2016 Commencement Program - Bunker Hill Community College

Forty-second Commencement Exercises
May 21, 2016
Charlestown Campus
Commencement 2016
Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees
William J. Walczak, Chair
Amy L. Young, First Vice Chair
Colleen Richards Powell, Second Vice Chair
Carmen Vega-Barachowitz, Secretary
Hung T. Goon
Cathy Guild*
James Klocke
Antoine Junior Melay*
Marita Rivero
Richard C. Walker, III
Sondos Alnamos, Student Trustee
Bunker Hill Community College Officers
Pam Y. Eddinger, Ph.D., President
James F. Canniff, Ed.D., Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
John K. Pitcher, Vice President of Administration and Finance
Mission of Bunker Hill Community College
Bunker Hill Community College serves as an educational and economic asset for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by offering
associate degrees and certificate programs that prepare students for further education and fulfilling careers. Our students reflect our
diverse local and global community, and the College integrates the strengths of many cultures, age groups, lifestyles and learning
styles into the life of the institution. The College provides inclusive and affordable access to higher education, supports the success
of all students, and forges vibrant partnerships and pathways with educational institutions, community organizations, and local
businesses and industries.
Vision of Bunker Hill Community College
Bunker Hill Community College empowers and inspires students, faculty, and staff diverse in identities, experiences and ideas to
make meaningful contributions to our local and global communities. The College embodies a spirit of inquiry, critical thought,
inclusive excellence, and lifelong learning.
Bunker Hill Community College Institutional Values
Bunker Hill Community College Trustees, Faculty, Staff and Students embody the highest academic and institutional integrity
through their commitment to:
Access and Success
Excellence and Innovation
Economic and Social Justice
Inclusiveness and Equity
• Civic Engagement and Service
• Kindness and Respect
• Accountability and Transparency
The Vision, Mission and Values statements were approved by Board of Trustees, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and Massachusetts
Secretary of Education, October 2014.
Commencement 2016
Forty-second Commencement Exercises
Saturday, May 21, 2016 • 11 a.m.
Pam Y. Eddinger, Ph.D., President
Order of Procession
Adam Holdaway, Bagpiper
Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Honor Guard
Chief Marshal
Yazdan Rodd, Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Distance Education and Weekend College
Assistant Marshals
Isandra T. Andrade, Clinical Placement Coordinator, Allied Health Certificate Programs
JoDe M. Lavine, Ph.D., Professor, Science and Engineering Department
Degree Candidates
Certificate Candidates
The Faculty and Staff of the College
(in order of appointment)
Platform Party
Pam Y. Eddinger, Ph.D., President
The Honorable Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
J.D. LaRock, J.D., Ed.D., Board Member, Massachusetts Board of Higher Education
Members of the Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees
Amparo Hernandez-Folch, Professor, Mathematics Department
Dominique L’Herisson, President, Student Government Association
Justice Kumahia, Success Coach, Advising and LifeMap
James F. Canniff, Ed.D., Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
John K. Pitcher, Vice President of Administration and Finance
Commencement 2016
President Eddinger
National Anthem
Frances Botelho-Hoeg, accompanied by Axel Schwintzer and Matt Stavrakas
Dominique L’Herisson
Justice Kumahia
J.D. LaRock
William J. Walczak
President’s Distinguished Service Award
presented by President Eddinger to The Honorable Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
Commencement Address
The Honorable Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
President’s Leadership Award
presented by President Eddinger to Justin K. Schneider
Trustees’ Distinguished Service Award
presented by Chair Walczak to Amparo Hernandez-Folch, Professor, Mathematics Department
Presentation of Degree and Certificate Candidates
Provost Canniff
with the assistance of Professor Richard W. Boulware, Professor Donna M. Misrati,
Associate Professor Wissal Nouchrif and Assistant Professor Bryan Craven
Conferring of Degrees and Certificates
President Eddinger
*The audience will please rise while the Faculty and Staff and the Platform Party are entering and leaving. Please remain at your seats
until the Platform Party and the Faculty and Staff have finished the Recessional March at the completion of the exercises.
Kindly mute all cell phones during the ceremony.
Janet Bergstrom and Mark Riley, American Sign Language Interpreters, are certified by the National Registry of Interpreters
for the Deaf and the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Computer-Aided Realtime Translation provided by Mona Leviton.
Commencement 2016
President’s Distinguished Service Awardee
and 2016 Commencement Speaker
The Honorable Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
The Bunker Hill Community College President’s Distinguished Service Award is presented annually at
Commencement to an individual who has rendered extraordinary service to our community and to the
students of Bunker Hill Community College. This year’s award is presented to the Honorable Martin J. Walsh,
Mayor of Boston, a long-time friend of this College and a powerful force in public higher education.
The College honors Mayor Walsh’s work in increasing economic development and his commitment to
economic inclusion. The Equity Agenda, Imagine Boston 2030, Housing a Changing City, and the C40 Global
Climate Leadership Group are just a few examples of the visionary and inspiring work he has led to date.
Additionally, we celebrate his exemplary leadership in overseeing the appointment of the City’s first Chief
Diversity Officer and the first Chief Resilience Officer, as well as his implementation of the Minority- and
Women-owned Business Ordinance and the creation of the Office of Recovery Services and the Office of
Financial Empowerment.
Mayor Walsh’s priorities of economic equity and opportunity, data-driven government, holistic planning to
prepare Boston for the future, and closing the achievement gap are aligned with the urban mission of the
College. He has worked tirelessly to create good jobs, great schools, safe streets and affordable homes for
the people of Boston, while building a more responsive, representative and transparent city government.
We are pleased to present the Bunker Hill Community College President’s Distinguished Service Award to him
and honored to have him as the College’s 2016 Commencement speaker.
Trustees’ Distinguished Service Awardee
Amparo Hernandez-Folch, Professor, Mathematics Department
Amparo Hernandez-Folch has served Bunker Hill Community College for 28 years. During her tenure, she has
demonstrated exemplary commitment to excellence and innovation in teaching and learning, dedication to
community service, and willingness to share ideas and collaborate with colleagues.
She embodies life-long learning, and as mathematics professor for nearly three decades, she has infused
national research and local data into her teaching practice. As champion of curricular reform and teaching
innovation, and as the founder of the Developmental Math Working Group, she led the design and
implementation of the Math Space, a learner-centered space supporting student success in mathematics. She
has served as a mentor to faculty in and beyond the math department, and her eagerness to share curricula
and invite faculty to observe active teaching practice has been instrumental in supporting the success of
faculty members from multiple departments.
Professor Hernandez-Folch’s contributions to the College extend well beyond her role as a math professor.
She has played a leadership role in many campus-based, statewide and national initiatives, including the
development of the BHCC Learning Community Program, Statewide Developmental Math Taskforce and
national Achieving the Dream initiative. Professor Hernandez-Folch is committed to culturally relevant
teaching and learning, as evidenced in the Learning Community Seminar she designed, “Latinas: A Culture
of Empowerment.” In addition, she has been instrumental in helping the BHCC Chelsea Campus build strong
relationships with local community-based organizations, businesses and public schools in the city of Chelsea.
Commencement 2016
Honors Graduates
During the Commencement Exercises, you will notice the gold tassels which distinguish the caps of some candidates
for the associate degree. These students, the honors graduates of the class of 2016, have demonstrated consistently
high academic achievement while attending the College. Students receiving their degrees with honors are in three
categories: Honors, High Honors and Highest Honors. Honors graduates are denoted by a “*“ symbol in the program.
Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
The Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society is a chapter of the National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa. The emblem of Phi
Theta Kappa is a gold key. Across the center is a black band upon which appear the Greek letters, “Phi,” “Theta” and
“Kappa,” standing for wisdom, aspiration and purity. During the ceremony, graduates who are members of the Alpha
Kappa Mu Honor Society can be identified by the gold Phi Theta Kappa stole worn over the regular academic gown.
Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society graduates are denoted by a “º” symbol in the program.
Bunker Hill Community College Commonwealth Honors Program
The Honors Program offers students from any academic discipline the opportunity to study and learn in an
academically challenging and enriching learning environment. During the ceremony, graduates who have completed the
Honors Program can be identified by a gold medallion.
Degree Candidates
Degree candidates listed in this program have been identified as eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Participation
in the ceremony and/or listings in the program does not constitute conferral of degree or awarding of honors. Cumulative Grade Point
Average (GPA) used to identify Honors graduates was based on the GPA prior to printing of the program and may not reflect the final
GPA. Eligibility for Honors will be reevaluated for pending graduates when GPAs are final and may be different from what is listed in
this program.
Associate in Arts
Business Concentration
Mohamed H. Abdi
Serah A. Adeyemi*º
Gizachew M Afrasa
Maria Aldalati*º
Filipa Amado*
Ugurcan Arabacibasi
Karla J. Avelar
Salma Azeemi*
Sharon N. Baba
Omar Bachar*
Alia Balbaky*º
Michael J. Barry
Tyler T. Bogel
Clarck R. Bony*
Bryan V. Brandao
Marine Brotons*º
Yan Ai Cao
Claudia Carias*º
Ronalcy Castillo*
Youness A. Charif
Jiaen Chen*º
Kristi T. Chen*
Peter Chen
Wanshan Chen*
Yabin Chen
Yuling Chen*
Chunpok Chow
Phil Comma
Sindy I. Cruz
Peixin Dai*
Gabriela F. Dalponte*
Phuong Dang*º
Efrangely De la Cruz*
Maria M. De Oliveira*
Roselourdes Deshon Mejía*º
Jean S. Desruisseaux
Ivan D. Diaz
Brianna Dicato
Leyla F. Dincer*º
Steven M. Domings*
Kamise C. Douglas*
Simon Dumeran
Melissa Dussek
Sophia A. Dzialo*
Gael Eliacin*
Jiamei Fang*
Daiquan J. Freeman
Klejvis Frroku
Karen Garcia Cadillo
Keviana-Joy George
Faycal Gharnou
Elisabeth C. Goch*
Kevin E. Goetz
Ediola Golemi*
Iderbat Gonchigsumlaa*º
Leslie B. Goodwin
Jaselia Gratini*
Kristin A. Gray
Sahra A. Guled
Commencement 2016
Hicham Haioued*
Celina L. Hernandez
Katrina M. Hernandez
Mohamed A Hikli
Tomo Kuroyama*
Yunbong Jang*
Jennifer Jimenez
Daegeon Jo
Joshua E Jo
Henry S Johnson*º
Stefon Joseph-Hypolite
Ricardo J. Josue*
Kenza Kabbour*º
Kalpana Kc Rai
Umar Khan*º
Sopheak Khorn*º
Sung Geun Kim*
Jared A. Klapman*
Rei Laka
Esmerlin Lara
Ngan T. Le*
Gregory I. Lee
Dominique E. L’herisson
Meiyu Li*º
Weijun Li
Yannong Li*
Daravithou Lim*º
Nay Lim*
Zi Xiong Nick Lim*º
Xiaotong Lin*
Shuhan Liu*
Chiian Lo
Esteban D. Lopez-Meneses*º
Leurisse S. Lorenzo
Stephanie Lu*
Theresa K. Ludovici*
Cameron Lynch
Charleny Madera Deleon
Stefan A. Maniscalco
Andy Martinez
Ren Matsubara*º
Harvey McNulty*º
Soufiane Medarhri
Yan Qing Mei*
Yeriseli P. Melo*º
Rajae Menaouar*º
Natnael C. Mola
Indiara Morel*º
Yoshihiro Morimoto*
Kennedy Muntemba
Yurika Nakamura*º
Andrew Anh Huy Nguyen*º
Anh Thi Cam Nguyen*º
Khoa Nguyen
Jerry W. Nguyen*
Long Nguyen*
Xuan H. Nguyen*º
Risako Nozoe
Changseok Oh*º
Sobeyda Ozuna
Miguel Paez*
Gilbert Pangestu*
Jun Seong Park*
Wandy F. Peguero
Minh H. Pham*º
Zadrian L. Philip
Candido Pimentel
Yinglin Qiu*
Bahia Riahy
Michael Richard
Stephen Rodas
John V. Rosa
Arjola Sadikaj*º
Ariel A. Scott*º
Tabitha A. Secret*º
Akalyah C. Shakespeare
Weixi Shen*
Hui Shi*
Sho Shibata
Jessica S. Silva*º
Chathurika Y. Sirisena-Tetzner*
Adam R. Smith*
Jarrica A. Sot
Elise J. Spencer*
Tonia K. Stevens*
Tatchi Sugiura*º
Satomi Sugiyama*
Nicolas Taeymans*
Ronny Talukdar*
Nickolas Teixeira
Cibelle A. Timas
Tu Hoang Anh Tong
Claudia Torres
Tran Huyen Tran
Trang Le Quynh Tran
Ha K. Truong*º
Anna Tyugankina*º
Jessica Ulysse
Lukas Velasquez*º
Jorge A. Velez
Adrian P. Walsh
Jael Wembalonge*º
Christopher Williams
Ruiping Xie*º
Joshi H. Yacsavilca*
Xiong Yang
Kaixin Yu*
Yumeng Zhong*
Huipeng Zhou*
Hicham Zoummad*
Communication Concentration
Iskra Alexieva*
Leah N. Barnett*
Zenia Bonilla
Alexia E. Boukou*º
DerriniQue Stephanie-Malaika Coleman
Ly Quoc Khanh Do*º
Fabiane dos Santos Chinez*º
Maria B. Espinosa
Julie Eustache
Sarah M. Hagen*
Phuong Hoang
Amber M. Hughes*º
Robert M. Levins
Manuel Malave
Krystee L. Maniscalco
Timothy P. McAdams*
Cari M. Pacheco*
Fabiola A. Palomino
Margaret B. Powerº
Danielle M. Reister*
Jawad Rhazi*
Edson Robledano
Nhi H. Truong*
Thoma Vasiliº
Tuong Hai Vo Nguyen*
Computer Information
Systems Concentration
Fatima Benjakkal*
Evan M. Bouthiller*
Mory Kaba
Ruben D. Miranda
Computer Science Concentration
Misha A. Kanai*
Jeff Y. Li
Diego R. Maquill*º
Education Concentration
Glen G. Arruda*º
Isis C. Beguin*
Vanessa J. Biasella*º
Commencement 2016
Mac A. Brodie III
Deyse Crisley Carvalho*º
Anntoinette S. Francis
Gregory M. Hardy*º
Minjing Huang*
Anathalie Jean-Louis
Juan C. Jimenez*
Louise Klarskov
Johnathon R. MacNeill
Shirlyne Pierre-Rene
Laura L. Salazar Lopez*º
Melissa Semedo
Paula Suarez Salamanca*
Alana Beckles Taveira*º
Jose R. Vazquez*º
English Concentration
Guillermo Aguilluz
Jetro T. Caldeira Jr
Robert J. Carvajal*
Elisa M. Cheverie
Amanda Derosa*º
Julianne L. Ferguson*º
Sarah Greene*
Johnathan D. Larkey*º
Zachary C. McCaffrey
Hikaru Ookubo
Nicholas Philip Pace-Emerson*º
Rebecca D. Siggelkoe*
Eric P. Sparks*
Fine Arts Concentration
Joseph Fabrizio
Ruiyu Lin*
John D. Moore*
Hannah R. Nesbitt*º
Mara E. O’Connell
Christina L. Williams
Foreign Language
Nobusuke Akaike*º
Alex Bonilla*
Edgardo Dume*º
Benjamin Lappen*
Giselle M. Magner
Alanna R. Pasco*º
Mauribert V. Worthington
Kadeem R. Wright*
General Concentration
Olatilewa E. Adeleye
Amin M. Ahmed
Halima Ahmed
Berthrand Aime
Rose L. Alcime
Mariam Ali*
Elton Alves
Rafael A. Anaya
Richy Anderson
Jessica Aparicio*
Vanessa A. Arevalo*
Yoseph W. Assfaw
Jisraele Aubry*
Sandy Augustin
Kristen A. Autry*
Raisa Bali*
Marie Stepha S. Beauboeuf
Eduarda Berry
Edmund J. Berte
Jennifer M. Bianco*
Valerie Bien-Aime
Emilio Blaisdell
Mercis A. Bonilla*º
Radesha Boodhan
Anna R. Boutin
Marie Bradshaw*
Bridgette M. Brown
Colen C. Brown
Debbie-Ann D. Brown
Christopher J. Buccieri
Fatim Camara
Patricia Cardoso*
Youvelie Catulle
Mary Cavallo
Akeema K. Charles
Maylena Chaviano*º
Meryem Chehbouni
Liqun Chen*
William Chen
Yuling Chen*
Liangjiang Cheng
Vanilde Chicha*
Sejin Choi*º
Noelle Chong*
N Deye Fatou Cisse*º
Candis R. Clare*
Alex Moy Conde
Cameron M. Conway
Zahrea M. Cooper
Jason Copson*
Kim T. Corbin
Neira M. Costa
Jeffrey J. Cruz
Robert A. Dalton
Kathy H. Dang
Kerisha J. Davis
Ivan Delacruz
Clifford P. Delsoin
Devon T. Denney*º
Veronica Dennis
Theodore Devane
Carlos E. Diaz
Michelle N. Diphillipo*
Ling T. Do*
Marie M. Dor
Jean Douyon
Camille Doyle*
Carla Kim Elder
Julson A. Etienne
Chris Evans
William A. Fabian
Nicole Farrell
Manuel B. Feliz Ruiz*º
Raul F. Fernandes
Shevon M. Ffrench*
Logan Flagg*
Desiree Franjul
Myriam Gabriel
Nikolia G. Galanopoulos
Johana S. Galarza*
Alyssa M. Gallarelli*
Luvennia Gandy
Alba I. Garcia
Shaun Gavin*
Nahom Z. Gebremariam
Ledia A. Gebremedhin*
Adriana E. Gedeon
Julie A. Giangregorio
Pietro Giglio Jr*
Suraj Giri
Stephanie Giron
Kelly W. Githendu
John P. Glovsky*º
Marie L. Gonzalez
Jake Goulart*º
Schillem Guerine
Aida X. Guzman
Rossy Guzman
Grace Ellen Halsey*
Ayan A. Hassan
Salvador A. Henriquez
Kevin W. Hensley
2016 Commencement
Liceth E. Hernandez
Roselyn E. Hernandez*
Delaney J. Hickey*º
Erica Holguin-Urrego*
Sydney Hoversten*
James S. Huang
Philip Louis Hubbell IV*
Jakila G. Hullum
Hawa H. Jama
Roginie Jean Petit Homme*
Debbie A. Jimenez*º
Annessia Jimenez-Rezendes
Caren M. Jones*
Kyia T. Jones
Melissa Justal*
Morlai A. Kanu
Joseph O. Kayode
Teferi H. Kebede
Alexis M. Keith*º
Katelyn J. Kelly*
Debra L. King
Anna L. Kreimendahl
Cheyenne V. Krom
Stanislawa Kukla
Agustin Qixin Lei Song
Michael J. Lewis*º
Rui Liang*
Madison Rose Libby
Nay Lim*
Kam T. Liu
Glory Lopez
Stephanie Lubin
Yuki P. Luc
Laura Luna
Hillary A. Magee*º
Curtis J. Mahan
Nelson N. Maldonado
Sylvain Malfroy-Camine
Doranggie Manso*º
Katherine Maraqa*º
Maxwell Martin*
Stephane R. Mathieu
Meghan A. McCarthy
Valerie J. McConnell
Devan McDonald
Ophelia C. McGraw*º
Benjamin Paul McGuire
Raina A. McMahan*
Felix Medina
Barbara Meronnis
Cameron S. Miller
Mariia Mishina*
Jack B. Model
Sadio I. Mohamed
Kihara S. Montilla Familia
Rosa M. Morales
George F. Moreschi*
Nadhira B. Muhammad
Isaac Ndebe
Jennifer T. Nguyen*
Jerry W. Nguyen*
Ngoc T. Nguyen-Soares
Jeancary Nicolas
Brittany C. Norton
Gregory A. Nuzzo-Mueller*
Salimata S. Oyabi Tounkara
Melissa I. Pagan
Karina I. Palma
Gilbert Payoute
Gabriel Pena
Lisa L. Phan*º
Stephanie L. Phillips*º
Kim Pierce*
Nicole D. Pina
Laura Populin*º
Marwan Qari
Thomas Quigley*
Ashlyn Raddarº
Katianny Rangel
Emily Ray*
Clarissa D. Read*º
Mai Read*º
Samantha A. Reardon*
Susan Bossi*
Lena Redin*
Shanay J. Reed*
Valeria Restrepo
Chioma G. Rice*
Leyshla Marie Rodriguez
Myante S. Ross
Kulkanit Russo
Dorian K. Salinas
Alicia M. Sambursky*º
Tsering D. Sampho
Luis Sanchez Aranda
Tanya Sanon
Francisco Sariles
Samuel Schlussel*
Justin K. Schneider*º
Ariela Seigel*
Cesar A. Sevilla
Saidali Sharifnoor
Pallavi Shrestha
Maria J. Silva
Cassandra Simon
Cody B. Simon*º
Paulphara Simon
Sarah Smith
Selena R. Smith
Magdalena Solarski*
Julanibel A. Somera*º
Va T. Son
Rose A. Southard*
LaJess Sparling*º
Monte Stanford
Ryan M. Stewart
Kristine P. Sweetland*º
Yonas Taib
Tingho Tam*
Bessy Tavico
Deshannah Templeº
Alexandra M. Terminiello*
Heslin D. Terry
Sophy Tham
Christine Torres*º
Diana R. Traill
Monica True
Cindy Tse
Amanda J. Valenti
Sarah A. Van
Margaret S. VanCleave*
Yarixa Vargas
Dariana C. Vasquez*º
Keshley I. Vasquez
Vanessa Velasquez L
Stefano Veneziale
Evena Vernet
Jean M. Viliena*
Ella Villard
Anh T. Vo
Anna Vossos*
Willy Waldron
Heather L. Walsh
Andrew D. White*
Shannan M. Wilson*º
Mauribert V. Worthington
Emily O. Wright
Adrianna Marie Yanceyº
Emily Yao
Hye Young Yoo*
Satomi Yoshida
Bopharoeuth You
Aisha Yusuf*
Saynab M. Yusuf
Jocelyn C. Zayas
Kevin Zeng
Penelope T. Zulu
Commencement 2016
History & Government
Steven Arango
Michelle J. Barrios*
Hardy V. Cherenfant
Domenic N. Demasi*
Conor Hesketh
Benjamin Kern*
Si Ling Luo*
Nicholas C. MacHado*
Christopher M. Mason*
Michael McGuire
Lahens Merant
Doudelyne Paul*º
Barbara Rodrigues*º
Brian Seaver*
Yemil Serret*
Mari E. Strub*
Mathematics Concentration
Kris A. Langman*
Francesco Lucente Stabile*
Matthew F. Roberts*º
Saori Takahashi*º
Music Concentration
Calvin Kantor III
Linda Morose
Physics Concentration
Wesley Y. Chow
Pablo D. Gonzalez
Psychology Concentration
Destina Agar*
Tyler J. Agersea
Amela Agic*º
Eduardo A. Alburez
John Alvarado
Waleska Alves*
Souhil Arachiche
Adam Bailey*
Natasha Bennett
Glenn Bergquist*
Hassina Bessaoud*º
Heather Marie Black*
Zakia K. Bly
Jonell Bone
Mariam Bouchouar
Matthew E. Bromley*º
Shukriyah S. Brown
Nasly Buenaventura
Karla Burgos
Nathalia Camacho
Neil A. Camacho
Kendra Castillo
Maruthska Catulle
Callie J. Chum*º
Candis R. Clare*
Casey E. Cody
Shakina P. Coplin*º
Alison C. DaSilva
Isabel M. Delacruz
Mark A. Delaney*
William G. Diaz*
Myline Ducloseille*
Selima H. Endris*
Wendy S. Fernandez Godoy
Elona T. Francisco*º
Maria C. Gallego
Melissa D. Galvin
Julie A. Giangregorio
Brenda Gutierrez
Heruy Haile*º
Brian S. Hernandez*
Tabithalee N. Howard
Latrina N. Hunter
Melissa Inozil
Jonathan Jean-Baptiste
Anthony J. Lafauci*
Shirley H. Liu*
Erwin D. Lopez
Raquel Lovatoº
Fernanda M.S.Mihich*º
Jennifer M. Marrero
Oscar A. Martinez Huerta*º
Brian P. McGovern*
Elvin R. Merino-Lopez*º
Jenna Marie Messer*º
Terrilyn Milling*
Cindy Morales*º
Jessica A. Morales
Graciema S. Neves*
Eagle Nguyen
Alexander Nova
Mary E. O’Brien
Mrika Obertinca Antinick*
Zainab T. Oseniº
Melissa Paglia-Hurley
Thomas A. Parks*º
Edison Peguero
Cristina L. Pereira*
Yajaira Perez-Ramirez*º
Mardia L. Pierre*
Kaitlyn M. Plocharczyk
Roxxanne Polleys*
Aybahar Qarqeen*º
Vanessa Quintero
Andrea S. Quiroga*º
Orpa Rahman*º
Lindsey M. Ramirez*º
Nahomi R. Reyes-Mendez
Kimberly A. Rodriguez*
Kaycha Rojas Gierbolini*
Deyanna M. Rucker
Lindsay Montague Scott*
Roxanne Hairston Short*
Nicole M. Stephen*º
Sara A. Sudant
Kassandra D. Toppi*
Caitlin A. Trieger*
Virginia Vargus*
Briana N. Vines
Alma N. Whigham*
Pamela A. Zavala
Sociology Concentration
Jaqueline A. Fernandes
Abbie H. Gebermedin
Damika Hughes
Christie Lubin
Ashley S. McCarter*
Keiawana J. Meadows
Robert Pereira
Carline Pierre
Erica E. Pierre
Olivia M. Riggs
Kolya Lynne M. Smith*º
Nicole M. Stephen*º
Mariuca Tuxbury*
Vanesa O. Velasquez
Yang Weng*º
Theatre Concentration
Cagri M. Artun*º
Daniel R. Bitar
Victor M. Burgos Jr.
Julianne L. Ferguson*º
Anna Pushkaryova*º
Cintia C. Smith
Eric P. Sparks*
Ashley Vacheresse
Emmanuella Youte
Commencement 2016
World Studies Emphasis
In addition to the Associate in Arts degree,
these students have met the requirements
for World Studies Emphasis:
Guillermo Aguilluz
Halima Ahmed
Jetro T. Caldeira Jr.
Robert J. Carvajal*
Cameron M. Conway
Nadine Coupet
Robert A. Dalton
Kathy H. Dang
Domenic N. Demasi*
Carlos E. Diaz
Edgardo Dume*º
Gael Eliacin*
Julianne L. Ferguson*º
Myriam Gabriel
Johana S. Galarza*
Pablo D. Gonzalez
Sarah Greene*
Hicham Haioued*
James S. Huang
Philip Louis Hubbell IV*
Roginie Jean Petit Homme*
Benjamin Kern*
Johnathan D. Larkey*
Jeff Y. Li
Yuki P. Luc
Si Ling Luo*
Nicholas C. MacHado*
Giselle M. Magner
Christopher M. Mason*
Zachary C. McCaffrey
Ashley S. McCarter*
Meghan A. McCarthy
Michael McGuire
Lahens Merant
Elvin R. Merino-Lopez*º
Cameron S. Miller
Cindy Morales*º
George F. Moreschi*
Brittany C. Norton
Hikaru Ookubo
Nicholas Philip Pace-Emerson*
Melissa I. Pagan
Alanna R. Pasco*º
Doudelyne Paul*º
Andrea S. Quiroga*º
Jawad Rhazi*
Barbara Rodrigues*º
Lindsay Montague Scott*
Brian Seaver*
Yemil Serret*
Cesar A. Sevilla
Rebecca D. Siggelkoe*
Magdalena Solarski*
Eric P. Sparks*
Mari E. Strub*
Bessy Tavico
Diana R. Traill
Cindy Tse
Keshley I. Vasquez
Stefano Veneziale
Evena Vernet
Jean M. Viliena*
Anh T. Vo
Willy Waldron
Mauribert V. Worthington
Kadeem R. Wright*
Bopharoeuth You
Jesse R. Fernandez
Radmila Gafarova
Yohannes G. Gebreegziabher*
Sandra Hamilton*º
Tan Nhat Huynh*º
Kemmie Kibaja*
Mouthmainath Koukoui*º
Nhi Luong*
Mai Nobuhara*º
Esther Orobator*º
Daniel A. Ortiz*
Alexandra Cristina Pelaez Carbone*º
Bellinda E. Pierreº
Hakid Rakipaj
Sergo StHilaire
Ashenafi G. Tesfaye
Nghi Van
Crystal R. Walker
Victor Zhargalov
Biomedical Engineering Option
Associate in Sciences
Administrative Information
Management Option
Agnes Armand
Yuliana Herrera Herrera*
Nghia T. Nguyen
Tri Thi Minh Tran*
Baking & Pastry Arts Option
Bonnye Almeida Camoes
Nylah Griffith Bolden
Ilham Mouradi*º
Biology Transfer Option
Mikhail L. Agrba*º
Stefan Alexandrescu*
Katheryne D. Arguedas Pariona
Alexander M. Arsenault*
Ka Chun Au
Olga Burlak*
Jessica Carvalho*º
Guy R. Caze
Tiffany A. Crespo
Julien Desbois
Dumesle Deshommes
Eduardo Diaz Delgado*º
Julie M. Do
Omowunmi P. Faluyi
Ahmed A. Alnamos*º
Sondos Alnamos*
Dwight Dorcy
Amanuael G. Gidey*º
Ms. Fatima Haddad*º
Charlene O. Magang Sidze*º
Latha Uthayakumar*º
Biotechnology Option
Hana Anssa
Alexander M. Arsenault*
Druscilla T. Namazzi*º
Johnson H. Pham*
Gabrielle Robillard
Christelle Tsamo Bavoua*
Alina E. Zhankulova*
Business Administration/
Accounting Option
Lesly Alcius*
M Khaled Aldalati*º
Karim Aouzelleg*
Luke L. Baccari*
Assiatu Bah*º
Lynne A. Barry*
Wendy Cepeda
Loan Dang*
Yolany L. Devito*º
Priyatharsini Ehamparanathan*
2016 Commencement
Shaofeng Fan*
Clarice Brum Figueiredo*
Joan Figueroa
Anna L. Franco
Mohamed H. Gabow
Marina D. Gallo*
Tahondy Hubert*
Hajar Idouahmane*º
Curtis Ihegie
Xue Jiang*
Maria G. Jimenez*º
Andrae L. Knight
Dehuo Li*
Shengnan Lin
Kidist M. Mekonnen
Elector Jackson Mudeke*
Vincente G. Naranjo
Ixland J. Nettey*º
Deborah A. Nowlin*
Caryn O’Neill*
Aaron Onyango
Eliseth S. Parson
Heeraluge Perera*
Emmanuel C. Pierre Louis
Natalina M. Pires*
Sabrina Sun*
Thuy Tran*º
Trinny T. Tran
Mandy Tsang*
Yubetzy Vega
Jinliu Yu*
Tao Yu*
Hodan M. Yusuf*º
Qiuling Zheng*º
Yong Zheng*
Business Administration/
Entrepreneurship Option
Devin J. Corbett*
Aaron J. Gooden
Leika M. Jean-Michel
Emmanuela Erica Robasson
Paola Andrea Sanchez*º
Business Administration/
Finance Option
Santiago F. Anzola Hernandez
Alex A. Aufiero*
Tassadit Bellal*
Phung K. Le*
Thu Le
Shanshan Li*
George Lipatnikov
Sergey Pakhotin*
Emmanuel Paul*
Reggie Peral
Stephanie A. Rogers*º
Oscar Danilo Rojas
Glenda L. Santos
Dwanita M. Sheffield
Dalila Straub
Olga Vladimirovna Tiatina*
Huy Tran*
Business Administration/
International Business Option
Walaa Al Awad*
Kristen Elizabeth Baez*º
Derek Castle*
Mai Thi Quynh Le*
Wing Yan Leung
Piero Miranda*
Shadae R. Moore*º
Daniela Angelica Naranjo Martin
Diep N. Nguyen*º
Stephen D. Thayer
Gissis Yanez Cubero*º
Business Administration/
Management Option
Mehdi Aouki
Alex Giesta Arruda
Hicham Asekkour*
Frederica D. Azor*
Jeffrey Blomberg*
Keylerman Nemencio Brito Moya
Deshawn Eric Brown-Gilchrist
Todd A. Bullard
Dane Carlson
Adan Carranza
Cardesha Charles
Lorraine M. Christopher*º
Souleymane Conde
Danira D. Corbafo Da Costa*º
Michael Cox*º
Robert Encarnacion*º
Sigfredo Feliciano*
Paula M. Ferreira*
Lisa Fonseca-Depina
Sumeet S. Gill*º
Zuri I. Jimenez
Alice H. Kim*
Andrew R. Madigan
Teresa O. Martinez-Rivera
Ralph M. Materese
Samuel A. Merino
Renee Modlin
Alice Munafo*
Kaleigh Murphy
Jasmine Myers
Ariana M. Nunes
Joshua Ocha-Ali
Steven Phillips
Abia Pierre
Flavia Q. Sant’anna Koberstein
Louisa A. Sirkisoon*
James E. Smith
Vsevolod Sobolev*
Dalila Straub
Mandy Tsang*
Michael R. Verville*º
Francesca Vetrano*
Kailoni Williams
Chea J. Willis*º
Xingqun Wu*
Mahamoud D. Youssouf
Business Administration/
Taxation Option
Haiyan Huang*º
Maria S. Sahin*º
Computer Digital & Computer
Forensics/Investigations Option
Alvaro N. Pleitez-Martinez*
Computer Information
Technology Security Option
Nelson Lauren*
Tracy Lewis*
Rhonda P. Mendoza*º
Alvaro N. Pleitez-Martinez*
Sarah J. Wright
Computer Information
Technology Transfer Option
Roman Avanesov*
Oluwole Awoyiola
Commencement 2016
Ying Y. Chen
Salem Couja*º
Yassine El Andaloussi*
Noureddine Faouzi*
Majda Hichy*º
Mohammad J. Hussaini
Vanessa Kibaja*
Edwin I. Lara
Dina Ly
Muhammad Mallick*
Irvin Matos Mercedes
Erickson G. Monteiro*
An Duc Hong Pham
Elhoussine Sadek*
Eder T. Santos*
Hain Wan Setow*
Harvinderpal Singh*º
Bennett Umeh
Computer Network Technology
& Administration Option
J Philip A. Afable*º
Sokol Agalliu*
Claude P. Aspilaire
David K. Collins*
Kaushal S. Desai*
Abdelmalik Drief*
Hikmat Ennab*
Jorge Guerrero
Bishwo Maharjan*
Alexis Mercado
Jean C Nunez*
Nicholas R Parilla*
Mladen Popov*
Letissia A Scott
Jake Shields
David C. Synnott*
Biruk A. Tadesse
Jonas Tatchieup
Michael J. Tempesta*º
Dominique Thomas
Dang H. Tran
Francisco A. Urena*
Computer Science
Transfer Option
Joaocarlos Canto de Almeida*
Jose Daniel Castellon Melendez*
Shimul Chaudhary*
David John C. Cruz
Eyasu T. Debelo
Kai Heng He
Elizabeth Hedgepeth*º
Amanuel M. Lemenih*º
Daniel R. Ormond*
Irving Pena*
Soukaina Salihi*
Taylor A. Sherer*
Satya Son
RuiFeng Zhang*
Computer Support
Specialist Program
Christian C. Echeverry*
Patrick Francois
Sohel Khalifa
Jimmy C. Luong
Andres E. Magana
Nhu Nguyen
Seth M. Pruter*
David Worrell*º
Computer Web
Development Program
Ryan D. Blackmore*
Alexandra R. Cline*
Anka Kovacevic*º
Aksana Lishko*º
Criminal Justice
Odamarys P. Acosta Rosario*
Carlos F. Aguilar
David C. Akell*
Christopher Alvarez
David A. Andrade*º
Tor Augustus*
Cherisse Barnes
Krystie L. Bellabe*
Shanice Brown
Brian M. Burke*º
Jennifer Lynn Callanan*º
Arisleida C Candelario
Luis Capriles
Kristin Case
Thomas Cater
Steve Cazeau
Kristin A. Connor
Raven N. Deligiannis*
Said N. Djedid
Sasia J. Doman*
Taisha Dottin
Nicole A. Erwin
Mirlande Felissaint
Salvatore F. Fusco, Jr.*
Karina A. Gonzalez Perez*
Tamica C. Harris
Ronei Henrique*
Kevin R. Henriquez*
Marvin Hernandez*
Clevens Jean
Stephan Jean-Pierre
Jennie Z. Jensen
Marina Katehis*º
Matthew Kinlaw
Dylan R. Lambert*º
Dong V. Le*
Angelica R. Lemos Barthelemy
Dorca E. Louis
Lauren M. Mahoney*
Matthew Matarazzo
Anthony J. McDonald
Zachary Kevin McHugh
Daniel McKinnon
Reberto Meca
Robert Allen Miller*º
William E.Milner
Ailton G. Monteiro
Maria G. Nascimento
William J. Nasuti
Sonny Ngo*
Trung-Tin Nguyen
Manoela Northfleet
Matthew D. Oconnell*
Julissa P. Oviedo
Deborah I. Palmer*
Tiernan Pardue
Brandon M. Pease
Benjamin A. Pierce*º
Jose G. Ramirez
Karla I. Reyes
Emily J. Rivera*º
Carolina Rodriguez
Alejandra E. Ruiz Patrone
Zamir A. Sandoval
Pedro B. Silva
Sukhdev Singh
Elvin L. Soto*
Patrice L. South*
Roosevelt Thomas
Susan M. Thomas
Clarence D. Thompson
Timothy Tufts*
Viviana D. Umana
2016 Commencement
Jeffrey M. Valentin
Pierry S. Veloso*
Ryan Luis Ward
Culinary Arts
Praphinsri Choksakulnimit
Michael A. Chrislu
Gerald A. Deflorio
Yara T. Goncalves*
Camille Grzyboski*
Jerry He
Eliezer G. Hernandez
Angelica M. Irizarry*
Marjorie Joseph*
Esperance P. Mengual
Anthony Menichelli
Duy T. Nguyen
Belkis G. Perlera
Gregory J. Sylvester
Database Support
Specialist Option
Noureddine Faouzi*
Hanane Ihizan*
David C. Synnott*
Zhaoyan Yu*
Early Childhood Development
Megan L. Bathe*
Deandra Raven Cora*
Gina A. De la Cruz*
Jinet Hernandez*
Mariel Hernandez
Phuongthao N. Huynh
Jean E. Kennedy
Merilyn Eluvi Mancio
Sara A. Misrati
Arielle L. Mitchell
Reyna M. Montilla Familia
Emily Morico*
Alicia M. Murray*
Milena Porras*
Itsel Ramos*
Jackeline I. Rosa*
Jennifer Sanchez Araujo
Lauren E. Skerritt*º
Fatiha Slimi*
Leah M. Smith
Mary Sullivan*
Marie A. Timothee
Fung Wu*
Aled Zeledon
Electric Power Utility
Fire Protection & Safety
Shayne Correia
Nicholas J. Coss*
Jeffy D. Docteur
Haley B. Hughes*º
Brian S. Laporte*º
Devin J Madeira
MacAbe J. Martins*
Christopher M. Melanson*º
Michael P. Mullen
Ariel Ortiz
Brian Page
Angelo M. Palmer
Scott Rosselli
Kristen A. Sabino
Daniel Turner*
Joseph R. Walsh*
Walter W. Williams
Justin Bonner
Antonio Cicolini
Dennis Concepcion*
Joseph Gendrolis*
Stenio Pereira Filho
Nathaniel T. Sexton*º
Bryan E. Warner*
Shaun J. Weigold*
Engineering Transfer Option
Basel Alhadidi*º
Angela Patricia Andrade Rosa*
Ali Belharet*
Merouane Benjnane*
Bo Hua Ching Wengº
Jihan Elboukhari Chow*
Eduardo A. Colmenares
Ibrahim Diarra*º
Oualid El Ouadie*º
Sami Kidane Fissehaye*º
Zylmar Garcia
Ximing He*º
Chunlong Huang*º
Nelson Kiggundu
Beom Jo Kim
Sinarith Kong*
Caio Minitti*
Jovany A. Mira
Mohammed Ouahbi*º
Eduardo O. Sosa*º
Gian Franco Vendrame Quevedo*
Widmark Vilno
Wilmark Vilno
Raman Yezavit*º
Environmental Science
Samuel Falkoff*
Fine Arts Option
Daniel F. Henao Rodriguez*
Gaming /Computer Programming
Track Simulation Option
William W. Sisco
Simulation Option
Brad W. Allen
Subash Bhattachan*º
Matthew Brisbon
Dequindre L. Cummings*
John Daigle
Wendy Diphillipo*
Frederick Fortier Jr.*
Dennis A. Garcia*
Sean J. Griffin
Iesha T. Hall-Ivery*
Franchy Hernandez
Katherine A. McFarlane*
Savannah McKay
Tekant Ozer*º
Wayne Pollard
Shawn Rabideau
Christopher D. Radford*
Jakob Salinas-Thomas*
Marcus I. Santamaria
Astara Zarbock*
Gas Utility Technology
Option Program
Manuel Dasilveira*
Andrew Letendre*
Graphic Design
Brianna Cocco
Tui De Freitas Calvette*º
Oscar Delcid-Melhorn
Joseph Desouza*º
Neil G. Deyoung*
Muhidini A. Hassan*
Commencement 2016
Tori N. Joyce*º
Armhed Louis-Jean
Stacey M. McKim*º
Suzan H. Moustafa*º
Kazuyuki Nagashima*
Hanna Piatrova*º
Jeffrey Pierre-Louis
Thalia Pliego
Erica J. Rodriguez Reyes*
Hotel Restaurant Management
Joshua D. Fay*
Kenneth J. Hogan
Nuno M. Pereira
Nathanael Reyes Ramirez*
Karuna C. Um
Jennifer Ventura*º
Medical Imaging/
Cardiac Sonography
Lorytz R. Abraham*
Sang Rye An*
Edgardo Dume*º
Brittany M. Gantz
Ruth M. Guerrero*
Mohamed Janga*
Fatima Kunduklija*
Rebecca Lafortnune
Changwei Lin
Michelle Lopez Alzate*
Lisaury A. Lorenzo*º
Arijan Lukovic*
Wanda Molina
Sarah L. Neal*º
Duyen T. Nguyen*
Glenys A. Palomino
Anh Ngoc Van Phan*
John G. Simcoe
Robert Stein*
Megumi Tominaga*
Carrisa A. Amado*
Lisa A. Curreri*
Difei Hu*
Toni-Marie Mariano*
Anthony Chinedu Onochie*
Julie M. Palmer*
Blerina Thaci*º
Human Services
Medical Imaging/
Medical Radiography
Raisa H. Abdeen
Nicole Francis Auguste
Christina L. Bigelow*º
Lisa M. Botelho
Mara D. Dos Santos*
Tacara S. Howard
Nycole MacEdo*
Josue D. Maldonado
Jennifer Nunez
Jessica Ruggiero*º
Jyllian N. Sharpe*º
Sabeen S. Sheikh*
Sandra R. Slaffey
Interactive Design Option
Suzan H. Moustafa*
Tamine Son*º
Media Communication
Medical Imaging/
General Sonography
Theresa A. Alix*
Hayley D’Amelia*
Shannon DeLancey*
Lindsey Marie Di Tullio*
Maura Hurley*
Liubov Kapitulskaya*
Tracey McHugh*º
Gabriella Peter*
Bahare Shafiee*
Kristin Tersolo*
Kerrie A. Botelho*º
Samantha A. Bruce*
Rosangela M. Deandrade*
Edward T. Egan*º
Daniel Benjamin Friedman*
Deven Gillen*
Sarah W. Gitau*
Majda Halibi*
Shana A. Indelicato
John H. Lawless III*
Brendan Lynch*
Brandi McCabe*º
Miloud B. Milinazzo*
Leanne A. Milton*
Vilmary Montes
Wicleche Odvil*
Anne P. O’Reilly*º
Kevin L. Pereira*
Janell Rocco*
Jennylee Rodriguez*
Shayla J. Royal*º
Charles Robert Ruckdeschel*
Jessica L. Schwab*
Claire Sidorski*º
Melissa Lee Smith
Fiory Tensae*
Emerson G. Thomas*
Tiffany Trinh*
Melissa K. Vilsaint*
Brittany J. Welch*º
Medical Information
Management Option
Davide Auguste
Ana Bardalesº
Natasha Barthe
Wafaa Bouchane
Gillian Browne-Farrell*
Audrey R. Burgos*
Willy Burgos
Lakecia Burton*
Suet Yee Chan*
Samantha M. Furtado*º
Wendy L. Gonzalez Nova*
Kaneisha B. Goodman-Allen
Nadine C. Grant
Kateryna Kabanova*
Camirolis Landestoy*
Qieni Mai*
Vivienne Nguyen*º
Esdras Perez Rodriguez*º
Kathryn A. Stanchi*º
Rudina Sula*
Binh N. Trinh*º
Devolyne E Vails*º
Dekyi Yangzom*º
Qimin Zhao
Medical Laboratory
Wing W. Choy*
Emma L. Connors*
Jason A. Cummings*
Clare A. Schulze*
Commencement 2016
Meeting & Event Planning
Lorytz R. Abraham*
Victoria R. Butera
Edgardo Dume*º
Brittany M. Gantz
Sadie Jordan
Sarah L. Neal*º
Dilyana Yordanova*
Nurse Education
Fatima Abbas*º
Anne Adrienº
Sandra M. Alves
Judithe Auguste Poisson
Jill M. Baker*
Anjie Bernkrant
Shelly Brissett*
Heather N. Bruno
Martina Buczynski*º
Albulena Calaj
Jill Carey*
Araselis Castillo
Albano Cela*
Andrea L. Cervenkaº
Matthew Chan*
Sohee Chung
Carine Ciceron
Yveslyne S. Claiborne
Jamie Crosby
Mary Dasilva*º
Albertine Decossa
Kimella Dixon
Rosemarie McLaughlin*
Jean P. Donovan
Khaoula En Naji
Paige Fahy*
Denise Faris*
Lindsey N. Furbush*
Jenniffer Gallegos*
Selam A. Gebru*
Wendy S. Gonzalez-Galvez
Mary Graham
Natasha Graham*º
Valerie Grams*
Alicia A. Gray*º
Azeezah N. Gray*
Toni R. Gregory
Donna M. Groark*
Ramona I. Hamad
Meredith Hower*
Riry Iptaria*
Cristal A. Jensen*
Tara Jones*
Pierre H. Joseph*
Euttem Kim
Raymond K. Kosgei*
Tenzin Y. Lama*
Christian M. Lanphere*º
Jessica R. Lavandier
Mytrinh T. Le
Kerri E. Leone
Alina Lukyanova*
Danielle V. MacHado*
Jessica M. Marcassoli*
Michael A. Mayo*
Matthew P. Mertens
Daniel Munoz*
Shaunte Newry
Marie R. Nshimyumukiza
Mona A. Ojugbana
Nancy M. Omari*
Damaris Padilla
Roberta March Pannos
Autaquay T. Peters
Bendina Remy
Jenifer S. Richard*
Austin K. Ritter*
Jacquelyn Roberts*
Alexis S. Robinson
Marie N. Saint Jean*
Roger J. Sanchez*º
Alba Sapkota*º
Alyssa N. Schoenfeld
Julie Anne Simopoulos*
Kearston Smith
Matthew E. Staleyº
Natalia Stasevich*
Marina Stasio*
Devorah Torres*º
Rosa Torres*
Vessela Trendafilova*
Amanda M. Valentin
Renata Valys / Lima*
Jennifer M. Vega
Rosa Volquez
Jessica Weeks*
Catherine White
Annmarie N. Williams
Viktoriya Won*
Irine C. Yosei
Paralegal Studies Program
Marta Isabel Argueta-Guerra*
Larissa Azevedo*
Inna A. Babitskaya*
Fatima Belhamri
Robert F. Boucher
Martin C. Andre
Shaynice Dorcena*º
Siham Elaidi*
Kateryna Fedulina-Banks*º
Stephen M. Gibbons*º
Chantel Guevara
Liliana M. Holguin Marin*
Sharon Jeyaraj*
Hala Kaddo*
Justin F. McFadden-Murray
Kadian McLean*
Johanna Pierre
Julia Rosero*
Elona Toro*
Certificate Programs
Allied Health/Medical Assistant
Jennifer L. Adams
Aliyah P. Allen
Katreena B. Alvarº
Dede Attivi-Gadjezo
Jianna Baez Pena
Edwin C. Bedoya
Beth Burke
Chantel Castro
Lathy Chin
Aliyah Clark
Diana Clotter
Patricia A. Colin
Jordan Dasilva
Maghen J. Donahue
Kariana C. Ervin
Annery J. Falcon
Brigitta A. Francisco
Jacqueline Fuentes
Natalie Y. Gallego
Karina V. Garcia
Taraneh Ghamary
Jefferson Gomez
Jean P. Gonzales
Nicole G. Graham
Rozilma Gross
Geraldine Hernandez
Marisol Hernandez
Geraldine Lafaille
Merisly E. Mancio
Marya Masood
Deborah M. Mendez
Elaine Eccles
Luz M. Mesa
Julie Milner
Farhiya Mohamud
Commencement 2016
Aimee C. Nichols
Yuberquis Peguero
Paulina A. Perez Arango
Jennifer N. Quinnº
Tatiana Santiago
Ate T. Shiferaw
Shauna Sotoº
Rajshree Thapa
Jackson Thomas
Jameka S. Thomas
Nancy A. Trejo
Tairy Villar
Kathleen R. Wheeler
Sara L. Whelan
Fikadu G. Zewde
Allied Health/Medical Interpreting
Naima Belaabd
Jaquiline Brito
Wafaa Eddaoui
Evelin N. Esturban
Diego O. Flores Neyra
Aura M. Gomez
Selene Hernandez
Jefferson Gomez
Maria I. Herrera
Josiana O. Monteiro
Rosa M. Pilon-Limo
Marina Rivas
Hector R. Rosales
Miriam J. Rosario Amaya
Yolanda Tirado Figueroa
Allied Health/
Patient Care Technician
James R. Abraham
Zoraida Aguirre
Sakina Amrali
Kayley E. Anderson
Felicia M. Bayles
Ginielli Bueno
Rhode-Carla Calixte
Antonella Carrillo-Franco
Shaneling Coren Garcia
Agatha S. De Souza
Kimberly M. Erazo
Souad Ettair
Brigitta A. Francisco
Natalie Fuentes
Yeraldine Guerrero
Nilubon Jaroensook
Judy T. Londono
Carline D. Mondesir
Jessica Norvil
Jackelyn Ortega-Ramos
Kieu O. Pham
Renee Phillips
Cintia A. Piresº
Karla Riva
Doris E. Smith
Erika M. Velez
Phuong Trang T. Vo
Gerhara V. Wynn
Baking and Pastry Arts
Shamilia K. Lloyd
Business Administration/
Accounting Information
Marilyn Denise Alford
Jessica A. Benavides
Tam Huynhº
Shirin Kokobaeva
Casey O’Rourke
Mohamed Salif
Mostafa Siouaniº
Engdawork T. Tilaye
Shinichi Nemoto
Business Administration/Taxation
M Khaled Aldalatiº
Ahmed Elberrad
Sandra Y. Gaviria
Jianyi Huº
Tam Huynhº
Kawsar E. Jahan
Shao Feng Situ
Thuy Tranº
Central Processing
Adila Attar
Patricia Brooks
Lisa M. Clough
Valerie M. Colon
Jeanette Cosme-Garcia
Nadine Coupet
Salah Eddine El Maaloum
Kani Givens-Chester
David J. Greeley
Herssey Heredia
Soumia Labeche
Matt Mancini
Michelle Massa
Wilson Mercado
Daniel R. Pelletierº
Josette Pierrette
Lester L. Smith Sr.
Haddia Yousri
Computer Cisco Systems CCNA
Sokol Agalliu
David K. Collins
Waduthanthri I. Desilva
Jorge Guerrero
Timothy A. Kardatzke
Charles A. Matthews
Mary F. Nemec
Giuseppe Scarcellaº
Yonas Shegere
Abel G. Tekleselassa
Michael J. Tempestaº
Computer Database
Support Specialist
Samuel F. Eshete
Kathleen Mahoney
Computer Database Support
Specialist Fast Track
Mustapha Mhamdi
Thanh H. Ta
Computer Excel Applications
Support Specialist
Said Kaoussº
Computer Forensics
Guy Himelblau
Computer Health Information
Networking Support Specialists
James M. Atkinsonº
Paul J. Demersº
Enamul K. Khan
William Li
Purna B. Malla
Jake Shields
Michael J. Tempestaº
Commencement 2016
Comptuer Health
Information Technology
Computer PC Hardware
Support Specialist
Michael J. Tempestaº
Claude P. Aspilaire
Joseph Canavan
Chang H. Hanº
Sean Lynch
Andres E. Magana
Tatiana McQueenº
Philip C. Sandberg
Terrence Santos
Joseph M. Silva
Michael J. Tempestaº
Sarinya Wonganansak
William Yuska
Computer Information
Technology Security
Frank G. Deangelo
Alvaro N. Pleitez-Martinez
Computer Information
Technology Security & Essentials
Hatim Fagrach
Ram C. Kaspal
Tatiana McQueenº
Alvaro N. Pleitez-Martinez
Computer Microsoft Application
Support Specialist
Stacie M. Cassell
Denia Dolmo
Alexis D. Parry
Vivian C. Showell
Gloria Vega
Computer Network
Technology Administration
Sokol Agalliu
Claude P. Aspilaire
David K. Collins
Jason Copson
Waduthanthri I. Desilva
Richard G. Maddock
Letissia Alexandrea Scott
Jake Shields
Abel G. Tekleselassa
Michael J. Tempestaº
Computer Object Oriented
Computer Programming & Design
Jose Daniel Castellon Melendez
David John C. Cruz
Mohamed El Hassnaoui
Elizabeth Hedgepethº
Amanuel M. Lemenihº
Deepika Malik
Dmitriy Pukhov
Soukaina Salihi
Taylor A. Sherer
Satya Son
Computer Support Specialist
Indalina Q. Lopez
Tatiana McQueenº
Computer Web Development
Jose A. Hernandez
Youssef Sabouni
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement
Tor Augustus
Martin C. Andre
Marvin Hernandez
Jennie Z. Jensen
Nathan J. Keoughº
Dylan R. Lambertº
Dorca E. Louis
Lauren M. Mahoney
Manoela Northfleet
Zamir A. Sandoval
Eliane Santos
Betty Smith
Andrew J. Spinney
Viviana D. Umana
&Culinary Arts
Sonia G. Benjamin
Nylah Griffith Bolden
Bernard F. Luceus
Maria Pouriet mora
Culinary Arts/Pastry Arts
Angelica M. Irizarry
Anthony Menichelli
Database Management Fast Track
Fatima Benjakkal
Ka Yan Cheng
Anna Datko
Bankole A. Fisher
Luoyan Zhang
Early Childhood Development
Laraib Batool
Mariam Benizza
Kristene Bryant
Naima El MacHmachi
Hebatallah Eissa Elshazly
Grisselle Ferreira
Carolina M. Garcia
Jiahua Gong
Cynthia E. Henri
Damaris A. Herrera
Cecelia C. Mounceyº
Deirdre A. Nazzaroº
Monila D. Paz-Worden
Santiago Rios Colorado
Luana Pierre
Tyra N. Robinson
Rajae Salhiº
Judy Tang
Cindy Tse
Anh T. Vo
Elena R. Weinbergº
Xian Zhang
Energy & Sustainability
Abelardo E. Anchiraico
Alexander J. Dewolf
Pamela Gopaul
Nicholas Horgan
Sylvain K. Lorng
Phanna Me
Taelise S. Rickettsº
Rufat Aliyev
Timothy Bonificio
Christian Eduardo Carballo Gonzalez
Cora Crosby
Toby James Mayersº
Melinawati Sari
Mohsin Syed
Almeida H. Windson
Fire Protection & Safety
Dennis Concepcion
Keith L. Espinola
Glen Hassard
Anthony R. Rovito
Commencement 2016
Human Services
Ajaia S. Browder*
Shannon McDermott
Human Services/
Community Health Worker
Brijeshkumar Dineshbhai Patelº
Human Services/
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Sabrina Robbins
Human Services/
Substance Abuse Services
Robert A. Hayes
Emma Henson
Medical Imaging/
Computed Tomography
Rahma Aqqal
Kate Danforth
Jason Gerard
Peter G. Hayes
Karen E. Reed
Antonio Rosa
Grace C. Xavier
Medical Imaging/
Information Informatics
Robert C. Croce
Andrew Hornº
Medical Imaging/
Magnetic Resonance (MRI)
Michelle Monique Dubois
Melissa M. Eickhorst
Rachel K. Gray
Sidharthan Kurincholi
Malinda Ly
Aleksandr Paskhalov
Shaun K. Patterson
Medical Imaging/
Stacie Joyce
Samantha McCormick
Nicole Shimabukuro
Medical Information
Management Assistant
Hafida Elbaz
Tiffany E. Griffin
Victoria Hutchinson
Mary Jane Kelliher
Sangita Khadka
Mariesse Larochelle
Nicole Litterio
Judith Pert
Arsema Rosasstavro
Kathryn A. Stanchiº
Mariya Dimitrova
Josselyn Funes
Christopher Pellegrino
Bisera Thaciº
Pharmacy Technician
Suhaila M. Abuaisha
Faiza Amin
Lily Marie C. Anton
Erika L. Argueta
Yassine Bousalem
Qili Chen
Thanh Kim My Dunn
Saloua Elouazani
Yuan Guoº
Shu Yi He
Sherlan John
Mirela Konomi
Detlev Kubierschky
Phuong Kim Luu
Weiquan Mai
Rakaiyyah Malik Marchan
Roule Mompoint
Joyce J. Mutyaba
Kevin Nazaire
Adriana V. Portillo Rojas
Hajar Roki Chaoui
Maria D. Rosa Tavarez
Loucine Salloum
Zohra Shahid
Hillary Solano
Ellen Strumm
Trinh N. Tang
Yary M. Tejada Cratsz
Josue Valescot
Anna K. Vera
Dat Vo
Patrice R. Voltaire
Practical Nursing
Eula W. Anderson
Claire T. Auguste
John A. Avalos
Denise C. Dunn
Chantal E. Elescar
Geneva M. Garrison
Kimmy Jackson
Genevierge Jean-Francois
Melanie L. Katcher
Kimberly A. MacCarthy
Demba Marah
Alexis D. Soto
Chantell A. Williams
Surgical Technology
John Alves
Maxine V. Baptiste
Demarko Cabralº
Lodz C. Cesar
Patrick Delva
Benotti Deshormes
Lee Kelly Dixon
Sharla Dixon
Celeiza L. Eusebio
Diana Marquez
Nicholas D. McDonald
Silvana M. O’Connorº
Marie P. Paris
Allison L. Parow
Fella Sarrah
Nancy Sherman
Sudina Shresthaº
Thomas Taldon
Estefania Viloria-Domingu
Commencement 2016
Chronology of Commencement Speakers
1975 - Harold E. Shively, President, Bunker Hill Community College. 1976 - The Honorable Michael J. Harrington, Member of Congress
from the 6th Congressional District of Massachusetts. 1977 - Eli Ginsburg, Economist and Educator, Director of the Conservation of Human
Resources Project at Columbia University. 1978 - Ralph L. Bruno, Adele K. Cannizzaro Castater, and Dorothy J. Gomez, Degree Candidates.
1979 - Maria A. Brown, William S. Harold, and Kathleen Monagle, Degree Candidates. 1980 - Herbert I. Gross, Professor of Mathematics,
Bunker Hill Community College. 1981 - Anne R. Umansky, Associate Professor of Communication, Bunker Hill Community College,
and Judith Ann Adelizzi, Degree Candidate. 1982 - Johnnetta B. Cole, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, University of
Massachusetts Amherst. 1983 - The Honorable Paul D. Lewis, Associate Justice, Boston Juvenile Court. 1984 - The Honorable Foster
Furcolo, Administrative Law Judge, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, former Governor of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. 1985 - Linda Harris, Broadcast Journalist, WBZ-TV, Boston. 1986 - Joseph Duffey, Chancellor, University of Massachusetts/
Amherst. 1987 – The Honorable Raymond L. Flynn, Mayor, City of Boston. 1988 - Harold E. Shively, President, Bunker Hill Community College.
1989 - The Honorable Richard A. Voke, Massachusetts State Representative, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means.
1990 - Mike Barnicle, Newspaper Columnist, Boston Globe. 1991 - Liz Walker, Broadcast Journalist, WBZ-TV Eyewitness News Co-anchor.
1992 – The Honorable Joseph P. Kennedy II, United States Congressman. 1993 - The Honorable Joyce London Alexander, United States
Magistrate Judge. 1994 - The Honorable Peter W. Agnes, Jr., Managing Justice of the Chelsea Court. 1995 - Rosaria Salerno, Community
Leader, Boston City Clerk. 1996 - James S. Dilday, Professor, Criminal Justice, Bunker Hill Community College, and Susan T. Dole,
BHCC Counselor. 1997 - The Honorable John Kerry, United States Senator. 1998 - William J. Grize, President and Chief Executive
Officer, The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company. 1999 - The Honorable Jane Swift, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts.
2000 - Dr. Joan Wallace-Benjamin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts. 2001 - The Honorable
Roderick L. Ireland, Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. 2002 - Gerardo Villacrés, Executive Director, HispanicAmerican Chamber of Commerce. 2003 - Andrea J. Cabral, Sheriff, Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. 2004 - Amadou Lamine Bâ, Ph.D.,
Ambassador of Senegal to the U.S. 2005 - Frances Rivera, 7NEWS Anchor/Reporter. 2006 - Marjorie Clapprood, Executive Director,
One Family, Inc. 2007 – The Honorable Jarrett T. Barrios, Massachusetts State Senator. 2008 - Carol R. Johnson, Ed.D., Superintendent
of the Boston Public Schools. 2009 - Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D., M.B.A., President, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 2010 - Benjamin S. Carson,
Sr., M.D., Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. 2011 - Louis Gossett, Jr., Academy Award-winning
Actor, and Founder, Eracism Foundation, Inc. 2012 - Eileen M. Collins, Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Retired). 2013 - William H. Swanson,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Raytheon. 2014 - The Honorable Edward J. Markey, Senator for Massachusetts. 2015 - The Honorable
Elizabeth Warren, Senator for Massachusetts.
Chronology of Faculty/Professional Staff Speakers
In the 1997-1998 academic year, a tradition was established at the College. Faculty and professional staff select one of their colleagues whom
they view as an outstanding educator to bring greetings to the graduates.
1997 - Richard Klayman, Professor, Social Science Department. 1998 - John L. Vaccaro, C.P.A., Professor, Business Administration
Department. 1999 - Anne Mansfield Minton, Professor, Social Science Department. 2000 - Timothy M. McLaughlin, Professor, English
Department. 2001 and 2002 - Richard W. Boulware, J.D., Professor and Chair, Criminal Justice Department. 2003 - Herbert I. Gross,
Professor, Mathematics/Physics Department. 2004 - Michael T. Puopolo, Professor and Chair, Computer Information Technology Department.
2005 - Deborah J. Westaway, Professor and Chair, Nurse Education Department. 2006 - Susan T. Dole, Senior Academic Counselor,
Advising/Counseling and Assessment. 2007 - Lucius A. Salisbury III, Professor, English Department. 2008 - William L. Hoover, Assistant
Professor, Science Department. 2009 - Shirley Cassarà, Ed.D., Professor, Behavioral Science Department. 2010 - James S. Dilday, J.D.,
Professor, Legal Studies and Public Safety Department. 2011 - Timothy M. McLaughlin, Professor and Chair, English Department.
2012 - Lloyd Sheldon Johnson, Ed.D., Professor, Behavioral Science Department. 2013 - Jennifer A. Cohn, Associate Professor,
English Department. 2014 - Scott S. Benjamin, Professor, Science and Engineering Department. 2015 - Enzo Surin, Assistant Professor,
English Department.
Chronology of President’s Distinguished Service Awardees
1998 - Jeanne-Marie Boylan, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, Boston Sand & Gravel Company. 1999 - Anne Hyde, Esq., Peabody and
Brown Law Firm. 2000 - Guy Santagate, City Manager, Chelsea, Massachusetts. 2001 - Bing L. Wong, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Biopure
Corporation. 2002 - Paul Guzzi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. 2003 – The Honorable
Eugene L. O’Flaherty, Massachusetts State Representative. 2004 - Ray Monkiewicz, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kayem Foods, Inc.
2005 - Thomas S. Cunha, First Vice Chair of the BHCC Board of Trustees and Chair of the Charlestown Neighborhood Council.
2007 – The Honorable Jarrett T. Barrios, Massachusetts State Senator. 2008 - Thomas A. Kershaw, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
The Hampshire House Corporation. 2009 - Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D., M.B.A., President, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 2010 - Ronald Bonney,
Jr., First Vice Chair of the BHCC Board of Trustees. 2011 - Stephen B. Weiner, President, BHCC Foundation, Inc., and President, The Weiner
Company, Inc. 2013 - William H. Swanson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Raytheon. 2014 - Beverly A. Morgan-Welch,
Executive Director, Museum of African American History. 2015 - John P. McDonough, Interim Superintendent, Boston Public Schools.
Commencement 2016
Modern Scholars in Ancient Garb
The color and pageantry marking a college Commencement are rooted in long tradition. Academic degrees have been awarded for more
than 800 years, the first known being conferred by the University of Bologna in the twelfth century. The caps and gowns worn by the faculty
and the graduating class are also inherited from early medieval universities. Scholars of those days wore the gown and its attached hood for
the dual purpose of keeping warm in the drafty, unheated buildings, and of identifying the particular clerical order to which they belonged.
The Gown
The style of the modern academic gown is based on an intercollegiate code established in 1895. The gown is commonly black, differing in
type according to the level of the degree held. Gowns of some American and foreign institutions are often of red and other brilliant hues.
The doctor’s gown is paneled in velvet, and has bell-shaped sleeves, each trimmed with three matching velvet bars. The velvet may be black or
of the color representing the field of learning in which the degree was earned. For example, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is designated by
blue, for centuries the color associated with wisdom and truth. The Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) may be indicated by red, a traditional color
of the church, and the Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) by the royal purple of the King’s Court. The title Doctor refers to the degree one holds,
not to a profession or occupation, and by ancient definition means an eminently learned person, one sufficiently skilled in any branch of
knowledge to teach it.
Master’s and bachelor’s gowns have no velvet panels or trims. Sleeves of the master’s are extra long, and are open either at the forearm or the
wrist. Those of the bachelor’s gown are pointed and are normal sleeve length.
The Cap
The mortarboard cap is proper for all American degrees, and is worn both indoors and out on all occasions when gowns are used. The tassel,
worn over the left front quarter of the cap, may be black or may be in a color representing the degree.
The Hood
The hood is the most striking feature of the costume. Its shape, size and colors show both the degree of the wearer and the college which
conferred it, so that anyone attending an academic function in America can distinguish holders of bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees.
The shell or base of the hood is invariably black, but the lining is the color of the college or university granting the degree. As the faculty and
platform party march down the aisle at Commencement, the audience will see the official colors of many colleges and universities represented in
the hoods of the participants. Some of these are: Cornell University, carnelian with two white chevrons; Harvard University, crimson; Columbia
University, light blue with white chevron; Tufts University, brown and blue.
The color of the border of the hood designates the field in which the degree was earned; for instance, white represents arts; scarlet - theology;
golden yellow-science; blue - philosophy; pink - music; lemon - library science; brown - fine arts; purple - law; light blue - education;
apricot - nursing; and drab - business administration.
The bachelor’s hood has a two-inch velvet border; the master’s, a three-inch one; and the doctor’s a five-inch one. The size of the hood also
helps identify the degree; the bachelor’s hood is three feet long, the master’s three and a half, and the doctor’s four feet.
College trustees or members of boards are permitted to wear a doctor’s gown, but the hood they wear must designate only the degree they
actually hold. The president of a college is entitled to wear a specially-designed costume. Trustees and other members of the official party,
such as Marshals, may also wear specially-designed caps and gowns. At Bunker Hill Community College, the President, Trustees and Marshals
appear in academic regalia which shows the colors of the college - red and white - and which designate, by the use of slight design differences,
the office held. Graduates of two-year colleges are awarded an associate in arts or associate in science degree or a certificate. Successful
candidates for the associate degree and the certificate wear a bachelor’s gown without a hood.
Divisions of the Procession
The academic procession at Commencement is made up of three divisions: The candidates for degrees and certificates, members of the faculty
and the President of the college, the Commencement speaker, the Trustees and other dignitaries or officers of the college.
The entire company is led by the Chief Marshal bearing a mace, originally a weapon of defense and a centuries-old symbol of academic authority.
A college or university Commencement symbolizes the induction of the graduates into the guild of scholars, whose tradition reaches back
through centuries of western civilization to include all those who sought learning. Graduates can take pride in participating in such an ancient
and honorable rite.
— freely adapted from an article by Harold Seymour
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