Unit 1: Organization of Matter

6th Grade Science Resource Guide 2015-2016 3rd Quarter
Unit 1: Organization of Matter: Students will investigate how all objects and substances in the natural world are composed of matter in
different states with different properties.
Sequence of Standards and Objectives
6.1.1 Understand that the properties and behavior of
matter can be explained by a model that depicts
particles representing atoms or molecules in motion.
SWABT: Define matter, illustrate and describe an
atoms & sub-atomic parts, differentiate between
molecules and atoms, give examples of properties
used to describe matter.
6.1.2 Explain the properties of solids, liquids and
IPS Resources
Lesson Plans/Print Activities: FOSS
WEB Resources:
/ DSM (also in IPS Online Science
States of matter & atoms
Science Core Lessons: Solutions and
Suspensions Engagement
gases using drawings and models that represent matter
as particles in motion whose state can be represented
by the relative positions and movement of the
SWBAT: Describe & illustrate the difference in
atomic structure / motion of all states of matter,
list the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses,
analyze substances to determine their state of
Activity 3 – Solutions and
Suspensions Teacher’s Guide pp. 2935
6.1.3 Using a model in which matter is
Activity 5 – Making Molecules
Teacher’s Guide pp. 45-51
composed of particles in motion, investigate
that when substances undergo a change in state
mass is conserved.
SWBAT: Describe conditions that are likely to result in
phases changes, illustrate and describe how atoms /
molecules change during phase changes, identify and
explain why phase changes do not change the
composition of matter, define conservation of mass and
apply to phase changes.
Indianapolis Public Schools
Supplemental Resources
Activity 1 – Density
Teacher’s Guide pp. 13-19
Activity 4 – Atomic Structure
Teacher’s Guide pp. 37-40
10/changing_state.sht ml
r-9-studyjams- interactive-science-activities
.phys.matter.theat om/the-atom/
Inquiry in Action: Matter
MM Model Lab
Department of Curriculum and instruction
6th Grade Science Resource Guide 2015-2016 3rd Quarter
Unit 2: Understand that there are different forms of energy with unique characteristics and that energy can change forms.
Sequence of Standards and Objectives
IPS Resources
6.1.7 Explain that energy may be manifested as heat, light, Lesson Plans/Print Activities: FOSS
electricity, mechanical motion, and sound and is often
associated with chemical reactions. SWBAT: Define
chemical reactions, list examples of chemical reactions
that produce energy (glow sticks, fireworks, etc.),
Delta Science Content Reader –
identify and classify energy based on given examples.
Energy p. 4
6.1.4 Recognize that objects in motion have kinetic energy
and objects at rest have potential energy.
6.1.6 Compare and contrast potential and kinetic energy and Delta Science Content Readerhow they can be transformed from one form to another.
Energy pp. 9-15
SWBAT: Compare and contrast potential and
kinetic energy, analyze scenarios in order to
IPS Core Resources
determine potential and kinetic energy, explain how
Ball Drop
energy can change from potential to kinetic and vice
Elementary Science of Energy
Nature of Energy PP
6.1.5 Describe with examples that potential energy
exists in several different forms (e.g., gravitational
potential energy, elastic potential energy and chemical
potential energy).
SWBAT: Match types of energy in a given scenario with
the proper classification (potential or kinetic), define the
law of conservation of energy and give examples.
Indianapolis Public Schools
Supplemental Resources
Web-based Practice:
s/potential_and_k inetic_energy/
_labs/PS05/PS 05.html
Rubber band cars have potential energy when the band
is tight, which changes to kinetic energy as the band
loosens. See
Searchable data base of lesson plans
Department of Curriculum and instruction