Get Growing Spray Indicator for Turf Use Lake and Pond

Spray Indicator for Turf Use
Lake and Pond Colorant
Product Overview:
Product Overview:
Turf Trax® is a temporary spray indicator used to show where
spray applications have been made to turf. For use in boom,
handgun and spot spraying applications. Available in both blue
and green formulations.
Mixes with water soluble pesticides and fertilizers
Economical marker for all spray equipment
Indicates skips and overlaps
Promotes precise applications
Indicates applicator contact with spray solution
Application verification for crew and supervisor
Indicates spray volume
Indicates spray drift
Can help identify equipment problems
Breaks down with sunlight and water
Safe and non-toxic
Washes up with soap and water
Packaging/formulation information:
• Turf Trax Blue (liquid): available in 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon containers
• NEW! Turf Trax Blue HC (concentrated liquid): available
in quart containers
• Turf Trax Blue WSP: available in 1.41 oz water soluble
• NEW! Turf Trax Green HC (concentrated liquid): available
in quart containers
— Get Growing
© 2012 Loveland Products Inc. Always read and follow label directions.
AQUAMARK and TURF TRAX are registered trademarks of Loveland Products, Inc.
• For use in contained bodies of water such as: golf course
water hazards, ponds, small lakes, fountains, fisheries
• Safe/non-toxic, treated water may be used for irrigation or
swimming and recreation
• Water Soluble Packets (WSP) offer greater convenience:
pre-measured with easier handling and application
• NEW low-dust granular technology eliminates surface
clumps and streaks associated with powdered WSP
• Engineered to work below the surface and rise towards the
surface of the water, efficiently coloring the water column
— rapidly colors the crucial 4’ to 6’ column upwards
Packaging/formulation information:
• Aquamark Blue WSP: available in 5.85 oz water soluble
• NEW! Aquamark Black (liquid): available in 1 gallon
Aquamark® lake and pond colorant safely and conveniently
transforms pale or off-color water into a natural appearing
deep blue or mirror-like black color.
Available in: 1 gallon and
2.5 gallon containers
Suggested Use Rates
(per 100 gallons spray solution)
Greens & Tees: Dormant 6-8 oz;
Light 6-10 oz; Dark 10-14 oz
Fairways, Lawns, Parks:
Dormant 6-10 oz; Light 10-18 oz;
Dark 14-24 oz
Roughs: Dormant 12-18 oz;
Light 18-24 oz; Dark 24-30 oz
Backpack/Small Sprayer: 3 gallon
2-3 oz; 30 gallon 6-10 oz;
100 gallon 18-24 oz
Available in: 1 quart containers
Suggested Use Rates - Spray
Tank Volume
1 to 3 gallons: 0.5-1 oz
15 to 50 gallons: 2-4 oz
100 to 200 gallons: 6-12 oz
300+ gallons: 18-24 oz
Available in: 10 x 4 x 1.41 oz
water soluble packets
Suggested Use Rates
(packs per 50 gallons)
Greens: 1
Fairways/Lawns: 1-2
Roughs, etc.: 1-2
For best results use flat fan spraying
tips when applying. Increasing
the total volume of spray solution
will enhance the visual marking
of non-uniform surfaces, such as
longer or thinner stands of turf, or
applications made over a broad
range of ornamental vegetation and
tree canopies.
Allow 5 minutes of mixing for packs
to dissolve in the spray solution.
Available in: 1 quart containers
Available in: 1 gallon containers
Suggested Use Rates - Spray
Tank Volume
1 to 3 gallons: 1-2 oz
50 gallons: 8-16 oz
100 gallons: 16-32 oz
200 gallons: 32-64 oz
Suggested Use Rates
Available in: 4 x 4 x 5.85 oz water
soluble packets
For best results use flat fan spraying
tips when applying. Increasing
the total volume of spray solution
will enhance the visual marking
of non-uniform surfaces, such as
longer or thinner stands of turf, or
applications made over a broad
range of ornamental vegetation and
tree canopies.
This product should not be
applied to streams, rivers,
outflows, or water not completely
controlled by the user. Apply near
the shoreline at various locations
around body of water to achieve
best coverage.
For best results use flat fan spraying
tips when applying. Use higher rates
when spraying longer and thinner
strands of turf which are more
difficult to mark due to non-uniform
Large water bodies: 32-64 oz per
surface-acre of water 4 feet deep
Other water features: 2 oz per
20,000 gallons of water
Suggested Use Rates - Area to
be Treated
1 acre foot*/1,234 m3: 1 WSP
4 acre feet*/4,934 m3: 4 WSP
*1 acre foot = 1 acre, 1 foot deep or 325,851 gallons
Simply toss or drop the correct
number of packets into the water.
Evenly spaced packets aid in
quicker, more even coverage.
Solubility typically occurs in 5 to
10 minutes, depending on water
Rates and directions for use on this sheet provided for informational purposes only. Always read and follow all rates and directions for use on the product label. v05/2012