Gettysburg Address True or False Questions

Gettysburg Address True or False Questions
True or False: The Gettysburg Address took place on Nov 19, 1863.
True or False: The Address lasted over 45 minutes. (about 2 minutes)
True or False: The Address was 272 words long.
True or False: 5,000 Union soldiers are buried in the cemetery located at
Gettysburg. (3,577 Union soldiers are buried there)
5. True or False: Soldiers from 18 states are buried at Gettysburg.
6. True or False: Lincoln wore white gloves while giving the Address.
7. True or False: About 620,000 soldiers were killed in the Civil War—including
both Union and Confederate soldiers.
8. True or False: The last shot of the Civil War was fired in 1875. (1865)
9. True or False: Gettysburg is located in Pennsylvania.
10. True or False: About 51,000 casualties are attributed to the battle of
Gettysburg. This number includes killed, mortally wounded, wounded and
Notes: 1.The underlined True or False is the answer.
2. The answer is located in parenthesis after each statement