A Monthly Update for kids and parents at Lewinsville Presbyterian

A Monthly Update for kids and parents at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church
This November, the children, grades 1-6,
will study the story of Joseph. The last story in the
book of Genesis, Joseph’s story sums up the
whole book of Genesis and all the stories that
Joseph’s life of riches to rags to riches again is a
story of survival….survival of the family that God was
going to use to bring about the salvation and blessing to whole world.
Joseph started out life as his father’s favored son. A
talented “dreamer” who used his skills to taunt his
brothers. In their jealousy, Joseph’s brothers
stripped him of his “specialness” by taking his coat
and selling him as a slave.
But Joseph was faithful to God and he knew that
everything that had happened to him was part of
God’s plan. Even when he was in prison. Even
when he had been sad and hungry. Joseph knew
God was working. So when Joseph came to power,
instead of “getting back” at his brothers, Joseph
forgave them. He told them he loved them anyway,
because God had used their awful deeds to save
many people.
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Children, leave the 11 am worship service
during the sermon and go to room 104 for
Bible Story and activities. Children return
to the sanctuary at the conclusion of the
Sermon Stories for the month of November
will explore the stories of Moses and the
Exodus from Egypt.
November 6
Baby Moses
Baby Moses Wave in a Bottle
November 13
The Exodus
Scrambled Plagues
November 20 The Stone Tablets
Ten Commandment Folding Craft
November 27 Advent-Prophets
Advent Spiral
 SALE TODAY! When a caravan of traders from
Midian passed by, the brothers saw their chance to made some money
while getting rid of their pesky little brother. They sold Joseph for
20 shekels of silver—less than $50 today.
 PLANNING AHEAD Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of storing
grain for the drought that was coming. After it arrived, Joseph’s
brothers became hungry. They went to Egypt to ask for food. Joseph forgave
his brothers. Then all of Joseph’s family moved to Egypt. Joseph said to his
brothers, “You thought you were doing me harm by sending me to Egypt, but
God used it to save your lives!”
 A NEW LOOK At first Joseph’s brothers had no idea that
their little brother was the handsome Egyptian in front of them.
Powerful men in Egypt dressed in a very stylish way. They
shaved their beards and wore elegant headdresses and jewelry.
These Egyptians also did something an Israelite man would
never think to do—they wore make-up. No wonder the brothers didn’t
recognize Joseph!
EGYPT? God sent Jacob to Egypt so his family could
live in safety. There were many wars and famine in
Canaan. But not in Egypt. In Egypt the 70 people in
Jacob’s family grew and grew. Over the next 400 years, they became a nation of millions.
Each morning opens with a time of music and singing
rehearsal for the children’s Joyful Noise choir
(9:45-10:15 a.m.), followed by a story time using the Godly Play
materials (10:15-10:45). The children respond to the story through craft
and art projects that reinforce the point of the Bible story.
November Schedule:
November 6 The Story of Moses
Craft: Moses Mini Stickers
November 13 The Ten Best Ways
Craft: All About 10
Commandment Poster
November 20 The Circle of the Church Year
Craft: Liturgical Calendar Wheel
November 27 Advent 1 & 2
Craft: Smorgasbord Advent Crafts
Bible-in-a-Box (ages 2 and 3)
Each month one story from
the Bible is told and the
children are invited to play
with puzzles, puppets,
action figures, sand play
and more that teach
the story.
9:45-10:45 a.m. in
room 8 downstairs hallway.
November’s Story:
Abraham & Family
Join us for singing and ringing and puppets
here at Lewinsville! The rehearsal schedule
each Sunday afternoon is listed below:
 4:00 - 4:45 - Grades 1 and 2 Music Room 25A
 4:30 - 5:15 - Alleluia Ringers
Choir Room
 4:45 - 5:15 - Grades 1-6 Puppets Room 5
 5:15 - 6:00 - Grades 3-6 Ringing
Choir Room
 6:00 - 6:30 - Dinner
Fellowship Hall
 6:30 - 7:15 - Grades 3-6 Singing
Choir Room
November 13
St. Andrews Ringers (grades 3-6) RING
at 11 a.m.
November 20
All children (grades 1-6) SING
at 11 a.m.
Egypt Unwrapped
The ancient Egyptians believed if you did something bad, your heart would be
heavy, and the god Ammut
suddenly appear and eat you up! After you died, the ancient Egyptians
believed your heart had to be weighed. It had to be lighter than a feather. To find out if your heart
qualified for the trip to the afterlife, your spirit had to enter the Hall of Maat. If your heart was light, you
passed the test and entered your afterlife. BUT, if your heart was heavy because your deeds were
dreadful, the god Ammut
suddenly appear… and eat you up!
Temples were the heart of the community. Kids went to school at
the temple. The temples acted as hotels for important visitors from other towns. People prayed to the
temple gods for whatever they needed. If their request was not granted, they might give the temple
statue a
with a sturdy reed to let the temple god know how they felt about it.
Rich nobles in Ancient
Egypt kept crocodiles as pets in pools as ornamental additions to their homes. Temple priests kept
crocodiles in the temples. They were dressed in jewels, and roamed freely. They were not caged. It must
have been quite dangerous, but the crocodile was special to the ancient Egyptians.
If an ancient Egyptian had trouble with his eyes, the
doctor would grind up the eye of a pig with a few other bits and pieces and stick it in the patient’s
the patient had a toothache-the cure was
Sunday, December 4
What did the ancient Egyptians call the star grouping
we call the Big Dipper?
Where did ancient Egyptian women place or wear
Used to make bread and beer, what was the major
crop of ancient Egypt?
When the ancient Egyptians held a party, what did
they call it?
What breed of dog was used as a hunting dog in
ancient Egypt?
Name the only wind instrument in ancient Egypt.
The Christian cross was developed from what ancient
Egyptian symbol.?
Intergenerational Event
December 18
They say….Aslan’s on
the move!