CCM is a place where positive peer pressure is encouraged!

1052 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 | (540) 434-7360 |
August 28, 2015
To the parents of our incoming Freshman Class:
As Chaplain for JMU’s Catholic Campus Ministry, I’d like to welcome you
to the JMU Community and invite you to be an active part of CCM. We
are a student-run ministry here, which provides services and programs to
the 20,000 students at James Madison University, including CHILD
We will be offering CHILD NAME spiritual nourishment, leadership
development, support in times of trouble, retreats from the pressure of
student life, friendship, and fun! Along with the work of our staff and
our student ministers, your prayers and financial support make all this
During my three years here, I have had the opportunity to talk to many
parents and students who are happy that there is a Catholic community
and an inspired Catholic Campus Ministry program at James Madison University. For them, CCM is a
welcome sight- a “home-away-from-home” where students can worship, participate in activities to learn
about their faith, minister to others, and perform charitable works.
And let’s not forget that college is also a time to make friends.
CCM is a place where positive peer pressure is encouraged!
Here, students make friends who are positive influences in their
lives. Their friends here will challenge them and encourage them to
grow into stronger Catholics, and faithful adults.
Of course, we encourage our students to excel in their classes too!
We provide a quiet study space as an alternative when the dorm just
isn’t conducive to their work.
Although students are the focus of our ministry, they cannot support the cost of the programs and services
that CCM offers. We rely on alumni, community members, staff, and parents like you to keep our doors
One way you can choose to support CCM is by becoming a member of our Living Faith Society. Living
Faith Society members commit to making a monthly electronic gift to CCM drafted from a checking account
or credit card. This way of giving makes donations simple through automation, allows contributions to be
budgeted over time, helps with ongoing operational expenses, and reduces fundraising overhead. In addition,
the monthly gifts from the Living Faith Society provide the financial security we need to proactively plan
services, activities, and outreach to students.
Will you prayerfully consider becoming a member of the Living Faith Society? Just fill out the pledge
card I have included and return it back to us, or visit our website at You can also keep up
with all that we are doing at CCM, find out the latest news, and view pictures of our activities on our website!
With your support, CCM can continue to spread the Gospel message to CHILD NAME and other Dukes!
During their college years, students make decisions that affect the rest of their lives. At CCM, we help them
use the riches and wisdom of the Catholic faith as they grow into adulthood.
Thank you for caring about our Dukes so I can care for our Dukes. The next time you visit campus,
please stop by and say “hello” after daily or Sunday Mass. I’d love to meet you!
In Christ’s service,
Rev. Ken Shuping, Chaplain
JMU Catholic Campus Ministry
1052 S. Main Street | Harrisonburg, VA 22801
(540) 434-7360 | [email protected]
P. S.
60% of our Catholic Campus Ministry is funded by alumni, community members, and parents like
you. Please prayerfully consider making a gift so that we can continue to minister to our students at
JMU. If you can’t join out Living Faith Society, please consider giving a one-time gift. Thank you!