Malawi Pangaea Project - Generis International

Malawi Pangaea Project
Malawi Pangaea Project
Connecting Children in Africa and America
Monday, June 8, 2009
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Posted by IE at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Instructions for making a soccer ball Malawi style
Togetherness[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Malawi Pangea
Project Wordle
Malawi Pangea
Project Board
President of Canterio International: Isa
Council Advisors: Andrew Pelish and Mrs.
Founder of Malawi Pangea Project: Ian
President: Megan Masterson
Vice-President: Jill Dameris
Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer: Meghan
Technical Producer: Aaron Skulsky
Public Relations / Publicity: Kate Spitler
Events Cordinator: Steph Scalia
Malawi Council[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
MPP Council Members
Changing Lives
My name is Paulo. I am 14 years old. I live in Impanje Village in Salima district
Malawi. I am an orphan of HIV/AIDS. I live with my 13 year old sister Dolika who is
epileptic and my 8 year old brother Kolesi. Our father abandoned us after our
mother died of HIV/AIDS. We are now under the care of our 80 year old
Isa Ebowe and Malawi orphans
I want to tell my friends in America how we make a soccer ball.
Supplies Still Needed
for Malawi
Text Books
Work Books
General Books
Doodle Pro
Fisher Price Educational Toys
Flash Cards
Hooked on Phonics, Math, etc...
Leap Frog
Aaron Skulsky, WebMaster
What The Malawi
Council Has Done So
1. You take an old blanket.
2. Rip the blanket into strips.
3. Tie the strips together to make longer strips of fabric.
4. Weave the strips of fabric into a ball shape.
5. Wrap the ball with an old plastic bag.
6. Wrap the plastic ball with more blanket strips.
7. You will get a Malawian soccer ball.
I play soccer with my friends and today I played with soccer Master Isa, see
Question from Isa to FBMS students.
1. Try to make and play with Paulo's Malawian soccer ball.
2. Share your experience on the FBMS or Green Board blog.
Posted by IE at 2:55 PM 1 comments
Jobs for Malawians without an Education
Cyrus G. Jeke presentation @ FBMS
Posted letters to Malawi students
"Day in the Life" Video
Educational Materials Drive
Created Pangea Blog
Raised $340 from a bake sale
Met with Isa Ebone Before Going to
Malawi[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Isa's Quote
This November, when I visited the village
of Salima in Malawi, more than 300
children greeted me. I asked one of the
village leaders, "Could you show me the
He gestured to the sea of faces in front of
me and replied, "All of them." I was
shocked. I knew we would encounter
many orphans, but not entire villages-with not a surviving adult. It broke my
heart to see first hand the devastating
impact of HIV/Aids on innocent children.
Isa Ebowe, Canterio Internation USA
Obama's Quote
To the people of poor nations, we
pledge to work alongside you to make
your farms flourish and let clean waters
flow; to nourish starved bodies and
feed hungry minds. And to those
nations like ours that enjoy relative
plenty, we say we can no longer afford
indifference to the suffering outside
our borders, nor can we consume the
world's resources without regard to
effect. For the world has changed, and
we must change with it.
Barack Obama, Inaugural Address
January 20, 2009[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Employment opportunities for uneducated Malawian citizens include: car cleaning;
brick making and laying; road side shoe repair and collecting and repairing old car
tires. Most of these workers live on $2.00 USD per day. They have no benefits like
workers in the US enjoy such as health care, vacation, disability leave or 401K
retirement accounts.
Posted by IE at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Day in The Life of an
American Student
Playing Soccer
powered by
Malawi News
State to drop Bakili Muluzi graft case –
Nyasa Times
According to Malawi News of March 7,
2015, citing “reliable sources within the
top echelons of government,” there have
been moves to drop the case for some
months – apparently due to lack of
evidence. The case protracted since 2011
due to among other ...
Related Articles »
Malawi CSOs hit back at govt over
Nyasa Times
Malawi government through the Minister of[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Information Kondwani Nankhumwa and
Minister of Health Jean Kalilani recently
accused Civil Society Organisations in
Malawi under the Anti-NAGATE barner for
reporting the diverting of NAC funding to
entities ...
Same-sex liaisons still llegal in Malawi –
Nyasa Times
Malawi has asked for $388 888 (about
K180 million) from The Global Fund for
Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV and Aids to
support activities such as testing,
counselling and treatment, condoms and
prevention of risky behaviour for same-sex
in the country ...
Miss Malawi College of Accountancy:
Nyasa Times
The trainer however appealed that when
people are modelling, they need to
improve their confidence and take part in
such events because it can bring about a
lot of great opportunities for them. The
event was proudly sponsored by Malawi's
leading mobile ...
Related Articles »
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Since these orphans have no access to real soccer balls, they make them out of old
blankets and scraps of plastic bags they collect.
Posted by IE at 2:24 PM 1 comments
World Clocks
Landscape and Vegetation[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Much of Malawi's soil is red clay called laterite. It is enriched with iron and
aluminium that has been developed over time by the extreme weather conditions of
heavy rain and excessive heat.
Malawi has two different climate seasons; the dry season lasts from April through to
November and the wet season from December to March. In June it is dry and hot.
Today is 76 degrees farenheit with 73% humidity, very, very sticky.
Posted by IE at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Methods of transporting goods in Malawi[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Goods are transported by oxen or cow drawn wagon, bicycle, on peoples heads and
by car or truck. If you own a car, truck, wagon and oxen or even a bicycle this is a
business enterprise for some Malawians. See me and Luke in the open truck?[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Posted by IE at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Meeting Cyrus Jeke[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
I met with Cyrus Today in My hotel in Lilongwe. I will be going to meet the orphans
on Saturday and will report back to you guys.
I understand I have been slow to post and answer blog question. The problem is in
Malawi every thing is done at a very slow pace however, that will change as I have
found a place with faster Internet service. Pic Top to bottom - Transportation in
Malawi; Area photo from in flight to Malawi; Meeting Cyrus Jeke and Cyrus office
building in down town Lilongwe.
Posted by IE at 11:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
What is Malawi's national sport/past time? Our national sport is Baseball. It is also
our past time. More people watch football.
Posted by Derek :),'-< Nick at 8:47 PM 3 comments
Dan's Idea
I like Mr. Pelish's comment about the hot dogs! I think that Dan's Idea about selling
the baseballs is a great. We would just have to make sure they weren't overpriced.
Dan, you might want to talk to Mrs. Higgens about your idea and I'm sure she'll
Posted by jackie & steph! at 4:41 PM 3 comments
In response to Emma's question...
Malawi is no different than any other place in the world in this matter. Wealth
tends to accumulate in cities because that is where business occurs. Compare the
differences here in the United States between financial centers like New York and
Boston against rural communities like Fairbury, Nebraska (they make really good hot
Small towns, in general lack major financial institutions i.e. companies, businesses,
stores, etc... rural communities also tend to lack health care facilities/hospitals[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
which can make conditions even worse. Without business, there is little money.
With little money, there tends to be fewer health facilities. Unfortunately in
Malawi, rural areas have a greater need due to the AIDS crisis, thus it is a crisis.
Cities throughout even ancient history are wealthy because that is where wealthy
business people live. It's getting them to share it that makes the difference.
Posted by apelish at 1:34 PM 2 comments
Greetings to FBMS from Malawi
I arrived Lilongwe Malawi at 11.30am local time yesterday. Met Cyrus Jeke in my
hotel. We will be going to meet the orphans on Saturday.
The weather is about 46 degrees at night and warms up to 78 degrees in the day
time, although they keep track of the temperature in Celsius (8 degrees at night
and 26 degrees in the day). Local time is 2:08 pm. I will show the day in a life video
to the orphans and post updates of our interactions.
Picture shows our departure from Nairobi; Kamuzu International Airport - Lilongwe
airport is 90 times smaller than Logan airport. Go to this link to see an aerial view
of the airport:
Be patient, things take more time in Africa. ISA
Posted by IE at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Malawi Entertainment
Hey. Here in Marshfield, we have computers, televisions, and gamng systems. What
do you guys do over in Malawi for enertainment?
Posted by Derek :),'-< Nick at 8:00 PM 2 comments
Malawi Question
I have a few questions for the kids in Malawi.
1. Do you know anything about your country's history?
2. What happens in a typical day in Malawi?
3. What sort of sports do you play?
4. What do you do for fun?
Just a few questions so I can get to know you better and what happens in Malawi for
a kid our age.
Ian Crittenden President
Posted by Ian at 7:17 PM 3 comments
What do you guys in Malawi have to eat?
Posted by Derek :),'-< Nick at 6:34 PM 1 comments
Malawi's land
Is Malawi's countryside a jungle, desert? What does the countryside look like? Can
you take pictures of the environment?
Posted by malawi pangea project at 9:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
That would be a great idea, but who would we sell them too?
Posted by Emma Rusk at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Fundraiser Idea
I have a good idea for a fundraiser so tell me what you think. When Jon Lester
comes to our school we should get him to sign baseballs and we could sell them.
Lots of people would buy the balls, we shouldn't price them too high though, that
would lose kids interest. Give me some feedback on it.
-Dan Arthur, CFO and Treasurer
Posted by Dan at 4:24 PM 10 comments
My question is why are Malawi cities so rich and the countryside so poor?
Posted by Emma Rusk at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Road to Malawi: Nairobi, Kenya[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
We are still in Nairobi because the next available flight to Malawi is Wednesday. In
Africa, as you will see during this journey, you can plan events but things often
change without notice. We will be departing for Malawi on Wednesday June 3rd at
8:00am it is a two hour flight. There is a 1 hour time difference between Kenya and
Today is unusually hot and humid. The city is alive. There are lots of cars and
people everywhere. Updated pictures from top to bottom - (1) Canadian College
Nairobi; (2) Kenya Parliament Building; (3) Just like Americans they fuel up at a
shell gas station; (4) pedestrians on the street.
Special thanks to the Canadian College Nairobi for donating Internet connection and
library access to the Pangaea project.
Next update will be from Malawi.
Posted by IE at 8:23 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Welcome Green Cluster Students
Welcome to our project website! There is just a few reminds that Mr. Meehan told
you about today that I want to go over.
1. Make sure you have a friend or two to sign up on as a member since we have
limited spaces for bloggers
2. Make sure to watch your language and don't post anything inapproitite
3. Don't cyberbully and you should all know why.
4. Have fun. Aaron Skulsky and Danny Barbati worked hard on it and it looks great.
5. This isn't AIM or Facebook so don't chat through the comments.
6. Try and get the word out about this site on MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.
Well this is all I wanted to address thank you for your time.
Ian Crittenden (President)[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Posted by Ian at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Road to Malawi from Nairobi, Kenya
We arrived Kenya at 6:35am local time. Temperature was 75 degrees. Nairobi is a
modern city.
Today is a national holiday- Madaraka Day, 1 June, commemorates the day that
Kenya attained internal self-rule in 1963, preceding full independence from the
United Kingdom on 12 December 1963. The main streets in Nairobi are closed for a[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
national parade. Swahili and English are their official languages. The country is
ethnically and racially mixed. We will depart for Malawi tomorrow morning. ISA
Posted by IE at 8:34 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Road to Malawi: Amsterdam, Netherlands[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Hi FBMS Students and members of the Pangaea Project Council.
Greeting from Amsterdam on the road to Malawi for the Pangaea Project 2009. Isa
and Luke(President of Canterio Intl. Canada) departed Pearson international airport
Toronto Canada
at 11:25pm Canadian time. The flight was on time and smooth. We arrived in
Schiphol International airport at 11:25am local time on Sunday 31st. Weather
conditions on arrival were clear, 67 degrees. We will be departing to Nairobi Kenya
tonight at 8.45pm local time. As you can see from the pictures we had good food on
the plane. Our journey is going well. Will update again from Nairobi.
Posted by IE at 10:38 AM 3 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wordle[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Posted by Aaron at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Hello From Canada
I am boarding the plane now. If you want to follow my flight go to the announcement
board and click on KLM flight tracking. I will write again from Kenya. Isa
Posted by IE at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Donating to Canterio International
Some vistors may be wondering how to donate money or give aid to these children
in Salima. Well, under Links To... there is a link to Canterio Internationl's website.
You will be able to get a tax duction since Canterio Internatiol is a registered nonprofit organization. On the website it has a link to the U.S.A or Canada, and Malawi.
From there will be a link to donate and it gives you all the information to donate.
Thank you.
Link to Canterio International:
Posted by Ian at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Good Luck
I would like to give a best of luck on behalf of the Malawi Pangaea Project Council
and Board to Isa on is up and coming trip later this afternoon to Amsterdam, Then
Kenya and then Finally Malawi. Have a safe trip.
Aaron Skulsky, WebMaster
Posted by Aaron at 4:00 PM 0 comments
*NEW* ~ Green Board Blog
I created a new blog called the Green Board blog in our Pangaea Project page
because, the FBMS blog is limited to 100 users. The Green Board blog has 1000+
user capacity and you can sign up any time to post comments.
I will post to both FBMS and the Green Board blog therefore, if you are unable to
sign up for the FBMS blog use the Green Board blog.
Posted by IE at 7:39 AM 2 comments
Welcome to the Pangaea Project 2009
The Pangaea theory states that all present continents were once together and
collectively known as a ’supercontinent’ called a Pangaea. The word ‘Pangaea’ is
derived from Ancient Greek, pan, meaning entire and Gaea, meaning earth.
The Pangaea Project is designed to bring students of the world closer together
through education, interaction and shared experiences.
FBMS is our seed for this program and we wish all of the students that participate
will learn and flourish.
Posted by IE at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
A Day in the life video
Posted by Aaron at 9:10 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
YouTube Page
Hello members of the council!
I have successfully created the YouTube page "malawipangeaproject". Currently, the
Day in A Life video is uploading. (it takes a while) This page will also (eventually!)
include some of Isa's presentation, and the slideshow you see on this page.
-Danny Barbati, WebMaster
Posted by Danny at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Next Year
Next year we will all be in the same positions we are in this year, including those
of us who are holding Office. Today I introduced Mr. Meehan to the fact that we
should have a Presentation introducing the fact of The Malawi Pangaea Project, to
the up and coming 7th Graders (currently 6th graders). The Presentation we talked
about after our meeting today would consist of All Officers of the council speaking
about the Project as well as Isa and Mr. Meehan. The rest of the council will be
held present at presentation. Introducing this project to these 6th Graders will be
some what of a challenge considering we do not have Cyrus Jeke to explain it. I feel
these 6th Graders will be given the opportunity to think about joining the council
with the rest of us over the summer. When they find out what this project is about
and means I'm sure some of them will take this very seriously and will join
immediately. Again this is currently being planned.
Aaron Skulsky, WebMaster
Posted by Aaron at 4:31 PM 3 comments
Isa's Journey
Tomorrow Isa will be leaving on his journey to Salima, Malawi. As the Malawi
Council and students in Green Cluster we will need to blog and try and learn as
much as possible. We need these kids to believe in school and tell them what can
happen with a education. That is our main objective. Our lives are drastically
different then ours. We need to show them what the world looks like. And by the
way bring in education toys for the drive. Id you don't have toys bring in batteries[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
(AA, AAA, or D), pencils, paper, books (child to Young adult). Or go to your
neighbor and see I he/she is willing to donate toys or supplies. For the Malawi
council this prime time we need to be on our A game trying hard.
Ian Crittenden, President
Posted by Ian at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Today's Meeting
Thanks for having a meeting today.
Danny - a great job with the day in the life film. Add that music.
Laura - Thanks for starting the facebook, I am sure it will be great :)
Aaron - Awesome job with the www
Jill - Thanks for not texting during the meeting
Council - keep up the posts and comments.
It was important to come together one more time before the expedition begins.
Please make sure to blog to this site your thoughts and feelings about what you
see, read and hear from Isa, Malawi Orphans and each other. This is going to be a
great experience for everyone.
Mr. Meehan
Posted by Furnace Brook Middle School at 3:29 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dr. Middleton McGoodwin thanks Malawi Council
Dr. Middleton McGoodwin, Superintendant of Marshfield Public Schools, emailed
congratulations and thanks to all on the Malawi Council. “I would like to
thank/congratulate your students... well done!” He would also like to meet the
Malawi Council to personally thank us, if we have time before the year is out,
maybe when Isa video blogs us. Blog me back council. Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for all of your hard work team. Mr. Meehan
Posted by Furnace Brook Middle School at 3:18 PM 5 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Voltaic Solar Powered Generator Bag
Since there is no electricity in the villages where we are working but there is plenty of
sun we will use this solar generator bag to keep the laptop and handheld devices
charged. This is also consistant with our eco-friendly project pledge. Special thanks
to Voltaic for donating 1/2 the price of the bag. If someone from the project
purchases one of their products they will donate a portion of the proceeds back to
Canterio International. Contact us if you are interested.
Posted by IE at 5:17 PM 4 comments[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Prototype for the Pangaea Project T-shirt
I designed this T-shirt for our
project, what do you think?
Posted by IE at 5:16 PM 10 comments
US Student Donation Sticker
We will be applying this sticker to all the donated educational materials that we bring
to the Malawi schools and libraries so everyone that reads a book, uses an
educational game or writes on a dooodle pro will know the source.
Posted by IE at 5:14 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Message From the President
Hi, I am the president, Ian Crittenden. I would like to make a shout out to the
people who worked on this blog that they did a awesome job. Also, to Mr. Ebowe
for helping us connect to the kids in Malawi in need of aid. The whole point of this
project is to try and convince the kids in Malawi to stay in school because with
school you can live a life you want to full fill. I hope that this project will last a
long time. Thank you.
Ian Crittenden, President
Posted by Ian at 10:31 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Malawi Presentation
Presentation went very well with Isa Friday, what are your thoughts
on it?
Aaron Skulsky, WebMaster[3/7/2015 10:56:20 PM]
Malawi Pangaea Project
Posted by Aaron at 10:27 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Malawi Pangaea Project is connecting orphans in the country of
Malawi in South Eastern Africa to students in the state of
Massachusetts. Our goal is to try and make the lives of these
unfortunate orphans better. Many of these children in the country
of Malawi are orphans due to the disease of HIV/Aids. Their
guardians either got the disease and died or just cant take care of
their children.
Aaron Skulsky, WebMaster
Posted by Furnace Brook Middle School at 10:18 PM 3 comments
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