Unity Service at St James’s Church (am)
Thursday 12th March—Year 2 Assembly—Mothering Sunday
Friday 13th March—PTA Mother’s Day Sale in School
Sunday 15th March—Mothering Sunday/4th Sunday of Lent
St Nicholas Owen Catholic Multi Academy Company Prayer
Lord, fill our hearts and minds as we move forward together. Enable us to
work with one another to ensure that our community continues to develop
and grow, for the benefit of all.