Transatlantic Slave Trade

Transatlantic Slave Trade
Figure 1: Map
1) Which place had the MOST slaves transported to them during the Slave Trade?
A. United States
B. Central America
C. West Indies
D. Brazil
2) Which of the following was NOT a product harvested in the United States?
A. Tobacco
B. Coffee
C. Cotton
D. Rice
3) What were the two main industries that used slaves in Brazil?
A. Tobacco and Coffee
B. Sugar and Tobacco
C. Coffee and Mining
D. Rice and Coffee
4) Which place had the LEAST slaves transported to them during the Slave Trade?
A. Central America
B. North America
C. South America
D. Europe
5) What was the main product harvested in New Orleans?
A. Tobacco
B. Coffee
C. Cotton
Figure 2: Advertisement
6) What is the purpose of this advertisement?
A. To make people aware that slavery exists.
B. To make people want to abolish slavery.
C. To tell people that there will be a slave auction.
D. To show people that they should participate in slavery.
D. Sugar
7) Which of the following is NOT a description used on this advertisement?
A. Prime
B. Healthy
C. Property
D. Negroes
8) How many slaves will be sold total?
A. 39
B. 15
9) Where did these slaves travel from?
C. 104
D. 94
A. Sierra Leon
B. Brigantine
Figure 3: Political Drawing
C. Dembia
D. Mafter
10) What is the main purpose of this drawing?
A. To convince people that slaves are important.
B. To convince people to own slaves.
C. To convince people that slaves are people, not property.
D. To convince people to lock up their slaves.
11) Why is the man in the picture shackled?
A. So that he cannot escape.
B. To show the burden put on slave owners.
C. To show that slaves were dangerous.
D. To show the lack of freedom slaves had.
12) Why do you think the man is the position he is in the
A. To show that he is weak.
B. To show that he is pleading.
C. To show that he is dangerous.
D. To show that he is defiant.
Figure 4: Drawing
13) What does the picture depict?
A. A plantation.
B. A slave ship.
C. A slave auction.
D. A slave raid.
14) Name two adjectives to describe the
conditions in the picture.
15) What is the BEST reason slaves were
put into this condition?
A. Because the ship owners saw them as
B. Because the ship owners wanted to
pack in as many people as possible.
C. Because the ship owners were cruel.
D. Because the ship owners were kind.
16) Which of the following words best describes the expressions on the slaves’ faces?
A. Terrified
B. Intrigued
C. Upset
D. Bored
1) Which place had the MOST slaves transported to them during the Slave Trade?
A. United States
B. Central America
C. West Indies
D. Brazil
2) Which of the following was NOT a product harvested in the United States?
A. Tobacco
B. Coffee
C. Cotton
D. Rice
3) What were the two main industries that used slaves in Brazil?
A. Tobacco and Coffee
B. Sugar and Tobacco
C. Coffee and Mining
D. Rice and Coffee
4) Which place had the LEAST slaves transported to them during the Slave Trade?
A. Central America
B. North America
C. South America
D. Europe
5) What was the main product harvested in New Orleans?
A. Tobacco
B. Coffee
D. Sugar
C. Cotton
What is the purpose of this advertisement?
To make people aware that slavery exists.
To make people want to abolish slavery.
To tell people that there will be a slave auction.
To show people that they should participate in slavery.
7) Which of the following is NOT a description used on this advertisement?
A. Prime
B. Healthy
C. Property
D. Negroes
8) How many slaves will be sold total?
A. 39
B. 15
9) Where did these slaves travel from?
A. Sierra Leon
B. Brigantine
C. 104
D. 94
C. Dembia
10) What is the main purpose of this drawing?
A. To convince people that slaves are important.
B. To convince people to own slaves.
C. To convince people that slaves are people, not property.
D. To convince people to lock up their slaves.
11) Why is the man in the picture shackled?
A. So that he cannot escape.
B. To show the burden put on slave owners.
C. To show that slaves were dangerous.
D. To show the lack of freedom slaves had.
12) Why do you think the man is the position he is in the picture?
A. To show that he is weak.
B. To show that he is pleading.
C. To show that he is dangerous.
D. To show that he is defiant.
D. Mafter
13) What does the picture depict?
A. A plantation.
B. A slave ship.
C. A slave auction.
D. A slave raid.
14) Name two adjectives to describe the conditions in the picture.
Answers will vary. Crowded, uncomfortable, squished, etc.
15) What is the BEST reason slaves were put into this condition?
A. Because the ship owners saw them as property.
B. Because the ship owners wanted to pack in as many people as possible.
C. Because the ship owners were cruel.
D. Because the ship owners were kind.
16) Which of the following words best describes the expressions on the slaves’ faces?
A. Terrified
B. Intrigued
C. Upset
D. Bored