(West) Virginia Court Documents Collection

Guide to the (West) Virginia Court Documents Collection
Bulk Dates:
Marietta College Library, Slack Research Collections
Phone: 740-376-4545
Courts of Hampshire and Frederick counties, (West) Virginia
(West) Virginia Court Documents Collection
1754 –1789
1754 –1789
.25 linear feet (1 mss box)
The (West) Virginia Court Documents Collection contains documents related to civil
court cases and legal issues, primarily in colonial Hampshire County, (West) Virginia,
including applications for licenses, petitions for roads, and records of debts and estates.
Hampshire County, created in 1753 by the Virginia General Assembly from parts of Augusta and
Frederick counties, is the oldest county in what is now the state of West Virginia. Originally known as
Pearsall’s Flats, Romney was chartered as the county seat in 1762.
The local courts of the colonial time period oversaw such matters as tax collection, tavern licenses, road
work, estate settlements, guardianships, and criminal and civil disputes. Gabriel Jones (1724-1806) was
an early clerk of court for Hampshire County. Appointed by Lord Fairfax, the original landholder, Jones
held the office for 25 years. He lived near Port Republic in what is now Rockingham County, Virginia,
and was also the clerk of other area courts. An attorney, Jones traveled around the region signing court
documents, some written in his own hand, and some in those of his deputies. The last Hampshire County
clerk of court during the time period of this collection was Andrew Wodrow, who served from 1782 until
Many of Hampshire County’s early court records are missing, due in part to difficulties during the Civil
War. John Baker White was clerk of courts in 1861, when the Union forces arrived in Romney.
Concerned about the safety of the court records, White loaded the ledger books onto wagons and sent
them to Winchester, Virginia. The loose paper records were left behind in the court house. About 1863,
when the ledger books appeared to be in imminent danger of destruction, they were removed to Front
Royal, and then moved again to Luray. Capt. Christian S. White and a company of 60 Confederates
arrived in Luray just as Union troops were in the process of destroying the records. Shots were
exchanged, the Yankees fled, and the Confederates threw about 150 record books into a wagon bound for
North Carolina.
The hidden court record books were returned to Hampshire County following the Civil War. The loose
papers that had been left behind at the court house in Romney were not as well preserved, as the building
was used for a stable by the Union soldiers, some of whom may have removed or destroyed certain
records. It is also thought that some of the earliest court records were never deposited at the court house
at all, but were kept instead at the office of Lord Fairfax and may never be accounted for.
For more information about the history of Hampshire County, West Virginia, consult History of
Hampshire County, West Virginia, From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present, by Hu Maxwell and H. L.
Swisher (1897). A detailed account of the early court records can be found in chapter XXXIII, pages
361-372. A biography of Gabriel Jones is provided on pages 392-395 of Annals of Augusta County,
Virginia, With Reminiscences Illustrative of the Vicissitudes of its Pioneer Settlers . . ., by Joseph A.
Waddell (1886).
Scope and Content
The collection contains 164 documents related to cases presented in the early courts of Hampshire
County, (West) Virginia. Most of the documents are dated during the colonial time period or shortly after
(1754-1789), with about 30 items undated. The records are related to bills, statements of accounts,
promissory notes, bonds, summons, estates, road construction and maintenance, and licenses for keeping
taverns (ordinaries).
Statement of Arrangement
The documents are arranged in chronological order from 1754 to 1789, followed by two folders of
undated records.
There are no restrictions on accessing material in this collection. Copyright restrictions may apply to
materials. Permission to publish materials must be obtained from the repository and from the copyright
Preferred Citation
(West) Virginia Court Documents Collection, Marietta College Library
Acquisition Information
In a letter addressed to John B. White (son of Christian S. White, grandson of John Baker White) of
Charleston, West Virginia, and dated 25 November 1927, librarian George Blazier of Marietta College
states his belief that the papers “were carried here by some returning soldier.”
Detailed Description of the Collection
Box 1/Folder 1: 1754 – 1760
1. Will of Josiah Arnold. Witnessed by James Smith and Even Pugh, Jr. Hampshire County,
Virginia. October 14, 1754.
2. Bond of Robert Paris, James Hogg, and Thomas McGuyr to Messers. Lenox, Scott & Co., for 120
pounds, 4 shillings and 6 pence currency. Frederick County, Virginia. December 7, 1757.
3. Timothy Corn bill to Peter Young for balance due for “one wagon and geers.” 1759.
4. Timothy Corn bill to Zadock Wright for saddle. 1760.
5. William Gollehen bill to Job Parker for work, such as sawing, splitting rails, helping home with
hogs, and work in harvest. 1760.
6. James Gallant bill to Benjamin Parker for one hat. Also, note signed by Jonathan Cobun, Justice
of the Peace, that the “account is just & true and that he hath received no part thereof.”
Hampshire. March 1760.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Benjamin Parker to answer petition of James
Gallant. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Court. Hampshire County, Virginia. May 16, 1760.
8. To one of the Coroners of Hampshire County. Summons for Solomon Hedges to answer petition
of Michael Harness. Signed by Gabriel Jones. Hampshire County, Virginia. June 13, 1760.
9. George Hart note to pay Peter Schew 1 pound, 13 shillings and 9 pence. Witnessed by Sampson
Haywell. September 23, 1760.
Box 1/Folder 2: 1761
1. Richard Fields statement of account to Felix Gilbert. Also signed by William Preston, Justice of
Peace, stating that the account was justly due. 1761.
2. Charles Linch bill to Henry Bronton and Benjamin Parker (security) for linen, etc. Also,
document from court of Hampshire County against them for refusing to pay the bill. January 7,
3. Cornelius Conner promise to pay William Gibson 3 pounds, 2 shillings, and 6 pence. Witnessed
by Nichs. Seaver. June 9, 1761.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Cornelius Conner to answer petition of
William Gibson. Hampshire County, Virginia. July 21, 1761.
5. William Gibson note to pay Charles Linch 2 pounds, 6 shillings, and 1 penny. Witnessed by J.
Mastham. Also, statement from the Court of Hampshire County that William Gibson is indebted
to Charles Linch. August 12, 1761.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Read to answer petition of William
Gibson. Signed by Gabriel Jones, clerk of Court. Hampshire County, Virginia. August 27,
7. Agreement of George Greene and Thomas Ashbee to pay Garrit Decker sum of 14 pounds,
Virginia currency. Witnessed by Richd. Byrne. September 8, 1761.
8. Petition and summons against Richard Beeson in debt to Christopher Witcle. Witness Gabriel
Jones, Clerk of Court. Hampshire County, Virginia. September 16, 1761.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Timothy Corn to answer petition of Zadock
Wright. Signed by Gabriel Jones. Hampshire County, Virginia. November 9, 1761.
Box 1/Folder 3: 1762
1. Philip Mason note to Michael Laubinger promising to pay 4 pounds and 19 shillings. Witnessed
by Aaron Parker. February 1, 1762.
2. Summons for Thomas Edwards to answer the petition of David Gibbons, his servant, for ill
treatment. Signed by Samuel Dew. Hampshire County, Virginia. March 1762.
3. Archibald Henderson bill for goods sold to Michael Waxler. Also, sworn statement signed by
James Scott that neither Archibald Henderson nor Jonathan Glassford has received any of the
amount due them by M. Waxler. May 5, 1762.
4. License bond signed by Abraham Hite and Peter Hog. Hite obtained license to keep an Ordinary
at his house in Hampshire County, and is to “Constantly find & Provide in his Ordinary Good
Holsome and Cleanly Lodging and Diet for Travellors . . . and Shall not Suffer or permit any
unlawfull gaiming . . .” Witnessed by Samuel Dew. May 11, 1762.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Green and Thomas Ashby to answer
petition of Garret Decker. Signed by Gabriel Jones. Hampshire County, Virginia. May 20,
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Michael Wexler to answer petition of John
Glasford. Signed by Gabriel Jones. (“a true Copy” of original document) Hampshire County,
Virginia. May 20, 1762.
7. License bond signed by Hugh Murphy and John Ross. Hugh Murphy obtained license to keep an
Ordinary at his house in Hampshire County. August 10, 1762.
8. Teter Elrod note to pay Michael Laubinger 1 pound and 17 shillings. Witnessed by J.
Townshend. August 11, 1762.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Timothy Corn to appear at the Court House
and answer petition of Peter Young. Signed by Gabriel Jones. Hampshire County, Virginia.
August 25, 1762.
10. Robert Phillips bill for goods sold to James Buchanan [Buchannan]. Also, sworn statement of
Charles Smith, Justice of Fredrick County, that the bill had not been paid. September 17, 1762.
Box 1/Folder 4: 1763 January – April
1. Col. Henry Vanmeter bill for goods sold to Michael Waxler. 1763.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Philip Mason to answer petition of Michael
Laubinger. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. January 8,
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Teter Elrod to answer petition of Michael
Laubinger. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. January 8,
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Gibson to answer petition of Charles
Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. January 8, 1763.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Hart to answer petition of Peter
Lehew. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. March 30, 1763.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for James Buchannan to answer petition of
Messers Hugh Lenox & William Scott. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire
County, Virginia. March 31, 1763.
7. Robert Phillips bill to Samuel Stanacre for 3 pounds, 2 shillings, and 2-1/4 pence, in account with
Lenox & Scott. April 16, 1763.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Henry Brondon and Benjamin Parker to
answer petition of Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County,
Virginia. April 25, 1763.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Philip Reily to testify on “a certain matter of
controversy” between Michael Waxler and Henry Vanmeter. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of
Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. April 26, 1763.
10. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Henry Vanmeter to answer petition of
Michael Waxler. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. April
26, 1763.
11. Charles Linch bill for goods sold to Daniel Weastfall. April 28, 1763.
Box 1/Folder 5: 1763 May – December
1. License bond signed by Robert Gregg and John Forman. Robert Gregg obtained license to keep
an Ordinary at his house in Hampshire County. Witnessed by Samuel Dew. Also signed by John
Seman. Hampshire County, Virginia. May 11, 1763.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Absalom Kent to answer charges of Daniel
Cresap for the sum of 2 pounds, 7 shillings, & 3 pence. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of
Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. May 19, 1763.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Stalnaker to answer charges of
Messers Hugh Lenox & William Scott. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire
County, Virginia. May 25, 1763.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Job Parker to answer petition of William
Gallahugh. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. May 28,
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Job Parker to answer petition of William
Gallahugh. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County, Virginia. October 15,
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Stalnaker to answer charges of Hugh
Lennox and William Scott. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. Hampshire County,
Virginia. October 15, 1763.
7. John White statement of account to William Stephens for goods purchased, including stockings,
vest, silk, and buttons. December 6, 1763.
8. Statement signed by Arch. Wager, regarding balance of note due from Alexander Boyd to George
Wright. Frederick County. December 7, 1763.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Richard Fields to answer the petition of Felix
Gilbert. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 15, 1763.
Box 1/Folder 6: 1764
1. Summons for Henry Presser [Bresser?] to answer the petition of Edward Bush. Hampshire
County. March 2, 1764.
2. Chas. Linch bill for goods sold to Peter Cassety, including rum, garters, and shoes. June 11,
3. Michael [?] Laubinger bill for goods sold to Hugh Murphey, including wine and beer. August 2,
4. Note for money owed Robert Gregg. Signed by illegible and John Carpenter. August 5, 1764.
5. Abenezer [Ebenezer?] Petty note to pay C[h]arles Linch two pounds and one shilling. Witnessed
by John Roussau. September 3, 1764.
6. William Gale, merchant in Whitehaven, statement of account to David Williams. Also statement
signed by Roger Dixon that it is a “just & True Copy from the Books kept by the late Robt.
Jackson . . .” September 14, 1764.
7. Robert Gregg bill for goods sold to William Huston [Hewston]. November 4, 1764.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Andrew Arnold and his wife, Priscilla, to
answer the petition of Thomas Berry. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 20,
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Alexander Boyd to answer the petition of
George Wright. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 20, 1764.
10. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Gabriel Case to answer the petition of Joseph
Beeler. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 20, 1764.
11. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Philip Mason to answer the petition of Jacob
Burhod. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 20, 1764.
12. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Benjamin Parker and John Stagg to answer
the petition of Robert Bell. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 20, 1764.
13. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Henry Vanmeter to pay Henry Brinker the
sum of 1 pound, 16 shillings, and 4 pence. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December
20, 1764.
14. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Hart to answer the petition of Henry
Bresser. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 26, 1764.
15. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Benjamin Jones to answer the petition of
Henry Bresser [Presser?]. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 26, 1764.
Box 1/Folder 7: 1765
1. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons to testify on behalf of John Petor in the case of
John Petor vs. Job Parker. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. January 5, 1765.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for David Williams to answer the petition of
William Gale. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. January 15, 1765.
3. Bond signed by Thomas Garner and John Forman. Statement of the terms of the account between
them and Henry Keith. Hampshire County. February 5, 1765.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Peter Cassety to answer the petition of
Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. February 5, 1765.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Ebenezer Petty to answer the petition of
Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. February 5, 1765.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Daniel Westfall to answer the charges of
Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. February 5, 1765.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Michael Waxler to answer the petition of
Robert Gregg. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 3, 1765.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Hewston [Huston] to answer the
petition of Robert Gregg. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 20, 1765.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Hewston [Huston?] to answer the
petition of Robert Gregg. October 13, 1765.
10. John Strader order to Bryan Bruan [Bruin] to pay George Michael Laubinger the sum of Five
Pounds. Witnessed by Thomas Herbert and James Forman. October 22, 1765.
11. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Thomas Suttles to answer the petition of
Cornelius Bogard. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 3, 1765.
12. To the Sheriff of Frederick County. Summons for William Hougland to answer the petition of
Jonathan Buckaloe. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 18, 1765.
Box 1/Folder 8: 1766
1. Robert Gregg statement of account to William Hustin [Huston, Hewston]. Also a note signed by
J. O. Greenfield regarding Jean McKearny, William Hustin, and Mr. Gregg. June 8, 1766.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Stephens to answer the petition of
John White. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. July 22, 1766.
3. John White statement of account to William Stephens for goods purchased, including stockings,
silk, and buttons. Also a note signed by John Hill. Frederick County. August 8, 1766.
4. William Darling note promising to pay Charles Linch four pounds, thirteen shillings. October 10,
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Darling to answer the petition of
Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. October 14, 1766.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Hugh Murphey to answer the petition of
George Michael Laubinger. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. October 28, 1766.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Strader to answer the petition of George
Michael Laubinger. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. October 28, 1766.
8. License bond signed by Peter Steenbergen and Samuel Dew. Peter Steenbergen obtained a
license to keep an Ordinary at his house in Hampshire County, and promises that he shall not “on
the Sabbath Suffer any Person to Tipple or drink more than is necessary. . .” Witnessed by
Charles Linch. November 11, 1766.
Box 1/Folder 9: 1767
1. License bond signed by John Keating [Keaton] and Luke Collins. Keating obtained a license to
keep an Ordinary at his house in Hampshire County. Witnessed by G. Jones. April 14, 1767.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Cochran to answer the petition of Adam
Brown. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. April 25, 1767.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Thomas Douthit and Solomon Hedges to
answer the petition of Edward Bush. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. April 25, 1767.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Isaac Sparks to answer the petition of James
Buchanan [Buchannan]. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. April 25, 1767.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for James Anderson and John Pringle to answer
the petition of William Bowyer. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 22, 1767.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Cartright, Junr., to answer the petition
of William Bowyer. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 22, 1767.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Edward Corn to answer the petition of Enoch
Innis. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 22, 1767.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for the administrator of the estate of James
Ireson to answer the petition of Thomas Boggs. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June
22, 1767.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Isaac Sparks to answer the petition of James
Buchanan [Buchannan]. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 22, 1767.
10. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Jacob Tucker to answer the petition of
William Bowyer. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. June 22, 1767.
11. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Henry Begly to answer the petition of Enoch
Innis. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. August 20, 1767.
12. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Henry Shipler to answer the petition of
Robert Owen and his wife Mary, late Mary Beall. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts.
August 20, 1767.
13. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Isabel McMurry, administrator of the estate
of Samuel McMurry to answer the petition of Robert Cuningham. Signed by Gabriel Jones,
Clerk of Courts. August 22, 1767.
14. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Darling to answer the petition of
Charles Linch. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. November 13, 1767.
15. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Mynard and Patience Johnson, Abraham
Kuykendall, and Lydia McCarty to answer the petition of the Justices of Hampshire County.
Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 2, 1767.
16. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Peter Cassety to answer the petition of
Cuthbert Bullitt. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. December 3, 1767.
Box 1/Folder 10: 1768 – 1769
1. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel McCord to answer the petition of
Isaac Cox. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 16, 1768.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Thomas Spencer to answer the petition of
Peter Babb. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. September 23, 1768.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Daniel Westfall to answer the petition of
Charles Bruce. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. September 23, 1768.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for James Anderson to answer the petition of
Cuthbert Bullitt. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25, 1769.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Gibson and Joseph Neavill to
answer the petition of Cuthbert Bullitt. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25,
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Peter Kyzer to answer the petition of Bryan
Bruin. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25, 1769.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Thomas McCarty to answer the petition of
Thomas Branon. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25, 1769.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Richard Powell, Jun., to answer the petition
of John Briscoe. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25, 1769.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Williams to answer the petition of
Cuthbert Bullitt. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 25, 1769.
10. License bond signed by Peter Steenbergen and Abraham Hite. Steenbergen obtained a license to
keep an Ordinary at his house in Hampshire County. Witnessed by Samuel Dew. June 13, 1769.
11. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Stagg to answer the petition of Richard
Byrn. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. November 29, 1769.
Box 1/Folder 11: 1770 – 1779
1. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Bryan Bruin, Hugh Murphey, & Thomas
McGuire to answer the petition of Andrew Cochran, William Cunningham & Co. Signed by
Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 25, 1770.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Kyger to answer the petition of Isaac
Cox. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 23, 1771.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Stewart to answer the petition of
Enoch Innis. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 23, 1771.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for James Chew to answer the petition of Aaron
Jenkins, assignee of Samuel Perry. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. November 20,
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Ebenezer Petty to answer the petition of
Robert Cunningham, assignee of James Cunningham. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts.
May 23, 1772.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Pritchard and Hugh Murphy to
answer the petition of John Caplinger. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 23, 1772.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Wilson to answer the petition of
Benjamin Jones. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 23, 1772.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Hugh Murfey [Murphy, Murphey] to answer
charges of Cuthbert Bullitt. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. August 19, 1773.
9. Edward McGuire, of Winchester, Frederick County, sells to Job Bacorn, land on Cabin Run and
drain of Pattersons Creek, in Hampshire County, Virginia. Witnessed by Jno. Nagill, Bryan
Bruin, and James Walker. August 7, 1779.
Box 1/Folder 12: 1781 – 1782
1. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Catherine Forman, administratrix of William
Forman, deceased, to answer the petition of Daniel Morgan “of a plea of Detenue for 1 Negroe
Woman named Jean of the price of one Hundred Thousand Pounds. Damage Fifty Thousand
Pounds.” Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 5, 1781.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Levi Ashbrook to answer the petition of the
Justices of Hampshire County, 10 pounds fine for not keeping a road, of which he was a surveyor,
in repair. March 20, 1781.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for William Bullitt to answer the petition of the
Justices of Hampshire County. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1781.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Lawrence Haff to answer the petition of the
Common wealth of Virginia. March 20, 1781.
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Moses Tichenal to answer the petition of Job
Bacorn. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1781.
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Vincent Williams to answer the petition of
the Commonwealth of Virginia. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1781.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Baker to answer the petition of the
Court of Hampshire County. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. April 10, 1781.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Owen Rogers to answer the petition of the
Court of Hampshire County. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 30, 1781.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Matthias Hite to answer the petition of
Reuben Reding and Hannah, his wife. Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. November 3,
10. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Pritchard, Jonathan Pugh, and
Thomas McGuire, to answer the petition of Andrew Cockraine, William Cuninghame, and Co.
Signed by Gabriel Jones, Clerk of Courts. May 28, 1782.
Box 1/Folder 13: 1788 – 1789
1. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for George Kail to answer the petition of
William Brown. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1788.
2. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Philip Moore to answer the petition of
William Brown. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1788.
3. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Peter Ongan to answer the petition of
Thomas Brown, assignee of Jesse Mounts. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March
20, 1788.
4. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John King to answer the petition of Thomas
Brown, assignee of Benjamin Watkins. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March 20,
5. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Samuel Dailey to answer the petition of
Thomas Brown, assignee of Jesse Waller. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March
20, 1788
6. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Rosebrough to answer the petition of
Absalom Bainbridge. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. March 20, 1788.
7. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Rees Pritchard for debt on judgment obtained
against him by the Executors of Enoch Innis, deceased. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of
Courts. June 24, 1789.
8. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for John Turvey and John Rannells for debt
recovered against them by Andrew Wodrow, assignee of Ralph Humphries. Signed by Andrew
Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. August 19, 1789.
9. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Ignatius Wheeler for debt recovered against
him by William Janey. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. August 19, 1789.
10. To the Sheriff of Hampshire County. Summons for Jonathan Purcell to answer the petition of
Abraham Johnson. Signed by Andrew Wodrow, Clerk of Courts. December 15, 1789.
Box 1/Folder 14: Undated
1. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. John Glasford suit against Michael Waxler,
for goods sold by Archibald Henderson. Undated. V-1
2. Legal document, William B. Giles, Governor and Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, vs. John I. Jacob. Tenth Judicial Circuit, Hampshire County. Date illegible. [May 24,
1820?] V-2
3. To the Worshipfull Court of Hampshire County. Petition of subscribers for a road from Willson’s
Mill to the great Road at Reese’s place on Timber Ridge for the use of Mill and market. Signed
by John Hough, Burditt Cliffton, and 23 others. Undated. V-3
4. To the Worshipfull the justices of Hampshire County. Petition of David Gibbons for Thomas
Edwards to be summoned to court to answer complaint. Undated. V-4
5. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Charles Linch asks for a judgment against
Daniel Westfall, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-5
6. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Charles Linch asks for a judgment against
Ebenezer Petty, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-6
7. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Charles Linch asks for a judgment against
Peter Cassety, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-7
8. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Charles Linch asks for a judgment against
William Darling, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-8
9. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Charles Linch asks for a judgment against
Jacob Stalnaker, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-9
10. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Christopher Witcle asks for a judgment
against Richard Beeson, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-10
11. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Felix Gilbert asks for a judgment against
Richard Fields, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-11
12. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. George Michael Laubinger asks for a
judgment against Hugh Murphey, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-12
13. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. George Wright asks for a judgment against
Alexander Boyd, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-13
14. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. James Gallant asks for a judgment against
Benjamin Parker, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-14
15. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. John White asks for a judgment against
William Stephens, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-15
Box 1/Folder 15: Undated
1. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Hugh Lenox and William Scott ask for a
judgment against Samuel Stalnaker, who is indebted to them. Undated. V-16
2. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Michael Laubinger asks for a judgment
against Teter Elrod, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-17
3. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Michael Laubinger asks for a judgment
against Philip Mason, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-18
4. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Peter Lehew asks for a judgment against
George Hart, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-19
5. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Peter Young asks for a judgment against
Timothy Corn, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-20
6. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Robert Gregg asks for a judgment against
William Hewston [Huston], who is indebted to him. Undated. V-21
7. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Robert Gregg asks for a judgment against
William Hewston [Huston], who is indebted to him. Undated. V-22
8. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Robert Gregg asks for a judgment against
Michael Waxler, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-23
9. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Hugh Lenox and William Scott as for a
judgment against James Buchannan, who is indebted to them. Undated. V-24
10. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. William Gale asks for a judgment against
David Williams, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-25
11. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. William Gallahugh asks for a judgment
against Job Parker, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-26
12. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. William Gibson asks for a judgment against
Cornelius Conner, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-27
13. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. William Gibson asks for a judgment against
John Read, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-28
14. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. Zadock Wright asks for a judgment against
Timothy Corn, who is indebted to him. Undated. V-29
15. To the Worshipful the Court of Hampshire County. William Gallahugh, assignee of Nathaniel
Kuykendall, asks for a judgment against Michael Waxler, who is indebted to him. Undated. V30