HSS Handbook Academic Policies and Procedures Page 1 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a. 9. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP1320Student.pdf Academic integrity policy: ADA statement: http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP119Disability.pdf ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS ADVISING ADVISORS http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP611Academic.pdf BANNER BUDGET Program Fees – CALENDAR 2008-2009 http://www.suu.edu/academics/calendar.html Academic, Registration, and Final Exam Calendars CATALOG CELL PHONE POLICY CERTIFICATES CHECK REQUISITIONS CLASSROOMS CLASS ROSTER CLASS SCHEDULES CLUBS http://www.suu.edu/suusa/clubs/ CODES COLLEGE COMMITTEES COMMENCEMENT COMPUTER COPY MACHINE COPYRIGHT ISSUES Course Codes http://www.suu.edu/academics/catalog/2008/ch15terminology.pdf COURSE FEES CRYSTAL REPORTS Curriculum Changes http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/curriculum.html DEAN’S LIST Department Chairs rotation 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. DESK COPIES 32. E-mail (via GROUPWISE) 33. ENROLLMENTS 34. EVALUATIONS https://secure.suu.edu/academics/evalreports/login.aspx 35. FACULTY ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORTS (FAAR) 36. FINAL EXAMS http://www.suu.edu/pub/schedule/finals.html 37. FINANCIAL AID http://www.suu.edu/ss/financial/ 38. FIFTH WEEK REPORTS 39. FORMS http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/student-forms.html 40. GRADES http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP613Grading.pdf Due Dates Page 2 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 HSS Handbook Posting Grades Change of Grade report Incomplete Grades Policy for “T” Grades Grade Appeal http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP619Grade.pdf HSS Grade Appeal rooted in Academic Dishonesty 41. Grants 42. GRE (Graduate Record Exam) http:///www.ets.org/gre 43. Guide to Language, Grammar, Punctuation 44. HIRING FORMS FOR NEW FACULTY 45. LIBRARY 46. LRT http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP61Faculty.pdf 47. MAIL http://www.suu.edu/ss/postoffice/ 48. MILEAGE http://suu.edu/ad/facilities/motorpool/mileage.html 49. mySUU http://pear.suu.edu/render.userLayoutRootNode.uP 50. ONLINE COURSES through E-learning (formerly WebCT 6) 51. PAYROLL FORMS 52. PHONE NUMBERS 53. Provost Newsletter http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/newsletters.html 54. PUBLIC SAFETY http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/safety/ 55. PURCHASE REQUISITIONS 56. SAFETY http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/safety/ 57. SCHEDULING 58. SENATORS 59. SEXUAL HARRASSMENT 60. STRATEGIC PLAN https://intranet.suu.edu/facstaff/strategicplan.pdf 61. STUDENT 62. Summer Schedule 63. SYLLABI http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP636Course.pdf 64. TAX ID 87-600048 65. TEXTBOOKS http://online.bookstore.suu.edu/wm_loginth.htm?cmd=010 66. THUNDERBIRD FILM FESTIVAL http://www.thunderbirdfilmfestival.suu.edu/ 67. TRAVEL FORMS http://suu.edu/ad/controller/forms.html 68. VOICEMAIL 69. WEB LIAISON 70. APPENDIX FORMS (found online) Page 3 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook 1. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP1320Student.pdf 2. Academic integrity policy: (Sample text: Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable oncampus behavior.); 3. ADA statement: http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP119Disability.pdf Required text for syllabi “Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations, or auxiliary aids must contact the Office for Students with Disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these services and aids”. Room 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or (435) 865-8022. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Staff support is available for the production of class-related materials. Duplicating in support of University and community service activities may be provided as resources allow. Work submitted by individuals is always prioritized behind departmental business. Please observe lead times when submitting syllabi, exams, handouts, ect. (Three full workdays for typing and/or duplicating.) Generally the Department cannot provide clerical support for individual faculty research. See the Department Chair if you have special needs. 5. ADVISING • All Faculty are required to maintain a minimum of five, reasonable, publicly-posted office hours per week per Policy 6.27, III C. http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/ PP627Faculty.pdf • Majors seeking advisement should be sent to the correct Advisors (see section Advisors) • Students who contact faculty with complaints or problems with grades, graduation requirements, etc., should be sent to the department chair first. 6. ADVISORS http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP611Academic.pdf History, Sociology and Anthropology Andrea Donovan ~ [email protected] Student Center 101E ~ (435) 865-8427 Communications, Foreign Languages and Philosophy Katya Konkle [email protected] Student Center 205G ~ (435) 865-8431 Psychology: Jennifer Hedrick ~ [email protected] General Classroom 308D ~ (435) 865-8248 English, Criminal Justice, Political Science Aaron Templin [email protected] Student Center ST 205T (435) 8371 Page 4 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook 7. BANNER Banner is the records system used to work with and obtain student records including class rosters and grades. There are two parts to the Banner System, both web-based: Banner Self-Serve and Internet Native Banner. You will need access and training to both systems Banner Student: obtained from the Registrar’s Office http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/ Below are some useful codes. SAAADMS Admissions Application SOAPCOL MA SFAREGS EMPHASIS SHATERM Grades SGASTDN General Student Information, GPA SSADETL Course Fees SPAIDEN Identification, address, phone, email SOAIDEN Person Search, locate T #’s SOAHOLD Hold information SOATEST Test Score Information-GRE SGAADVR Advisors SCACRSE Course Schedule SCADETL Course Catalog detail (co-requisistes) SSADETL Course schedule detail, GE codes, fees SSAMATX Building/Room Schedule SLARDEF Room capacity SHATATC Transfer Course Articulation SHATRNS Transfer Course Information SHADEGR Degrees and other formal awards SIASSGQ Faculty assignment query SFAREGQ Student Registration Query 8. BUDGET There are many budgets, however, they are broken down into the State Appropriated or E & G which is mandated by the Utah State Legislature. There are non-appropriated budgets which are revenue accounts. The most common on the non-appropriated accounts are program fees. Program fees are used for specific purposes relating to the students. For example: They may not be used to purchase furniture for a faculty member’s office, but they may be used to purchase furniture for a student lab such as the writing center. They may not be used to send faculty to a conference, but they can be used to send students and faculty to a conference where they are presenting. 9. CALENDAR 2012-2013 http://www.suu.edu/academics/calendar.html July • Master’s program application deadline to start Fall is July 15th August Page 5 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook • • • • • • 16 21 21 23 27 31 Faculty contracts begin President Benson’s Welcome Picnic with President HSS Fall Forum Classes start Annual Reports due to Provost September • 3 Labor Day • 4 FAAR reports to Chairs • 4 Three-Year Review to Chairs • 4 Rank Advancement to Chairs • 4 Post tenure review • 17 FAAR to Department LRT • 17 Three-Year Review to Chairs • 17 Rank Advancement to Chairs • 17 Post tenure review October • 8 FAAR reports to Dean • 8 Three-Year Review to Dept. LRT • 8 Rank Advancement to Dept. LRT • 8 Post tenure review to Dept. LRT • 22 Fall Holliday—campus closed • 23 Fall Holiday—no classes November • 4 Daylight Saving Time Ends • 5 Three-Year Review to Dean • 5 Rank Advancement to Dean • 5 Post tenure review to Dean • 21 Thanksgiving—no classes • 22-23 Thanksgiving—campus closed December • 1 Scholarship application deadline for new students • 3 Rand Advancement to University LRT • 3 Tenure to University LRT • 3 Post Tenure Review to University LRT • 7 Last day of classes • 10 Study day • 11-14 Finals • 15 FAAR—reviewed by chair • 15 Three Year Review-- reviewed by chair • 17 New Freshman Orientation • 19 Grades due • 25 Campus closed January • 1 New Year’s Day—campus closed • 7 Spring Semester Starts • 15 - Provost Faculty Development Grant deadline Page 6 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook • 21 Martin Luther King Day—campus closed February • Scholarship application deadline for returning/transfer students • Black History Month • 15 Graduation paperwork due for December graduates • 15 Master’s program application deadline to start Summer semester • 18 President’s day—Campus closed March • Native American Week • Sterling Scholar • TRIO Achiever Luncheon – Service Learning (Pam Branin and Earl Mulderink) • 11-15 Spring Recess • 15 Spring Recess—campus closed April • Thunderbird Film Festival • Program Fee budgets to Mary Jo • 16 Provost Faculty Development Grant deadline • 25 Last day of class • 26 Study Day • 27-May 2--Finals May • • • HSS Academic Awards General Commencement HSS Commencement June • Budget clean up Academic, Registration, and Final Exam Calendars • Academic Calendar: http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/calendar.html • Registration Calendar: http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/reg-schedule.html • Final Exam Schedule: http://www.suu.edu/pub/schedule/finals.html • Training Calendar: http://www.suu.edu/calendars/ 10. CATALOG Each year, mid-spring, the department chair & the department admin assistant will receive their hardcopies of the catalog from the Provost Office. By June 1st, the admin assistant may go to the Admissions Office and get a copy for each of the faculty and staff members. Starting in 2009-2010, the catalog will only be printed every other year. The last ten years worth of catalogs may be found online at http://www.suu.edu/academics/catalog/. The deadline schedule for changes to next year’s catalog are found on the Provost’s web pages through the following link: http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/pdf/catalog-timeline-0809.pdf. Most changes MUST go through a Curriculum Committee so be aware of those dates. Any changes for the next year’s catalog that require Curriculum Change forms should be completed in September of each year. 11. CELL PHONE POLICY Page 7 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Effective July 1, 2008, SUU Employees will not be given or use cell phones that are paid by the University. If you are using a personal cell phone to conduct university business, a stipend may be acquired to cover costs. The payment is included with your paycheck. For more info, use the following link: http://www.suu.edu/ad/hr/documents/ CellularPhoneRequestFormandProcedures_000.pdf 12. CERTIFICATES Academic Awards Certificates Academic Awards Certificates are created by each department and awarded at the end of Spring semester at the individual college Academic Award ceremonies. (Catalog Page 103 refers to them as Academic Honors Convocations) Degree Certificates There is a degree audit worksheet on file with the Registrar’s Office for all approved certificate programs. The catalog also lists each approved certificate program – found via the following link: http://www.suu.edu/academics/catalog/2008/ch15programs.pdf International Relations Students may earn a certificate in International Relations along with their BA/BS degree. Michael Stathis is in charge of this program. Department Admin Assistant will print the certificates and they are handed out at Academic Awards night each spring. Public Administration Students may earn a certificate in Public Administration along with their BA/BS degree. John Howell is in charge of this program. Department Admin Assistant will print the certificates and they are handed out at Academic Awards night each spring. Speech Certificate Students may earn a certificate in Speech Certificate along with their BA/BS degree. Jon Smith is in charge of this program. Department Admin Assistant will print the certificates and they are handed out at Academic Awards night each spring. 13. CHECK REQUISITIONS Check requisitions have specific uses. Please use the following link from the Controller’s Office website to learn their proper use and to find an example of a properly completed form: http:// suu.edu/ad/controller/pdf/check_inst.pdf Check requisitions that are not completed correctly will take longer to process and may be returned for correction. The actual forms may be obtained from the Controller’s Office. Check requisitions are to be used for Subscription Renewals, Dues and Memberships, Registration Fees, and the services of Independent Contractors ONLY. • • • Check requisitions are NOT to be used for reimbursements for items or food purchases. Check Req forms may be obtained from the Controller's Office and have a numbering system that changes each fiscal year (so do not keep old forms). Type on the form and FOAPALS or Indexes may be used in the accounting space. Page 8 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook • Two signatures are required. Usually the faculty/staff member and then the department chair signature is sufficient. 14. CLASSROOMS Do not change the room in which your class is assigned. Changes must be requested through the Registrar’s Office. Opportunities to change rooms are limited. If a SMART classroom is needed you need to indicate this when the semester schedules are submitted to the Registrar’s Office. SMART classrooms are limited and in great demand. 15. CLASS ROSTER Class rosters are available via banner web/“Web for Faculty/Advisors” or via Crystal Reports with the assistance of your departmental administrative assistant (see Crystal Reports below) 16. CLASS SCHEDULES Changes to the schedule of classes must be requested by the department chair. As per Policy 6.46, http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP646Academic.pdf, course enrollment caps must be set at room capacity unless there is special approval by the Dean. 17. CLUBS http://www.suu.edu/suusa/clubs/ • Alpha Chi - is the National Honor Society. Top 10% of students at this university are eligible. It is currently housed under the department of Psychology with Lynn White as the advisor. • Alpha Kappa Delta (sociology) http://www.suu.edu/hss/histsoc/s-alphakappadelta.html • Alpha Phi Sigma (criminal justice) • Lambda Pi Eta (communication) http://www.suu.edu/hss/comm/lpe/ • Pi Sigma Alpha (political science) http://www.suu.edu/orgs/pisigmaalpha/ • Psi Chi (psychology) http://www.suu.edu/orgs/psichi/activities.htm • Phi Alpha Theta (history) http://www.suu.edu/hss/histsoc/h-phialphatheta.html • Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish) • Sigma Tau Delta (English) • Society of Professional Journalists/Sigma Delta Chi • PI Alpha Alpha (MPA) 18. CODES CRN = Course Registration Number. This is a 5 digit number that corresponds with each class a student registers for. Examples are: 10512 for Business Statistics, 30075 for Managerial Finance, etc. Page 9 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Section Codes = Section codes are #s linked to CRNs to identify & separate specific sections of one course being taught. Most regular classes' section numbers are just 01, 02, 03, etc. Ex: ENGL 1010-01 could be English 1010 MWF 10-10:50 am; 30263-02 could be TR 1-2:20 pm, etc. The online course section numbers end with I for internet Ex: COMM 1010-30I could be online Intro to Communication. Concurrent enrollment ONLINE (high school students) section numbers end in a C Ex: COMM 1010-13C could be Intro to Communication. Concurrent enrollment (high school students, Success Academy) section numbers end in a 200 level number Ex: ENGL 1010 -213 is English for concurrent enrollment . Individual/Independent study courses are section number 103 Ex: PSY 6300-103 could be Forensic Psychology, Independent Study. (Overload paid for out of Individual Fee accounts that are set up by each College, students pay an extra $67 per credit for an Individual class and the professors are paid $50 per credit per student to teach – the remaining $17 is for the college to spend at their discretion.) Student Success cohort groups reserved for new freshmen end with S Ex: UNIV 1000-01S could be UNIV 1000/LM 1010 EdNet courses (courses broadcast to outreach centers) have section numbers 60E or 70E Ex: CJ 6200-60E could be Criminal Law, broadcast at Dixie State College. (Overload paid for by the SUUDC account) Upward Bound have section numbers 14U Ex: COMM 1010 14U (LeAnn Maxwell is over Upward Bound courses) Semester Codes = term codes are done by using the 4 digit year and 2-digit suffix for semesters as follows: 10 = Spring 20 = Summer 30 = Fall Ex: 200630 would be Fall Semester 2006, 200720 would be Summer Semester 2007, etc. 19. COLLEGE COMMITTEES College LRT • 5 members from HSS. • must be tenured • may NOT be on a department LRT nor the University LRT committee while they are on the college committee • No department chair may serve on the college committee • Term of service is X years. Page 10 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Name Larry Ping Earl Mulderink Kirk Fitzpatrick Art Challis Service Ends 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015 2012-2013 College Scholarship By default, department chairs serve as the 6 members as long as they are a department chair College Curriculum Committee • 2 members per department • Advisors serve • Dean is Chair Undergraduate Committee Dpt Comm Comm Engl Engl FLHP FLHP SOSC SOSC Name Paul Husselbee 2 yr Service Ends 2014-2015 Jessica Tvordi Nozomi Irei 2014-2015 2014-2015 Rosa Perez Emily Dean Randy Hart Jim Gustafson FLHP UNIVERSITY rep POLSCJ Randy Allen PSYCH Grant Corser PSYCH Steve Barney Advisor Katya Konkle Advisor Aaron Templin 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015 2013-2014 2014-2015 Advisor service does NOT end Advisor service does NOT end 20. COMMENCEMENT The Marketing & Public Relations Office is in charge of Commencement for the entire university. Admin Asst IVs in each college (dean’s level) are in charge of Commencement/Convocation Page 11 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook procedure for each college. Each Admin Asst below the dean’s level needs to assist their Admin Asst IV in preparation of and on the day of commencement. A substitute may be found if needed, such as a faculty member. Any hours worked on Commencement day should receive comp time. a. Graduation Commencement is held once a year only, usually in May. Use the link for more info: http:// www.suu.edu/graduation/ b. Undergraduate • Undergraduate students should go to the Registrar’s Office to pick up the graduation packet a year before their actual graduation (students graduating in 2013 should pick up their graduation packet May 2012, etc.). Graduation worksheets are due in October of their senior/graduating year; students should schedule appointments with their advisor in advance. Signatures must be gathered in the order presented on the worksheet. There is a $50.00 fee assessed for any graduation paperwork that is late. • The dean is the last signature required before they pay the graduation cap and gown fee at the cashier’s office and return the degree audit form to the Registrar’s office. • Undergraduate students will receive their diploma cover as they walk at Commencement. The actual diploma is mailed later in the summer. Students may walk at Commencement in May and still take up to 12 credits of summer courses to actually complete the degree. c. Graduate/Masters • Masters students also have a graduation packet to complete in the same time frame as the undergraduates. Graduate Students will also need to pay a graduation fee for cap, gown, and hood in order to walk at Commencement. • Master students will walk ahead of undergraduate students. Graduate students carry their hoods in their hands until they walk across the stage at which point their (emphasis) advisor will hood them. • Master students will receive their diploma AFTER the department notifies the Registrar’s office that the student’s final thesis, project, or internship is complete. d. Associate Degrees • Associate students march with the College of Humanities and Social Services. students should go to the Registrar’s Office to pick up the graduation packet a year before their actual graduation (students graduating in 2013 should pick up their graduation packet May 2012, etc.). Graduation worksheets are due in October of their senior/graduating year; students should schedule appointments with their advisor in advance. There is a $50.00 fee for late graduation paperwork. 21. COMPUTER Access Faculty and Staff: Contact IT representative for computer user name & password, ext 7737 Students: Contact the Computer Lab Assistant in the Library at ext 8278. For e-mail help, students need to call ext 5474. Printing • Office computer use is restricted to University business. Please avoid any computer activity that may be construed as non-business use. IT staff routinely monitor computer use. • Computers are inventoried by the Department and are not to be reassigned, modified, or cannibalized by individual faculty. • Please do not contract for computer repairs or installations except through the IT. Requests should be made in writing (a short email note is sufficient). Security Page 12 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Computer security is increasingly problematic. Do not share your password with anyone, or leave your machine on unattended. You can lock your machine by pressing ctrl, alt, delete at the same time. Click on lock this machine. To unlock the machine, type in your password. 22. COPY MACHINE Students may make copies for themselves at the Media Center or the Copy Center located on the first floor of the library. Students that work for the departments have been assigned a code to use the copy machines for work-related purposes only. 23. COPYRIGHT ISSUES Students and faculty need to check with the library or an instructor before copying excessive pages of a book or article. This includes articles on the internet. Credit needs to be given to any information used in papers, thesis, etc. 24. Course Codes http://www.suu.edu/academics/catalog/2008/ch15terminology.pdf SUU uses the following course numbering system: 0001-0999 Development courses, no graduation credit 1000-1999 Lower Division, intended for freshmen 2000-2999 Lower Division, intended for sophomores 3000-3999 Upper Division, intended for juniors 4000-4999 Upper Division, intended for seniors 5000-5999 Advanced Upper Division, Graduate Courses/Cont. Educ 6000-6999 Advanced Graduate Courses 7000-7999 Advanced Graduate Courses University-Wide Course Numbers – these courses may or may NOT be found in the catalog Readings & Conference 2830, 4830, 6830 Workshops 2920, 4920, 5920, 6920 Coop Education 2840, 4840, 6840 Internship 4890, 5890, 6890 Convocation 2010 Service Learning 2120 Undergraduate Research 2850, 2990, 25. COURSE FEES In order to increase, decrease or initiate course fees, see Policy 6.42 http://www.suu.edu/pub/ policies/pdf/PP642Course.pdf. The last page of the policy is the form. For Course Fee Request Process, see: http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/ coursefeeprocess.html 26. CRYSTAL REPORTS You get to Crystal Reports on the same page where you log into Banner. Once you are in, click on Public Folders, then Student, and finally Academic Department, from here select the type of report you want, such as a class roster. You can print the report or export it to Excel for manipulation by clicking on the Export icon (see arrow below) and then selecting the file format as Excel (data only). Page 13 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook 27. Curriculum Changes http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/curriculum.html 5000 Level courses should only be used for Continuing Education and are not listed in the catalog. If you are wanting to offer a Continuing Education you need to contact Susan Durfee, Director of SCPS Operations: Office: CC 103B, Phone: (435) 586-7850, E-Mail: [email protected], Department: Continuing & Professional Studies, Fax: (435) 865-8087 1. Dpt Curriculum committees approve changes for their department and submit the proper form to the college committee. 2. College Curriculum committee: James McDonald, Chair; dean’s administrative assistnat; two faculty representatives from each HSS department, and both college advisors. Once the college committee approves the changes the form is sent to the University Committee. 3. University Undergraduate Curriculum committees –Assistant Provost, Bill Byrnes, Chair; Aimee Uchman, administrative Assistant; Jim gustafson is HSS representative. 4. GE proposal process For GE Courses only, the following items need to be answered and submitted to the college committee. After the first 3 steps above are completed, and the course has been approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, the course proposal then needs to be submitted to the General Education Committee: 1) Briefly state how your course fits into the learning outcomes for general education as a whole. (critical thinking, communication, value processing, etc.) 2) Indicate the appropriate Skills Area, Knowledge Area, Fine Arts Area, Humanities Area, Life and Physical Science Areas, or Interdisciplinary areas goals (listed in Catalog Page 108-109) that this course will address. Explain what the students will be expected to do to indicate that they have fulfilled particular goals. 3) Does the design of this course, as a general education offering, differ from how the course would be designed and taught if offered to majors or in preparation for the majors? 4) What is the communication component of this course? Are there essays exams, written assignments, term papers? If there are multiple choice tests, how are they balanced by instruments to determine how the student articulate their knowledge? 5) Describe how students will be required to access and evaluate current sources of information in the field including appropriate print and electronic media. 6) Describe how and what other values of general education are included in this course. 28. DEAN’S LIST SUU Dean’s List The letters are preprinted and come from the Registrar’s Office each semester. Colleges mail them to the students. 29. Department Chairs rotation Page 14 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Communication 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2013 English 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2015 Foreign Language 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2015 History and Sociology 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2013 Political Science and Criminal Justice 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2013 f. Psychology 3 years – voting to take place Spring 2015 a. b. c. d. e. 30. SANS EARLY ALERT SYSTEM 31. DESK COPIES Faculty may ask the admin assistant to get them a 'desk copy'. A desk copy is a textbook sent to the faculty member, free of charge, so that they may review it for possible use in one of their classes. The best (but not the only) way to handle this is to ask Carolyn Jones in the bookstore to get you a copy when you place your textbook order. You may also look up the publisher and see what the specified instructions are for obtaining desk copies. It is easier if you have the ISBN; otherwise you will need the title and author. 32. E-MAIL (via GOOGLELMAIL.COM) In the past, the e-mail format is your last name at suu.edu, such as [email protected]. If there is already an individual on campus with the same last name, then the format is lastnamefirstintial such as [email protected] However, the format has been varied. Sometimes it is first and last name together, or first name and last initial. 33. ENROLLMENTS Adding Classes: http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/add-drop.html Auditing: Registered Students may audit a course by registering and paying for the credits through the Registrar’s Office (ST 166). A student may NOT change the course to an audit after the 9 th week of the course. (This is usually the approach when a student is failing the course). Dropping Classes: http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/add-drop.html Withdrawal: If a student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing, he/she will receive a “UW” (failure) for the course from the Instructor. This grade is calculated in the GPA as an “F.” Class Roster: Students who are attending class but whose names do not appear on the class roster should be sent immediately to the Registrar’s Office. If a student’s name does not appear on the class roster he/ she has NOT paid to be enrolled in the course. (Each semester a number of students who attended a class and completed all the work but who do not appear on the class roster make contact about receiving their grade. This should never occur and the department chair will be notified of faculty who failed to verify their class roster.) Independent Study Contracts : http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/pdf/ WebIndividualStudyForm.pdf When the Independent Study Contract form is completed, the original is sent to the Registrar’s Office, a copy is kept in the department until a grade has been awarded. An overload contract should be completed for each instructor who signs a contract with a student for independent study Page 15 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook ($50 per credit is the current rate.) After the grades are awarded, keep the contract and grade change form for two years. Waitlist: Course waitlists may be performed through Banner. This will allow students to add their name to the waitlist via the web. However, academic advisors must prioritize the waitlist and register the students as necessary. Please work closely with the academic advisor if your course has a waitlist. 34. EVALUATIONS https://secure.suu.edu/academics/evalreports/login.aspx IDEA Evaluations are conducted both on-line and in face to face classes. IDEA faculty Information Forms, are given to the departments the second week of the semester. The professors are encouraged to get the forms back to the Dean’s office by the end of September. Six weeks before the end of the semester, the student survey forms are sent to the departments. They are due back the week of finals when they are sent to the IDEA Center for review. The reports are sent back around the middle of January or May and given to the faculty then. (Note: Evaluations are used in faculty 3 year Reviews) Faculty evaluations MUST be done each semester and are done in class using a paper format. All faculty members are evaluated every semester if their class has more than 7 students IDEA ON-LINE COURSE EVALUATION SYSTEM, EFFECTIVE FALL 2007 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR FACULTY Students should complete the evaluation outside of class, at home, in a computer lab, or on any computer with Internet access. Faculty Information Forms The online FIF’s are sent out via the computer the 2nd week of September. Faculty are reminded once a day to get them filled out. Student Surveys Student Surveys go out the last 3 weeks of the semester. Students receive a reminder once a day to fill out the forms. The reports are sent to the Dean’s office using the same schedule as the paper surveys. 35. FACULTY ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORTS (FAAR) Faculty will be graded on three criteria 1) Teaching 2) Research 3) Collegiality “In addition to the normal teaching workload, faculty members are expected to 1. 2. 3. 4. assume other professional responsibilities such as advising/mentoring students maintaining a minimum of five, reasonable, publicly-posted office hours per week, performing public service, and engaging in scholarly and creative activities. An appropriate service load of on- or off-campus committees (boards, professional organizations) per year is expected as part of the basic load at the discretion of the chair and the dean. 5. Participation descriptions and levels of activity should be reported in rank advancement, tenure, post-tenure reviews and in annual reviews for merit salary increases.” 6. Per Policy 6.27 III C http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP627Faculty.pdf Page 16 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook • • • • • All faculty complete FAAR's every year. All faculty members document their accomplishments and activities in FAAR. The Department Chair reviews all FAARS and prepares an evaluative letter for each. Tenure Track but not tenured Faculty have their Chair review the FAAR and write an evaluative letter which is then forwarded to Dept LRT Committee. For All other faculty, the Chair letter and FAAR are forwarded to the Dean directly. Department Chairs prepare an FAAR that is reviewed by the Dean Course evaluations are used in Faculty 3 year Reviews 36. FINAL EXAMS http://www.suu.edu/pub/schedule/finals.html Classes must meet during Final Exam time. Papers and presentations or a regular class meeting may be substituted for a Final Exam but the class time may not be skipped. 37. FINANCIAL AID http://www.suu.edu/ss/financial/ 38. SANS This is an on-line system that is accessed through the SUU Portal. Faculty (and especially faculty that are teaching 1st year students), are asked to give a graded assignment during the first 3 weeks of class. If a student is doing poorly, faculty are asked to submit a SANS report. A peer mentor will be assigned to help the student get help thorough tutors and study groups. If a student begins to show signs of psychological or behavioral or other problems, faculty are asked to submit a confidential alert. This alert will go directly to Vice President of Student Services and will be handled confidentially. The Vice President of Student Services will assess the alert and provide needed help to the student 39. FORMS http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/student-forms.html 40. GRADES http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP613Grading.pdf Due Dates All grades are due by 4 p.m. on the Wednesday after finals. This includes independent study, online, concurrent enrollment and internship courses. Grades may be changed easily as long as they have not been “rolled to history.” Once the grades have been “rolled” or set on the students’ permanent academic records (indicated by a “Y” next to the roster grade box) a grade change card must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Any grades that are not submitted by the deadline must be submitted via a Grade Change Card available in the Registrar’s Office. Posting Grades Do not post grades by student name, initials, social security number, or any other way that permits personal identification. Change of Grade report Changes of Grade Reports are slips of gold colored paper that come from the Registrar’s Office. They must be signed by the faculty member and delivered to the Registrar’s Office by the faculty member Page 17 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook or the admin assistant. Once the grade change has been made in the Banner system, the Registrar’s Office will send the form back to the department with a red stamp indicating “Confirmation of Grade Change”. Keep these forms for two years before shredding them. Per Policy 6.13, grades may only be changed for legitimate reasons by the instructor who submitted the original grade. Students shall not be allowed to submit assignments outside of the term, unless an incomplete contract is on file in the Registrar’s Office. The time limit on changing grades is two years after the posting of the incorrect grade. Incomplete Grades An incomplete grade may only be used when due to extenuating circumstances the student is unable to complete the assigned course work by the end of the semester. An incomplete grade should be granted only if the student has completed 75% of the course AND is passing the class at the time the contract is issued. No incomplete contract may extend past 12 calendar months. When the student has completed the necessary course work or the contract has expired, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade card to the Registrar’s Office Policy for “T” Grades A grade of “T” indicates that a student is currently in progress toward the attainment of course objectives that extend beyond a single semester. The “T” grade is used only for courses that include internships or coursework that spans two semesters as is issued only after the completion of a “T” Grade Form obtainable from the Registrar’s Office. The time limit for removal of "T" grade is determined by the instructor, but will not exceed one semester following the semester in which the grade was issued. “T” Grades not removed within the time limit will be replaced by the Registrar with a grade of “F.” Grade Appeal http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP619Grade.pdf HSS Grade Appeal rooted in Academic Dishonesty 1. Faculty discovers potential plagiarism and determines possible sanction. 2. Evidence of plagiarism is given to an outside reviewer from another department (here you could also convene an in-house academic dishonesty committee). 3. If the review determines academic dishonesty, the student is notified of the ruling and sanction. The student may appeal to the Department Chair. 4. If the Chair and the student do not reconcile the case, the student may appeal to the Dean for a final determination. 41. Grants For help with writing grants or for places to search for grants contact, Joan Fitton, Director of Sponsored Research and Grants. 435 865-8175 or [email protected]. Page 18 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook 42. GRE (Graduate Record Exam) http://www.takethegre.com/new-gre-test All students interested in attending graduate school need to take the GRE before applying to their graduate program. Information can be found online via the above link. 43. Guide to Language, Grammar, Punctuation There is a guide to language on the web located at http://www.suu.edu/ad/pr/pdf/guide-tolanguage.pdf. Some items in the document are for consistency across campus such as using Adviser not Advisor, and using theatre not theater. 44. HIRING FORMS FOR NEW FACULTY • Instructions to complete the recommendation for appointment form are found on the Provost Office website at: http://www.suu.edu/academics/provost/pdf/ NewFacultyRecommendation.pdf • The actual form can be found on the SUU website (http://www.suu.edu/ad/hr/pdf/new-faculty-recommendation.pdf) • An Affirmative Action form also needs to be completed at the same time: http:// www.suu.edu/ad/hr/pdf/aa.pdf • An Equal Employment Opportunity Form is also completed: http://www.suu.edu/ad/hr/ pdf/eeo.pdf 45. LIBRARY A. Books If a staff or faculty member would like a copy of a particular book in the library (that is not already currently there), complete the form found at http://www.li.suu.edu/library/dept_request.htm after checking the ISBN number at http://catalog.li.suu.edu/uPortal/ to make sure that it is not already in the library holdings. http://www.li.suu.edu/library/copycntr/ccindex.htm B. Copy Center Faculty Center http://www.li.suu.edu/library/faccntr/fcindex.htm C. 46. LRT http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP61Faculty.pdf Leave Rank Tenure 6.1.1 Evaluation of Faculty FAAR= Faculty Annual Activity Report 6.1.2 Third-year Review of Tenure-track Faculty 6.1.3 Faculty Rank and Promotion 6.1.4 Faculty Tenure University LRT representative Britt Mace. College LRT Committee as of Fall 2008: 1. Larry Ping, Chair, 2. Earl Mulderink 3. Kirk Fitzpatrick Policy 6.1 which, amid all of its verbiage, outlines the composition of LRT committees on P. 14. The deadline schedule is found on P. 19 and a flow chart on P. 25. Page 19 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook College committee members cannot have "successive" service on either their department or university LRT committees. The dean's office sends out a ballot to all HSS faculty (tenured and tenure-track) to vote on the composition of the college LRT committee. (LRT committees strive to have both male and female committee members). No administrators, meaning department chairs, may serve on a college LRT committee. For Post tenure review, tenure, rank advancement, 3 year review, the process is: 1. the faculty pull their information together and submit it in binder(s), 2. to the appropriate Dpt Chair, 3. the Dpt LRT, 4. the College LRT committee , 5. the Dean , 6. the University LRT committee, 7. and finally the Provost. This all takes about 6 months before faculty receive their binders back. Rank coding for Post tenure review, tenure, rank advancement, 3 year review is: SP Satisfactory Performance LP Limited Performance UP Unsatisfactory Performance 47. MAIL http://www.suu.edu/ss/postoffice/ A representative of the mailroom will pick up and drop off mail once a day. The mail brought into the office should be distributed in the faculty/staff mailboxes. When sending off-campus mail, place the account index either under the sender's address or where the stamp would go so that the post office knows which account to charge for postage. 48. MILEAGE http://suu.edu/ad/facilities/motorpool/mileage.html From Cedar City (one way) to common destinations as approved by Motor Pool will be found at the above link. This is useful when trying to complete travel authorizations/reimbursements. 49. mySUU http://pear.suu.edu/render.userLayoutRootNode.uP • The goal of mySUU is to provide a customizable, one-stop access to all online resources provided by Southern Utah University. Once you have logged in, you will see information tailored to your role at SUU (student, faculty, staff, etc). You can also customize your content to feature your interests including news, weather, local movie listings, etc. • mySUU is for all current students, faculty and staff. In the future, we hope to extend mySUU to alumni, prospective students, and newly admitted students 50. ONLINE COURSES through E-learning (formerly WebCT 6) • Creation of an online course https://elearning.suu.edu/webct/entryPageIns.dowebct • Once the online course has been created, the course is ready to be listed in the class schedules. • E-mail the Registrar’s Office with the course number and instructor’s name. • E-mail the same information to Continuing Education. • E-mail the same information to Web Development (who oversee WebCT). Page 20 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook • Students will register for these courses in the same manner that they register for campus courses. The Registrar’s Office will assign a CRN & section number and the students will have access to this CRN & section number through Banner. Once classes start, students will go to https://elearning.suu.edu/webct/entryPageIns.dowebct where they can log into and access their class. Inside E-learning is the course syllabus, schedule, assignments, and anything else the instructor has loaded, including e-mails. 51. PAYROLL FORMS Overloads: Completed for current SUU faculty/staff who get benefits Special appointments: Completed for those who are doing temporary salaried work with no benefits and have no guarantee of future employment When hiring a new adjunct, please attach the adjunct faculty member’s resume (CV) and transcript to the completed Special Appointment form. We MUST have these on file for every instructor. Later submissions for the same faculty member will not require you to attach a resume and transcript, unless the instructor has completed a higher degree since initial appointment (for example, they complete a PhD while teaching). The Provost’s Office needs accurate, updated information on file. Summer Contracts: Completed for those regular faculty who teach in the Summer The pay schedule is found on HR’s website through http://suu.edu/ad/hr/documents/ SummerSession2008_000.pdf. Each faculty member should receive a copy of the pay schedule with every overload form they sign. 52. PHONE NUMBERS SUU provides a campus directory with pictures and campus maps (used to be referred to as the 'face book'). The online director is found at http://www.suu.edu/general/directory/facsearch.html 53. Provost Newsletter The Provost Newsletter will be edited by Rosalyn Eves. She will send out the information as soon as she is ready to proceed. She can be contacted through the English Department. 54. PUBLIC SAFETY http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/safety/ Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Medical emergencies, Campus Safety, Fingerprinting Presentations, Property ID (on personal laptops) Concerns about Student behavior – early intervention Campus Alerts via Web Page, IP Phones, Speakers on ELC 55. PURCHASE REQUISITIONS Online Purchase Requisitions http://www.suu.edu/ad/purchasing/onlinereq.html Purchase requisitions are used for larger expense items (such as computers or furniture) that need to be purchased. (PCards are used for smaller expense items such as supplies). Purchase Requisitions are now completed and authorized all online. 56. SAFETY Page 21 of http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/safety/ Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Please do not leave your office door unlocked when you leave the office, even for a few moments. There have been a number of thefts in recent months, and faculty and staff have been held responsible for the cost of replacing stolen University equipment. 57. SCHEDULING Classes Policy 6.46 Academic Scheduling III 3B no more than 12% of the combined classes under HSS can be in any one given time slot. Page 3 chart shows NO classes scheduled during Convocation time on Tues/Thurs 58. SENATORS HSS 2008-2009 ~ Azita Tizpa, Jed Webb, Natalie Gunn 59. SEXUAL HARRASSMENT It is strongly advised that you avoid any sort of physical contact with student which lends itself to misinterpretation (ex hugs, arms around waist). Any behavior which could be construed as “unwelcome sexual advances” puts the faculty member at considerable risk. 60. STRATEGIC PLAN https://intranet.suu.edu/facstaff/strategicplan.pdf 2008-2009 Goals of SUU 1. Employee Compensation 2. Invest in Academics a. Academic Excellence – endowments, faculty development b. Campus Enhancement and Expansion – new Science building i. Enhancing Student Life (1. Honors, 2. Internships, 3. Study Abroad, 4. Service Learning, 5. UGRASP) c. Community Engagement 3. Infrastructure - facilities 61. STUDENT a. Student Employment http://www.suu.edu/ss/career/students.html b. Student Time Sheets & Payroll Students are responsible for entering their own hours into Banner Self-Serve during the pay period. c. Student Travel http://suu.edu/ad/controller/forms.html If you are taking a class on a field trip, be sure to complete a travel form (this is for insurance purposes.) Student travel that will be reimbursed by the department follows the same procedure as faculty/staff and uses the same forms for reimbursement. For detailed instruction see the section on Travel Forms. 62. Summer Schedule Maymester rule is one class per discipline and only one class per instructor. 63. SYLLABI http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP636Course.pdf 1) For syllabus template go to Page 2 of the above link 2) Syllabi MUST be completed for each course and distributed to students or posted online by the second class meeting. ADA statement: http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/PP119Disability.pdf Page 22 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook Required text for syllabi “Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations, or auxiliary aids must contact the Office for Students with Disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these services and aids”. Room 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or (435) 865-8022. Academic integrity policy: (Sample text: Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable oncampus behavior.); 3) For each course with an approved fee, the class syllabus MUST specify the amount of the fee and its intended use per Policy 6.42 II D 1. http://www.suu.edu/pub/policies/pdf/ PP642Course.pdf 4) It is recommended that syllabi be posted on the web. Any syllabi posted to the web MUST be in PDF format for ADA compliance 5) For other rules and regulations, please see the above link. 64. TAX ID 87-600048 65. TEXTBOOKS http://online.bookstore.suu.edu/wm_loginth.htm?cmd=010 Textbooks are ordered online via the above link. The bookstore will send out forms that each professor needs to complete with his/her texts requests for the coming semester. These need to be filled out as soon as possible so that the bookstore knows which books are eligible for student book buyback. 66. THUNDERBIRD FILM FESTIVAL The festival is put on in April of each year. http://www.thunderbirdfilmfestival.suu.edu/ 67. TRAVEL FORMS http://suu.edu/ad/controller/forms.html Complete an online travel authorization form at the above link. Print a copy of the form after your supervisor approves it. If you are getting a travel advance, you will need to complete that form at the same time as the travel authorization form. Upon return, complete a travel reimbursement form (also found at the above link) and attach it to your travel authorization. Turn in that form to the Controller’s Office (ADMIN 207). • The per diems rates can be found at http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/motorpool/ Rates.html • Motor Pool vehicle rental rates and mileage charge rates are found at: http://www.suu.edu/ ad/facilities/motorpool/calculator.html 68. VOICEMAIL To access voicemail, dial 8400 from any on-campus phone, or 865-8400 from off-campus. At the next prompt, press # and enter your 4 digit phone extension Page 23 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012 HSS Handbook When it asks for the security code, the default code is CEDAR. If you forget your code, call ext 7785 who will reset it. After the system is initialized again, you can set any code. Further instruction can be found online in the manual at http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/telephone.pdf 69. WEB LIAISON Each department or area needs to have a web liaison or a person in charge of updating your department’s web pages. For details on responsibilities see http://www.suu.edu/it/webdev/liaison.html. It is the web liaison’s responsibility to update the web pages. 70. APPENDIX FORMS (found online) Budget Office http://www.suu.edu/ad/budget/forms.html Controller’s Office http://www.suu.edu/ad/controller/forms.html Facilities Management http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/ HR Office http://www.suu.edu/ad/hr/forms.html Motor Pool http://www.suu.edu/ad/facilities/motorpool/ Purchasing Office http://www.suu.edu/ad/purchasing/forms.html Registrar’s Office http://www.suu.edu/ss/registrar/student-forms.html Page 24 of Last Updated Friday, August 03, 2012
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