6th SCIENCE-Term III Class: Food Chains and Food

Class: Food Chains and Food Webs
Full Name: _________________________
6th ________________________
Teacher: Gerardo LÁZARO
Actual Date of Delivery: _________________
Expected Date of Delivery: Friday, August 27th
OBJECTIVES: Define ecological terms: biotic, abiotic, habitat, niche,
ecosystem. Identify and explain the effects of energy flow in any given
Complete the next chart until “How I am going to know” Complete “What I Learned” at the end of the lesson. What I Want to know What I Know Class Transport in Humans II How I am going to know What I Learned Activity 1: Select a living thing and Prepare a Web Diagram having your selected living
things as the central idea. Connect your central idea using basic connecting words (such
as: belongs to, produces, is made of, transforms, eats, is eaten by, etc). Start by
indicating all the surroundings you can remember of this living thing. You can also
consider the following themes: USES, STRUCTURE, FUNCTIONS, IMPORTANCE.
Booklet – 6th Science – Class 1‐ Transport in Humans II – Term III Page 1 Activity 2: Select one department from Peru, or any country from the world and build up
a food web with real living things from the place you selected. Indicate the energy flow in
the food chain, who is the producer, the consumer and its grade and the abiotic factors.
Activity 3: Use the diagram of the Food Web to answer questions A to J:
A. How many food chains make up the food web?
B. Which organism is an herbivore?
C. Which organism is an autotroph?
Booklet – 6th Science – Class 1‐ Transport in Humans II – Term III Page 2 D. Which organism is a third-order heterotroph? To what trophic level does
that organism belong?
E. Which organism is an omnivore?
F. Which organisms belong to more than one food chain?
G. Which organisms belong to more than one trophic level?
H. What are decomposers? From which trophic levels are the organisms that
decomposers feed on?
What does a pyramid of energy show about the amount of energy available
at different trophic levels of a food chain?
Why do different trophic levels have different amounts of energy?
Activity 4: Answer the following questions by selecting one choice per question:
Circle the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Energy that is lost at each trophic level of an ecosystem is replenished by
a. heat.
b. nutrients.
c. sunlight.
d. organisms.
2. Besides energy, what moves through the organisms at each trophic level of an
a. organisms
b. nutrients
c. sunlight
d. cycles
3. Evaporation and condensation a part of the
a. carbon cycle.
b. nitrogen cycle.
c. phosphorus cycle d. water cycle
4. Plants lose water to the air through
a. condensation.
b. photosynthesis.
c. their roots.
d. evaporation.
5. Animals lose water when they
a. breathe in.
b. urinate.
c. breathe out.
d. both b and c.
Booklet – 6th Science – Class 1‐ Transport in Humans II – Term III Page 3 6. The water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth by
a. precipitation.
b. evaporation.
c. photosynthesis.
d. decomposition.
7. Autotrophs and heterotrophs use carbon molecules for energy and
a. photosynthesis.
b. growth.
c. decomposition.
d. both a and b.
8. What do plants use in photosynthesis to make carbon molecules?
a. carbon dioxide
b. carbohydrates
c. fertilizer
9. Heterotrophs get carbon molecules by
a. making the molecules themselves.
c. decaying.
d. oxygen
b. feeding on other organisms.
d. growing.
10. When decomposers break down the carbon molecules in dead organisms,
a. the dead organisms are converted to coal.
b. oxygen is released.
c. carbon dioxide is released.
d. carbon dioxide is converted to energy-rich carbon molecules.
11. Fertilizers provide plants with
a. nitrogen.
b. carbon.
c. water.
d. oxygen.
12. Which of the following convert(s) nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?
a. bacteria
b. lightning
c. sunlight
d. both a and b
13. Plants use nitrogen to make
a. carbohydrates.
b. nitrogen gas.
c. proteins.
d. both b and c.
14. An animal returns nitrogen to the environment when it
a. breathes.
b. decomposes.
c. urinates.
d. both b and c.
15. Animals get phosphorus from
a. the air.
b. eating plants.
d. the soil.
c. water.
16. Phosphorus in the soil comes from
a. rocks.
b. decaying organisms. c. the air.
d. both a and b.
How do living organisms get their energy when they deeper than 100 m under
the ocean surface?
Booklet – 6th Science – Class 1‐ Transport in Humans II – Term III Page 4