February 2015 - Anglo Spanish Association

Personal Postal, Buzon 868, Ctra Cabo la Nao 116-4, 03730 Jávea, Alicante
Registration No.CV-01-037638
CIF No. G53892790
David Decker
Keith Hyde
Jack Haggarty
Lorna Ainsworth Secretary
Katrina Myerscough
Diane Wright
Committee Member
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
February 2015 Newsletter
From the Chair
Judging by your committee’s first meeting after the AGM, there is a determination to continue
the good work done by previous committees, and to keep the Association delivering attractive
and interesting events and programmes for our members. We would encourage members to
suggest ideas to help us deliver an agenda that will help us meet these goals. Although we as the
committee have to work hard on your behalf, we are pleased when members themselves are
prepared to give interesting talks or arrange trips which enlarge our knowledge and
understanding of Spain, in both the historic and cultural fields.
We do need to find a new Treasurer to take over from Jack Haggerty, whose health is not all that
it could be. He has gallantly agreed to stay on until we can find a replacement, so please contact
us if you feel you can help.
Finally, it is with great regret that I have to announce the death of two well known members
Gordon Wallace and Peter Sharp. The Association sends condolences to both their families, and
assure them that their contributions to life here on the Costa Blanca will long be remembered.
The AGM this year was held at the Parador on Monday 26 January 2015. It seemed to go very
well and the business in hand all passed without incident. You will note the changes in the
committee in the list above. David Decker was elected President due to the retirement of Dodie
Hodgkinson, whose outstanding service to the Association, was recognized by the presentation of
a small gift. In a break with tradition, the committee decided that an Amazon gift card would be
more useful to Dodie, allowing her to purchase something that she really wanted. Jack Haggerty
presented the audited accounts, and they were duly and unanimously passed by the members.
Keith Hyde became the Vice President, and Diane Wright was welcomed onto the committee,
bringing with her years of experience in the tourist industry in Spain, and which will prove
invaluable over the next few years The 2015 programme (attached below) was presented to the
meeting and was received well by the members,. Finally, Peter Atkinson gave his wonderful
photographic record of the life of the Association in 2014, and much laughter ensued. This
ensured that we were all in the mood for a pleasant meal at the Parador ( organised by Lorna
A note from Dodie,
Thankyou to the Committee and members of Anglo Spanish for the Amazon token which you
gave me as I stepped down as President. I have used it to buy a book – The Food of Spain by
Claudia Roden. As well as recipes it has an analysis of ingredients, showing how the history of the
different regions has influenced food. Dodie Hodgkinson
Edwin Cheeseman Talk -16 March at the Parador
Edwin Cheeseman will share his culinary enthusiasm providing insights into the restaurant and
retail food trades including shopping for food at the market and Spanish Supermarkets tricks of
the trade. Edwin is a dedicated food professional who not only survived, but somehow flourished
in some of the most unusual, bizarre and dangerous food markets around the world. Having sold
the restaurants and retired to the relative safety of Spanish markets and other food businesses, it
should have been easy...No!
Followed by dinner at La Cocina.arriving at 8 -815pm approx. The menu choices are attached and
costs €24 per person.
16th March
Dinner at La Cocina arriving at 8-8:15
Ensalada de Queso Stilton y Higos con vinagreta de vino oporto, nueces y crutones
Stilton & Fig Salad with port wine dressing, walnuts & croutons
Soufflé Suissesse, soufflé de quesos con nata y quesos raclette y parmesano
Cheese Soufflé, our twice baked extravagance with raclette & parmesan cheeses
Terrina de cerdo con higos y pistachos, servido con encurtidos, mermelada de higos, salsa de
moscatel, y tostadas melba
Pork Terrine with Figs & Pistachios, served with pickles, fig & pear relish, muscatel sauce & melba
Costillas y Patatas Fritas, costillas de cerdo cocinadas muy lentos, recubiertos en nuestra salsa
Ribs & Fries, slow cooked ribs coated in our delicious homemade BBQ sauce & served with frie
Lomo Al Horno en Coca Cola, chilli y Orégano (picante) No.5
Pork Braised with Coca Cola & Chilli, based on a recipe I picked up in Mexico city 25 years ago
Ternera Al Horno, con nuestra salsa con vinagre Viejo
Slow cooked Beef served with our special sauce made with 15 year old sherry vinegar
Lubina & Arroz Blanco Italiano, con salsa de albahaca, tomates cherry al horno y limón
Sea Bass Fillet & White Risotto, with basil dressing, roasted cherry tomatoes & lemon
Crumble de Manzana con Helado Delicioso de Moras
Apple Crumble with Delicioso Blackberry Ice Cream
Bagatela de Chocolate con Cerezas y Kirsch
Triple Chocolate Trifle, with Cherries & Kirsch
Helado de Vainilla con Pasas Borrachas, empapado en vino de pedro ximenéz
Vanilla Ice Cream with drunken raisins, plump raisins soaked in pedro ximénez wine
Queso Manchego Viejo, servido con mermelada de pasas y genjibre No.11
Matured Manchego Cheese, raisin and ginger relish
Includes Half a bottle of wine per person, water for the tables & coffee 24€
Please Email David Decker at [email protected] to book and with your choices by the
number indicated on the menu - per person.
Day trip to Albaida and Carricola 9th April
Helen and Mike Granville are organising this interesting day trip and will soon be able to finalise
details. We will keep you informed.
In the morning we will visit the small town of Albaida & visit the Church of the Asuncion, the
Segrelles Museum, which is dedicated to the Valencian artist Josep Segrelles & have a walk
around this pleasant town. We will travel to the small village of Carricola for lunch. Carricola is a
small gem with two art trails with sculptures and other art work by Valencian artists. After lunch
there will be time for the adventurous to take one or both of the art trails and for the less
adventurous a short walk around the village, taking the time to spot the sculptures of snails and
cats which adorn the roofs, house fronts and fonts around the village, plus there are some of the
art work within the village itself.
Trip to Valencia 8-9 May
John Deacon is in the process of finalising this trip and more details will be sent out when they
completed. We are planning an overnight trip to Valencia staying at the Hotel DIMAR
(on the Marques de Turia)
Dep.Ausias March (Jávea)
Arr. Hotel DIMAR (Marques de Turia : single occupancy to be quoted)
Dep. on tour of VALENCIA (full details to follow later)
Arr. Pinedo (Restaurante GENUINA)
We have taken 3 groups to this astonishing restaurant where, after delicious
and adventurous tapas, we are offered a "Fesolinap" - the peasant food of the
region in a very wet sauce with rice, vegetables and duck.
(This lunch is included in the tour)
16:30h Return to Hotel
Rest period before concert
[BUS is now free to return to Vergel]
19:30h Concert at Palau de la Musica (short walk across the Turia Park)
Truls Mork, cello / ORQUESTA DE VALENCIA / Yaron Traub
Brahms : Symphony No. 3 in F, Op.90
Saint-Sæns : Cello concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.33
Ravel : Boléro
[ meet the conductor ]
Members will free to eat where they will after the concert.
Morning programme : details to be advised when more is known.
Lunch (at members' choice)
16:30h BUS: departure from Hotel Dimar - return to Jávea
Approximate cost will be €190. A down payment of €50 is now required for anyone interested
in going - please specify if single room required.
Please book with John Deacon < [email protected] > and tell him how/where deposit
will be paid. Deposit payment can be made at the next meeting to be held at the Parador on 16th
Monday 26 January
Monday 16 March
AGM at Jávea Parador followed by dinner at the Parador
At 6.00 for 6.30
Jávea Parador Meeting At 6 for 6:30.
Edwin Cheeseman will share his culinary enthusiasm providing insights into the restaurant
and retail food trades including shopping for food at the market and Spanish Supermarkets
tricks of the trade. Edwin is a dedicated food professional who not only survived but
somehow flourished in some of the most unusual, bizarre and dangerous food markets
around the world. Having sold the restaurants and retired to the relative safety of Spanish
markets and other food businesses, it should have been easy...No!
Thursday April 9th
Followed by dinner at a local restaurant.
Day trip to Albaida and Carricola
In the morning we will visit the small town of Albaida & visit the Church of the Asuncion, the
Segrelles Museum, which is dedicated to the Valencian artist Josep Segrelles & have a
walk around this pleasant town. We will travel to the small village of Carricola for lunch.
Carricola is a small gem with two art trails with sculptures and other art work by Valencian
artists. After lunch there will be time for the adventurous to take one or both of the art trails
and for the less adventurous a short walk around the village, taking the time to spot the
sculptures of snails and cats which adorn the roofs, house fronts and fonts around the
village, plus there are some of the art work within the village itself
May 8th-9th
Helen and Mike Granville
Overnight trip to Valencia staying at the Hotel Dimar. Visiting local sites of interest.
Optional visit to Palau de Musica on 8th Orchestra of Valencia with Conductor Yaron Traub.
Brahms Symphony No3 Op90, Saint-Saens Cello Concerto No 1 Op 33, Ravel’s Bolero.
Coach to and from Valencia. John Deacon
Monday 18th May
July 2nd
Monday 21 September
October 5th-9th
Monday 16 November
Jávea Parador Meeting At 6 for 6:30.
Alan Oliver will talk on the Peninsular wars. This will provide a background to the
trip in October which will provide the opportunity to visit the battle fields.
Followed by dinner at a local restaurant.
Summer Lunch
Details TBC
Jávea Parador Meeting At 6 for 6:30
Karla Daroca, Fine Arts Lecturer will talk about the paintings of Sorolla with
particular reference to his Javea paintings.
Followed by dinner at a local restaurant.
5 day, 4 night trip to Salamanca with optional visits to the Peninsula War
battlefields and Salamanca and it sites. Alan and Ann Oliver are planning to join the
trip and Alan is prepared to help us understand how the battles were fought and the
background surrounding the war. The talk by Alan Oliver on May 18 th will provide a
background to the trip. David Decker.
Jávea Parador Meeting At 6 for 6:30.
Valencia and Alicante. A tale of two cities yesterday and today. Peter Atkinson.
Followed by dinner at a local restaurant
Day Trip. Hidden AlicanteTBC
Thursday 10th December
Christmas Lunch
Details TBC
Monday 1st February 2016