REVIEW EXERCISES 7. .02% 1 6. 6 % 2 .0002 .76 .28 6.5% 5 .065 2. 76% 1. 28% 8. .6% 5 .006 125.17% 5 1.2517 1 9. 125 % 6 3 % 5 4. 121% 20.0 10. 2,000% .4268 5. 42.68% CHAPTER 6—SECTION I 1.21 | .134 3. 13.4% Convert the following percents to decimals: T6-1 T6-2 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I T6-3 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I T6-4 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I T6-5 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I T6-6 BUSINESS DECISION | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION II P 5 R 3 B 5 .055 3 600 5 33 4. 5 12 % of $600 is P 5 R 3 B 5 .036 3 1800 5 64.8 2. 3.6% of 1,800 is P 5 R 3 B 5 .158 3 360 5 56.88 9. What number is 15 45 % of 360? P 5 R 3 B 5 .352 3 184 5 64.77 7. What number is 35.2% of 184? P 5 R 3 B 5 1.5 3 1,650 5 2,475 P 5 R 3 B 5 2.58 3 2,500 5 6,450 10. What number is 258% of 2,500? P 5 R 3 B 5 .008 3 500 5 4 8. What number is .8% of 500? 6. What is the portion if the base is 1,650 and the rate is 150%? P 5 R 3 B 5 .19 3 450 5 85.5 5. What is the portion if the base is 450 and the rate is 19%? P 5 R 3 B 5 2 3 45 5 90 3. 200% of 45 is P 5 R 3 B 5 .15 3 380 5 57 1. 15% of 380 is Solve the following for the portion, rounding to hundredths when necessary: T6-7 T6-8 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I Solve the following for the rate, rounding to a tenth percent when necessary: 11. 40 is R5 % of 125 40 P 5 5 .32 5 32% B 125 % of 50 is 23 13. 600 is 12. R5 23 P 5 5 .46 5 46% B 50 R5 % of 240 600 P 5 5 2.50 5 250% B 240 14. What is the rate if the base is 288 and the portion is 50? R5 50 P 5 5 .1736 5 17.4% B 288 15. What is the rate if the portion is 21.6 and the base is 160? R5 P 21.6 5 5 .135 5 13.5% B 160 16. What is the rate if the base is $3,450 and the portion is $290? R5 290 P 5 5 .0840 5 8.4% B 3,450 17. What percent of 77 is 23? R5 23 P 5 5 .2987 5 29.9% B 77 19. 68 is what percent of 262? R5 68 P 5 5 .2595 5 26.0% B 262 18. What percent of 1,600 is 1,900? R5 1,900 P 5 5 1.1875 5 118.8% B 1,600 20. $7.80 is what percent of $58.60? R5 P 7.80 5 5 .1331 5 13.3% B 58.60 T6-9 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I Solve the following for the base, rounding to hundredths when necessary: 21. 69 is 15% of B5 23. 6.45 is 18 12% of 22. 360 is 150% of P 69 5 5 460 R .15 B5 P 360 5 5 240 R 1.5 B5 P 6.45 5 5 34.86 R .185 24. What is the base if the rate is 16.8% and the portion is 451? B5 451 P 5 5 2,684.52 R .168 25. What is the base if the portion is 10 and the rate is 2 34%? B5 10 P 5 5 363.64 R .0275 26. What is the base if the portion is $4,530 and the rate is 35%? 4,530 P 5 $12,942.86 B5 5 R .35 27. 60 is 15% of what number? B5 60 P 5 5 400 R .15 29. $46.50 is 86 23% of what number? B5 46.50 P 5 5 $53.65 R .8667 28. 160 is 130% of what number? B5 P 160 5 5 123.08 R 1.3 30. .55 is 21.4% of what number? B5 .55 P 5 5 2.57 R .214 T6-10 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I Solve the following word problems for the portion, rate, or base: 31. Maritza Torres owns 37% of a travel agency. a. If the total worth of the business is $160,000, how much is Maritza’s share? P 5 R 3 B 5 .37 3 160,000 5 $59,200 b. Last month Maritza’s agency booked $14,500 in airline fares on Orbit Airline. If Orbit pays agencies a commission of 4.1%, how much commission should the agency receive? P5R3B P 5 4.1% 3 $14,500 P 5 0.041 3 14,500 5 $594.50 32. What is the sales tax rate in a state where the tax on a purchase of $464.00 is $25.52? R5 25.52 P 5 5 .055 5 5.5% B 464 33. The Daily Times reports that 28% of its advertising is for department stores. If department store advertising amounts to $46,200, what is the total advertising revenue of the newspaper? 46,200 P 5 $165,000 B5 5 R .28 34. Nicholas works part time for his father’s landscaping service. He is paid 7.5% of the firm’s profits each month. What will the firm’s profits have to be in order for Nicholas to make $1,200 this month? 1,200 P 5 $16,000 Profit B5 5 R 0.075 35. If Alton Amidon, a real estate agent, earned 6 12% commission on the sale of property valued at $210,000, how much was Alton’s commission? P 5 R 3 B 5 .065 3 210,000 5 $13,650 T6-11 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I 36. In 2002, two guitars—Wolf and Tiger—belonging to Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia were sold at auction for $1.74 million. The auction was held at Studio 54 in New York City. The auction house, New York-based Guernsey’s, charged a commission of 17.5% for the first $100,000 and 12% on the amount above $100,000. What was the total amount of their commission on the two guitars? Commission rates: 17.5% on $100,000 $1,740,000 2 100,000 12% on $1,640,000 P5R3B P 5 17.5% 3 100,000 5 $17,500 P 5 12% 3 1,640,000 5 $196,800 Total commission 5 17,500 1 196,800 5 $214,300 37. Thirty percent of the inventory of a Nine West shoe store is in high heels. If the store has 846 pairs of high heels in stock, how many total pairs of shoes are in the inventory? B5 846 P 5 5 2,820 R .3 38. Friendly Ford advertised a down payment of $1,200 on a Mustang valued at $14,700. What is the percent of the down payment? Round to a tenth percent. 1,200 P 5 .0816 5 8.2% R5 5 B 14,700 T6-12 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I T6-13 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION II P 4 5 20 Games played 5 R 0.2 Lost 5 20% 252.00 5 37 Hours 6.80 P 5 R 3 B 5 0.85 3 8.00 5 $6.80 After-tax earnings b. If he works at a car wash earning $8.00 per hour and pays 15% in taxes, how many extra hours must he work to make up for the tuition increase? Round to the nearest whole hour. P 5 R 3 B 5 0.09 3 1,400 5 $126 3 2 5 $252 for two semesters a. How much more will he pay for two semesters of classes, with the same course load? 48. Bill Forman attends a college that charges $1,400 tuition per semester for 12 credit hours of classes. If tuition will be raised by 9% next year: B5 Won 5 80% 47. The Bentley Bobcats have won 80% of their basketball games. If they lost 4 games, how many games have they played? T6-14 T6-15 BUSINESS DECISION | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I THE BANQUET 49. You are the catering manager for the Post Hotel. Last Saturday, your staff catered a wedding reception in the main ballroom, during which 152 chicken dinners, 133 steak dinners, and 95 fish dinners were served. All dinners are the same price. The hotel charges “per person” for catered events. a. What percent of the total meals served was each type of dinner? Total meals 5 Base 5 380 Chicken R 5 P 152 5 5 40% B 380 133 P 5 5 35% B 380 P 95 5 25% Fish R 5 5 B 380 Steak R 5 b. If $13,300 was charged for all the meals, how much revenue did each type produce? P5R3B Chicken .4 3 13,300 5 $5,320 Steak .35 3 13,300 5 $4,655 Fish .25 3 13,300 5 $3,325 c. If a 20% price increase goes into effect next month, what will be the new price per meal? 13,300 Current price 5 $35 380 Price increase 5 35 3 .20 5 $7 New price 5 35 1 7 5 $42 d. When photographers, florists, DJs, bands, and other outside vendors are booked through your office for events at the hotel, a 5 12% “finder’s fee” is charged. Last year, $175,000 of such services were booked. How much did the hotel make on this service? P5R3B Finder’s fee 5 .055 3 175,000 5 $9,625 e. If your boss is expecting $11,000 in “finder’s fee” revenue next year, what amount of these services must be booked? P 11,000 B5 5 $200,000 in services R .055 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION III R5 P 120 5 5 .375 5 37.5% B 320 P 7 R5 5 5 .125 5 12.5% B 56 R5 P 31 5 5 .252 5 25.2% B 123 Portion 5 Decrease 5 133 2 89 5 44 Base 5 Original number 5 133 R5 P 44 5 5 .3308 5 33.1% B 133 4. What is the rate of change if the number of employees in a company decreases from 133 to 89? Portion 5 Increase 5 154 2 123 5 31 Base 5 Original number 5 123 3. What is the rate of change if the price of an item rises from $123.00 to $154.00? Portion 5 Decrease 5 56 2 49 5 7 Base 5 Original number 5 56 2. If a number decreases from 56 to 49, what is the rate of decrease? Portion 5 Increase 5 440 2 320 5 120 Base 5 Original number 5 320 1. If a number increases from 320 to 440, what is the rate of increase? Solve the following increase or decrease problems for the unknown, rounding decimals to hundredths and percents to the nearest tenth: T6-16 Rate 5 100% 1 300% 5 400% Base 5 Original number 5 2,500 P 5 R 3 B 5 4 3 2,500 5 10,000 9. 2,500 increased by 300% 5 Rate 5 100% 2 40% 5 60% Base 5 Original number 5 25 P 5 R 3 B 5 .6 3 25 5 15 7. 25 decreased by 40% 5 Rate 5 100% 1 20% 5 120% Base 5 Original number 5 50 P 5 R 3 B 5 1.2 3 50 5 60 | CHAPTER 6—SECTION III Rate 5 100% 2 10.5% 5 89.5% Base 5 Original number 5 $46.00 P 5 R 3 B 5 .895 3 46 5 $41.17 10. $46 decreased by 10 12% 5 Rate 5 100% 2 18.2% 5 81.8% Base 5 Original number 5 3,400 P 5 R 3 B 5 .818 3 3,400 5 2,781.2 8. 3,400 decreased by 18.2% 5 Rate 5 100% 1 60% 5 160% Base 5 Original number 5 750 P 5 R 3 B 5 1.6 3 750 5 1,200 6. 750 increased by 60% 5 REVIEW EXERCISES 5. 50 increased by 20% 5 T6-17 T6-18 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I I 11. Allied Plumbing sold 2,390 feet of 58 -inch galvanized pipe in July. If 2,558 feet were sold in August, what is the percent increase in pipe footage sales? Portion 5 Increase 5 2,558 2 2,390 5 168 Base 5 Original number 5 2,390 P 168 R5 5 5 .070 5 7% B 2,390 12. At a Safeway Supermarket the price of yellow onions dropped from $.59 per pound to $.45 per pound. a. What is the percent decrease in the price of onions? Portion 5 Decrease 5 $.59 2 $.45 5 $.14 Base 5 Original number 5 $.59 R5 P .14 5 5 .2372 5 23.7% B .59 b. Tomatoes are expected to undergo the same percent decrease in price. If they currently sell for $1.09 per pound, what will be the new price of tomatoes? Rate 5 100% 2 23.7% 5 76.3% Base 5 Original number 5 $1.09 P 5 R 3 B 5 .763 3 1.09 5 $.83 13. At a Sports King store 850 tennis rackets were sold last season. a. If business is predicted to be 30% higher this season, how many rackets should be ordered from the distributor? Rate 5 100% 1 30% 5 130% Base 5 Original number 5 850 P 5 R 3 B 5 1.3 3 850 5 1,105 Rackets b. If racket sales break down into 40% metal alloy and 60% graphite, how many of each type should be ordered? Metal Alloy Rate 5 40% Base 5 1,105 P 5 R 3 B 5 .4 3 1,105 5 442 Rackets Graphite Rate 5 60% Base 5 1,105 P 5 R 3 B 5 .6 3 1,105 5 663 Rackets T6-19 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I I 14. Metro Toyota sold 112 cars this month. If that is 40% better than last month, how many cars were sold last month? Rate 5 100% 1 40% 5 140% Portion 5 112 B5 112 P 5 5 80 Cars R 1.4 15. The American Eagle Racing Team increased the horsepower of an engine from 340 to 440 by converting to fuel injection. What was the percent increase in horsepower? Portion 5 440 2 340 5 100 Base 5 Original number 5 340 R5 P 100 5 5 .2941 5 29.4% B 340 16. The second shift of a factory produced 17,010 units. If this was 5 12% less than the first shift, how many units were produced on the first shift? 1 1 Rate 5 100% 2 5 % 5 94 % 2 2 Portion 5 17,010 17,010 P 5 18,000 B5 5 R .945 17. Housing prices in San Marino County have increased 37.5% over the price of homes 5 years ago. a. If $80,000 was the average price of a house 5 years ago, what is the average price of a house today? Rate 5 100% 1 37.5% 5 137.5% Base 5 $80,000 P 5 R 3 B 5 1.375 3 80,000 5 $110,000 b. Economists predict that next year housing prices will drop by 4%. Based on your answer from part a, what will the average price of a house be next year? Rate 5 100% 2 4% 5 96% Base 5 $110,000 P 5 R 3 B 5 .96 3 110,000 5 $105,600 REVIEW EXERCISES | CHAPTER 6—SECTION III Portion 5 2 Base 5 8.8 2 P 5 .2272 5 22.7% R5 5 B 8.8 19. Recent economic reports indicate that unemployment in Winter Haven dropped from 8.8% to 6.8% in the past quarter, a decrease of 2 percentage points. What percent decrease does this represent? Portion 5 2.7 Base 5 5.4 2.7 P 5 .5 5 50% R5 5 B 5.4 18. After a vigorous promotion campaign, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes increased its market share from 5.4% to 8.1%, a rise of 2.7 percentage points. What percent increase in sales does this represent? T6-20 T6-21 BUSINESS DECISION | CHAPTER 6—SECTION I I I FACTS ON WHEELS 20. You are the editor for a newsletter about automobiles called Facts on Wheels. For the next edition, you have located the following chart listing certain foreign-based automakers and some of their 2004–2005 U.S. production changes. Unfortunately, portions of the chart are missing. Fill in the blank spaces to complete the chart for the newsletter. When necessary, round percents to the nearest tenth of a percent and numbers of vehicles to the nearest thousand. Foreign-Based Automakers Increase U. S. Production Company and Location Vehicles Manufactured Old Capacity New Capacity Percent Change Nissan Canton, Mississippi Pathfinder, Armada, Quest, Titan 250,000 400,000 + 60% Nissan Smyrna, Tennessee Maxima, Altima, Frontier, Xterra 380,000 500,000 +31.6% BMW Greenville, South Carolina Z4, X4 132,000 150,000 + 14% Honda Lincoln, Alabama Odyssey 120,000 150,000 + 25% Toyota Princeton, Indiana Sienna 150,000 300,000 +100%
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