1. What is Lipids?
z Examples of Lipids – Wax, Steroid, Higher fatty acid, Higher alcohol
z The lipids are elements that constitute organisms which are not dissolvable in
water but in organic solvents.
9 Example of organic solvents – Benzene, Petroleum, Chloroform
z Sometimes the term lipid is used as a synonym for fat, however; fat is just a subcategory of Lipid
z Depends on component or chemical structure, there are two kinds of lipids :
Simple Lipid and Complex Lipid
z Chemical Structure of Phospholipids – Complex Lipids
z Chemical Structure of A free fatty acid – Simple Lipids
2. Saturated fatty acid
z A fatty acid with no double bonds between the carbon atoms of its hydrocarbon
(Structure of Saturated fatty acid)
z Consumption of saturated fats linked with heart disease.
9 Due to Cholesterol
9 Because of this, saturated fatty acids are known as bad fats.
z Most of the animal fats
z Solid at room temperature
9 Examples of Saturated fatty acid and its melting point
3. Unsaturated fatty acid
z One double bond between carbon atoms – Monounsaturated fatty acid
z Two or more bonds between carbon atoms – Polyunsaturated fatty acid
z Most of the vegetable fats
z Liquid at room temperature
z Known as good fats
4. Trans Fats
z Type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid
9 Industrially created by partially hydrogenating plant oils
z Consumption of Trans Fat elevates the risk of Coronary heart disease (CHD)
9 As Trans fat piles on vessel, arteriosclerosis may cause.
(CT coronary arteriography of 74 years old male patient shows multiple
stenosis with calcification of left coronary artery.)
z From 2004, many part of the world started to control the amount of Trans Fat in
the food.