Issue 10 August 2015

Djarragun Newsletter
ISSUE 10 • August 2015
Djarragun News
ISSUE 10 • August 2015
School Photos Now Arrived!
Our school photos have arrived and can be
collected from Reception. Please remember to
pre-pay for your individual packs,
$30, before
collecting them.
Solid State Circus Present State of Play
Friday 4 September
The circus is coming to town on 4 September. All students are welcome to come along and watch and for those in Years 7-12 there is
an opportunity to join in the fun. The cost to join in the activities is
$5 per student, to be paid at Reception by Monday 31 August.
The Show:
Solid State Circus (SSC) is a fresh Australian comedy acrobatics
troupe. Combining seasoned presenters with the youthful exuberance of some of Australia's best young performers, SSC presents a
show with that “wow” factor. The tightly
packed, high energy show features an
array of circus skills, including mini tramp,
juggling, and high level acrobatics! If you
don't know the difference between a backflip and a backsault, then this is the show
for you! The dynamic, inspirational trio
reinforce by example: the healthy mind,
healthy body theme, promoted in many
schools. The show includes a Q &A session
– a chance for students to question a tame
circus performer!
Upcoming Events
27 August Afternoon
Tea & Concert for
3 September School
Athletics Carnival
4 September Solid
State Circus
11 September Years 46 GALA Day
18 September Parent/
Teacher Interviews
Term Dates
18 September
Term 3 ends
6 October
Term 4 starts
1 Maher Road, Gordonvale
P 07 4043 3777 | F 07 4056 6111
E [email protected]
Musica Viva!
Dear Families,
Best of Brass came to College on 19 August to deliver an
interactive performance to inspire our students. They
We are now well into Term 3 and busy with learning
across the whole school. Year 12 students are becoming mixed classical songs with contemporary compositions,
educating the students through live music.
very focused with their studies, preparing for the QCE.
Our Years 11
We have a program of great activities to add to the
& 12 IDMT
general enjoyment of school this week. Musica Viva
students took
joined the school with a big brass band to entertain and these
excite primary and secondary students. What amazing
musicians they were. Ms Smith ran a fabulous Science
Week activities afternoon on Tuesday this week and
our students participated in some fascinating experiments.
The athletics carnival is on this term at the school:
please set aside the day on Thursday 3 September.
Thanks to Ms Richardson for her enthusiasm and organisation for this great day. Parents are most welcome to
come along and support their children on the day.
Parent teacher interviews are on again at the end of
this term and the school will pack its bags and staff and
go to Yarrabah and Mooroobool for half a day each and
have interviews at Gordonvale on the school grounds as
well. These meetings are important for parents and
teachers to talk about what your children have been
learning and how both the school and home can support the school’s learning programs.
Next Thursday 27 August we are holding an afternoon
tea for all of our families at the school, followed by a
concert to be put on by our student stars – cultural
dancing and choir. Our outstanding Aboriginal and
Torres Strait dancers will perform. I think parents will
be pretty surprised and proud of the school’s choir. Ms
Donaldson is doing a great job developing the singing
skills of our students. Parents are invited along at
1.30pm to join us for afternoon tea. We are in the middle of a very important task of completing Individual
Education Plans for all of our students and these require parent signatures as part of this process, so we
will be asking parents/carers to sign these for us as
Robyn Hughes
ISSUE 10 • August 2015
Djarragun Newsletter
Science Fair Fanatics!
With the assistance of our Year 9 students, Years 2, 3 & 4 enjoyed an afternoon of science
investigations and experiments. Our Years 11 & 12 IDMT students took these lovely photos.
Primary Excursion to the Portsmith Re-discovery Centre at
the Materials Recovery Facility
“We went to the Portsmith Transfer Station for our class excursion. We learned
how to recycle things like paper, plastic and tins such as milk bottles, cans and
plastic bags which there was a lot of lying around all over the place. We talked
about the environment and how a lot of rubbish can affect it if it has not been
disposed of properly. So if you are out and about and see rubbish lying around or
on the ground please pick it up and put it in the bin so our town and school will
be a happy clean place on our Earth. Thanks to Miss Fuller, Miss Fulton and Miss
Hanna for taking our class to the Recycling Process Centre.”
- Arness Martin (Year 5)
“Team Tea Tree are learning about recycling. We were talking about yellow bins
and green bins and we also saw lots of rubbish. We saw a lot of glass and lots of
paper. I saw a rubbish machine and it had lots of rubbish on it. We were talking
about rubbish bins and I saw lots of different bins, it was amazing. They also gave
us lots of bags and I love them! It was so fun for me and I liked it a lot. I saw lots
of workers and they were so kind and we were all kind too. Thank you Miss
Michelle for all your hard work and everything. I loved it and I loved everything.
Thank you Miss Michelle.” - Karmie Ludwick (Year 4)
An Ocean of Books!
On 3 August, Primary hosted a Book
Fair; the theme was Under the Sea.
Kelly Ganaia (Yr6) won 1st price in the
colouring competition & Roderick
Griven (Prep) won 2nd prize. Kirrima
Hooligan (Yr5) won the attendance
price, with Jerome Hooligan (Yr5)
winning 2nd place.
Scholastic generously donated $60.00
worth of prizes for our competitions.
“Today my class went to an excursion to a place where your recycle bin goes. A
lady explained to us about every place in the station. She said that there was a
baler. The baler is where they make paper and cardboard into rectangles. She
told and showed us where they separate the big things from the small things.
Where they separate the heavy things from the light things. When we went back
to school we saw the landfill.
They call the landfill a capped
landfill. We also got a little bag
with a yellow highlighter, a ruler
and a pencil. All of the things are
made of recycled items. There
were little boxes on the wall. We
opened the boxes. One of the
boxes had a bike inside!” - Gwen
Wuruki-Barba (Year 4)
Fantastic Efforts in Primary!
The following students have moved up 90 lessons in Ms. Lane's Reading
class, from RMSE 2 to start RMSE 3: Leshonta Lyons (Yr6), Iris Livingstone
(Yr4), Jerome Hooligan (Yr5), James Ambrym (Yr6) & Nyotah Ambrym (Yr4).
We also have students who finished RMSE 2 at the end of last term and
have tested into RMSE 4, so they have also skipped RMSE 3 entirely: Jaja
Allen (Yr4), Lahteka Wilson-Neal (Yr5), Samson Charlie (Yr5), Kelly Ganaia
(Yr6), Malachai Ambrym (Yr6) & Nyree Neal (5).
A huge well done all of
Former Student
Our 2014 Year 12 graduate,
Caroline Sebasio has been accepted into the Defence Force
and will be joining the Navy.