Secondary English Department

Secondary English Department
Young love is in the air for MYP3students who have been studying Shakespeare´s Romeo
and Juliet as their final unit of this year.
One of their assessments consisted of an ‘Agony Aunt’ letter, written by either Rome or his
young bride, written just after he has been banished to Mantua and she has been told that
she must marry Paris. With no one else to turn to, the characters decided to write to ‘Dear
Bel’ for advice on what to do next. The focus of the assessment was to write with empathy and to capture the voice
of their chosen character.
We hope that you enjoy reading these letters by Marco Miglorancia, Sofia Neves and Isabella Nunes
Dear Bel,
For a long time, I have been reading your column, and have found it extremely encouraging. Every time I read it, you always answer
with great honesty. You write as a friend, giving people you don't even know great advice, and for that I am incredibly fond of your
work, and right now, I need your advice, as I am in a terrible situation.
My question for you is: How can you not be with someone you love?
Only 36 hours ago, I was at a ball, hoping to meet a woman I used to love, Rosaline. That is when I saw her, Juliet. Her bright eyes
met mine and as we touched palms, I knew that we were meant to be together, for our love was written in the stars.
Of course, right now, you must be thinking “what is the problem?”, Well the problem is that Juliet is a Capulet, and I am a Montague.
Our families have been rivals for ages now, even centuries, and they loathe each other. I don't really know why, but as long as anyone
can remember, the Capulets and Montagues have been sworn enemies. I believe different. Her love has made me forget all this, she
defied everything I was taught to believe in. I believe love will join our families together. I love Juliet more than anything and anyone
in the world, hopefully she feels the same way about me.
That is not the real problem though, yesterday was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. We decided to get married in secret,
since our families obviously won't encourage us. The priest, Friar Lawrence agreed to marry us. Everything was going so well, until I
went to see my friends. When I got there, I found my best friend, Mercutio, and Juliet’s cousin Tybalt fighting. I tried to stop it, I really
did, but I approached Tybalt in the wrong way. He then tried to kill me, but Mercurio stopped him, which later resulted in his death.
My best friend died because of me. I couldn't stand the guilt, so I killed Tybalt myself. At first, I didn't want to kill him, but after he
murdered Mercutio, my best pal, I felt this unexpressive rage inside of me, and did something now I regret.
After the murder, I left to see Juliet. Thankfully she forgave me for killing her cousin, despite the fact that not everyone did. The Prince
has banished me from Verona. I thought about staying, but it is far too risky, considering that if they find me, they have the strict
orders to kill me. Of course nothing is going to make me stop loving Juliet, not even death. Our love is stronger than anything else in
the world. That is why I am not going to stop, ever.
Now, I am going to Mantua, where hopefully, I will meet Juliet. I fear that she might not come. Friar Lawrence is trying to find a way
to bring me back to Verona, and not be killed, but what if he doesn't? What if I can’t get back there and see her, the love of my life?
Right now, I don't have a second plan. If Friar Lawrence doesn't find a way to get me back, what will I do then? I have hope I will still
see Juliet, but when? How? I am desperate to find a way. Juliet is my love, she is the light to my soul. She completes me, thus I cannot
live without her. The only thing keeping me alive is the mere flicker of hope for us to be together once more.
Once more I ask you: How can I not be with the person I love? Should I be patient and wait for Friar Lawrence to find a way to bring
me back, or for Juliet to come here, or should I go back to Verona, where the police have strict orders to shoot me on sight? I write to
you, desperately needing advice„
Any advice?
Troubled from Verona
Dear Bel,
I’m not one to typically share my troubles with others, however, these past few days have
been quite troubling and I’m afraid I’ve been left with no one else to turn to. I do hope you are able
to answer me with your usual flair and charisma as I’m running out of options. I know my troubles
aren’t easy ones to solve but you have been known to solve anything, and I believe you can help me.
Perhaps I should start at the beginning of my predicament...
Ever since I can remember my family has been feuding with the Capulets, and I never found
out what led to the hostile way my family would act towards them but I had never questioned it. I
was never really interested in the feud or the fights anyways, my interests lay somewhere else, and
my attention was devoted to love.
Three days ago, convinced by my friends, I attended the party of one of Verona’s wealthiest
families, the Capulets, with hopes of seeing the woman whom I’d been courting. To me no lady was
fairer or more beautiful than Rosaline, or so I thought. But everything changed when I first saw her.
Even the name Juliet, brings the smell of spring flowers and thoughts of pure bliss to me. I felt as if
I had never really been alive till then, I knew now that Juliet was my sun and there was no life
without her. You see Bel, this is where my trouble really begins. We hadn’t gone to just any party,
this was the Capulet’s party, my family's sworn enemies, and now the lady with whom I was certain I
would spend the rest of my life with, well she was their daughter. As we touched, palm to palm, I
knew right then that the love we shared was stronger than anything else, and I have every reason to
believe that it was fate that brought us together, as the stars had weaved together from our birth
our encounter. It was that night that we declared our love to each other and we set plans to wed.
I had never felt more elated than seeing her walk down the aisle, as my great confidante,
Friar Lawrence, agreed to marry us in secret. We were able to share a brief moment of nuptial bliss,
which was soon ended by grief and sadness. I was met by Juliet’s Cousin, Tybalt, who had caught my
best friend, Mercutio, in a time of annoyance who in turn instigated a fight with Tybalt. But alas, any
attempt I made to end the brawl no doubt worsened it, but I knew Tybalt had become my family now,
and I had to love him the same way I loved Juliet. Tybalt soon got the upperhand, due to my refusal
to respond to his taunting, it was then he wounded Mercutio. Soon after seeing Mercutio succumb to
his wound, no love I had for Juliet could stop me from exerting vengeance on Tybalt, and I knew I
would only be at peace by slaying him, the same way he had done to Mercutio. I can’t help but feel
guilty for Mercutio’s death, and I know his blood is on my hands. I know he wouldn't have courted a
fight the way he did if I had been around. I can never ever forgive myself for what happened to
Now is when things really get complicated, for now I have been banished from Verona, as
declared by the Prince. I have no option but to flee or I shall be executed on sight. I know Juliet has
forgiven me for the impulsiveness that led me to kill Tybalt, but I haven’t been able to forgive
myself. I know that Friar Lawrence has promised to retrieve me from Mantua, where I’ve been
exiled, and will return me to Verona where Juliet and I shall remain together forever. The time I will
spend away from love gives me great sadness, but each day as the sun rises on the east I will be
remembered of her beauty, and perhaps that will ease the pain, for know I will see her again soon.
Now, I have reason to believe that you are the only one that can tell me what I should do. I’ve
run out of options and no longer have Mercutio to ask for advice, and Friar Lawrence is back in
Verona. My mother, who is an avid reader of your column, is what led me to write in to you, I do hope
you answer me as soon as possible as not a single minute goes by that I do not long for Juliet, and
wish her by my side. I can’t help but feel as if love has thrown a thick veil over me that blinds my
judgement, I have found myself at a crossroad and your advice is what I need to beckon me towards
righteousness. Should I forget about the love and bond I have with Juliet, or should I leave and seek
adventures far away from my old life?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Starcrossed Lover
Dear Bel,
I am passionate about the way you write. I have been reading your column
for the past few years and you constantly brighten my day, giving the best advice in
town. The guidance you provide your readers with, always relates to how I am
feeling. You sound like a true friend who is devoted to comforting people you have
never met. The time has come that I am the one in need of your help. You are the
only one who can assist me in the situation that I have found myself in.
I am Juliet, a Capulet, living in fair Verona. I am in love with the most
handsome boy I have ever met, a fair Montague. However, our families are rivals.
The Capulets and the Montagues have been enemies ever since anyone can
remember; yet no one knows why. This ancient grudge is keeping us apart. When
Romeo and I decided to get married, we thought our names would not interfere
with our love. However, I am aware that if my family finds out about my feelings
towards this fair Montague, Romeo and I will end up dead. We are star-crossed
lovers, and I just can't let him go. Why did I have to love him? Why is destiny doing
this to me? My life is Romeo; he is everything I can think of everyday. Our
relationship is kept a secret; the only one who remains loyal to us is my nurse, who
helped us organize the marriage.
To make matters worse, Romeo has killed my cousin Tybalt, yet I still remain
faithful to him. The fight started when Tybalt killed Romeo’s best friend, Mercutio,
and this made him seek revenge. He has been involved in a serious fight and is
covered in wounds. All of this confusion has led to my darling's expulsion from
Verona. If he goes, my life will fall apart, but if he stays, his soul will be devoured.
Now that Romeo has been banished from Verona, I am afraid I will never get to see
him again.
On top of that, my parents want me to marry their chosen suitor, Paris, but by
doing so I will never find happiness in my life, as Romeo is my one and only. I have
tried talking to my nurse who had previously supported our marriage, but now she
has turned away and wants me to marry Paris, as it is the best thing to do under
the circumstances we are in. I suppose everyone is against me. My family doesn't
know what true love is. Romeo and I are determined to be together no matter what
our families think, however this is impossible. Our love is so over-powering that
Romeo is the only one who understands me. I love him. I need him. I want him. He
is the reason I life for. I am desperate, as I don't know about Romeo’s well-being at
this very moment. Have the police killed him, on his journey to leave Verona? I have
barely said goodbye to him. What if I never get to see him again? My mind is filled
with thoughts of misplacement, confusion, feelings and emotions. He is the sun to
my days; he is a star to my nights. I love him with all of my heart. He is the solution
to my problems, but now we are both involved in the greatest trouble we have ever
faced. The worst of all is that I have been having some visions… Romeo is sure we
will see each other again. I really wish I had the optimism he possesses. However, I
feel like our love will soon be interrupted, not just by distance but also by a coffin.
What should I do? Do I ignore the love of my life and marry Paris or do I give
up my own life, forget my family and friends and try to find Romeo so that we can
eternally be together? Do you believe in visions, or is it just some stupid intuition?
Best regards,
Forbidden lover
As part of the unit on Transitions, MYP2 students recently took the Alfred Noyse poem, ‘The
Highwayman’ and turned it into a play for the radio. The focus of the task was to turn the poem
into a play, by inserting dialogue, sound effects and by interpreting the poet’s original words in
a new way.
Please click on this link to listen to a sample of the work of Leena Doherty, Annie da Silva and Isabella Tonanni.
Below is the link to listen to the work of Natalya Ball, Gabriela Ferrari, Erick Johannpeter, Lieve Scheij, and Andres