Changing the World through Japan`s Scientific Endeavors

The Japan-US Science Forum in Boston
~Changing the World through Japan’s Scientific Endeavors~
“Japan’s Rapidly Aging Society”
-DATE- Saturday, November 12, 2016
-VENUE- Room B103, Northwest Bldg., Harvard University
52 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
-Program (tentative)12:30am -
1:00 - 1:20pm
Opening Remarks
1:20 - 1:45pm
Makiyo IWATA (Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare)
(Title of talk: TBA)
1:45 - 2:30pm
Ichiro KAWACHI (Harvard School of Public Health)
(Title of talk: TBA)
2:30 - 3:15pm
Shin-Ichiro IMAI (Washington University School of Medicine)
“Achieving Productive Aging in Japan: The Systemic Regulatory Mechanism of
Mammalian Aging and Longevity and Anti-Aging Intervention”
3:15 - 3:30pm
3:30 - 4:15pm
Fumiaki IKENO (Stanford University)
(Title of talk: TBA)
4:15 - 4:40pm
Akane SANO (MIT Media Lab)
“Measuring stress and health using wearable sensors”
4:40 - 5:05pm
Maiko WATANABE (Harvard University)
“Technology and Culture of “Seeing" Fetus in Japan (tentative title)”
5:05 - 5:30pm
Kay SHIMIZU (University of Pittsburgh)
“The Political and Social Effects of Japan's Rapidly Aging Society
(tentative title) ”
5:30 - 7:00pm
Poster Sessions and Reception
Mitsuaki NOZAKI (JSPS Washington Office)
Rokuichiro MICHII (Consulate General of Japan in Boston)