Geography and the Early Settlement of India worksheet

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Period: _____ Geography and the Early Settlement of India
Part I: Locate each of the below places in Google Earth. Read the description, analyze the images, and take notes in the chart below. Physical Feature Description Brahmaputra River Deccan Plateau Eastern and Western Ghats Ganges River Himalaya Mountains Hindu Kush Mountains Indus River Thar Desert Indus River Valley Civilization Part II: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What geographic factors do you think led to the growth of civilization in the Indus River valley? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Predict how the location of the Himalayas, as well as their height, affected the development of civilization in ancient India. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What advantages would there have been to settling along the Indus River near its mouth at the Arabian Sea, as opposed to farther inland? What disadvantages might there have been to this location? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Period: _____ Map of India Instructions
1. Label each of the following physical features using the appropriate letter. A.
Brahmaputra River Deccan Plateau Eastern and Western Ghats Ganges River E.
Himalaya Mountains Hindu Kush Mountains Indus River Thar Desert 2.
Color each of the physical features with the appropriate color (rivers in blue, deserts in brown, plateaus in green, etc.) 3.
Label and color the location of the Indus River Valley civilization. 4.
Label the following bodies of water. a. Arabian Sea b. Bay of Bengal c. Indian Ocean 5.
Draw a compass rose that includes the four cardinal directions and the four intermediate directions. Legend or key d. Include all physical features with letter and full name e. Include Indus River Valley civilization f. Include a title for the map 7.
Quality of work a. Lightly color the map in color pencil, not markers. Color in one direction and stay within the lines. b. All labels must be written neatly in black pen so they are easy to read. c. Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns. Spell words correctly.