AP English Language Summer Reading

Mrs. Jarad A.P. English Language Summer Reading Assignment The Jungle by Upton Sinclair PART I – TO DO:
1) Immediately write your name IN PEN on the front cover of your text. I will be checking for this the first day of
2) Choose 2 of the following 4 questions to be your reading focus for the book. You need to choose these BEFORE
reading so you know what to look for as you read.
3) Annotate each question you choose so you know exactly what to focus your attention on as you read. I will be
checking this assignment sheet for your annotation when I check your summer reading work.
4) Choose 2 different colored pens, highlighters or 2 different line structures (straight line, squiggly line, circles,
boxes, etc.) to represent each question you choose. Make sure to indicate what color/line structure represents which
5) As you read, underline ALL possible statements/ideas that could support each question. Then, in the margins next
to each statement that you identify, write a detailed explanation of how the statement relates to the corresponding
1) You need to show evidence of each question throughout the entire text, not just the first few chapters. Hint – it’s
actually easier and less time consuming in the end to just read it and do the assignment vs. trying to cut corners!
2) Your margin notes should be more than just “it shows support for socialism.” Instead if you underline a statement
that relates to question #1, you want to develop your margin note and explain why it answers #1. For example, “it
showcases support for socialism because…”
3) Re-read the questions that you chose before you pick up the text each time. This will help you to refresh your
mind on what you are looking for.
PART I – QUESTIONS – Choose 2 of the following and annotate each
1) To what extent does this text promote socialism? You may need to look up the definition of socialism to ensure
you are responding appropriately.
2) How does this text showcase the “plight of immigrants” during the period of the second industrial revolution?
(Think about the jobs they worked, how they were treated, what their daily lives were like, etc.)
3) Why was this text so influential in changing the practices of the meat-packing industry? Essentially, what were
the “stomach turning” parts of the book that society reacted so strongly to?
4) How does this book showcase gender inequalities existing among immigrant groups and throughout society?
REQUIRED QUESTION (needs to be completed in addition to the two questions you chose above):
In a different color/line structure than the ones you used above, identify and number AT LEAST 10 essential quotes
in the text as you read. Then in the margins, explain why each quote qualified for being one of the most significant.
Please don’t choose random quotes or quotes from any number of “quote web pages” – this will be fairly obvious.
You need to dissect the text and determine which sections are most influential and representative of the overall
meaning of the work. Please do NOT use the same quotes that you used for your margin notes. Source: http://peaktopeak.schoolfusion.us In addition to this assignment, research background information about Upton Sinclair. Although your book does provide you with an introduction, I found that some websites provided even more interesting facts about this writer. Highlight vocabulary words you do not understand and define them in the margin. Although you have explanatory notes in the back, there are vocabulary words which you will not understand. Write in the margins of the book (annotate) and analyze as you read. I will provide several mini‐writing assignments and one in‐class essay response for this novel. The Jungle Questions for Study and Discussion: The Jungle is one of the greatest (and most controversial) works by Upton Sinclair. Here are a few questions for study and discussion. 
What is important about the title? 
What are the conflicts in The Jungle? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) did you notice in this novel? 
How does Upton Sinclair reveal character in The Jungle? 
What are some themes in the novel? How do they relate to the plot and characters? 
What are some symbols in The Jungle? How do they relate to the plot and characters? 
Is Jurgis Rudkus consistent in his actions? Is he a fully developed character? How? Why? 
Do you find the characters likable? Are the characters persons you would want to meet? 
Does the novel end the way you expected? How? Why? 
What is the central/primary purpose of the novel? Is the purpose important or meaningful? 
Why is the novel usually considered a work of protest literature? 
How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else? 
What is the role of women in the text? How are mothers represented? What about single/independent women? 
Would you recommend this novel to a friend?