Unit #3 - The Greeks

NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________ PERIOD: ____
Ancient Greece – Minoans through the Hellenistic Age / 2800 B.C. – 146 B.C.
Review Question Sheet
Unit TEST – Notebook Checklist - 2016
a. Periods of Ancient Greek History
a. Foundations of Ancient Greece #15A-D
b. The Greek War Game #16A-C
c. The Golden Age of Athens 18A-C
d. The Hellenistic Age 20A-B
a. Aegean: The Legacy of Atlantis
b. Foot Soldiers: The Greeks
c. Alexander the Great (TLC)
4. REVIEW PACKET – Ancient Greece – Minoans through the Hellenistic Age
1. List the 5 time periods we studied in the development of ancient Greek civilization – in
the order in which they happened.
a. ____________________________
d. ___________________________
b. ____________________________
e. __________________________
c. _____________________________
2. _______________________ Slaves of ancient Sparta.
3. _______________________ It means rule by the people. (type of government)
4. _______________________ The Greek Peloponnesus is one.
5. ________________________ Each Greek city-state had its own form of ?
6. ________________________ Term that means city-state. Greek for city-state.
7. ________________________ A philosopher, he tutored the young Alexander.
8. ________________________ Greek fighting formation perfected by Philip of
9. ________________________ The type of scientist that studies the sun, moon,
planets, and stars.
10. ________________________ Mycenaean (Greek) hero of the Trojan War.
11. ________________________ The first Aegean civilization developed on the
island of Crete.
12. ________________________ Known as the “Father of Modern Medicine”.
13. _________________________ Term for the spread and mixing of Greek culture
from 336 B.C. to 146 B.C.
14. _________________________ Name the Persian king that was defeated by
Alexander the Great.
15. _________________________ Athletic contests held in honor of the Greek gods
every 4 years
16. _________________________ The group of that made the laws in Athens.
17. _________________________ Listen to evidence in court trials.
18. _________________________ Chief god of the Greeks.
19. _________________________ Greek god of the Sun.
20. _________________________ Greek Goddess of Wisdom
21. _________________________ Temple that honors Athena on the Acropolis
22. _________________________ Known as the “Father of History” wrote about the
Persian Wars.
23. _____________/____________________ Were victorious during the Trojan War.
24. _________________________ War fought between Sparta and Athens
25. _________________________ Barbarians from northern Greece, invaded the
Peloponnesus and conquered the Mycenaeans.
26. _________________________ Greek geographer/ mathematician figured the
earth’s circumference to within 200 miles.
27. _________________________ It was the cultural center of Greece during its
“Golden Age”.
28. _________________________ Greek word “VICTORY”
29. _________________________ A play with an unhappy ending.
30. _________________________ Macedonian king conquered the Greek city-states.
31. _________________________ Fortified hill in a Greek city-state.
32. _________________________ Conquered Greece in 146 B.C. to end the Hellenistic Age.
33. _________________________Greek poet of the Iliad and the Odyssey
34. _________________________ Home of the Greek gods.
35. _________________________ The southern most section of Greece where
Sparta is located.
36. _________________________ Leader of Athens during its “Golden Age”.
37. __________________________ Name the 3 great Greek philosophers we talked
about in this unit.
38. ________________________ This scientist arrived at a fairly accurate calculation
of the value of pi.
39. ________________________ This mathematician’s work is still the basis of
geometry courses today. He wrote the textbook “Elements”.
40. _______________________ A government ruled by a single person called a king.
41. _________________________ The Athenian ruler who outlawed debt slavery.
42. __________________________ The type of ruler in Greece who seized control of
the government by obtaining the support of the common people.
43. __________________________ Government ruled by a small group of noble,
landowning families.
44. __________________________ Capital of the Minoan civilization.
45. __________________________ The maze under the king’s palace on the island of
Crete is called a?
46. __________________________ The German archaeologist that discovered Troy.
47. _________________________ A narrow stretch of land connecting to larger land
areas is called an?
48. __________________________ List the two characteristics that played a role in
forming the Greeks distinctive culture.
49. _______________________ Name the legendary beast of the labyrinth at Knossos.
50. __________________________ Greek sculptor that carved the statue known as
the Discus Thrower.