Our Program - KidSafe Collaborative

Together we can end child abuse and neglect.
from Vermont’s most vulnerable . . .
From tiny infants to seemingly invincible teens, Vermont’s children are vulnerable to
abuse and neglect. Your support for KidSafe Collaborative means help for our kids, but
your support isn’t ’just’ about the children. It’s about their parents, too. You know,
nobody sets out to do anything less than a great job of raising their kids. It’s a hard job
for anyone — even when not challenged by substance abuse, domestic violence,
inadequate housing, unemployment or a health issue. So I thank you, for all that your
contributions mean to the parents and thereby to the children whose safety is
improved. In addition, never forget that our team approach is hugely helpful to the
dedicated human service providers working every day to support children.
And here’s another group
you support with your
gift: Vermonters who are
required by law to report
maltreatment of children and teens — and of course you thereby also
help those kids. In many cases, it is a teacher, childcare worker or other
‘mandated reporter’ who reports suspected abuse or neglect. And it’s
possible to miss a sign or symptom; training is key. This past year,
KidSafe, in partnership with Vermont DCF (Department for Children and
Families), launched a two-hour online training program for Vermont’s
mandated reporters. As of this writing, more than 6,000 educators,
social services providers, camp counselors, and many others have taken
the training. It’s the kind of project that KidSafe is in a unique position to carry out, as the organization that hears first-hand from
those on the front lines of child protection. (Please note: members of the general public are welcome to take the training, too!)
Although the attached Annual Report is for the year ending March 31, 2016, we want you also to know about a more recent event:
the soft launch of a Reserve Fund campaign, which focused on our Board’s participation — and that has reached 100%. You will
hear more about the Fund in 2017 but If you’d like to support this one-time investment in KidSafe’s sustainability at this time, please
let us know. At the same time, we are seeking your support for our Annual Fund. Monthly giving is also an option.
What a year it has been. We hope it’s been productive and healthy for you and yours and that the coming year will be one of safety
and well-being for all. If a contribution at this time is possible for you, thank you so much.
The KidSafe Collaborative engages agencies, community groups and individuals to work together to improve
our community’s response to child abuse and neglect.
 Over 150 mothers and their infants, where the mom has a history of opiate dependence. (“CHARM” Team)
 At least 40 to 50 children and their parents, where the kids are experiencing or are at risk for abuse or neglect. (Child
Protection and Family Support Team “CPFST”)
 Thousands of Vermonters who need to know how to recognize and report child maltreatment.
 All of the human service providers involved in our collaborative work.
“You know that you don’t want your child or your baby to be part of that darkness and that heartbreak and
that loneliness and despair, and you’re searching and searching and searching. And I’m very, very grateful that
back then, I met the CHARM Team and they were exactly what I was looking for. They didn’t judge me, or see
me as a stereotype...a statistic. They saw things in me that I couldn’t even begin to see in myself…I was in this
dark, horrible forest and they pulled back the branches. They created the path for me to walk.”
Victoria, a CHARM Team ‘Graduate’
Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community Roots of Prevention Awards
FY 2015—2016 Event
APRIL KidSafe’s year begins with a celebration in April: our
Annual Outstanding Service Awards. We honor the
extraordinary individuals and teams on the front lines of child
safety and family well-being. Our April 2015 event saw
Governor Peter Shumlin congratulating a diverse array of
dedicated honorees. The luncheon raises approximately
$35,000; it is KidSafe’s signature fundraising event. But it
continues to fulfill its main mission: recognition, support and
This year’s Awards event: April 18, 2017
AUGUST Annual Community Yard Sale
In August, we again relied on the support of nearly 100 stalwart volunteers to enable us to
gather 150 tables’ worth of gently used household items. An astonishing amount of goods
find new homes with families in need of a bargain. Yes, it’s another major fundraiser for
KidSafe, but we undertake this huge effort largely because it fits our mission of supporting
children and families in our community. The event has become a Chittenden County
“institution”, yet we still need help spreading the word about it!
A new feature at the event and an instant hit with the shoppers: a free book for every child.
This year’s Community Yard Sale: August 12-13, 2017
JANUARY The KidSafe-sponsored Chittenden County Legislative Forum in
January 2016 set a new record for attendance—both the number of legislators
and guests present to advocate for improved responses to child maltreatment
in Chittenden County and beyond. This year’s Forum—January 30, 2017
JANUARY Masquerade Ball 2016
KidSafe Collaborative’s answer to winter doldrums— and a typically Vermont
fundraising event featuring everything from jeans to ball gowns, and every
variety of mask, too. This popular January/February event, coming near the
end of our Fiscal Year, has doubled its financial success each of three years
running. This Year’s Masquerade Ball - February 4, 2017
Thanks to all who made these events — and more — so successful!
A very special staff ’first’ took place early in FY 15-16: Lisa Simon became a grandmother
for the first time with the arrival of her grandson, Simon Newcomb. And Anne MacLeod,
Community Outreach and Development Coordinator for the past eight years, is ending
her full-time role with KidSafe due to elder care and other commitments. Anne calls her
time learning to convey the importance of KidSafe’s mission “challenging in all the best
ways” and says “it doesn’t get any better than working with Sally Borden, Lisa Simon, the
KidSafe Board — everybody connected with the organization.” We wish her well and
know that she is a likely long-term KidSafe volunteer!
Annual Report FY 2015-2016
[year ended March 31, 2016 ]
KidSafe Collaborative Board of Directors*
[affiliations listed for informational purposes only]
Carolyn Smith, President
Cindy Olson, VP & Secretary
Jeff Morin, Treasurer
Shireen Hart, Past President
Lauren Bowerman
Bettina Dold
Samantha Finnefrock
Jake Ide
Wanda Keosian
Jason McFaul
Jonathan Rose
Ron Rose
Heather Ross
Michael Schirling
Howard Verman
Susan Victory
Hemmett Health
State of Vermont
JMM & Associates
Vermont Attorney General’s Office
Physician’s Computer Company
Bluebird Barbecue
Vermont Community Loan Fund
Keurig Green Mountain
Equity Service Inc.
Dunkiel Saunders
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Sheehey, Furlong & Behm
BTV Ignite
Strategies for College
University of Vermont Children’s Hospital
Honorary Members
Jay Fayette
Dr. Lewis First
Dr. Joseph Hagan, Jr.
Mary McNamara
Janet Munt
PC Construction Company
University of Vermont Children’s Hospital
Hagan, Rinehart & Connolly Pediatricians
Catholic Charities (retired)
VNA (retired)/ Former VT State Senator
“It isn’t always easy to
ask others to share
resources, but in this
case, I will ask
anybody, any time;
it’s a cause I truly
believe in.”
Carolyn Smith
Board President
KidSafe Collaborative Staff
Sally Borden
Anne MacLeod
Lisa Simon
*Officers and members elected July 2016
Executive Director
Community Outreach/Development Coordinator
Administrative Manager
Contracted Services:
Susan Ide
Nance Nahmias
Penne Tompkins
to our FY 2015-16 Individual Donors
Included in this report are donations received from April 1, 2015—March 31, 2016.
We try to ensure that this list is accurate and complete. If you find an error or omission, please let us know at (802) 863-9626 or
[email protected].
Anonymous (9)
Timothy Anderson
Steve Antell and Barbara Leaf
W. Spencer and Nancy L. Baker
Laurence and Kathy Beinert
Jonathan Berger
Wanda and Danny Bezio
John and Brenda Bisbee
Sally Borden and Joe Arioli
Lauren Bowerman and Barry Comeau
Dianna J. Brownell
Lucy and Chris Cesar
Elisabeth Chadwick
Richard and Rose Colletti
Ed and Nancy Colodny
Gregory and Kristen Connolly
Craig and Joan Cota
Steve and Wendy Dale
Joyce Desany
Ed and Anne Dixon
Bettina Dold
Sandy and John Dooley
Rosella Duarte
Eileen and Bradford G. Elliott
Jay and Susan Fayette
Donna Fialkoff
Kristin Fontaine
Lynn Granger
Andrea Green and Andrew Mahoney
Donna Griffin
Roz Grossman
Joseph and Joyce Hagan
Elizabeth Halpern
Winston and Mary Hart
Shireen and Chip Hart
Charlton Hartley
Karen Harvey
Joseph and Joanne Harvey
William Hatcher
Fred Heimall
Jane Helmstetter
Jeffrey and Irene Horbar
Sally Howe and Richard M. Hubbard
Kay and Flip Howley
Chuck Hulse and Molly Rideout
Peigi Huseby
Jake and Amy Ide
Marty Illick and Terry Dinnan
Rachel Inker and Christian Brown
Nell Ishee and Stephen Mann
Elaine and Frank Ittleman
Don and Jan Jackson
Penrose and Schuyler Jackson
Karen Jacques
Karen Johnson
Leah and Keith Jones
Michael Kennedy
Wanda Keosian
The Kerschner Family
Ryan Kimball
Brenda Kissam
Audrey Langol
Debbie LaRosa
Mark Larson and Amy Livingston
Robbin LaRue
Thomas and Diane Leavitt
Subha Luck and Jack Manning
Michael Lyman
Anne MacLeod
Priscilla and Donald Maddocks
Dan and Irene Manion
Jean Maniscalco
Mary Manning
Jason and Jennifer McFaul
Eleanor E. McIntyre and Ann M. Maxfield
Shelly McSweeney and Eric Palola
George and Cynthia Mehaffey
Garrett Meigs
Nancy and Ronald Menard
Susie and Ben Merrick
Ross and Jess Millikan
Kyle Mitofsky
Toni and Bob Monsey
Jeffrey Morin and Wendy James
Eliot Nelson and Maryann Lisak
Carl Nelson
Cindy and Mike Olson
Valerie O'Reilly
Marion Paris
Jay and Cynthia Pasackow
Eliza Pillard and Kenneth Spencer
Leisa Pollander and Ed Conrad
Donald Rendall and Rebecca Jewett
Ron and Paula Rose
Heather Ross and Jeffrey McMahan
Jane Ross-Allen and David Allen
Bruce and Cindy Roy
John G. Royer
John Salter and Betsy Shatagin
Catherine Simonson and Joseph Laferriere
Bob and Gail Schermer
Todd Schlossberg
Stephanie Seguino
Heather Buttolph Simkins
Natasha Simon and Peter Miller
Lisa Simon and Peter Nobes
Carolyn Smith and Mike Anderson
Vicky Smith and David Porteous
Karen Snyder
Roger and Roberta Soll
Denis St. Jean
Janet Stambolian
State of Vermont Employees (anonymous)
Lisa Steele
Jan Stoneberg and Kristin Hartley
Lee Suskin and Judy Raven
James Thomas
Penne Tompkins and Michael Mittag
Helen Toor
Bruce and Lillian Venner
Howard and Katherine Verman
Susan A. Victory
Tracey Wagner
Mort Wasserman and Abby Foulk
Timothy Wile
Susan Willard
Beth and Roderick Williams
Edmund and JoAnn J. Winterbottom
Elizabeth Wiser
Faith Wuenschel
In addition to memorial gifts made by
individuals, memorial gifts were made by:
The Groot Family Foundation
The Knotts Gang (The Knotts Company, Inc.)
Ready Funeral Service, Inc.
Vermont Community Loan Fund
The following were honored with
a gift to KidSafe:
Sally Borden
George Brown
Peigi Huseby
Renee Johnson
Anne MacLeod
Janet Munt
Lisa Simon
The following were remembered
with a gift to KidSafe:
Barbara Boyd
John Douglas
Gwynne LaFrance
Margaret Munt
to our FY 2015-16 Foundation Donors,
Agency Partners, Business Donors and Government Grantors
Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS)
The Dream Program
Donald and Miriam Meyer Fund
Fanny Allen Foundation
Francis T. & Louise T. Nichols Foundation
The Kelsey Trust c/o M & R Charities
The Patrick Foundation
The Redducs Foundation
Ronald McDonald House
South Burlington Rotary Club
Steps to End Domestic Violence
The Vermont Agency Foundation
Vermont Community Foundation
Visiting Nurse Association (VNA)
United Way of Chittenden County
University of Vermont Medical Center
Community Health Investment Fund
Angela Bissonette
Annie Calacci
Christine and Sandy Fead
Kieran Fiacco
Brian Gorton
Peigi Huseby
Susie Merrick
Missy Parks
Azro Pratt
Caroline Rose
Anita and Doug Royer
Lisa and Peter Simon
Ellen Sklar
Janet Stambolian
Anne Standish
Alice Waxler
Hannah Wood
Mary Woodruff
Anjou & the Little Pear
Argento Laraine Fine Jewelry
Ascension Child Care
August First Bakery and Café
Bella Vie
Beltrami & Co. Photography
Bittner Antiques
Bluebird Barbecue
Body by Vi
Body Le Bronze Tanning Salons
Body Resolution
Booska Worldwide Movers
Bruegger's Bagels
Burlington Free Press
Burlington Parks & Rec/Leddy Park Arena
Burlington Studio of Electrolysis
Burton Snowboards
Casella Waste Management
Catamount Country Club
Cedar Rail Farm
Blue Cross Blue Shield of VT
Bluebird Barbecue
Bond Auto Parts
Building Energy Corporation
Dr. John F. Guerriere PC
De-Clutter Me!
Dinse, Knapp and McAndrew, PC
Esther’s Kitchen Window
Hickok and Boardman Group Insurance
JMM & Associates
Kirkpatrick & Goldsborough, Attorneys at Law
Main Street Landing
Marathon Health
MasterTech Automotive Inc.
Merchants Bank
New England Federal Credit Union
North Stars MasonryNorthfield Savings Bank
Papa Frank's Restaurant
Paula's Creative Hair Design
PC Construction Company
People's United Bank
Physician's Computer Company
PJ's Auto Village
Pomerleau Companies
PT 360
Queen of Spades
Ready Funeral Service, Inc.
Red Sapphire Consulting
Simply Divine Cafe
Tech Group
Trust Company of Vermont
Vermont Coin and Jewelry
Vermont Department of Health
Vermont Department for Children and Families
to our FY 2015-2016 Donors of Gifts-in-Kind
Champlain College
Champlain Valley Exposition
Channel 17 Town Meeting Television
Chira Orthodontics
Costco Wholesale
DoubleTree Hotel
Duane Merrill & Company
Duback Photography
Earthy Soul
Eternity Web
Eurotech Sales and Service
Fire and Ice
Floyd's Famous Fudge Sauce
The Flying Pig Bookstore
Flynn Center for the Performing Arts
Fresco Hairdesign
Gordon's Window Decor
Great Harvest Bread Company
Green Mountain Exotiks
The Growler Garage
Hannaford/Shelburne Rd
Hen of the Wood
Hotel Vermont
Jazzercise Williston Fitness Center
Jericho Mini Storage
Keurig Green Mountain
Kohl's Department Store
La Minita
Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival
Lake Champlain Photography
Leonardo's Pizza
Luiza's Homemade with Love
Mana Threads
Mexicali Grill and Cantina
Michelina's Baked Goods
Mike Reilly Photography
Mirror Mirror
Myer's Bagels and Café
On Tap Bar & Grill
Oriental Rugs and Textiles
Paper Peddler
PenArts Communications
Physician's Computer Company
PierVana Hair-Spa-Jewels
Play Dog Play
Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC
The Residence Inn by Marriott
Rhino Foods
Rich Frog Industries
Royal Nails
SAT Bootcamp
Shaw’s Supermarket
Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center
Silver by Tish
Soirees by Lori
Speeder and Earl's Coffee
Strategies for College, Inc.
Superb Cupcakes
Sweet Basil Cards
The Urban Salon Team
Top Hat Entertainment
Trono Fuels
Urban Dance Complex
Vantage Press
Vermont Coin and Jewelry
Vermont Custom Hardwoods
Vermont Donut Enterprises,
Local Dunkin’ Donuts Franchisee Group
VT Comedy Club
Williston House of Pizza
Included in this report are donations received from April 1, 2015—March 31, 2016. We try to ensure that this list is accurate and
complete. If you find an error or omission, please let us know at (802) 863-9626 or [email protected].
Year-round Office Volunteers
Brenda Kissam
Mary Woodruff
to our FY 2015-16 Volunteers
The Arioli-Borden Family
Merry Baker
Carmelita Belisle
Madeline Bell
Charlotte Birchmore
Angelia Bissonette
Victoria Bissonette
Victor Boardman
Hannah Bosley
Marissa Bouffard
Fatuma Bulle
Betsy Cain
Kaley Campbell
Kelly Casale
Erin Chastenay
Kathy Clavelle
Susan Cohen
Bonnie Collins
Meghan Corbett
Debbie Corliss
Mindy Deibler
Colleen Derry
Leah Dinkin
Amy Drury
Rosella Duarte
Linda Eastman
Kristin Fontaine
Jillian Gibbs
Marilyn Gingras
Mary Gleason
Joseph Gonyaw
Katie Gonyaw
Traci Griffith
Rebecca Gural
Luma Haddad
Brenda Hamlin
Bridget Hanley
Linda Harris
Mary Hart
Sabin Hart
Joyce Hendley and UVM
Communications Students
Jean Henshaw
Fern Henson
Martha Holbrook
Kit Howe
Tiger Huynh
Don and Jan Jackson
Matt Jenkins
Darci Jewett
Stacy Jordan
Victoria Kababik
David Keyes
Gail Lang
Ann Larson
Marissa Lehrman
Sarah Lowell
Kailee Mahoney
Mark Massie
Cindy Maynard
Florence McCloud
Janie Merrick
Robin Moore
Kirsten Moore
Nance Nahmias
Peter Nobes
Adara North
Karen O'Neill
Victor Ortiz
Stacey Pape
Neerja Patel
Nancy Paydon
Kathy Piech
Kat Redniss
Galandrielle Richmond
Lucy Richmond
Caroline Rose
Paula Rose
Zoltan Sachs
Alison Sciara
Nancy Shambaugh
Tasha Simon
Crystal Singh
Ellen Sklar
Jennifer Smith
Sherry Star
Kate Stein
Seamus Stein
Carmelle Terborgh
Penne Tompkins
Ellen Turnbull
Sheila Turpin
Katherine Verman
Larry Walters
Avery Walters
Ida Westover
Jess Willis
Gay Wilson
Valerie Wood-Lewis
Barbara Ziemann
KidSafe Collaborative Board
of Directors
(previously listed)
Included are those who volunteered with KidSafe from April 1, 2015-March 31, 2016.
We try to ensure that this list is accurate and complete. If you find an error or
omission, please let us know at (802) 863-9626 or [email protected].
to All Who Contributed Time and Talent
to the online training program
“Protecting Vermont’s Children: Reporting Abuse and Neglect”
On-Camera and Voices
Sally Borden
Lewis First, M.D.. F.A.A.P.
Joseph F. Hagan, Jr., M.D., F.A.A.P.
Captain Ingrid Jonas
Karen Shea
Ernani Augustus
Kaitie Bessette
Alise Certa
Marcus Certa
Jenna Charbonneau
Alexander Hunter
Anne MacLeod
Melissa McConnell
Linda McGinnis
Ryan Morra
Sarah Spencer
Howard Verman
Victoria Vondle-Schmidt
Betsy Whyte
Madeline, Noa, Sami and Sean
Content, Design, Production, and Editing
KSV with special thanks to Linda Kelliher
Dan Hoene
Karen Shea
Priscilla White
Brianna Blanchard
Sally Borden
Anne MacLeod
Lisa Simon
Syndi Zook, Lyric Theater
Orchard School
Hall Communications
Nina Jaffe
And to Contributing Contractors:
Gabe Covert
Shaun Danforth, DesignItBetter
Paul Gittelsohn, VideoSyncracies
Talia Glesner
Take the training