7-8 April 2017 – Tartu, Estonia

“A divided continent in search of a common language?”
7-8 April 2017 – Tartu, Estonia
Conference venue: Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu, Lossi 36
Friday, 7 April
09.30 – …
Registration (Lobby - Ground floor)
Welcome remarks (Room 215)
Piret Ehin (Deputy Director of the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies)
Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev (Conveners)
Kai Gläser (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
Panel 1 (Room 215)
The post-Soviet space: between Russia and the EU, from Common Neighborhood to Conflicts
Valeria Korablyova (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Poland and Ukraine between the EU and Russia: desynchronized developments, or away from the
Giedroyc doctrine
Oleksandr Moskalenko (University of Turku, Finland)
EU-Russia relations - Is winter coming?
Numonjon Malikov (Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan)
Central Asia’s Economic Cooperation with major Economic Centres
Leonardo Pataccini (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Back to the future?: Russian economic crises in perspective and their political outcomes
Stakeholders’ talk with academia (Room 214)
The future of the European Union in a changing Europe
H.E. Christoph Eichhorn (Ambassador of Germany to Estonia)
Moderator: Andrey Makarychev (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Lunch break
Panel 2A (Room 305)
Regional Outlooks: Focus on Ukraine
Olena Podolian (Södertörns University College, Sweden)
Brothers Armed. Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine
Dmytro Khutkyy (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine)
The Dynamics of Change of Pro-European Attitudes in Ukraine
Vasif Huseynov (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Time Was Ripe for a Trump: Reconsideration of the Ukraine Crisis in the Transatlantic Context
Federico Salvati (Alice Salomon University, Germany)
The Ukrainian Land Grabbing: an Atypical Case
Panel 2B (Room 306)
Regional Outlooks: Focus on the South Caucasus
*in cooperation with the Caucasus Institute for Regional Security
Stepan Grigoryan (Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, Armenia)
Prospects for EU-Armenia Relations: New Framework Agreement and Visa Liberalization Process
Anna Ayvazyan (Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federation)
European and Eurasian integration: case of Armenia
Camilla Edemann Callesen (University of Kent, United Kingdom)
A Social-Psychological Perspective on EU and Russia’s approach towards the Georgian/South Ossetian
Kamran Ismaylov (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
The European Union and Russia in the contested South Caucasus
Coffee break (Lobby - Ground floor)
Stakeholders’ talk with academia (Room 214)
The EU facing the moment of truth?
*supported by the European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA)
Mr. Henrik Lax (former Member of the European Parliament, ALDE, Finland)
Moderator: Stefano Braghiroli (University of Tartu, Estonia)
17.45 – 19.15
Roundtable (Room 214)
European Insecurities: Regional Perspectives on Identities and Conflicts
Nicolás de Pedro (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Spain)
Nico Groenendijk (University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Andrey Makarychev (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Sabine Selchow (London School of Economics and Institute for Global Prosperity, University College
London, UK)
Vlad Strukov (University of Leeds, UK)
Moderator: Stefano Braghiroli (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Reception at University of Tartu Art Museum
Saturday, 8 April
Panel 3A (Room 305)
Europe: a region of instability in the age of rising populisms
Paula Espirito Santo (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Leaderships in times of populism in Europe and the USA
Vassilis Petsinis (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Identity politics and right-wing populism in Estonia: The case of EKRE
Louis Wierenga (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Intermarium: The populist radical right in Eastern Europe’s alternative to Moscow and Brussels
Jaak Erik Laja (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Neo-Medieval Europe: The Rise and Limits of a Concept
Panel 3B (Room 306)
Europe: Critical perspectives and trajectories on the eve of EU2017.EE
Lilla Pinter (European Parliament)
Which priorities for the Estonian Presidency of the Council of EU in Europe and beyond?
Laura Neijenhuis (Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
Changing identities in former communist states: Romania and Estonia
András Tóth (Institute for Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Lessons from the Hungarian Transformation Process: The Sweet Unbearable Burden of the Pension
System and the Problem of the Sustainable Market Economy
Daniel Heler (Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic) and Ekaterina Zheltova (European
University at Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Political Economy and Anthropology of Eurasian Economic Union and Its Relations with EU
Christian Pipal (Klaipeda University, Lithuania)
Children born of war in Lithuania: Conceptualizing citizenship in a post-conflict environment
11.45 – 13.15
Book presentation session (Room 214)
‘Borders in the Baltic Sea Region: Suturing the Ruptures’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
‘Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine’ (Routledge, 2017)
Andrey Makarychev (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Thomas Linsenmaier (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Thomas Hoffmann (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Lunch break
Panel 4 (Room 214)
Fluid identities, communication, and information warfare in a region of instability
Olha Tkachenko (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Polish-Ukrainian relations after Euromaidan in the publications of Polish mass media
Julie Giorgadze (New Vision University, Georgia)
The subtext of the text in Georgian-Russian political communication
Martin Barthel (University of Eastern Finland)
Heating up the Cold War - The dynamics of German mass media discourses in the wake of the conflicts
on Crimea and Donetsk
Kristina Khutsishvili (Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna, Pisa, Italy)
The concept post-Soviet space and exploration of so-called post-Soviet identity
Young voices: students’ panel and discussion (Room 214)
Natalia Kovyliaeva (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)
Role of the EU institutional mechanisms in managing ethnopolitical conflicts in Eastern Partnership
Volha Damarad and George Spencer Terry (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Informing without Information: Russia’s Elite-Level Strategic Communication on Twitter
Heidi Erbsen (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Online International News Reporting in English: The Paradox of Global Convergence Theory
Liudmyla Petrychenko (University of Tartu, Estonia)
The Eastern Partnership: Security dimension
Contacts and further information:
Administrative and logistical issues (organisation of accommodation, travel, etc.): Olena Solohub,
[email protected]; (+372) 7375198
Issues related to the programme and panels: Stefano Braghiroli, [email protected]; (+372)
Information about Tartu: http://www.visittartu.com/?set_lang_id=1
Printable map of the city centre: http://www.ut.ee/sites/default/files/www_ut/tu_hooned_2013.pdf
Free WIFI is available in all University of Tartu buildings: connect to ut-public. Free WIFI is also
available in most cafes and restaurants as well as in the Town Hall Square.