Allied Maritime Command HQ MARCOM

Allied Maritime Command
News Release
28 July 2016
REF: SNMCMG2 2016/02
Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group TWO deployment in
the Black Sea
Black Sea – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) just completed its
third deployment into the Black Sea under the command of Captain Ramazan Kesgin (Turkish
Navy). SNMCMG2 started its deployment on July 8th in support of NATO’s assurance
measures regarding Alliance resolve and commitment to collective defence, and to enhance
maritime security in the region.
SNMCMG2 included the flagship TCG CEZAYIRLI GAZI HASAN PASA (Turkey) and the mine
counter-measures vessels TCG EDINCIK (Turkey), ESPS TURIA (Spain) and the ROS SLT.
While in the Black Sea, SNMCMG2 participated in the Bulgarian lead exercise “BREEZE
2016” in vicinity of Burgas, Bulgaria and Bulgarian territorial waters. “BREEZE” is an exercise
based on a Crisis Response Operation scenario and builds interoperability among the NATO
units. Units and personnel from Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, the United States
joined Bulgarian Navy during the exercise.
“This exercise has permitted increased mutual knowledge of allied nations and enhances the
interoperability among participants units of diverse characteristics. The exercise covered a
variety of areas such as maneuvering, asymmetric threat, damage control and mine warfare,”
said Lieutenant-Commander Enrique García Morera (Spanish Navy), Commanding Officer
of ESPS TURIA. “In the particular case of the SNMCMG2, the exercise has allowed improve
group cohesion, whereas the units get training in mine countermeasures operations an
asymmetric threat environment.”
HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
Tel: +44 (0) 1923 956 763
Email: [email protected] –
SNMCMG2’s second planned activity was exercise “SEA SHIELD 2016” in vicinity of
Constanta, Romania in Romanian territorial and international waters in the Black Sea. “SEA
SHIELD” is a Romanian Navy led maritime anti-submarine exercise also based on a Crisis
Response Operation scenario and open to NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) nations.
Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 units from Canada and Poland also participated in this
exercise. NATO units were joined by Bulgarian and Ukrainian units in support to this Romanian
Navy exercise.
“I’m very honored to spend almost a month in the Black Sea, in order to contribute to peace
and to enhance NATO’s presence in these waters.” said Lieutenant Erhan Ege, commanding
officer of TCG EDINCIK. “I’m confident to think that conducting exercises in various Black Sea
countries in such a cooperative, professional and multinational manner, will lead to strengthen
our ability to preserve maritime security.”
Both exercises were conducted in a professional manner contributing to increased
interoperability levels and mutual understanding among the allied countries which have
contributed to these exercises.
The exercises provided excellent opportunities for the planners and first-rate training for the
crews of all NATO participating units including Bulgaria and Romania as host nations. The
SNMCMG2 deployment was conducted in full transparency and full compliance with
international regulation and specifically the Montreux Convention.
According with Captain Ramazan Kesgin, “By conducting these exercises and the
deployment, SNMCMG2 showed its eagerness to carry on strong message to Bulgarian and
Romanian people and to all Allied Nations regarding NATO`s resolve and commitment to
collective defence.” Captain Kesgin concluded adding that “During our Black Sea deployment,
we, as always remained fully prepared to undertake any mission that might be required for
NATO to meet its obligations for collective defence”.
HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
Tel: +44 (0) 1923 956 763
Email: [email protected] –